#he was the better parent to quackity’s own child he was the first to get married he has the strongest relationship etc etc etc
comfymoth · 10 months
i can’t help but feel like quackity’s setting something up by placing roier in so many of those photos, and i don’t know if i’m scared or excited for it but i sure do feel some kind of way.
or maybe he’s not and it’s just cos the ccs have been hanging out. who knows
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
I love how Foolish always puts his daughter’s feelings first, because his first response to hearing that Leo doesn’t trust or necessarily even like the new eggs was, “Should we kill Empanada, then?”
Up to this point, most of the new parents have constantly been reassuring their kids that everyone loves them, that the older eggs might just be shy, that their other parents will show up and immediately love them. (Of course, the exception is Roier, who doesn’t trust Pepito at all but who has found himself caring about Pepito anyway.)
Meanwhile, several of the older members are telling their eggs to go be friends with the new eggs, don’t be mean, etc.
This is, in fact, a mistake that is going to bite everybody in the ass. Setting the new eggs up with expectations that everybody loves them is setting them up to be crushed when an egg like Tallulah or Leo doesn’t want to be friends. There’s a solid chance that Sunny or Pepito or Empanada will be destroyed when their absentee parents (Quackity, Mariana, Charlie, and Jaiden in particular) show up and may not want to be their parents.
What a lot of people don’t understand about the new and old eggs is that the new eggs aren’t like. Family to the old eggs. All the eggs up through Pomme came from the adoption center and supposedly had the same dragon mother. These new eggs? Nobody knows where they came from, they have clashing stories about their lives before Quesadilla Island. They’re complete strangers.
Sure, Pepito and Richarlyson are siblings, but that’s because they share a common parent in both Roier and Quackity (and Cellbit by technicality.) Everybody else? These new eggs are total unknowns that they really just don’t know they can trust.
Most of the eggs have been pretty chill with the new ones, but others like Leo and Tallulah. Aren’t. And, realistically, why should they be? They don’t know these other kids. And their respective parents trying to get them to be friendly with each other is just getting the og eggs hurt by having their feelings be ignored by their parents and it’s getting the new eggs hurt by forcing them to personally experience someone being forced to deal with them and clearly not being happy about it.
That’s why I appreciate Foolish and Phil’s parenting. They’ve decided that their child’s feelings come first, so it’s fine if Tallulah and Leo don’t want to hang out with these new kids on the block.
I have literally nothing about the new parents who are doing their best, but you can see a difference in parenting between Roier, who has been up there with Bad as the eggs’ primary babysitter since day one of the og egg event, and the newer players. Roier, for all his many MANY faults, isn’t setting Pepito up for failure by telling Pepito that his other parents are going to show up and adore him. For better or for worse, he’s being realistic and setting Pepito’s expectations low, and he’s still giving Pepito a family in himself and Richarlyson despite his own emotions and problems. He lets Pepito make friends, like Dapper and now Richarlyson, on his own without pushing him (too much, but it was mostly Cellbit’s Ghost telling Richarlyson to get along with Pepito), and now Pepito is somehow the only newer egg to not feel really super fucking depressed over the other eggs not liking him. (He’s still super upset about his other parents, but he’s more or less accepted this life while saying he’ll wait for his other parents to arrive, and we all know that at least Rivers and Cellbit will like him.)
TLDR; Setting these kids up with the expectation that everybody loves/will love them is setting them up for failure and depression, and making the older eggs socialize with them will Not help matters any. Foolish and Roier and Phil’s parenting choices regarding this are probably actually helping make the kids happier in the long run because not everybody needs to be friends, and that’s fine
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cantimtoogay · 1 year
if someone were to ask me if i prefer the lore of the dsmp or the qsmp, i’d answer qsmp in a heartbeat.
it’s not because i like Quackity better than dream (though i do) but it’s because their lore is fundamentally different, and i jive better with the lore of the qsmp.
on the dsmp, the first big lore thing was an adult hurting a child. dream stole tommy’s disc and he wanted it back. the next big lore thing was a trusted friend and leader breaking off from the server and dragging his friends into a war, where they were all betrayed by a close comrade. then the election, more betrayal. pogtopia, madness. new l’manberg, tommy gets exiled. exile, literal psychological abuse.
in the dsmp, the most of the lore could get boiled to three words:
Cycles Of Abuse.
people got hurt, so they turned around and hurt other people, and then those people turned around and hurt other people. it was vicious, it was never ending, and it ruined people’s lives.
