#he shows the 141 the drawing and they're like “huh yeah that's you alright”
ghouljams · 11 months
Fae!Soap idea!
It's a life drawing session and, arrogant as he is, Soap's the model and his future Darling's a horror artist.
Although she doesn't have any sort of sight or magic she paints/draws him as the real him like she's picking up on it subconsciously? Maybe to make her immune to his life draining influence she's had health struggles before and so if she notices destructive patterns forming she's quick to correct them and uses routine and self care to pace herself?
Blurb number two! This Darling escapes Soap's clutches before he can get his hooks in them...
Figure drawing is one of your favorite classes. You can turn your brain off and let the charcoal scratching fill your thoughts. There's just something so satisfying about giving your process over to the process and shapes of the human form. You've always heard people complain about figure drawing classes and anatomy, but you find it fascinating. Especially since your professor gave you full permission to add your own spins on your art. As long as the anatomy and gesture is sound.
The guy today is easy on the eyes, easier on the inspiration. One look at his sea glass eyes and you know exactly what you're drawing. He sets himself up in pose, your professor arranges the fabric draping how they want and gives the go ahead.
The scratch of pencil and coal against drafting paper fills the room. The man in the middle, Soap you think is his name, seems in his element. He positively glows under the cold fluorescent lights, eyes darting around the room. You glance around your easel as you lay down the basic shapes of your sketch, tracing the lines of Soap's form to be sure you're getting the anatomy right.
You meet his eyes before you look back at your easel, and he smiles. You feel your heart race, blood pounding in your ears. Electricity sparks in his eyes, and you feel all the more confident in your inspiration.
You spend the next hour getting your sketch plot and shaded. Shying away from Soap's gaze when you meet it. It feels like he's staring at you the whole class. No, you're sure he's staring at you, because when your professor calls time his hand grabs your easel.
"What're you working on there, Bonnie?" Soap asks, smooth and seductive. You keep your eyes on his face and not the loose knot of his robe as he leans to check your work. He stills, his good natured smile falling.
Your paper is dark and smudged, your fingers having been dragged through the charcoal to add extra intrigue to the shadows. Soap's form fills only half the sketch, the rest of it filled with heavy shadow, eyes and spiderwebs. Each lacing thread spinning from Soap and tying the eyes together. You're quite proud of the delicate threads, the way you carved out negative space with your eraser. Your even more proud of the figure in the center of your canvas.
The anatomy is sound, and you haven't changed anything about Soap's look significantly, but there's something sort of sinister about him. Unnerving. It's the look in his eyes.
The same one he gives you now. You don't think anyone has ever looked at you like that, with absolute predatory loathing. It's gone in an instant, so quickly you think you imagined it.
"Spooky," He tells you with a fresh smile.
"Yeah I-" You try to shake yourself from what felt like a stare down with a mountain lion, "I mostly do horror."
"Mostly or only?" Soap hums tearing the sketch from your pad, you don't stop him.
"It's my favorite, uh, that's not-"
"You mind if I keep this?" He rolls up the charcoal drawing with practiced ease, cutting you off from protesting. You hesitate and give half a nod. He gives you a wink in thanks and goes to talk to one of the other students.
You don't see them or Soap in class again.
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