#he still has some alive relatives (mostly via cousins) but of course they have zero clue of his current undead status and have moved on
rejectclone · 2 years
how long has the boss been just like... a head? AlsO wait how did that even happen LAL
I wouldn’t fault you for not knowing since I’ve been neglecting to write about him more often and haven’t been writing much about his backstory anyways😭
Long story story short: B055 was supposed to become the next main NYPD police station’s chief, essentially continuing his family’s legacy of taking over that role. Truthfully he did NOT want to be next in line for this role, but sadly he was forced into going down that career path. Right before he was going to be formally sworn in though, his father (who was the current chief at the time) told him to sign some rather unusual documents in regards to becoming chief.
B055 looked through them and it seemed all normal, minus one document that asked if it was okay to turn over his body upon death to be used in future health related projects to ‘better our city’. He signed it, thinking he would just be used for organ donation as he was content with that. He was oblivious to the fact that he essentially just signed his life away, as he was ‘mysteriously’ assassinated later at the ceremony where he was sworn in. He has that gunshot wound in his forehead for a reason.
Lo and behold just a few hours later, his corpse was immediately taken away (by the same evil government-backed pharmaceutical/biomechanical testing company that ironically made [R] and a whole bunch of clones a few decades later), tested on, and became the living computer database/undead cyborg head thingy he is!
He’s become content with this unfortunate fate of being reduced to being a database for the police force and being the CCTV system for the building, as he’s been stuck in that ‘job’ for about 80~ years. He’s been acting as a unknown figurehead for the station, as after his ‘sudden death’ at the ceremony, the government has covered up his existence and has been installing fake anonymous chiefs every few years at the station (of course the public LOATHES this mysterious anonymity of the police chief’s identity being hidden, but over the last few decades people have become slightly accustomed to it, mainly due to how jarringly horrifying his murder was since it was literally aired on TV)
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