the dsmp was fundamentally built on abuse.
qsmp could and would never.
the qsmp’s first day was meeting new people, learning who they were, and helping each other. then they got the eggs, and there was a period where they didn’t trust each other, but eventually they all began to trust each other with their children. the other players became tios and tias, became other parents, became lovers.
when someone is downed, people rush to them to get them back up, even though they have infinite respawns. when an egg hasn’t had their quests done, players are practically chomping at the bit to help them.
when someone is hurting, the people around them support them in so many ways.
the qsmp is fundamentally built on love
plus, the dsmp let so many storylines fall to the wayside, like karl’s time travel and the eggpire. the qsmp let’s people have their own storylines, then resolves it. no story goes unloved. oh, this egg has another personality? ok, we’ll drop hints that he’s struggling to hold it back from hurting his family. oh, these two players both lost their children? ok, we’ll show the massive mental ramifications this has on the both of them and how they cope with the loss. oh, one player has been on tour irl for months? ok, let’s see how his child is dealing with her father being gone for so long and how she feels about missing him for so long.
that’s why i will choose the qsmp over the dsmp. the qsmp’s lore is all about love. the players love each other, and the qsmp lore will show that
and mf i am a whore for storylines with found family
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molluskmirage · 1 year
a list of things q!BadBoyHalo has done for others
this is a list for those who may not know some details on what bad has done for others (i have been watching his stream since the beginning)
bbh has personally saved and assisted every single egg on multiple occasions, while also providing multiple armor upgrades, food, tank upgrades, exp, totems, quests, an early network to revive downed eggs and upgrades and resources to parents to better protect their eggs, along with research on how to better protect. (save from twitch con) bbh has not taken a single break to ensure no egg dies from neglect. Every single egg has been under Bad’s care at one point in some cases many eggs have been under Bad’s care at the same point on many occasions. (Dapper has only had his tasks done twice by another (baghera)) If not for Bad many eggs would have died from neglect.
enchanted iron armor upgrades to-
Chayanne, Tallalulah, Ramon, Bobby, Richarlyson, Dapper (ofc), (eggs not listed are because parents already armored them or were dead, i think i am missing a few though bad was/is constantly taking the armor off his back and gifting it too eggs)
Enchanted diamond armor sets to-
Chayanne x2, Tallulah x2, Bobby, Ramon, Quackity, Max (Dapper was making his own by this point still checked and approved by bad)
enchanted slime armor sets to-
Chayanne, Tallulah, Ramon, Leonarda x2, Jaiden, Slimesicle.
(this is all from memory he gifted more)
During the quest to go were bobby had died Bad had a whole backpack of armor he handed out to those in need (along with food and reviving many people)
Tank upgrades (they arent cheap):
Chayanne, Tallulah, Ramon, Leonarda x2, Phillza, Slimesicle, Jaiden, Max
bad refuels anyone in need of experience (particularly generous to eggs) hes done this so many times its ridiculous to count of non eggs though Foolish is the biggest receiver. he also provides experience cubes in a chest in his subway that he restocks all the time.
Bad has handed out so many resources it’s impossible to keep track of, you ask he provides even if you’ve tried to murder him and his child.
Bad developed a whole net-work (prior to his sharestone knowledge in which he then created the subway) to help downed eggs or downed anyone. If an egg is down badboy is booking, ended pearling and pulling all the stops.
bad typically in fights plays tank and healer. He tries to run around getting all mobs attention on him so that others can more easily fight while also providing food, weapons, and armor to those in need. He helped in the bobby mission, code attacks, the bluebird, the retrieval of the newcomers in prison, the nether 2nd exploration reviving Baghera from lava and quackity, roier, and going back for Bagerha as time was running out, has personally come to the aid of etoiles, forever, roier and many others at the drop of a hat (not all accepting but he would stick around to make sure if they did need help and an egg could be at risk he would be there)
learnings and warnings:
Bad would not shut up about how dangerous swords were (the sweeping bug unidentified at the time), he told everyone he came across and was constantly shouting it out in battle. Bad offered to look after JuanaFlippa the day she died concerned after Tilin had passed. bad knew nothing of modded but in order to protect his son and others better he is constantly evolving and trying new things. He was who made slime armor popular after testing and showcasing to others. When he discovered warp plates he then put them in strategic locations to help revive eggs, creating a whole teleporting room he then evolved to the subway system he made available for all near spawn upon learning of sharestones. He had a working idea for nihno but backed off as Forever decided to put one in action, bad had the first wireless enderpearl system set up for Dapper which he shared with forever. And when Ramon still had yet to set up a room in nihno he set up an enderpealing system in his home for him. Bad is constantly asking the eggs under his care (or even those he simply see’s) if there ender pearl is set. Bad developed a way stone system against the code saving ramon and dapper, when the code evolved so did he, he used an iron golem against it, it worked. He lassoed it. He started a brewing healing potions in mass to help aid others in attacks (with the help of Dapper in the mechanics). He learned how to have totems restock in his hand with a backpack upgrade and made sure every egg has it set up and will remind them often to have them in there offhand.
