#he/shes the blaseball mike guy. inspired idea
burningcrab · 2 years
kisses prompt meme: tillsend + hushed conversation in-between kisses
38. hushed conversation in-between kisses
(warning for. slightly sad. mike has bad coping mechanisms)
Tillman wakes up to a knee in his ribs. 3:07, reads the clock in its dim green numbers. No, no, no, whimpers Mike as he thrashes again, jarring Tillman’s vision when a wayward forearm catches his jaw.
Hey. Hey, Mike, he whispers. Dude, wake up.
Mike’s eyes flash open, Shadows-dark, and Tillman tries not to let the chill that runs down his spine show on his face. He puts a hand on Mike’s chin. Breathe, girl.
His breaths come fast and quick, but soon the darkness gives way to scared — but normal — eyes. Mike grimaces, struck by a realization. Sorry, Tilly. Nightmare.
Wanna talk about it?
… no.
He kisses the bridge of Mike’s nose. ’Kay.
… actually, can I just— Mike doesn’t finish, just reaches for his phone, cranks down the brightness, and navigates something for a few seconds. Then she shows Tillman.
It’s his YouTube history. Most recent is a half-finished video titled… *Oh. Mike…* Tillman whispers.
I know! I know. Mike puts the phone away, but not before removing the All ILB Incinerations Seasons 2-11 compilation from her history. I just got to doomscrolling, and someone posted that under—
Tillman kisses him again, this one on the mouth to cut off the torrent of self-recriminations. I do it too. You see… mine?
Got too sick and turned it off. I don’t wanna lose you again.
Another kiss, on the neck this time. Tillman wraps his arms around Mike, then his legs, then tucks his head under Mike’s chin. Koala form achieved, he whispers right into Mike’s throat, Ain’t gonna.
You’re Returned. You’re gonna—
Come back again anyway. Kill me once, shame on you, kill me twice, not gonna kill me again.
Mike snickers and kisses him back. Love you too.
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