#he was sending an audio message on his phone so he didn't look ahead he was distracted
milfbro · 3 months
hey guess what time it is? that's right! I'm crying over Gaza AGAIN
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Heavy Bakery - Chapter 30
MasterList / Kanami’s Profile /Previous Chapter
Chapter 30 - Intensity
She had stepped out of the subway at the station near her home when her cell phone rang. She sighed, reaching for it in the bottom of her bag as she walked to a less crowded place.
“Turn it off, we're almost home” Ohma snorted.
“I can't, it could be something important from the bakery, maybe Hiro knew something about the construction company and…” She manages to pick up her cell phone and then looks at the screen. She widens her eyes “Oh no!”
And she answers. Ohma blinks, curious.
“H-hi mom…” Kanami starts.
“DID YOU FORGET TO PAY YOUR PHONE BILL AGAIN, GIRL?!” the baker had to put the phone away so as not to blow her ear. The fighter watches, stunned.
“No, I was traveling…”
“KEEEEEN” Ohma could hear the conversation, even from a distance. She felt a strange shiver “Kanami is running away from us again!”
“Honey, calm down, we have to turn off our cell phones when traveling…”
“Is that a good reason to leave us without a message, without even a warning?! We came to visit you and the house was empty, even the key had been changed, we had to go to a nearby hotel because we couldn't even call you!”
“Wait, you went to my house without warning?!” she answers in the same tone. Ohma takes a step back “This is invasion! Look who's talking about coming without warning!”
“I AM YOUR MOTHER!” she screams on the other end of the line “and you talk so little to us that only us arriving for you to pay attention to your old lady…”
“Mom… I was working…” she grunts, glances at Ohma, and starts speaking in English instead of japanese “[And besides, I'm not living alone anymore… I have a roommate…]”
Ohma raises an eyebrow, curious.
“[WHAT?!]” again that scandalous tone “[You better explain this to me properly, girl. The house situation is so bad that you have to share the space?! You could have told us, then we'd find a way...]”
“[That’s not it… he’s not helping me, I’m the one who…]”
“[Is he a beggar, on top of that?! Oomori Kassia Kanami, it's good that you're home later today!]”
“[Show up for dinner and I'll introduce you to him...]” She mustered up all her patience not to scream back, suddenly tired. She didn't like her American name, especially when it sounded like OKK in the initials “[I'm coming back from a trip, so don't expect too much...]”
“[Don't worry, I'll bring something. See you later, sweetie]” she sends a kissing sound over her cell phone audio, and she almost dies of embarrassment.
“Yea, see ya…” and she hangs up. She looks at her boyfriend, who was now at a healthy distance, out of respect for space. She was absurdly red.
“Uhh…” he tries to start “You speak English… cool.”
“Yes… I'm American on my mother's side, I think I already told you that” she covers her face with her hand “uuugh, we'll have to get organized quickly…”
“Okay.” he turns to walk back out of the station. She was still embarrassed.
“I, uhh… sorry about that, my mom tends to be pretty… intense.”
“I know people like that. A friend of mine is so loud he doesn't need a microphone to be heard in a stadium full of people. And another one of the fighters I know is American too. I don't understand English very well but apparently he curses a lot.”
“You know all sorts of people, don't you?”
“Kengan matches can hire whoever they want.”
“Yes, yes, I get it” she sighs “and… look, if you don't want to see them, that's fine, I'll make up an excuse, I'll take care of it, it's okay…”
“Why?” He stops, looking at her.
“Do you want to meet’em?”
“I'm curious… she made me a little nervous, so I want to see what kind of creature this is.”
She holds back a laugh. The instinct to face whoever had given a scare was strong in this one.
“Relax, she usually just wants what’s best for me, I end up forgetting to talk to them, because of the occupations, and this year has been crazy for me.”
“…” he looks ahead “you have to talk to them more often… if she cares about you, then they must be good parents.”
Kanami pauses for a moment, looking at him. It was true… knowing he didn't have any of that came as a slap to her mind. Immediately she felt bad for not appreciating what she had.
“I messed up, I know,” she sighs. He looks at her and smiles.
“Hey, at least they're there, so let's go find them” he holds her shoulder “And now I'm anxious. I've seen them in the picture, but in person…”
“Heh, let's go. I just have to buy a thing or two to make dinner.”