bad worries a lot and put hours of effort into researching all the ways nihno could be compromised and troubleshooted ways to combat problems. (They have not come to pass of yet but he’s constantly worried and thinking)
when learning of the op code sword bad made a counter using his knowledge he gained from the totem refills and applying it to a whole battle pack (it works!!!)
social and gifts:
after Trump died Bad visited Max to check on him, thinking that some sort of cause might help Max through grief he told him of some theories of the island, this was the start of the theory bros.
bad steals furniture a lot as a guise to be social and check in on everyone. Bad doesnt handle appreciation well (even if he knows it would be good for him he feels so much more comfortable being seen as a villian and preforms self sabotage and self sacrificial acts constantly) he hands over credit to Dapper and eggs a lot ((by no means downplaying dappers kindness and contributions)) but Bad acts allergic to praise even if he needs it. He also believes for himself, not applying to others, that if helping others means wanting praise then it was for ego and he doesn't want that, he believes in unconditional kindness and tries to preform it at every step talking himself down in times of emotion. Bad rarely steals furniture if there is not some sort of social input and often for everything he steals he compensates for twenty times over in supplies, special metals, and food.
He made a backpack for quackity including personal touches like color and a picture of wilbur along with armor, weapons, building materials, food, food upgrade, sharestone. the same for Slimesicle his green with a slimeball, armor, tank upgrade, food.
one for max, black with weapons, tank upgrades, armor and a sweet note
one for Rioers birthday, diamond blocks, emeralds, gold, bear fur, a paxle
Foolish gets his own segment cause theres too much.
bad also made mini thrones with cake and diamonds to let baghera and forever know they were missed at vidcon. Bad also helped Richarlyson build a little spot for forevers return.
Bad built a statue for forever after his presidency to showcase he was appreciated.
Bad made a treasure hunt for Leonarda and Foolish (ok so mostly an excuse on bads part to make a puzzle but really wanted Leo to have fun with her Dad)
Bad made a dungeon that catered to Tallulah’s needs and aesthetic that she could enjoy with her family, with multiple resources provided to ensure there safety and with a self made prize at the end of two backpacks filled with goodies that were of each Chayanne and Tallulahs personal liking.
Bad rebuilt the school after its destruction so the eggs would have a nice place to hang out. Bad helped build and provide materials for every quackity build (at this point 9/1/23) besides his intial starter home and kidnapping spots.
bad scoured the savanna after quackity hid a really tough to make shield Dapper had gifted to Ramon that quackity had looted off Ramon’s corpse from Ramon’s nightmare. It took him days to find, Dapper being the one to locate it but he was resolved to finding it.
foolish and Bad have a unique bond. For everything bad has done wrong for foolish he has also done right. And I will list those actions
bad built an elevator system for foolish twice to better help his builds. In the beginning too Foolish also has no modded knowledge and is reluctant to learn, Bad provides him with all useful info and demonstrates it. He’s provided countless resources, exp, food, 5 stacks of pizza, an item to breathe underwater for his fish tank (that took him several many hours to make), pets, plot intel, he was there for him when others didn’t trust him after he arrested pac e mike. He trusts Dapper with Foolish (this is huge for Bad) and bad has stocked leo on the best gear multiple times and has watched over her many times without even forwarning from foolish.
this isn’t even mentioning the things he’s done for Dapper. Bad is constantly looking to improve everyones play, building and designing in ways that go unnoticed because theyre so helpful and natural like subways, patching creeper and mine holes, repairing exploded buildings, babysitting and watching over all those in need. Bad has done so much more then I even listed. He has not done nothing which is why it stings to see posts that implies he hasn’t. He has flaws sure but he has done far from nothing for the islanders and eggs.
