#he won't attack anyone; he's just gonna lay there. idk what happened to him
a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
go off on ANYONE you wanna!!
Well you asked for this! So now I have to!
I made a list of 15 characters i felt like I could make a really passionate rant about (one of them is a group, actually) and Papyrus was picked. I... have a lot to say and this is gonna be super messy but, I hope you enjoy.
Every major battle in Undertale has its quirks and I think that Papyrus' is my favorite in that regard. You see... all the battles in a neutral run have an element of mystery that allows you to keep going without your actions having much consequences. Not even Alphys, who's been watching you throughout all of it can see that battle, because it happens in the middle of a foggy area. However the tone of the game changes instantly if you kill him. Snowdin town has a different atmosphere. Even people who never knew Papyrus feel something changed. Sans stops rooting for you and judges you deeply for it (and with good reason, we'll get there later!). Undyne is heartbroken, and at the start of her battle she can't even say he's dead. She knows him, the way he acts, how he treats people, and she can't even begin to understand just what YOU did to him. Let alone WHY. Papyrus, who thought of himself as someone lonely, who always did his best, leaves an incredible mark. If Toriel's alive, trying to rule again won't work because your actions have shown monsters once again that humans can't be trusted in any way.
And the thing is, all the hate you receive? It's completely deserved. Because Papyrus doesn't kill you. NEVER. He sends you to the shed. Yeah, it's not suitable for a human child, true. But we gotta take into account that no human has fallen in a very long time and what they know is very little. But he tries to make the experience fun, he makes puzzles that are fun. that have hints on them and that are completely fair. Sure, he's kinda brutal at times (colored tile, electricity maze, the gauntlet of deadly terror (idk if i spelt that right) but he would never do irrepairable damage on purpose.
In fact, he is good at keeping things in control: Papyrus doesn't let you kill him before stopping the battle. If you were a kid in Frisk's position it is understandable that you'd be scared and attack those who hurt you. Perhaps even kill a few enemies. Papyrus is battling you to stop you, mostly, but he doesn't put his soul into it. He knows the limits. So, if he sees risk..., either for yourself (by getting hurt until the last bit of HP), or himself (by attacking himseveral turns), he will spare you. He will offer to lay down his attacks and let you go. If you reject that. Can you say again that you're acting out of self defense? Can you say that you only kill to survive? I don't think so. So say, if you had a special power wouldn't it be your responsibility to do the right thing?" Yes? Then why'd you kill him?
And it doesn't stop at that. The thing with him is that he's the one that makes you feel welcome. Without this guy, Undyne wouldn't be your friend, let alone Alphys. He is a cohesive force and makes sure that not only Frisk is okay, but that they have someone to rely on. Even in the worst possible timeline, where he knows that everyone else is scared of you because of your actions, where he is AWARE of what you've done, he offers to help. He lets you make the choice not to go into battle, to change your path. To save you from a life of conflict and fear. Of course he's scared. But if it works...? Perhaps not only did he save people who would have become your victims but he saves YOU from ruining your life that way. It's not perfect. It doesn't take away the horrible things you did... but it is something. It is a choice YOU can make... so you better choose well.
Besides that? Man, I love the way he speaks aslkdjaskl It's pretty cool to see his odd patterns, which don't feel too odd most of the time, and can be quite illustrative to learn new words if you're not an english speaker heheheh. Also he's the type of person that one can vibe well easily, because he's smart and has a lot of ideas to share and that lifts your spirits!
I actually like the mystery behind his character. I like that it exists, that he kind of breaks rules all the time and it passes as just one of his quirks. But I also love that he's not just a backstory? So often I feel like characters are defined by their angst and past that you have to uncover like a mystery... that I feel like just getting someone that feels like a friend is super nice. There is no need to explain everything about him. He just is, and I think it's pretty great.
Of course don't let me stop you or anyone from theorizing. But it still feels nice to see someone being defined by their present actions rather than who they were in the past or what happened to them.
Ooooook i think that was most of it for now. If you got this far, thanks, if you didn't it's fine too. And if you wanna ask for another thing go ahead because i don't have enough words but i'm eager to share
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Love her... She wears a casa around town in Cuba to remind others to stay home and go out when only necessary, make as few trips as possible and combine all your needs into one trip out.
It says "I'm at home .... "
It also says to me... "Im as safe outside as I am inside my home" it remains not to be in terror of the pandemic. Be comfortable about what the COVID and dangers of racism is out and about. Shit is gonna hit the fan. Be comfortable with it. Its gonna happen and there's no stopping it.
Idk who she is or that she expects her messages to go that far but for me they do.
Cops nervous to go to work. Be as comfortable out as you are in. No one is in those police cars they burn. Take out your personal belongings, be prepared to leave your car if necessary to be burnt.
If you are police all you have to do is Surrender.
You. We.
Its about equality.
The message is: you expect us to surrender to you. So surrender to Me. Give me your name and number. Tell me that you will cooperate and care about me.
Tell me you won't plant drugs on me. Tell me i killed someone of another race that i didn't simply because of the color i am
Treat me fair and with equality to truth and justice.
That is all a police needs to do. Surrender the truth. You ask. You demand. You punish until you find the truth. Make sure it is truth.
Surrender. Feel as we feel. Feel as hundreds of thousands of millions black men near a nervous white woman. But give us just the truth and we will obey your demands 0f "step back" and "move back"
Outside. In the public street. It is our home. Civilians and professionals. Treat us as you would in your home. Because we are all in our home we all share when we are in public.
That is what this blessed Cuban Woman says to me.
The police merely need to surrender.