“Excellent. I was already missing it.”
“Of course, the food”, she laughed at the thought.
She'd enjoyed that retreat a lot, but the groan she gave as the hot water ran over her body, soothing her muscles, reminded her of the comforts of civilization, and the smell of her favorite shampoo, the fact that her hair finally untangled, only reinforced the message. Yeah, she might have a primal kink sometimes, but she was still a city girl.
“Kanami, you really love this, don't you?” she said to herself, while drying her head, preparing the dryer “yes… yeah… be happy, my dear.”
“Who are you talking with?” Ohma appears in the room, she cringed with fright, but relaxed. She was dressed with a towel, and it was him, so she let him see.
“With myself. I'm just enjoying the happiness of finally coming back…”
“Uh, okay.” He sits on the edge of the bed. He was already wearing pants, no shirt, and with his towel over his shoulders, not letting his wet hair drip water on the rest of his body “you use a hairdryer…”
“Yes, but only on a few occasions, like when I wash and moisturize my hair. And let's face it, I needed it.”
“I don’t think so” he shrugs “but you like it, so….”
“Thank you so much for calling me beautiful in any situation, but I still have a little vanity, you know…” she rolls her eyes “I'm going to dry your hair because of this” and points the hot wind to his face. He grimaces and turns away.
“Watch that there” he grunts “it burns.”
“Doing it right, you'll like it.” she gives the place to him “sit”
He grimaces, then obeys, as he was curious.
He still couldn't understand how she managed things so easily with him. He almost fell asleep when he felt the warm air and her fingers in his hair, as always when she used those fingers. It somehow annoyed him, but not as much as he should have. He felt tame, limp, and for all intents and purposes, that wasn't a good thing. But it was only while she was doing it, as soon as she stopped, he had just one delay, with his brain adjusting, and he was awake again.
”There, I'm done” she announces  “I said, beautiful hair like that has to be taken care of.”
He looks in the mirror, and it's weird. Since when did he have all that hair? She laughed, which made him look away from his reflection.
“What's it?”
“Your face…”
“What's wrong with it?”
“No big deal, it's just that I found your expression funny.”
He huffs, and shakes his head. The reflection showed a shampoo commercial effect. He got weird again.
“I'm not used to this…”  he points out “cuteness.”
“Shake your hair so it settles down more, then it will look less awkward.”
He obeys, shaking his head violently, looks again. He still looked weird, but at least he could see himself better in that thing.
“Handsome” she hugs him on the shoulders “now get out, I want to get dressed.”
“Why can't I stay?” he raises an eyebrow.
“Because otherwise I'm going to show off for you, you'll like it and we're not going to have this damn dinner.”
“Go, go” she pushes him out “and takes the things we bought from the fridge, cut and peel the vegetables too.”
He goes, and she closes the door. She sighed.
Ooooohh Boy… She had to stop herself from using a jiu-jitsu move to throw him on the bed. Had she created a monster?
Ohma really wasn't used to it. It didn't bother him falling into his eyes, as it occasionally did, but he felt too light in his head. And when he moved, he moved too much. This was very strange, so it put him in a bit of a bad mood.
The cell phone vibrated in his pocket, he dropped the kitchen knife. What is it now?
Private number. Usually it was the Kure who turned him on like that, maybe it was Raian wanting to train with him again. He answered.
“Oh… Ohma?” was the voice of Karla. He froze in place, shivering all over “Please don't hang up. I just want to talk.”
He was going to hang up, but her voice sounded shy. That was weird.
“What do you want?” he asked monotonically.
“It's just that I looked for you in Kure village, and I didn't find you… I heard you left.”
“Yes, I talked to them and decided to leave…”
“Which complicates things a bit, I'd like to talk to you. Really talk… about the two of us” she speaks in a meek tone. He blinks, that was really unusual.
“What is happening to you?”
“Nothing, huh…” he could hear her pouting ”I'm just trying not to make you run away from me again. Is it too much to ask?”
“Hnmm… I thought I was being coerced or something. It doesn't look like you.”
“It doesn't look like it, does it? Haha” her laugh kind of dies down “but, anyway, when will you be available?”
He thought about his future schedule. He had a fight scheduled in a week. He could buy time to mentally prepare.