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raenavolante · 2 years
Some Antfrost facts:
Starting simple:
-he has a twin. Yes. (Ant is younger and shorter)
-his birthday is in August, not November
Okay. Now that that’s out of the way:
-dream taught him minecraft parkour years ago
-he enjoys hiking
-his dad and brother(craftclan) watch his mcc pov live
-he and craft, as toddlers, tried to shove a cat down a laundry shute
-he prefers online classes to in person, but also says he ‘doesn’t have to do anything’ during in person classes
-he tends to leave things in his office for long periods of time (this is about the hot sauce, yes)
-velvet was his first crush, and subsequently his first boyfriend
-he grew up Christian
-he played like… every sport as a child
-he started developing allergies around 8-10 years old
-he wasn’t much of a dog person until he met velvet
-when he’s drunk he’s either very nsfw or extremely romantic (wedding talk vs simping for league characters)
-he moved around a lot as a young kid, he lived in Maine for a few years before moving to Virginia and then eventually California last year
-he’s very close with his mother
-he loves velvets parents and can’t wait for them to be his official in-laws
-on top of his gluten and lactose allergies, he also has a mild peanut allergy
-speaking of allergies, he’s never been tested for celiac, but his doctor told him to live like he does due to the severity
-he would love to try Taco Bell because of how passionate velvet is about it
-his cat Floof used to have a sister
-Frannie is his favourite over Finley
-he lurks in quackity’s chat fairly often despite not speaking Spanish
-he has 2 monitors and wants a third but hasn’t gotten around to it yet
-he’s terrible at remembering ages. He couldn’t even remember his own
-apparently the only way to tell him and craft apart as kids was his mole on his lip
-he’s embarrassed to admit he and velvet technically e-dated for three months before becoming long distance
-he is not, in fact, a furry [allegedly]
-he would prefer a simple gold ring to a fancy one
-also he would like a smaller wedding
-and to propose to velvet after velvet proposes to him
-he’s in no rush to get married but will say yes no matter what
-he’s talked a lot about wedding stuff if you couldn’t tell
-promised he would kiss Scott Smajor. Unless something happened at twitchcon, he has not done so yet
-velvet has changed his political views a lot, for the better (his words)
-he shoved some stuffed animals in a bag 10 years ago. This bag remains unopened and sits in the background of his streams.
-his facecam is a few pixels too far left to fit fully in frame. I hate this.
-he would wear one of gumis outfits if given the chance
-he doesn’t understand why people care so much about height (hes 5”7)
-he recognizes most regular chatters by name and talks to us in his discord
-he’s expressed discomfort with people shipping him with people other than red, but when it comes to bbh x ant he is extremely vocal about finding it weird. (Valid)
-one of his friends pushed him to confess to velvet
-he did in fact make the first move in their relationship
-his response to “you make the same face in every photo” is “yeah, I’ve been told.”
-Frannie[the dog] shoves him to the edge of the bed
-he absentmindedly plays with velvets hair a lot
-thinks velvet is ‘hot as fuck’ with a beard
-he used to go to the gym regularly before the pandemic
-he’s read fanfic about him and velvet (hey mello)
-his grandma is German, and her accent comes out when she yells
-that fact came up when telling the story of nanafrost walking in on her grandson and his ‘bestie’ sharing a bed
-he uses pet names more than velvets actual name irl
-they both use ‘cutie’ because velvet didn’t like ‘babe’
There’s more I could add but. I’ll stop for now. Friends feel free to add more ant facts
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Karmaland Summary!
A couple of days ago I said I was going to do another one of these, so here we are!
Most of the summary will be around Quackity, Alexby, and Rubius but I will talk about what's happening with everyone else, it's just that they have the heaviest lore right now and they're the ones that I've been watching the most.
Last time I talked about Karmaland I explained about Titi, Staxx's half alien son, and how there was going to be a trial to see if Titi was going to stay with Staxx or his custody had to be revoked.
So when the trial happened, the only ones that were in the server where: Rubius, Staxx, Quackity, Vegetta, Alexby, IlloJuan, and Lolito. They had been fighting about who was going to take the child when a Wither Storm appeared attacking Karmaland.
Turns out the Wither Storm was the mother of Titi and came to destroy everything and kill the child. Merlon led the heroes to a room where there were weapons to kill the alien with. Quackity took a bazuka, a machine gun, and 2 bombs even if they weren't supposed to grab those weapons (this is important for later).
Titi grabbed a nuclear bomb and sacrificed himself to kill his mother, saving Karmaland but dying while doing so.
After that things got hectic. Staxx became depressed and could barely get out of his house. Vegetta, Willy, and Fargan decided to build him a bigger house and a statue of Titi to make him feel better, but it didn't quite work.
