#he smells like a flower shop owned by weed smoking girlfriends
roszabell · 4 months
matt trying to mask the scent after a smoke sesh by just spraying ungodly amounts of extra hairspray
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eredluins · 3 years
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TRIGGER WARNING: implications/mentions of addiction, violence, & infidelity
i’ve been thinking it over / what if the way we started made this something cursed from the start / what if it only gets colder / would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart
they were all friends in high school but had a falling out, something happened that splintered the entire group. 10+ years later, they all have their lives and their jobs and it seems like their paths are coming together again. but at what cost? basically, greek god inspired friend group but where everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. these aren’t “good” people and they all have their demons to face, and without the support of their best friends growing up, many of them have stumbled off the beaten path.  
the details of the falling out are vague bc i’d like to figure that out as a group based on how we all build our characters and what their relationships both back as teens and now might have looked like. we can definitely use the greek myths as inspiration as well. below are some inspo/super rough concepts. feel free to plan out both past and present relationships; who slept with who, who was whose best friend, who betrayed who, etc. here are the current spots:
ATHENA (open)
athena dresses in cool, slick suits for office hours, and then after she clocks out, she beats her knuckles in on other people’s jawbones.
the fight clubs are her temples.
APOLLO (open)
apollo can be found in a nightclub, smoke and strobe light clouding his eyes, he shoots up to the bassline pounding in his ears in between sets.
no one ever specified what music meant to him.
ARTEMIS (reserved for kali)
artemis spends the night in a jail cell, blood on her knuckles and on her shirt and in her mouth, the smell of metal lingering in the air.
sometimes pain is the only reminder that she’s free.
ZEUS (open)
zeus is a corporate ceo of human services, making storms in other people’s lives, and he’s fucking his assistant in the bathroom stalls. the storm-master needs a little lightning of his own.
HERA (open)
hera marries zeus, sipping cool red wine out of a long-stemmed glass, that she throws on him when she finds out.
she stays because as a marriage counselor, you have to take your own advice.
APHRODITE (reserved for cayley)
aphrodite was branded the the town slut, because of the way she drinks the worship of men straight from their lips, which she chases with scotch before leaving without another word.
chain-smoking tastes like 50’s perfume if you try hard enough.
ARES (open)
ares fights at athena’s ring, beats up the douche who hits his girlfriend on the street, a raging feminist ally who bluffs his way through immorality.
his motorcycle is the loudest noise in the city that never sleeps.
HADES (open)
hades is a nice guy, his fingers flash with jeweled rings when he waves them, dealing drugs out of his pocket.
sweet girls with bloody teeth are his favorite dessert.
PERSEPHONE (reserved for cherry)
persephone crunches diamonds between her teeth, she sucks the rings off of hades’s finger, and decorates his house with floral arrangements and nonconformity.
there’s only one queen of the underworld.
DEMETER (open)
demeter rubs lotion over her dark skin at the flower shop, she does her best to teach her little sister, that laying down flat is for doormats.
queens raise queens.
dionysus spends his nights drinking jack and smoking weed, long since dead to the concept of balance, balance is for the weak.
who doesn’t want to live in extremes?
HERMES (taken by cami)
hermes is a sweet-talker with great legs, his affections fleeting and wild, as he swings around the pole at the all-opportunities club.
his life is flashing lights and nights in jail for petty theft.
hephaestus is dedicated to work as well as his wife, let’s be honest, marriage is as much work as the metal craft he does in their garage.
rough hands build things that endure.
poseidon skips the court mandated anger management, he prefers athena’s fight club to sooth the tempest boiling in his veins, nameless targets standing in for old friends he can no longer reach.
his children fall asleep while he fights, accustomed to his absence.
HESTIA (open)
hestia mourns her broken home, she waits with arms outstretched for the friends she knows will not return, her eyes burning with fire as she protects what is hers.
she was taught young to strike first and you will always be safe.
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fandensflytrap · 5 years
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repost, don’t reblog
Most often it’s ‘’I’ve been active’’ sweat and weed, because that can and will ignore anything else he tries to do in order to smell good. He showers almost every day and loves to cover himself in soap and will use women’s perfume because they smell nice...
But that weed smell will often be present and ruin everything else.
He has a tendency to sit on the ground and lay down in random places, so he can smell a little like his environments as well. 
