#he thinks he’s a stepping stone kinda guy fr </3
cowboyx2 · 1 year
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- on desperately wanting to be better but never quite reaching it (miya osamu)
Unknown | User @/stllbejeweled | Miya Osamu s4 | Chantal Akerman, from My Mother Laughs (2013) tr. Daniella Shreir | Fathers by Jose Olivarez | User @/inanotheruniverse | miya twins s4 x2 | thanksgiving 2006 by ocean vuong | normal people by sally rooney | Unknown
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jils-things · 6 months
2 + 10 for Mangaverse Jaide and 7 + 15 for gameverse Jaide from the s/i lore asks!! :>
~ anemoflower
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
i previously answered this question and mentioned jaide's inclusion with gold but in here i can absolutely see her being relevant to the ruby/sapphire AND oras story :3 i cant say for r/s yet because i have to reread it AKSLDLKKSS BUT FOR ORAS (its still so fresh in my mind) she's definitely important to the story because zinnia is present. zinnia has done super risky things to both ruby and steven and i can totally imagine jaide having to step up and confront zinnia for bothering her family... she's a usually passive person but she crosses the line if it puts her husband and son in danger.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
i realized i didn't mention josep.h stone when i answered this previously but i think he's quite happy to see his son finally finding a nice lady. i feel that joseph couldn't see steven as the perfect heir to his business not until he has been partnered with someone because it's like, he's fully understood and matured. and he has a son too. though i feel that joseph would want ruby to follow next in line for the de.von corp stuff but steven respects his son's hobbies and aspirations and would probably not force him to be like. the family stones yk ... if that makes sense! josep.h is polite to jaide, maybe spoils her a bit and recalls embarrassing baby steven memories AKSLFKDJKDD
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
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SHE WENT TO ALO.LA. I THINK SHE WOULD LOVE TEAM SK.ULL AND THEIR DUMB SHENANIGANS 😭😭😭😭😭 WOULD LOVE HIS GOLI.SOPOD TOO 😭😭😭 they're both kinda stoopid (affectionately) in their own right and they have the token friend to apologize for their behavior (plumer.ia and blue 😭😭😭) ITS IDIOT4IDIOT I THINK ITS CUTE 🔥🔥 i dont think jaide sees much danger in these guys even if gu.zma tries to intimidate her
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
when they were kids, she supported red and blue's journey to the indigo league! she wasn't entirely present in their journey but red and blue would always make trips back home to palle.t town to share their progress with her (they kinda feast on her compliments they get ego boosted fr) i don't think? she's that aware of tea.m rocket's deeds up until the gen 2 story? since ethan is associated with team ro.cket too and she actually became a trainer from there so she's willing to help!
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Moving day (Harry potter)
They say that any move can be stressful and the adjustment period of living with new roommates can be hard for the first few days, even if your new roomies happen to be your older twin brothers. And not making things any easier though they of course love and support you, is that your boyfriend is coming with you for the move, and as such you had to tell them about the special arrangement. Still stories over the phone apparently didn't fully paint a picture and now Ron and Draco are waiting for the twins to stop staring and let them in. The twins themselves were wearing matching white t-shirts and blue jeans. Ron was in a loose and long sleeved black shirt and black cargo pants, and Draco took the cake. what with the pure blood ex bully being in green cover all's (with crotch snaps!) and a black t-shirt it looked like under the cover-all's. and by how swollen and BIG Draco's crotch and rear looked, the boy was easily rocking 3 nappies. "Interesting..fashion choice." George said finally. "Inner child and all that." Fred said.
Getting Draco inside Ron got his big baby of a boyfriend sat down in the living room to get to know his unca's better while Ron went and unpacked, not a easy job to do since they were making use of a magic suitcase so there was at least a few hours worth of work needed for Ron to do. If your wondering why Draco wasn't helping with the unpacking well, He was a little guy in more ways then attire and a bored/grumpy Draco trying to be 'helpful' never ended well. He could of had one of the twins help him but with it being their first time watching Draco, he figured 2 on 1 gave them a fighting chance against his bratty baby boy.