Alexby had been the priest for a while now and sometimes the "gods" would talk to him every once in a while, but after Titi died it became more usual for the "gods" to reach out more. Now the "gods" where asking him to kill and make sacrifices for them. Alexby, thinking that they were the actual Karmaland gods, started doing so but it started to corrupt him.
Rubius seemed to be the one that got the worst after Titi's death. He started believing that Titi wasn't actually dead but instead hiding around Karmaland and still playing with him. It got so bad that Rubius picked a goblin trader, put a tag on him that said "Titi" and acted as if Titi wasn't dead. Now, Rubius was the first one that Titi called "dad" but Rubius was always scared because Staxx was his actual parent. Everytime Titi called him that Rubius would change topic or plain out ignore him. After Titi died Rubius started to ask him to call him dad again and he called "Titi" his son.
Things got more difficult when the day next to Titi's death a volcano appeared in the middle of the town. The heroes didn't know what was happening and tried to investigate but nothing much came from what they could gather. The volcano was throwing out so much lava that in the next days everything started getting destroyed.
Another weird thing was that the heroes would start hearing calling out for them randomly. It seems that it happens everytime one of them mentions Titi. When they do they can hear Titi talking very echoing. At first it was very subtle, very few people heard it when it happened, but now it's very loud. To the point that if someone mentions it most of the people, no matter how far in the map are, they can hear Titi too.
Quackity (a day before an event) decided to investigate the volcano on his own. He had an artifact that helped him being immune to fire for 30 seconds. So he built a giant tower with rocks and, with his glider, he flew to the top of the volcano. The gods got mad with him because he was jumping into the lava and told him he was being careless. Quackity defied them and the gods ended up sending him 2 coco monsters (mexican version of the Boogeyman). Quackity by the end ended up with a weird relationship with them, they were telling each other jokes and the gods would hit him with lighting every once in a while.
The next day Merlon got everyone together and told them that he knew someone. A half god druid that could tell them what to do against the volcano and why it had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The heroes decided to go to the druid and ask for help.
This was a big event, everyone but IlloJuan, Mangel, and Luzu were there. (Mangel because he hasn't been streaming for months now, Juan was busy and Luzu had gone out of town for 20 days).
The druid they met is called Sapo Peta. He is played by Maximus, one of the admins, and his character is supposed to be an excentric, horny druid. Sapo Peta told them that he could help them, but they were going to have to fight whatever monster was guarding the volcano.
The heroes accepted and went into the volcano.
The thing was that Quackity found an easier and faster way to get to the top since he had already done it before. He got to be alone with Sapo Peta on the top of the volcano and both of them started full on making out, which was REALLY weird for everyone watching his pov.
When everyone else got to the top, Sapo Peta and Quackity decided to keep it a secret from everyone else.
Sapo Peta, since he is in fact Very Horny, started flirting with Vegetta and Rubius, enjoying seeing how they would get jealous for each other.
Vegetta and Rubius' relationship is very odd. They seem to be really attracted to each other, before Rubius went crazy about what happened to Titi, they would kiss and get REALLY intimate with each other but they never got to have sex since they would always get interrupted. After Titi died Vegetta pulled back because he didn't want to do something with Rubius when he wasn't in a good place mentally in case Rubius later regretted it. They still would sometimes kiss and would get jealous if someone got very flirty with each other. Like Sapo Peta was doing.
Quackity seeing how Sapo Peta was flirting with others in front of him got angry and decided to not have anything to do with him.
They fought the monster that guarded the volcano, which was the one causing the volcano to erupt and destroy the town and found that the monster was not only guarding the volcano but some type of key. Sapo Peta left the heroes to go and investigate what happened and the volcano dried.
The heroes went to do their own things separately and let Sapo Peta deal with it himself.
Now Rubius was slowly becoming... not himself. During the whole event he was waring a slutty maid outfit and calling Vegetta "sir". Sapo Peta, after the event and leaving the key in his house, sneaked into Rubius' house and, alongside Lolito, got him to sexy dance for them.
After seeing that sexy dancing could get Rubius good stuff, he started doing it way more often. So yes, canonically, Rubius has been whoreing himself out for either favors or items. Which, if you haven't seen Karmaland, it's not the usual type of content, this is a new development in the series.