He showers almost every day, or at least as often as possible because he’s a soap addict and loves to smell nice. The water feels nice and he considers showers one of the gods’ greatest gifts to this world - even if he knows the gods had nothing to do with the creation of showers. 
Soap bottles never last long because he doesn’t understand the concept of ‘’enough’’ and goes with the logic of MORE IS MORE, MORE IS BETTER, HE’LL INDULGE HIMSELF AND HE WILL SMELL LIKE A FLOWER SHOP IF HE WANTS TO.
Though, that’s not to say there aren’t times where he forgets showers exist... those are not great times.
On Discord, he asked his girlfriend give him a tattoo to brand him as hers because it sounded ‘’hot’’.  so yeah. You can make him do anything if he’s into you. It’s on his right shoulder.
Otherwise, he doesn’t see the point in either. 
DOES HE? I don’t really get to show it off often for one reason or other, it doesn’t fit the scene or something... but he got a whole freaking lot. 
He got hand tremors so his hands always shake a little, you can see it especially well if he’s pointing at something or holding a cup or a glass. He likes to rub his fingers against his shirt to take in those good textures. He bounces his leg often. He flaps with his hands on the rare occasion. Finger tapping galore, he got drummer hands so he often taps with his fingers. He loves to feel different wood textures under his hands and will scratch at the surface with his nails. 
He also developed a habit to walk on his fours over the years. He sits a lot on the floor and will do it more often when he’s ‘’submitting’’ to someone in a ‘’I like you and I think you’re neat’’ way. It can be friends, acquaintances, partners... anyone he likes a lot, really. They walk, he follows like a puppy and sits down on the ground when they stop.  (He has to like you to do that, though. If you’ve been shitty to him he’ll refuse to do so on principle.)
In the nude, if he intentionally wants to go to sleep. Or with all of his clothes on if he fell asleep on accident. There is no middle ground. 
He doesn’t have a particularly close relationship with his clothes. They’re just a necessity because normally... people don’t want to talk to nude people with their dick out and scratching their balls whenever they feel like it. 
But if he had to choose it’s probably his shirt or his armbands because of how they make him forget a lot of the scars on his arms. He could use a sweater instead but he just doesn’t like them.
Groggily try to get back back to the world of the living, get a shower and jerk off while listening to music, get dressed, get a smoke. When he’s awake enough he’ll consider if he wants to go for some food.
There was a period in his life where he slept in the fetal position, holding around of his own neck to avoid anything bad to happen to him. 
But the current day him will sleep sprawled out and take up as much space as he possibly can. He can sleep really heavily. 
His sleeping pattern is rather whacked as he can stay up for days or weeks at a time and then sleep for days, weeks, or months at a time. Depends on his mood.
They can be a bit rough. There are scars and cuts over them and he uses them for nearly everything so they’re well used and worn over the years. His claws are really sharp so he has to be mindful with what he does with them.
Weed or raw meat. Or whatever he ate last.
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chxronica · 6 years
Weeds are flowers too (once you get to know them) - 5
Word Count: 2262
Summary: the morning after getting drunk // cheryl is in eternal state of gay panic
a/n: please dont hate me cause of the lack of well u know
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || ao3
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The next morning Cheryl is awoken to a quiet snore and an arm wrapped lazily around her body. She didn’t dare to move, trying to piece together everything that had happened the night before. Normally she wasn’t such a lightweight or one to actually get so drunk she couldn’t remember what had happened, yet her she was. Her head pounding and some stranger spooning her.
She finally cracked her eyes opened, wincing at the light shining brightly through her blinds. In the process she silently cursed herself for liking to be woken up by sunlight. After her eyes had adjusted to the stupidly bright sun, she looked down to make sure she was clothed. But instead of that she got the fact that the arms around her were feminine ones. Ones that had extremely familiar tattoos covering them.
The redhead quickly, but carefully, turned in the arms, which brought her face inches from the one of a sleeping Toni. It took everything in her will not to push out of her arms and put distance between them. Her cheeks flush a rosy pink as she realized just how close the two of them actually were. But this time she didn’t want to pull away as she got the perfect view of the tattoo artist’s gorgeous face.
Caramel eyes examine the delicate and not at all guarded features of the other girl. It was like every one of her features perfectly transition into the next one. For some reason though, her eyes kept going back to the soft lips that belonged to her. Those were the last thing she should be staring at, but she was. Everything about them were the definition of perfection. They looked as soft as cloud and for some reason Cheryl found herself wanting to kiss the other girl awake.
