#he was probably sitting in a room on Mt Othrys
m4gp13 · 2 years
Ethan: If what I think is happening is happening-
Alabaster, half-crawling over the wall on Mt Othrys with someone's wallet in his mouth: 👁👄👁
Ethan: -it better not be
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magic713m · 6 years
Between the Sky and a Hard Place Chpt. 2
As Nico stayed in the back of the van, he did his best to avoid contact with the others. Not an easy feat in a vehicle. Luckily, Zoe and Thalia were in the front seat, so he only had to avoid Grover and Bianca.
After a few hours of driving, Nico was beginning to get very tired of hearing Zoe and Thalia argue. Every mile, the two found something else to argue about: from who got to drive, to the fastest route to the next destination. He could tell it was starting to bother Bianca and Grover as well.
At their latest stop, the group took this brief break to step out to stretch their legs and resupply. Nico took the opportunity to slip out as well as he snuck into the store. He stayed invisible as he moved through the rest stop and taking some snacks for himself. When he returned to the van, he saw the group gathered, as Grover told them that they needed to head to D.C. Once again, he was able to sneak in while they were discussing the plan.
Following Grover’s advise, the group stopped at a D.C. parking lot. After parking the van, the group got out and Nico waited a minute to follow them. As he trailed them, he did his best to remain hidden, which was quite difficult when he tried no to knock people over as he past them while invisible. He was able to see the group turn into the museum. Nico began to follow after, but he soon discovered he wasn’t the only one tailing them. He looked across the street and had an unsettling feeling, upon seeing the person watching them. Someone he hoped he would never see again.
Dr. Thorn.
Percy entered the huge room, and saw in the center, a large patch of soil. Behind him, were two demigods, dressed in Greek armor resembling the armor from back at camp. He turned to them, and told them to guard the entrance. He looked down at the soil but he felt a chill down his spine when he felt eyes on him. Percy looked up past the balcony and saw the General sitting on a chair in the shadows on the floor above.
“Glad to see you can make it, son of Poseidon,” the General said, “Though I wasn’t expecting you to bring some of your fellow demigods with you.”
“Well, as tempting as it was to come here, with all the monsters to protect me, I feel more comfortable with them around,” he said, “I guess I prefer the company of people who think of me more of a friend, and less of a meal.”
“Hm,” the General said, “Well, keep them out of the way. I don’t need trouble from your ‘accessories’.”
Percy nodded and leaned against the pillar, keeping his hands in his pockets…on his pen. He waited until he saw the entrance doors open, as Thorn walked in. Percy knew there was a chance Thorn would not be gone forever, but one could hope. Back at Mt. Othrys, Thorn was very vocal in insisting Percy not attend the meeting but Luke was firm in his decision, and the General had not cared if Percy, a simple demigod, attended the meet.
As Thorn entered, he turned and glared at Percy, who just shrugged it off.
“Well?” the General said in a booming voice, breaking Thorn’s focus on Percy.
“They are here,” Thorn answered nervously.
“Where!” he asked.
“In the…um…rocket museum,” Thorn said. Percy chuckled a little at him.
“Something you want to say, demigod,” Thorn said, annoyed.
“Do you know who’s with them?” Percy asked.
Thorn continued to silently leer at Percy.
“Answer him,” the General commanded.
“That satyr-”
“Grover” Percy said almost quietly.
“Also the daughter of Zeus, in the punk clothes. And two Hunters. One with a circlet.”
“That one I know,” the General said angrily.
“Please General. Let me take them,” Thorn asked.
“No way. After what happened last time, I don’t trust you,” Percy said pushing away from the pillar looking up, “General, me and my men have been training for this. Let us get them.”
Thorn snarled and quickly turned his head to Percy, “You’re one to talk. After that stunt you pulled in the last mission, I think you’re the one who can’t be trusted.”
“If I didn’t stop you, we’d have nothing, instead of two demigods to recruit for later,” Percy retorted.
“Enough!” the General shouted, practically shaking the room, “Both of you failed to get me the demigods. Instead we got a child of Athena.”
“And that just worked out terribly for you” Percy whispered, spitefully, remembering Annabeth’s current situation.
“You had best be careful, Jackson. Your actions are a concern, and you are no longer the holder of the prophecy,” the General said, “Kronos still sees use of you, for now, but that can change very quickly. So, choose your words carefully.”
“We’re ready for this,” Percy said, motioning to the two humans in Greek armor, “Let us go and bring them in.”
“Ha!” the General said, looking over the two other demigods, “They might make good body guards, but they’re nothing compared to the forces I’ve gathered. Behold.”
Two mortal mercenaries planted teeth into the soil. Percy watched nervously as he saw something emerge from the areas where the teeth were planted.
However, Percy struggled to stifle a laugh, when he saw that what emerged were cute kittens. The General berated his guards, loudly, before ordering them to get the correct teeth. The General jumped from the balcony and Percy and everyone else had to hold their balance when her landed on the marble floor. The floor was cracked, but the General was uninjured. Once the General was given the right teeth, he planted them in the ground, and watered them. Percy watched, unsettled, as skeletons began to emerge from the ground and stood ready for their orders.
“Now, once they have the proper scent, these things will not stop until they get those annoying campers,” the General stated. He motioned for something and a dracaena threw down a silver scarf that appeared to resemble the ones the Hunters wore. But before the scarf could land in the General’s hand, it suddenly moved in an unpredictable fashion, before vanishing.
The General’s eyes widened, “What?!”
“Intruder!” Thorn shouted.
Percy’s eyes widened, thinking of the one person he knew who could go invisible. But he quickly gathered his bearings, remember that it couldn’t be her.
The mercenaries searched the room as Percy took out his magic sword and looked at his soldiers, “The guy’s invisible. Be careful. He’ll head for the doors.”
The demigods stood in combat stance and as they moved, one of them turned around quickly, grasping at something. As he was struggling, Percy and the other demigod ran to assist, but the half-blood was thrown down and the doors closed, with the intruder gone.
Looking disappointed, Percy helped the kid up.
“He got away,” Percy stated.
“Not for long,” the General said, walking towards them. He stopped and looked down something that wasn’t there before: a group of Mythomagic cards laying around the room.
“He must’ve dropped them on way out,” Percy said.
"Yes, and now we can get back to work," the General said, crouching down to examine them. "He is probably with the others by now," he continued, as he held out one of the cards for the skeleton warriors to smell, with a smile that Percy didn't like the look of. "We will find him and his friends in no time."
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