After this two things started happening at the same time:
Vegetta and Willy, while out exploring, found out a magical object inside a cave. Sapo Peta told them that it could be a passageway to get into other dimensions so they couldn't move it until Sapo Peta got more information about it. He asked for both Vegetta and Willy to not tell anyone about it since he didn't know for sure how did it work.
And Alexby's corruption got way worse. His hand started turning black and some type of ooze came out of it. The black thing keeps telling Alexby to kill the other heroes and get more sacrifices for itself. Rubius learned about it and tried to help him but since both of them are not mentally sound right now they have a love-hate relationship where they both say the other is taking advantage of each other sexually.
Sapo Peta is trying to help Alexby with this but he has a lot on his plate lately. He however told Alexby that the three of them have to find a solution to his problem quickly or Alexby can end up dead.
At one point (forgot at where this fits but it happened) Sapo Peta got to talk with Staxx and he says that there is someone trying to contact Staxx. Someone that is in another plane and has a close connection to Staxx. There are speculations that it could be Titi (since there are some clues that tell that Titi may not be dead) but Staxx and Sapo Peta haven't connected into the server at the same time so that plot line is paused right now.
One day before Luzu came back from his 20 days out. Sapo Peta decided that every week he was going to give all of the heroes a gift each. That way he can help them and get closer to them. To Luzu he gave a bottle of wine, some turds (that are edible and gives them a lot of health somehow) and a letter that said that they both haven't met yet but Sapo Peta was excited to meet him since everyone in town was so nice and even one of them had kissed him right when they met. He wrote it in a way that it was very obvious for Luzu to know that he had kissed Quackity. Maximus explained that while Sapo Peta may have feelings for Quackity, he really wants the Luckity ship to become real.
When Luzu came back he read the letter and in a fit of anger threw everything into the ocean. He however never told Quackity about the letter, since he wanted Quackity to come clean on his own.
They are not a couple but both of them seem to really fancy each other. The day Luzu came back Quackity connected to the server with the plan to this time actually make Luzu fall in love with him. They spent the day together but they talked more out of character than anything else.
After that, however, Quackity went to talk to Sapo Peta. Luzu had told Quackity that he had gotten a letter from Sapo Peta, but didn't tell him that he knew about the kiss. So Q told Sapo Peta that he shouldn't send letters and flirt with other men, SP agreed with it, they kissed and Quackity told him that if they were going to be together their relationship needed to be a secret.
About a week later Quackity was getting bored on the server since he usually connects when everyone else is asleep, so he doesn't have anyone to play with. With the guns that he had taken the day Titi died, he went to Karmaland's church and threatened the gods to bring Titi back because he was lonely. At the end the gods asked Quackity to give back his guns and they would give him a companion, not Titi, but someone to be there with him.
Quackity agreed and received Merlon Vegetta, a little turtle that Quackity quickly called his son.
The gods also said that they were going to take his house for 2 days and let Quackity keep 1 gun, after 2 days they would give him back his house and Quackity would give his last gun to them.
One time they were exploring Merlon Vegetta somehow got a hangun and he killed mobs with that. During one of their adventures both Q and Merlon Vegetta were killing zombies and Sapo Peta appeared out of nowhere and told them that they had killed his friends, that they were indeed just having a party and both Quackity and Merlon Vegetta had killed them all.
Quackity, wanting SP to fight for his love, told him that they needed to break up and Sapo Peta agreed. Since that was not what Q thought would happen he told Sapo Peta that it was a joke but Sapo Peta decided to not go back with Quackity.
After the 2 days went by and Q had to give his last gun to the gods thieves appeared out of nowhere and Q and Merlon Vegetta got caught in the crossfire, having Merlon Vegetta die in a shooting.
When Titi died, his stuff fell from the sky (sticks, limes, bombs, etc) but no message was displayed on the bottom of the screen. However when Merlon Vegetta died there was a message that stated that he had died in a crossfire. This let to people believe that Titi was not actually dead and since everyone could still hear Titi that meant that he was indeed who has been trying to contact Staxx.
After his son died, Q decided to run for President of Karmaland. He wants to make Karmaland safer and prevent what happened to Merlon Vegetta from happening again.
He asked Sapo Peta to help him and Sapo Peta agreed to join his political party. Both of them were going to have a day together out exploring (since it seemed like SP still had feelings for Quackity) until Luzu logged into the server. Quackity panicked but in a moment of stupidity thought that he could get both Sapo Peta and Luzu to fight for him and make them get jealous.