Which caused her to flush up even more and carefully remove herself from the sleeping girl. She ignored the pounding in her head as she stretched her whole body out. She was only in an oversized t-shirt and underwear, so one of the first things she did was slip on a pair of shorts. After the she quietly snuck out of her own bedroom, so she didn’t wake up he friend.
Running a hand through her curly, red hair she could smell the alcohol wafting off of her. She sighed before grabbing a towel on the way to the bathroom. Once she had finished her shower she slipped back into what she was previously wearing.
After she had taken the time to dry and brush her hair she checked in on Toni, who was somehow still snoring as she slept. He eyes fell to the time, which was only seven in the morning. It felt like she shouldn’t be up after the night she apparently had, but her internal clock and the sun had beat up her hangover into making her wake up early.
They didn’t need to leave for pride for another couple hours and with the way Toni was sleeping, she saw he wearing something of Cheryl’s. Not that she minded, it was a nice sight to picture. Well, picturing Toni in general was a nice sight. She brought out of her daydreaming of the other girl by her coffee machine angrily beeping it at her. And as if on cue, she looked up to see the tattoo artist sleepily stepping out of her room.
The sun shining from her opened the door perfectly framed a sleep taken tattoo artist. Her slightly messy hair seemed to suite her perfectly as she yawned. Almost as perfectly as the way the slightly bigger shirt rode up her thighs when she was stretching. Everything about that second seemed like a perfection.
“Oh shit,” She mumbled to herself as she had the biggest realization she’s had in her entire life. She was gay. Cheryl Blossom was gay and very much attracted to the hot bad girl who worked next door to her flower shop. Then the next realization had to dawn on her right after. She was gay and entirely screwed. She had spent their whole friendship insisting that she was straight. And now she has a crush and doesn’t know what to do about it.
The whole time she’s having her internal gay panic, Toni is walking towards her with a concerned look. She checked back in when she was right in front of her. “Yo, earth to Cheryl?” Her voice ringed out throughout the kitchen which is kind of what brought her back to the real world and not gay panic world.
Cheryl stared at her for a moment before she’s jumping back and spilling hot coffee all over her. “Sorry! Yup, right here! And a clutz! Golly gosh I clean this right up!” She can tell that her chipper and loud voice is hurting Toni’s head because it’s hurting hers in the process. But she can’t seem to care because she just said “golly gosh” in front of her new found crush.
In her embarrassment she barely realized the burning sensation that was going down her chest. The only one she could actually focus on was the one in her cheeks as they got hotter and hotter the longer she stood there. And then she processed her whole sentence and she jumped right into action cleaning up the spilt coffee.
The tattoo artist simply gives her a look that’s a mix of hungover pain and the usual amusement at how flustered that Cheryl got around her. After watching her for a couple seconds she’s making her way over to chugging the water and aspirin that the redhead had so kindly left out for her. Then she pours herself a cup of coffee, leaning against the counter to watch silently as the other girl continued her struggles of regaining a sense of composure.
Once she managed to clean up the mess she just seemed to make it worse than before she put the coffee cup down on the counter. She glanced at Toni for a brief moment before excusing herself to go change. Deciding that a simple sundress she made sure that there wasn’t any serious injuries from being burned with scalding coffee.  
In the time it took her to change and regained her composure it had been nearly ten minutes. She checked herself in the mirror once more, feeling like a schoolgirl dressing up for her crush once again. Which was basically what she was doing except this time around she was a twenty-seven year old woman and not some teenage in high school.
When she stepped out of her room she wasn’t expecting Dani and her girlfriend already there, with Toni cooking in the kitchen. She looked between the two girls before heading back into the kitchen, ignoring the eyebrow wiggle that she received from the girl who was basically her little sister at this point.
The second she’s in the kitchen she’s grabbing another advil, knowing she was going to need it to get through a day of the energetic girl that was Dani. She sighed as she poured herself another cup of coffee before she hopped up onto the counter to look over at Toni cooking. That moment felt so domestic for people who had been talking for maybe two weeks, that being very much of a stretch. It had been closer to a week than it had to two weeks.
After a moment of watching the tattoo artist cook, hair tied back and a random apron she had found tied around her waist, Cheryl tore her eyes away. “So what are you cooking?” She hummed softly, taking a long sip of the god send that was coffee.
