#he used to get published by a fucking harper collins imprint. his books were hardcover and like $30
anotherpapercut · 1 year
Ben Shapiro wrote a new book called if it ain't woke don't fix it and it looks like such utter shit it's so fucking funny. he clearly couldn't get published by a mainstream publisher bc its super cheap looking. both of our copies arrived dirty because they have all white covers with like word art on them and they're made of a cheap soft paper that a lot of self published authors use that attracts dirt like no other and gets really nasty really fast. I've also never heard of the publisher before and there's a note from them in the front that says they like to publish controversial books that get people talking so I assume they were the only people who would publish him which is insane bc there are a LOT of conservative publishers who I'd think would be happy to pick him up
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