#he would live with me on the isle of the phaeacians while i fulfill my pious duty guarding the palace as an eternally youthful golden statu
sabakos · 2 years
I think the age of majority should be 13, and children younger than that should still have more rights than teenagers do today. Parents should have less rights than grandparents have currently.
Oh, are you going to call me a pedo, or something? Nah fuck off, you can have your one stupid thing, literally it's fine, make everything other than the age of consent 13 and keep that at 18, I don't even care, that's not your goddamn trump card anymore.
But that whole "brain development" study that doesn't even fucking exist is nonsense folk wisdom that was never even measured empirically, the brain doesn't "stop developing" at 25, if you ever invoke that you just want to believe it so you can have your excuse to treat college kids like shit too.
all of the arguments against this are bad ones, on some level we all recognize that teenagers are kinda bad at being adults but that is what they are, it's disgusting that we would use their lack of experience as an excuse to ever treat them the same way we treat five year olds over the way we treat fifty year olds.
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