#john soap mactavish
wombywoo · 3 days
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autumn 🍂🍁
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hairaggn · 3 days
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Butcher!Ghost + Soap
cw: blood
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bear hybrid! price who stalks around your house at night, protecting you from whatever else might be lurking in the woods. you don't know that he is of course, but you should be more thankful when he shuts and locks your windows when you're asleep. occasionally you see him lumber on the edge of the forest, minding his own. he doesn't want to scare you, but he wants you to admire him, too.
wolf hybrid! simon that follows you everywhere (from a distance and he rarely lets you touch him). you were frightened at first of the big bad wolf, but when he takes you away from snakes and other dangers in the woods you learn to leave out some scraps for him. (he sleeps on your front step. won't enter the house yet.)
fox hybrid! johnny who regularly sneaks into your house to play in your blankets. the wildlife here is so friendly you're shocked, shouldn't they be frightened of you? however he sleeps under your bed and he's fine unless you try to kick him out. red fur is on everything, he seems unusually close to the wolf that looms around. loves scratches to the ears!
falcon hybrid! kyle who hovers in air around your house. he finds little trinkets for you and leaves them on your porch. he mostly hangs around price, but he will chirp greetings and steal bird feed from your feeders.
they protect you in different ways, trying to worm their way to your affections before they bed down in your abode for winter.
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sugaredquillink · 3 days
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your neighbor johnny is an avid reader…
soap request for @ceilidho <3
and a little bonus
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amikoroyaiart · 11 hours
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freckled-cellofun · 2 days
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Lesbia... ghostsoap doing makeup
*silly giggling*
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accecakes · 2 days
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Trash tv x current special interest atm
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thisnoah · 2 days
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Come stai bello
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morinthou · 2 days
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*whispers* tell him it was your guardian angel
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cicadabeats · 1 day
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How Do I Show You... (Part 2/2)
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wombywoo · 2 days
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the series is finally complete--Johnny yapping across the seasons 🌞🍂❄️🌷
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cod-dump · 2 days
Soap: I fucking hate you
Graves: You and half of the people I've worked with
Soap: I hate you more than any of them. I'll eat holes in all your socks and rip the soles out of your shoes
Graves: ... Eat?
Graves: EAT??
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stupidpercy · 2 days
They are beans now. It is their fate
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deargaz · 1 day
stepping into your bedroom, your attention was instantly taken by the soft hushed whispers coming from the bathroom, the noises familiar. you could make out johnny’s voice, though it was unclear what he was speaking or who he was even talking to, even if the answer was quite obvious.
opening the door of the bathroom, you were met with johnny’s back facing you, a pair of comb and scissors in his hands, a hair gel placed on the counter wherein sat your one year old son.
“johnny?” you called out, just then noticing the little mohawk on your son’s head.
“bonnie, look at my masterpiece!” johnny gleed once he noticed your presence, putting away the scissors and comb, instead cradling up the baby into his strong arms, grinning at you, presenting proudly.
your heart warmed up upon looking at how similar your son’s hair looked with johnny’s, exactly the same in all honesty. johnny holding a mini him — you were quick to rush out and grab a camera, eager to capture this moment.
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ghcstao3 · 2 days
barely-baked idea but i thought someone may be Interested. so, a take on that “where did you get this?” sort of moment with ghoap, but in the context of ghost’s backstory
when ghost’s family receives the news of his death, it’s devastating. after he’d done so much to piece them all back together again and carve out the rot of their father, simon doesn’t get to reap the rewards of what he sowed.
except, tommy doesn’t believe it. doesn’t believe his brother was killed in mexico. he’s so adamant, in fact, that he does some digging into simon’s old army contacts, the ones simon once said he could actually trust, and comes across a john price. and, subsequently, a john “soap” mactavish. tommy manages to convince price that simon’s still alive, though it doesn’t take much work since price has also been suspicious.
fast forward, there’s a plan to have soap captured by roba, just long enough to not be suspicious, just long enough to verify simon’s status and tell him of a plan of escape, an operation to destroy the cartel. tommy gives him something, maybe an old locket necklace of their mother’s, as reinforcement to reassure simon that soap can be trusted.
only, simon finds the necklace before soap pulls it out himself to explain. and he gets angry, and lashes out at soap, who doesn’t understand why until he’s trying to relieve a heavy pressure from his throat and the necklace is thrust into his face, simon growling the first words soap’s heard him mutter since his time in captivity: where did you get this?
anyway that’s as far as i got because like i said. barely-baked. i am open to anyone taking this and running with it as per usual lol
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vozart · 2 days
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using comms 2 inches away from each other just so everyone else can hear the fucked up things you're saying
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