So he got them together but it didn't work. Instead of fighting for him, they both got along really well and they both even gifted things to each other making Q become the thirdwheel in the group. Quackity left to go to his house and he cried and played sad music without knowing that Luzu and Sapo Peta had followed him to ask him what happen. Q however told them that he was actually feeling down because of the stress from running for presidency.
Before going to explore together Q had asked Luzu to join his party. Luzu told him that he was not going to join anything that has to do with politics because he had a bad feeling about it. Later when Quackity said that he was stressed L told him to not let the politics get into his head to "Always be happy, [he didn't] want a sad Quackity, but a happy Quackity" both of these openly referencing to his relationship with Auron back in K4.
Quackity asked them to leave his house and he disconnected the server feeling like he had lost both Luzu and Sapo Peta.
During this whole thing Sapo Peta and Luzu were actually on the same page. They both understood what Quackity wanted to do and decided to play nice with each other instead of acting how Q wanted them to act, to the point where they acted as if they were flirting with each other. In reality both were just messing around with Q. Throughout the day SP actually asked Luzu several times if he and Quackity were dating. Luzu everytime Sapo Peta asked, would quickly avoid the question and turn the topic around.
Sapo Peta, after Luzu disconnected from the server, decided to take the situation into his own hands. He left a letter in front of Luzu's house signed as Quackity, saying that Q had strong feelings developing for L. Later he did the same to Q, leaving a letter where it said that L had feelings for Q.
Next day Luzu connected into the server and saw the letter. Problem was that he read it and said that it was really well written to be from Quackity. He however kept the letter to investigate later.
Quackity however didn't log into the server quick enough to read the letter that "Luzu" left for him and the first one to find it was IlloJuan. He changed the full letter for it to be not about Luzu's romantic feelings but instead the letter now reads "I don't like you. I am racist against mexicans and I prefer way more spending time with my spaniard friends".
Sapo Peta actually found out about what happened and told Juan that he wrote it and not Luzu. Juan however wanted to make things more interesting and said that it would be faster to get them together if they hated each other first because "from hate to love there is only one step".
Sapo Peta, seeing how Juan seemed to have a good eye for getting people together told him that Juan was going to be his right hand man to play cupid around Karmaland.
IlloJuan has a beach bar which he said that they could use to arrange dates between the Karmaland members.
(There is this really funny line from Juan where he went "Everyone is whoreing around in Karmaland I'm the only idiot that is out here making a food establishment")
There was supposed to be an auction on the 29th but it got moved until the 1st of october, where not only the auction will take place but also an event.
Giving the information that we have, it could be about bringing Mangel into the server again, about Alexby's corruption problem, the device that Vegetta and Willy found, Titi's connection to Karmaland, or something comepletely different. Only time will tell.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Horrors and Misunderstandings: Sparkly Edition!
by Bruiseeedknees
After being crowned, Wilbur is forced to take the role as the next King of The Antarctic Kingdom, despite his brother Technoblade being a better pick. Now that he's older, he must go through the struggles of such a title. With Wilbur being so difficult, The Emperor should haven given up at trying to find Wilbur a wife and fit him into the mold shape of his own, but he peruses. But when things start getting weird, and Wilbur seems to be the only one who can see it, he has to try to get through all of this whilst still being the best soon-to-be King his kingdom has ever seen! (Without dying, hopefully).
 Wilbur has to train to be the next King whilst freaky and weird shit happens that only he can see. But hey, maybe those things won't kill him, and his overbearing father and responsibilities get to him first! Let's see!
Words: 2109, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Technoblade - Character, Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit, Kristin Rosales Watson, Alexis | Quackity
Relationships: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Kristin Rosales Watson, Technoblade & TommyInnit, Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Alexis | Quackity & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Kristin Watson & Phil Watson | Philza
Additional Tags: Author Is Sleep Deprived, Author Projecting onto Wilbur Soot, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Blood and Gore, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Cults, religious trauma, Child Abuse, Wilbur Soot-centric, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Good Parent Kristin Rosales Watson, Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Winged TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Winged Wilbur Soot, Winged Alexis | Quackity, Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin Hybrid Wilbur Soot, Twins Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Protective Older Sibling Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, POV Multiple
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“I don't think so..” Tubbo remarked quietly, though h dropped the topic afterwards. The last thing he wanted was to cause any sort of issues for either of his parents.
The phrase ’you’ll understand when you’re older’ and any of its variants felt like something he had heard all his life. It was ingrained into tubbo's subconscious like suffering and grief was etched into Manburg.