“In ten days, maybe? I have a Kengan fight, and I'm training…”
“Oh, great! Where?”
“Wherever you like to talk. I don’t think It’ll be good in Kure village, your relatives can complicate things.”
“Yeah, you're right. I'll see something, then I'll let you know in a few days. Thank you” and she hangs up.
He puts his cell phone away, and sighs, running a hand over his head.
Damn it. He really didn't want this, but… one day it was going to happen, and he better get it over with. Get rid of that thing at once, then you'd be free...
Kanami arrived in the living room and saw Ohma looking at his cell phone in the kitchen. He seemed upset about something, but she didn't have time to ask because the doorbell rang.
“Coming!” she sees through the peephole, and sighs, smiling then.
She opened the door.
“Kassiaaaaaaaa!” her mother exclaimed, not letting her even process anything, already attacking her with a hug “My daughter, I missed you…”
“Hi mom” she smiles, remembering how she liked that hug. She reciprocated.
“Hi Kanami… good evening, how are you?” was her father. He was a middle-aged man, with straight hair like hers, but darker. He had a slender but elegant bearing.
“Good night dad” she lets go of the hug and nods her head “come in, I had already started to make dinner…”
“You don't have to try so hard, [dear], we brought some food from downtown, we went shopping today when I called you” she hands over the bag “there's your favorite there for dessert, mint chocolate chip cookies.”
“Wow, thanks” she smiles “feel free, I'll call Ohma to meet you. Ohma! Come here, they arrived.”
Ohma approaches the entrance to the hall with the kitchen, and the two parents’ eyes widen at the sight of him.
-”Oh my” the woman blinks, taken by surprise “I honestly hoped he was smaller…” looks at Kanami and speaks softly in english “[Did you bring a mountain like that home and hide it from me? Unbelievable…]”
Kanami smiles awkward “[Sorry, it was too recent…]”
“Hah, he reminds me of the boys I saw there in the States” the man smiles “Good Evening, boy, I'm Oomori Ken, Kanami's father, nice to meet you.”
“Uh… Tokita Ohma” he bows his head a little “and you…?”
"Barbara Oomori, nice to meet you." She extends her hand to him, and he squeezes it lightly.
He looks at the woman, she was certainly shorter than Kanami, but she was practically twice as heavy. Everything about her was all about curves, but she wasn't the fat type, she was the type that hid a lot of muscle there too. But what was most impressive was her gaze. If Kanami had eyes burning like acid, hers were the acid factory. The kind of look you'd expect from a businesswoman who can screw up your career, your pride, and maybe even your dignity as well. It was different from the Kure's eyes, but just as frightening. He squinted his eyes in challenge.
“Great” Kanami smiles “now that we're introduced, I'll tidy things up… Come on Ohm-”
“Wait a minute, Kassia” she pulls the girl by the arm, making the Amazon almost trip  “You'll explain to me how you ended up sharing the house with this man. He is your boyfriend? Is that something a lady does? Do you deliver the house to anyone like that?”
“Mom, please…” she felt her shoulders slumping.
Ohma felt his brows rise, his eyes widening. Anyone!?
Ken, the father, noticed this. He took hold of the fighter's shoulder.
“Let's go to the kitchen, boy, my wife can be a little too much for those who don't know. I guarantee she'll get better once she clears things up… Give me the bag honey, I'll sort it out in the kitchen, okay?”
He pushes Ohma into the kitchen. The fighter was watching the two of them arguing heatedly in English in the hall… or rather Kanami listening to that woman.
“Don't worry, they'll settle down soon enough,” he assures, as he patiently unpacks things up.
“Who does she think she is to yell at Kanami like that?” he murmurs. Ken laughs.
“Well, it’s her mother, after all” the old man shakes his head “she was always like that. Kanami is just as hot-blooded, but I think she inherited my patience too, haha.”
“But did she have to arrive like this, like a storm?” he raises an eyebrow “isn't that somewhat aggressive?” in his world, someone arriving like that without intimacy, would take a hell of a punch.
“Nah, They understand each other” Ken assures them “see, they've already normalized.”
He looks, they were laughing now, as if whispering something. He blinks, confused.
“Huh, what…?”