The Atlanta PD. I ordered the CIA to inflict terror upon you. Go outside and your police car is in flames. Feet from your unwet down house. I asked them, i told them i demanded. Go fuck them up. They want to tell the public they don't care? Tell them NO ONE CARES ABOUT THEM.
3 have been set on fire. And 17 have been stolen. They decided as a team. On their own. To protect the town's assets in Zone 5. And to steal the police cars. You're not using them you're not qualified. You're unwilling. So they stole them instead. They arent afraid. They will fuck you up and kick your fucking asses. But they respect the Mayor. They're not afraid of her. They aren't afraid of anyone. They know in 15 minutes I'll have them on their way to a private island that is protected by the fiercest military in the world And they will lay around in paradise and no one will ever touch them for legal abuse. But they do respect her.
So they will repair the damage done by hotwiring the police cars and make a key via a locksmith skill for the patrol cars. And they will wait for her to fill them with a qualified officer. Because they respect her. They love Her.
I didn't not love nor respect her But my anger was very very high. And i thought fuck them, I'll buy her whatever police fleets she wants. Cause i want them to suffer.
But they're all "Sabrina, we get you baby but we know something else that's just a bit better for you and we're gonna do that. Its gonna fuck them all up real good and send the message you're saying. But we're gonna be a little bit more chill."
That's love. That's family. They confiscated evidence of these police officers possible wrong doing. A federal judge could and would sign off on the "theft" of those police cars. But we escalated and bypassed.
According to Tree. There's only 5 willing to go back to work. But they're also arrogant fools that tree doesn't even like. But he said leave them be. Let them work.
Leave them be. Bees sting once then die
Leave them alone is another story.
I get it. It was a justified homocide. I feel the same. They talked for over 40 minutes then the cop said i think you're still wasted. Take a breathalyzer. He was still too drunk.
At the same time he was just saying he would just walk. His sister lived down the road. He lied about being lost so he could say mistaken identity. Because he was there to check out for his kidnapping.
Because he knew, the cop, he was a kidnapper -- he felt it unsafe to let him free in the streets.
Watch the video, the entire 40 plus minutes. You will see exactly why I do not allow my CIA to engage in verbal communication.
This is exactly why I tell them "just kill at the first moment you can"
I protect my men and women of "Enforced Protection"
Now add to the knowledge of who he is and look at his necklace. It's designed to look like an undercover police badge in a leather case "to protect it from scratches"
You're on the street. He's drunk and angry. He kidnapps you with chloroform and ties you up, bound and gagged. He's a big man. He can do 23 (it's been proven Bec he's done it) people off the street in less than an hour. Call a van for pick up.
It was a justified homocide.
So you're a cop. And you know this. And You refuse to go to work. You know who and what he was and why he wasn't allowed to be free in the streets.
Then you refuse to continue protecting innocent citizens.
That makes me mad. You're no better than Rayshard Brooks. You're fucking letting it happen. Id fucking punch you dead in the face. All 25 of you.
Why don't you just start going out and kidnapping yourself?!? Huh?!?! You ain't doing shit But letting it happen!!!!
Prove it is justified if you're so fucking angry you wanna quit. Fucking prove it was justified and help them two arrested by doing it yourself.
Prove the justice by killing those human traffickers you know are. Kill them all in your uniform.
Instead you decide to be a civilian and serve war from your couch. Except youre not. You're nothing but a COWARD.
Just sitting on the couch. You're too scared to stand up to the District Attorney or make a meeting with the Mayor. You cower and you hide and you become what you're supposed to protect zone 5 from.
Because you refuse to protect. Every single domestic violence act. Every fire. Every lost child. Every single crime. You put that shit in your heart not that you couldn't get there in time. Not that you couldn't protect them because lies. BUT THAT YOU YOURSELF DID IT. You put that in your heart the moment you called in sick.
You yourself did it. Because people will start doing more bull shit. Because they know THERE IS NO COPS IN ZONE 5. THE PURGE IS ON.
Every single mother fuckera calling in coward crybaby committed those crimes.
It wasn't encouragement. You're guilty because it occurred. Its all on you. Its all your fault.
Next girl slapped by her husband. Or raped by her brother. That's the fault of Zone 5. They did it. May as well pulled out their own dick and got the pleasure. Too.
Its not a gimmick. Its the truth.
When APD of Albuquerque, New Mexico walked out with wooden batons. They too did every bearing by a police officer in a riot. That is who i saw. That is who i know.
I was beat as a little girl. 5 years old. And 7. For going and asking for help. "Sir could you help me..." I never got to finish because i was beat down.
Left bloody in the streets. Even raped and no one did anything. The cops did both..
Im suing the City of Albuquerque in 6 different law suits. Including trauma i received when viewing a video of the APD in their riot gear with batons.
Not even protecting the statue!!!! But attacking innocent people in the streets while CRIMES AGIANST PUBLIC PROPERTY WITH VIOLENT STRENGTH was being committed feet away.
Personal trauma and suffering.
I still suffering.
I won't sue APD of Atlanta. Because I took away their police cars which will be returned to the city's mayor. She seems to have common sense and decency.
We already have plans for those two fired. To help them. Don't think I'm stupid because I get relaxed.
But the rest of that shit? You work for 911? 911 been calling. Over and over.
CIA does NOT ANSWER 911. That's not their job. We don't work for you. You dont call in sick and get paid to be a little bitch and order us around to do your job while you're being paid doing nothing and my CIA don't get money from the police. That's what APD expected.
Mi Casa. Su Casa. Treat it as it is.
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hollowfiedpirate · 11 years
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