"So..Cripes..you really wear nappies huh?" Fred asked,leaning down for a closer look at the bulky seat of Draco's overall's and nappies. Draco, who had been leaning forward to get some of the baby blocks they had for him to play with gave a annoyed look as this was the 5th time Fred had asked that. deciding that those who get that close to his butt with no care about their own safety deserved what they got and scrunched up his face. George realized what was happening and started to cry out a warning. "Fred wait get back from hi-" but at last the cry came too late and indeed only made things worse. Fred's poor mouth had opened, and with the distraction from George, Draco moved his diapered rear backwards, almost in slow motion and finished his long sputtering but muffed fart on his unca's face. With the deed done and Fred on his back and gagging, George glared at Draco. "what cha do that for?" he demanded, folding his arms. "But unca George, I'm just a widdle boy and NEED my diapies, Unca Fred should of realized he was playing with fire.. or gas." Draco said, doing his best 'i'm so cute you can't stay mad at me' faces and voices. and unlike Ron who had seen them all and could resit, This was Georges first and he instantly melted. "well,m just don't let it happen again. Do you want some ice cream?" George asked Draco of course knew he wasn't suppose to have any, ice cream made him a super duper pooper..Butttt He was just a little boy and lessons had to be learned all around. Fred finally got up and like wise was about to throttle Draco but the power of the puppy look and he was de fanged as well and went to go and smash up some cookies to crumble over Draco's ice cream. '..heh..yeah. I could get used to this~' he thought.
Ron had been hard at work for a hour and came out to get a glass of juice from the fridge. he noticed Draco was nuzzled on the crotch with his brother and smiled, he was glad they were getting along and didn't wanna say anything to spoil their fun. chugging his juice down and getting a refill, Ron just happened to look in the sink and froze, seeing three dirty bowls that had clearly had ice cream in them. "Ohhhh No. No no no.." Ron said, a knot forming in his tummy. coming out of the kitchen and hurrying to look out into the living room he heard the first poot and toyed with just running before the smell reached him. cries of disgust and whimpers of pain were heard and it delayed Ron enough that he didn't escape the stink field in time and was welcomed to the truly rotten smell of a lactose intolerant like Malfoy having dairy. Nose hairs burning and eyes watering Ron sighed and headed for ground zero. Fred and George were each half out a window, Fred on the left and George on the right. Draco not surprisingly was squatting down and hunching, fists closeted and gritting his teeth. from the look of focus on his face and the sweat you'd almost swear he was doing a power up from a anime. at least till you noted the massive diaper that had forced the crotch snaps open (and Ron looked and noticed some of the buttons on the floor) Spotting Ron in the door way Draco started to cry out daddy, but it was over taken with a guttural groan as a cramp hit him. the diaper, which was already racing for his knee caps jumped in size and Ron found himself glad he hadn't taken Harry's advice and gone with muggle diapers, they'd of had a blow out by now! "D-Daddy tummy hurt!" Draco whined and whimpered, tears going down his cheeks and holding out his hands as his knees wobbled. technically Ron should of let Draco suffer, to enjoy the spoils of his win at getting ice cream and suffer butttt...that just wasn't the kinda daddy Ron was. conjuring up a clothes pin for his own nose, and a dummy with a large rubber teat that found it's way into Draco's mouth, Ron came over and hugged the stinky boy. He also once he noticed the twins were trying to escape out the windows, shut them on the twins trapping them but not hurting them. well, not hurting them till anther spell had the back of their knickers get yanked up for twin wedgies. "OWWW! Stoppp Ron knock it off!" "we'll get you back for this!" "mmmmhmmm. I'll be back to free you after I change Draco..or I can let you two go now and you can change him." Ron said, smirking. "...You know, after the first 10 seconds this feels kinda nice." Fred said. "Could do this all day." added George. "For the record you two will be changing him at some point." Ron laughed. "Now hold on.." George started. "You never warned us about him being like..THAT every time that he goes!" Fred protested. "Hmm? oh he's not. but you dipsticks let him have dairy when he's lactose intolerant. reap what you sew." "..If he knew he couldn't handle it then why did he have three bowls of it!?!" "because he's a baby duh. he just likes yummy things and doesn't think about later." A whine from behind and Ron smiled at the huffing Draco who with one last watery fart seemed to be done..and oh my. the diaper had gotten SO shit swelled that it looked like something out of a cartoon show, Draco had basically made a bean bag chair of sorts! in fact if he hadn't of just stopped pooping he might of been picked off the ground! "Jesus sweetie, you have any bones left in you?" Ron asked fascinated and semi worried at the same time. (and maybe a little pride, that was his boy who had just made a super big present.)