He didn't really think that phase applied to him though. He wasn't stupid, he knew a lot more than he ever tried to let on. The boy wasn't as naïve or dumb or whatever else people perceived him as. He understood a lot more than any child should ever have to.
He was close enough to an adult as is. He didn't need to wait to understand, he already did. He was better at being mature than his own father!
It was whatever though. He was willing to ignore it to keep the peace.
"Like how Schlatt and—" His voice gets slightly quieter and he glanced over to Schlatt to make sure he's not listening too much. "—Wilbur fought a lot. When you're around someone for a long time, you'll argue."
Quackity can remember plenty of times arguing with Schlatt. All the way back to the first time Schlatt hit him to just a bit ago. From little things like forgetting to go shopping to things that left Quackity shaking and sobbing afterwards.
It makes his heart ache at his own words, because is he even old enough to say that? He knows even Schlatt says that to him. Something he can't explain churns in his gut at the thought of being like Schlatt.
The avian snaps out of his thoughts with Schlatt tugging his tail gently, cueing him to sit down in-between the two.
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comfymoth · 1 year
(duckspiderbit anon) It can be nightmarish... but the hilarity of their dynamics combined and the sudden unexpected sweet moments they share at times make them perfect. Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on them btw, I'm very interested :D
anon i just want you to know that i have been trying to answer this ask since i woke up, i just apparently cannot talk about these fuckers without writing a novel, i am So Sorry.
i’m gonna try to be as short as i possibly can (spoiler warning it’s still not short IM SORRY) but like, basically. basically. in my head, right, in the version of events that lives in my head— roier and quackity already have a history. not exactly dating, just fooling around “as friends”, but it makes their friendship now very overly-familiar. they’re very touchy, very flirty, but at this point it’s all just playful. they’re just very comfortable with each other, you know? they’re best friends! and what best friends Aren’t this close, huh?
and cellbit isn’t fully aware of whatever they had going on before he knew them, but he knows there’s something he missed, like an inside joke he’ll never quite understand. and it’s not like that bothers him, exactly? because him and roier are completely secure, there’s never been a couple more fucking obsessed with each other, he knows he has zero reasons to feel threatened. it’s more like— he knows quackity is always going to special to roier, in this weird way, so they are just stuck with him. for better or worse. me and you and your friend steve, just a little bit, that’s kind of the vibe.
but it’s not like quackity and cellbit don’t also have their own share of familiarity. not nearly to the same extent, obviously, but they are familiar. cellbit gave him partial custody of his child, they’ve taken each others sides in disputes over how to raise said child, richas calls quackity pa, they are very much already stuck with each other anyways.
so like. what do you even do with that. right? what do you call your husband’s not-quite-ex and your co-parent, what does that make him to the two of you. and how is that impacted by the fact that he’s always desperately hitting on you both?
so again, in my head, in my head— i think it Has to be a slow burn with them. because quackity has baggage around relationships, right, he’s had a history of chasing romance just because he thinks it will fix him or make him feel something, and he needs time to cool off on that first. now, he never cools off on the flirting, i don’t think he ever physically could, but he needs to be okay with it not going anywhere. and i think spiderbit needs time to warm up to the opposite idea, that it might actually go somewhere. but over time they do. over time, quackity just worms his way into more and more of their life until they’ve basically made him a part of it without saying. they fall into comfortable routines. cellbit gets used to roier and quackity’s teasing, he starts to join in on it. over time, all the joke flirting just stops really being a joke, and all the friendly affection just escalates and escalates until they finally have to acknowledge what they’re doing.
they’re all very stupid about it. cellbit brings it up to roier first, who is somehow embarrassed because he thought they were all just joking and he was the only one catching feelings which he did NOT wanna think too hard about. they have a talk about what this means for them, come to an agreement, bring it up to quackity— who also somehow thought this was a bit and that they were just doing it all to tease him! and then, somehow, they’re both surprised when he says yes, because they couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. morons all around. they do have braincells, they just short circuit when they’re in a room together, it’s very sad and very comical
i actually…. okay, i Actually might’ve started writing the world’s most self indulgent oneshot about them, like… three or four weeks ago? idk, it was before school started so a bit ago, and i’m just never gonna finish it now i’ve accepted that but i Might just turn part of it into a comic. idk. idk we’ll see ahdkdjd if i don’t get too embarrassed to actually do it
anyways i’m sorry i talked so much i just have demons okay i have demons. and i didn’t even TALK about festa junina or “go take care of him” I MADE SO MANY CUTS GUYS I DID!!!!!
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