“Pancakes and eggs.” She knew that the girls were coming so she thought it be best that would make something for them. Which almost surprised the florist because she didn’t seem like person who would think of other but she didn’t mind. What she mind was that Toni had turned all her attention to her and was standing extremely close to her body.
Cheryl looked at her with a small gulp, this time putting her coffee to the side. “Where are the plates?” The tattoo artist asked and all that she managed to do was point up to the cabinet that was above her. Except she didn’t move so that Toni could get to the plates, so that’s how she find the girls standing in between her legs trying to get into her cabinet, hand carelessly on Cheryl’s thigh as she tried to balanced.
Which is how she ends up acting like an asshole because instead of helping the tattoo artist like any decent person would, she’s panicking gayly. Her eyes are trained on the darker girl’s hand resting on her pale thigh. It’s higher up then she could even begin to comprehend anymore. Her whole mind was just yelling at her about the hand that kept getting higher up with everyone hop that Toni made in attempt to reach the plates.
Finally when Cheryl was able to comprehend everything that was happening not just the hand resting on her thigh, she placed a hand over Toni, which granted wasn’t her smartest decision. Her other one is placed on her shoulder, stopping her from her effortless jumping. “You’re tiny and it’s cute.” She said quietly, her head still pounding from her intense hangover.
“I’m not tiny.” Her words are accompanied by a small pout, staring at Cheryl. Neither of them had put any distance between them, hands still resting on her thigh.
Her pout brought a small giggle from the florist’s parted lips. “You are and it’s cute.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Yeah you are.”
They have this back and forth for a couple minutes before they’re just staring at them. It isn’t until the florist’s eyes are flickering back and forth between Toni’s eyes and her lips. And then she’s leaning in to meet her lips, but just as their lips are about to meet to the fire alarm is going off. It was like fate was yelling at them that this shouldn’t be happening in that moment, or maybe at all.
Before either have time to focus on what happened they are inches apart while the tattoo artist tries to stop the pancake from burning and Cheryl is trying to get the annoying blare of the fire alarm. She groaned when it didn’t shut up and she just began waking it with the broom. The last thing she needed was for the building being evacuated because she almost kissed someone while they were baking.
Eventually the smoke stops and the fire alarm needs to be replaced. With a sigh, Cheryl rand a hand through her red curls. “Want to stop by McDonalds on our way to the festival?” She asked the girl’s as she followed Toni out of the kitchen defeated by the simple task.
Both of them perk up with a nod before they settle back into each other and talking. The florist drags the other girl towards her room because she knew they would have to leave earlier if they wanted to actually get food without spending a considerable amount of time there. “Do you want to wear something of mine?” She offered once the door has shut behind him.
“Do you have anything that’s going to fit my ‘tiny and cute’ body?” Toni easily teased her as she ran a hand over the clothes in her closet. She settled with grabbing one of the very few flannels that Cheryl had for gardening and discarded the shirt that she was wearing. The tattoo artist didn’t seem like she cared that someone else was still in the room.
She bent down to the clothes pile from the previous night, searching for her bra. The florist can’t help but stare at her body, but her eyes land on a tattoo on her ribcage. She had a lot of tattoos but this one just stood out compared to all the others one. “Want does that one mean?” Without thinking about she’s by the other’s girl side and placing a finger on her almost bare body.
Dark brown eyes go from the pale features of her friend to the cole feeling of her finger pressed against her body. Taking a minute to figure out which one she wanted to know about. “My friends and I all have them, we got them one night to represent our friendship. It might be stupid but we call ourself the Serpents.”
Cheryl nodded as she found out about the the meaning of the tattoo. “Is that why you named your shop that?” She hummed, pulling her finger away from her body and taking a couple steps back. This time she looked away from the changing girl and focused on a random sock that was strewn about her room.
“Yeah, sappy I know but now we’re officially stuck together forever.” A small chuckle floats throughout the quiet room as she finished slipping into her leather pants. Luckily those didn’t smell like alcohol, so Toni didn’t have to struggle to fit into Cheryl’s pants or skirts. That’s something that couldn’t easily be shared between the two. “Ready to go?”
Turning her attention back to Toni, the florist’s breath hitched in her throat as she looked her up and down. Even in the simplest of outfits she still managed to look absolutely stunning. “Yup!” She took ahold of the other girl’s hand again and pulled her towards the next. “You look good by the way.”
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