The only way to move him at this point was a levitation spell and Draco hated it. the damn things always made him queasy to his belly even though he'd been used to moving much faster during a quditch game. Still there was no way to change him in the house without getting the mess everywhere and his new uncles seemed to have a high enough stone way around the back of their large yard. "oh look, they have a garden back here..you can provide all the fertilizer from now on!" Daddy teased and Draco tried to glare but the cheating bastard tickled the big babies tum tum making him giggle around the paci. Sat down slowly with a loud squish and a horrible smell being released, Draco whined and held his own nose and waved a hand. "heh, yeah buddy, Stinky.":Ron chuckled then opened his diaper. stinky as it was, Draco couldn't help but giggle even in the outdoor setting as Ron turned green in the face. charming a gas mask onto his face daddy was apparently ok and Draco huffed and crossed his arms. "No fair! cheating!" was what he wanted to say, but just gibberish came out instead because he also refused to let the dummy out of his mouth.
45 minutes later (give or take a century from Ron's POV) and the little guy was all cleaned up and his 'treasure' so to speak disposed of. The twins had manage to get free by seeing what Ron had been dealing with they decided to hold back on their revenge so they wouldn't have to change Draco today. Or at least that was the plan but after carrying Draco in just his diapers (him sitting on Ron's lap, snuggling into him and looking more like a little toddler then the high school graduate he was) when Ron came out of their room, Draco was hiding behind him and still had the dummy in his mouth.  just he was sucking on it BIG time and almost giving the twins ideas. then Ron stepped out of the way and the twin's jaws dropped. If his first outfit had been shocking, and his just diapered look adorable, this look was kinda sexy and having the twins who had considered themself hetero till just seconds again were desperately trying to justify thoughts of what they wanted to do with Draco. "Boys..let me introduce the other side of your new nephew..his niece side." Ron chuckled.
Draco's cheeks were bright red, daddy had promised no sissy stuff around his brothers but said this was his punishment for being a little piggy! So now his short blond hair had a light pink bow in it, he was wearing a very short little girl party dress, complete with a bow on the back that daddy had to tie and of course was a mixture of different shades of pink. whine knee high socks were on him and a pair of black Mary janes on his feet. 'At least daddy didn't put make up on me this time." Draco sulked around his paci, waddling forward with the same bulky cloth and rubber pants he'd had before. His his Mary-janes making a clip clack sound on the floor Draco got in front of his unca's and griping the hem of his dress, curtsy and bowed his head. "so..you two think you can try this again and NOT fuck it up?" Ron asked. "I uh..I.." Fred stammered, apparently locked up in resisting the urge to fawn over the little cutie. "You know Fred, i think we could do a smash up job this time. even handle any diaper changes!" George said. "Glad to hear. no take backies." Ron said and turned to go back into Draco and his room to finish working. as he turned a low rumbling sound was heard that turned into a series of wet farts. "Uhhh Ron?" Fred squeaked out as the back of Draco's diaper ballooned out from under the dress. "No take backsies. " was all Ron said then shut the door. "...Still think letting them move in was a good idea?" "Oh shut up!"
the end
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axther · 4 years
For CH/JJBA Basic info: straight female, 5'4, Scorpio! If it matters my mbdi is debater, which I think is accurate. I'm a bit curvy/soft and I have really long wavy hair and glasses. Now for fun stuff! I'm a split between being very hyperactive (almost like a puppy lmao) or very quiet (not shy, but more indifferent. I've been told I'm intimidating) I'm into polyrelationships so the more boys the merrier. I like hiking and sports when I'm with people but don't do it by myself cause it's boring. 1
HERE’S UR FOOD QUEEN. also tumblr got me fucked up w no CH gifs :(
Cute Earth High Defense Club Love (Season One) V1
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#1 is…Atsushi! 