“Hahaha, see?” he smiled. His face looked like Yamashitakazuo's, only a bit younger. Maybe in the first half of the fifties? “Women like Barbara and Kanami are just like that. Back in the States, it was hard to have any kind of silence for a long time when the Roberts were together at home.”
“Are they that loud?” he was curious, helping the man to arrange things on the plates.
“You have no idea, boy. Well, not all Americans, but the Roberts in general are quite extroverted. Mr.Tokita, isn't it?” he smiles at the younger one “have you been living together with Kanami for a long time?”
“No, I asked if I could stay, she let me.”
“Yes yes. She's that type of person” he then looks at him intensely “What are your intentions staying here?”
Ohma's eyes widened when he saw his eyes, that were suddenly piercing like two spears. What the hell was that transformation?
“Intentions?” he looked back, getting up after recovering from the surprise blow “I live here, and I pay bills, what more intentions should I have?”
“What about Kanami?”
“It's my girlfriend, what's your problem with that?” He narrows his eyes.
“Do you intend to take care of her and not make her cry? Protect her?”
“And she needs to be my girlfriend for that?” he raises an eyebrow “even if she didn't like me, I would.”
The man smiled, and things seemed to lighten up again “that's great! I'm glad you think so”, and pats him on the shoulder “now, be happy, boy, let's eat.”
Ohma was stunned by the sudden change in expression, and confused… What a crazy people. He went back to work in the kitchen, where he had been before.
At least they suggested food.
“[Oh, so that was it?]” Barbara smiles “[oh dear, sorry, really, changing the point of your Bakery and building things is a lot of work, you're right…]”
“[Yes]” finally she managed to understand her side “[I was practically dragged by Ohma so I could get some rest… I came back from my trip today, so yeah… don't look at the dust in the couch.]”
“[No, no, it's okay. I was just scared of you disappearing off the map like that... you know where we come from that's never a good sign.]”
“ [Yeah, I know. I understand, Mom]” she remembers the place where she spent her childhood “[But everything is better now, don't worry.]”
“[Not yet!]” she looks at her with those acid eyes she inherited “[There's still an elephant in the room that we haven't resolved yet]” she nods “[Who is that brute and what does he do for a living? You didn't find a simple gym rat to play with, did you, dear? Look at his neck and arm, full of marks, he at least gets into street fights...]”
“[He is a professional wrestler…]” Kanami was ready for that “[Of course he gets into fights… he makes money from them.]”
Barbara's eyes widen “[Really? Well I suspected.]” and half-closed almost in the same time “[Uh-hnm-hnm, I can't believe it yet, he has a beautiful face but he has a look that will fly off your neck if you look at him crookedly, I've seen too many people like that.]”
“[You should stop judging people like that, we’re not living near Inside anymore…]”
“[And that’s Fortunate!]” she raises her voice “[To this day I thank Mr Tokoyashi for giving Ken that promotion and getting money to get rid of that garbage place!]” she almost makes a sign of reverence “[May he rest in peace , that angel.]”
“[Unm… yes, may he rest in peace]” she sighs, she was grateful but she was tired “[And Ohma I met at the bakery, he helped me take out some bad elements, then we became friends… and the things escalated from there]”  she gave a summary “[Then he was suddenly homeless because of some annoying tenants and I offered him to stick around. He's paying some bills and helping out where he can, when he's not training. satisfied?]”
“[Almost... ]” She smiles maliciously. She reminded him of Hiro, and well, herself when she felt like it “[Does he do “that” right?]”
“[Mother!]” Kanami missed blowing his head off because it was so red “[For God's sake, is that something you ask your daughter in the middle of her hall?]”
“[It's ok, your father knows me and the guy there is obvious that he doesn't speak English]” she smiles a lot “[go on, spill it. If he's treating you well, it's great for me, but he has to do it right, if he doesn't, throw him away...]”
“[Mom stop it]” she wanted to bury her face in the floor “[He does, goddamit, I like him all over, he's big and handsome and sexy, and he saved my life twice, okay? And he's big enough for me to feel feminine the way I am.]”
“[That's what I wanted to hear. Great]” she smiles “[Now that I know the good part, let me get to know him better.]”
