#he wont get off shdshdh
sege-h · 5 months
Ok ive been on and off thinking about this for like 2 weeks and its p clear my thoughts on it wont get any more comprehensive on the matter, so here goes, sorry if it ends up being word salad
Lanolin and Storm come from similar-ish places in life and they probably could've been good friends in another life if not for the fact that Storm is. Storm. So instead I think he'd fall in the characters that irritate Lanolin
And I think that'd go doubly so if she actually Knew they came from similar circumstances.
That being that at some, or several points in their life, they felt helpless because of events beyond their control. And then they eventually worked on taking some control in their life, and in helping others. Because they never want to feel that helpless, but they also dont want anyone else to go through what they did or feel that helpless either.
But then there's Storm who seemingly runs into fights recklessly without any plans-- Thats what it looks like from the outside. I don't think she'd be able to comprehend like 'You KNOW what its like when things are out of control, YOU NEED A PLAN, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS WITHOUT A PLAN!!!'
But even without Lanolin having a peek at any of Storm's past, I think she'd be irritated by him SHDSHDH
For the same reasons-- he's seemingly going into fights with no plan or direction.
He seems so goddamn happy all the time. How can he be so happy and reckless, doesn't he know it's dangerous? She'd have had a few glimpses at him during the zombot virus-- she'd have seen a much different looking person. Stressed out, calculating, making plans, trying to help find a cure.
The person she saw then and the person she sees semi-regularly after seem like night and day. So it's extra baffling as to Why he's like this. He clearly knows how to be focused and how to plan ahead. So why isn't he? HOW didn't all that stress from the metal virus turn him jaded? Why the hell is he all happy and reckless and not taking things seriously after?
And why the hell is he up at 5 am grabbing a cup of coffee like she was about to do?
Storm for his part doesn't care if Lanolin finds him irritating. Plenty of people do, she can go to the back of the line. If anything he finds it hilarious- just like he always does- when people think he jumps into Situations with 0 plans. He'd find it even more hilarious if he knew she assumed that he's never felt helpless in his life, and that thats why hes like this
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sexysilverstrider · 7 years
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so apparently its yukines pillow now
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