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He’s the most normal out of all the characters, to be honest
When he sees you, it’s nothing spectacularity radiant, per se
There’s a pretty girl in his school! cool! 
The strangest part is that it’s an all-boys school, so naturally, he’s confused
Through a series of plot shenanigans, you’re there as an exchange student
And he’s been told he has to help you get settled!! 
He introduces you to the Earth Defense Club, and slowly you two grow acclimated with each other 
While you’re friendly to everyone else, there’s something different between you and him 
It’s chemistry, and even Ryuu wouldn’t dare poke it 
One afternoon, someone asks you out via love letter, all the extra stuff
And you turn them down as politely as you can 
But thanks to the indifference, the boy gets offended 
He turns into a letter-shaped monster, and the Battle Lovers have to step in 
Atsushi is both appalled and terrified 
Did the monster hurt you??
Why did the monster appear around you? 
Was it something to do with you? 
He spends half of the battle just covering you 
And once the monster starts spewing slander, Atsushi is having none of it.
Whatever the monster says, Atsushi refutes, defending you until the rest of the battle is at a standstill and he’s just bickering with the monster. 
Eventually, Atsushi practically makes the monster choke on respect women juice, and on behalf of the passed out student, Atsushi begins apologising non-stop to you
You’re confused as hell 
The internet-famous Battle Lovers know you??
All you can see is the blurred out faces, and the blue one, the self-declared Piercing Prince, Epinard, seems to be constantly hanging over you 
And honestly 
He’s a cutie 
This results in a sailor moon-esque situation 
Where you have a crush on Epinard, Atsushi has a crush on you, and he’s miserable upon realising what he’s done 
Does he reveal that he’s Epinard???
Honestly, probably not on purpose  
I can absolutely see them talking about it and he’s like ‘do i always have to yell out im Epindard’ and he turns and sees you 
And you’re like ‘????? excuse me???’ 
Which results in more shenanigans 
#2 is…Yumoto! 
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babey boye 
He falls for the flirting every time 
He reciprocates as best as he can, but for the most part, it’s just him being soft 
He hugs you so much omfg 
It gives Wombat a break, and though you don’t know he’s a talking wombat, he’s all for you being there 
What’s interesting is that he’s telling everyone he’s gonna marry you
And since most of the ppl in the school are bros, no one’s told you 
Which gets awkward 
Because he’s 200% told you that he loves you 
But you take it as ‘:D! I love platonic love between my Friends! :D!’ 
So it becomes a Situation that everyone gets second-hand embarrassment from 
Yumoto has told his brother that he’s gonna marry you and you’d be the bathhouse’s Okami 
But you’re thrown for a loop when Gora asks you when you and Yumoto started dating 
And you’re like ‘??????’ 
This results in a brief but stern conversation between Gora and Yumoto 
And Yumoto feels guilty, of course
But you’re so sweet! And you flirt with him!! Doesn’t that mean you like him??
It’s a bit of a wakeup call, but he’s still only got two brain cells
You gotta cut him some slack 
For about a day, he chills out, though he’s melancholy 
After that he’s back to being oblivious and sweet 
#3 is…Kinshiro! 
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Did someone say ‘emotionally constipated teenager who’s in a rivalry with his childhood best friend for the girl they like but he has no idea how to approach her due to the fact stated above (he is emotionally constipated)’???
Ok that’s valid
But you want a polyamorous relationship???
He and Atsushi are gonna be your best bet. 
This boye is completely lost when it comes to wooing you 
He thinks you’re graceful in a quiet sense
And while you’re a flirt and a meme lord, you’re also yourself 
Ibushi notices almost off the bat 
And he’s like ‘my guy, my dude...my cousin??? Fr???’ 