She darts into the kitchen. Kanami leans against the wall, already wanting to sleep because she is mentally tired. She had forgotten and gotten out of the habit of dealing with someone like her mother. “after that, I'll have a whole pot of ice cream…”
Kana enters the kitchen, and she finds the three of them seated, with the food already arranged on the table. Ohma, of course, already had his plate set up and chopsticks in hand, chewing calmly. Barbara was having a quick chat with Ken and then they look at Ohma.
“So… Ohma” Kanami's mother starts “how long have you known each other?”
“Nine months,” he replies bluntly.
“Ah, so it's been a while” she smiles, her face too adorable for his taste “I'm glad Kanami found someone who likes it, I was even wondering when she was going to set sail.”
“And was she stranded?” he raises an eyebrow “she seemed to be doing very well. In good health.”
“Oh, yes indeed, but single at almost thirty, do you know how bad that is for a woman…?”
“This is completely outdated, mother” Kanami says in a warning tone.
“Should I really care about that?” Ohma didn't know anything about what she was talking about, but somehow it made her smile, so he calmed down.
“Oh no, but now that you're with her, all that worry is gone. At least now she has someone to take care of her. You see, I love my Kassia, and she…”
“Her name is Kanami, isn't it?” he looks at Kana “See? She got your name wrong…”
“Oh, that's not it, Ohma, it's just that, as I lived abroad for a long time, I was registered there in the United States with a name in the English alphabet, since they don't use Kanji there. So my original name is Kanami, but I'm also Kassia…”
“Do you have two first names?’ he blinks, admiring “How fancy.”
Barbara laughs “if you were registered out there too, you'd probably get one too.”
“Can I?” his eyes shine “It would be cool.”
“Perhaps. But your new name it’s supposed to be similar to its original.”
“It's for you not to get confused” Kanami explains “it took me a while to adapt. But you won't need that, your name is easier to pronounce…”
"Oh… okay" He shrugs, continuing to eat.
“Hehe, he has a good appetite” notes her father “I think he found someone who really suits you, Kana-chan…”
“This one is a bottomless pit” Kanami laughs “I have to be careful otherwise he eats the dough before baking…”
“Hey, the dough was already good… why wait?” and that drew a few laughs from the parents.
In the end, it was a pleasant conversation. After dinner, Ken volunteered to do the dishes, and Barbara looked at Ohma.
“Sorry, boy, I thought a little wrong of you. I'm used to big guys like you, but not around here, you know?”
“It's all right. It's not the only one who say that” he shrugs “I don't care.”
“I'm glad you got along, I confess I was a little nervous.” Kana comments.
“I said, I'm used to noisy people” Ohma said bluntly  “you're noisy, but not bad either.”
“Well, thanks, I guess” Barbara smiles a little “now… honey, thanks for having us, but I think I will go.”
“Oh, okay. But it’s kind of early, isn’t it?…”
“No, no.  You already had problems rushing back from your trip and still fixing us dinner, you must be tired… I wouldn’t stay too long, you'll have things to do. You need to rest, right?” she hugs her daughter “And… nice to meet you, Ohma.”
He nodded.
Ken soon finishes and the two leave the house, and Kanami follows them out and disappears into the street. She closes the door, and holds the bridge of her nose, weariness taking its toll on her mind.
“Uuuugh…” she moans ‘Frankly, I wish I had prepared myself psychologically for this…”
He approaches “So… is this what it’s like?”
“… what?”
“To have parents?”
She looks at him, and smiles tenderly “sometimes yes… mine are like that.”
“I liked that. Not on the part of being analyzed as if they were looking into my soul, but I understood as if they wanted to protect you, like Grandpa Erioh wanted to protect his great-granddaughter. Except not pushing me towards you, on the contrary… they seemed to want me to fight for it… it's a strange feeling, but I prefer this way.”
She smiles “well, yeah... they want me to be happy no matter who I choose. And I think in part they liked you because you really know what you want. My mother likes strong-minded people.”
He seemed to like it “Good. I don't want to be anything else.”
“Now, if I may…” she gets closer to him “I don't know about you, but I just won a fight today, my blood is boiling. And even though I like you anyway, your voluminous hair from a shampoo commercial is irresistible today” she grabs him by the hand, tugging “it makes me want to grab you harder than before.”
“I knew it” he laughs when he goes with her “And you say I'm the one who has a huge appetite…”
“You do have, honey. But this time is different, this is Satan's fire” she jokes, laughing as she pulls him straight into the bedroom.
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