Kinshiro is crazy confused and embarrassed 
He’s always considered himself to have tunnel vision
But then you pass by and he gets a whiff of your shampoo and 
Oh no 
he gets kinda lightheaded and blushy but wipes it away fast 
Whenever you pop by to say hi to Ibushi he completely freezes 
Like he just stops moving altogether
 It’s something you, Ibushi, and Akoya have noticed 
Y’all exchange glances every time he freezes while sipping tea 
The MOMENT he realises you like Epinard he gets lowkey pissed
 Do you seriously like that barbaric, stupid Battle Lover??
He’s like ‘I’m elite, graceful, rich. I’m the better choice :(‘ 
Make him drink just a bit of respect women juice 
But he’ll be very, very soft for you
And after he finds out about Atsushi being Epinard and Atsushi likes you?? 
Well, it’s two birds with one stone 
He’ll do his best to hint that he likes you, but Akoya and Ibushi have to help him along 
Especially Ibushi, since he’s your cousin 
Get ready for a flood of thoughtful but expensive gifts
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure V2 
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(Note: If you want a poly relationship, all three of these lads have convenient best friends...👀)
#1 is…Josuke!! 
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Mans is a himbo (refer to chat) 
Sure he’s got like, one brain cell, but it’s dedicated to you!! 
He’s a bit of a flirt, too, so be ready to fend off the fangirls 
Since fangirls in the 90’s were chiller than ones in, say, the 80’s, they mostly respect that he’s got a girlfriend 
But the moment one of them tries to hurt a hair on your head, it’s game over 
The thing about it is that you get shy 
But your shy is looking scary as hell 
So all they see is a glare that would make the devil run, and they bail 
Josuke relates to your fear of bugs!!
He’s not fond of turtles, so you guys can have each other’s back!! 
If you want to draw him something, he can and will frame it in the best frame he can convince Joseph to buy 
Is it gold foil?? Maybe 
Before y’all get together, he pines like no other 
He’ll start frequenting places you go to just because he wants to see you
And he doesn’t think it’s creepy but gets worried that you will 
But he thinks you’re incredible 
It’s something makes him short circuit a bit 
You: :) 
Josuke: Now Playing: Beautiful Girl (Alternate Version) [Tempo Track] - Jimmie Thompson, Gene Kelly & Lennie Hayton (Singin’ In The Rain) (1952) 
#2 is…Johnny!
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Southern boye drank his respect women juice after he got shot 
And once he sees you???
He CHUGS it 
First off this is like the late 1880’s so anyone who bathes is probably stellar 
So he, too, has the Joestar Blessing of having Beautiful Girl play on repeat 
But as soon as you start flirting???
He’s GONE 
I mean this in the most literal sense 
He’s a good Christian boye (theoretically) 
So once you talk about dating him he flushes bright red
He’s aware that you’re just flirting, but oh hmmm 
He starts crushing fast 
Plus if you don’t judge him or think he’s weaker for being in a wheelchair? 
Give him a second he’s trying to find a ring 
He might be in a wheelchair but he’s in no way inadequate, if you get what I mean 👀
(who am I kidding, of course you do) 
Considering that memes weren’t much of the thing in the 1800’s if you find some, he probably wouldn’t understand them 
But he does enjoy when you play the piano 
But let’s say there’s a stand attack
And you just bust out knives??? 
instant boner 
#3 is… Joseph!
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Flirt, but times two 
Y’all make anyone blush 
No one’s safe 
And with each other??
It can get foul, fast 
Does Lisa Lisa step in?? 
No, not really 
She’s not gonna interfere at Joseph’s chances of getting laid 
Plus she approves so!! 
Catch him trying to flex while you’re around 
Be it him trying to beat Cesar’s ass (and failing) or literally flexing, he wants to impress you 
And while he knows that you’re a flirt for the sake of being one, he also gets a bit nervous when you flirt with others
Especially if he hasn’t confessed, actually confessed, yet
Plus, he’s got a special arm 👀
Y’all know what’s up 
@matchupdomain @peeshposheddie
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