#he'd rather they don't tho. less possible trouble for him
yallemagne · 1 year
Elizabeth's letter... aehhhh.
The meaning is like one of two options. Not really, because for all I know, Shelley intended for us to see Victor and Elizabeth as a blissful and healthy relationship simply occurring at the wrong time. Or any other possibility. Why else would a later version of Frankenstein go with a less blood-related but not necessarily less incestuous setup for their pairing? To make it more palatable somehow.
That aside, I have two readings for Elizabeth's letter: she is trying to grant herself an out by seeing if Victor shares her familial feelings rather than having romantic inclinations towards her, or Papa Frankenstein forced her to write this letter so as to guilt Victor into making a decision (most likely the decision to marry).
The first one is self-explanatory. Even if she says she does love him and wants to be married if it is his choice, it feels like that is just a measure she's taken to not offend Victor if he does want to marry or if he, at the very least, takes solace in being desired by someone. Even if he doesn't want her, his ego could be wounded if she confessed to not wanting him either, which, we can't have that! She can't outright break off the engagement herself, but she can test the waters and hope that Victor sees her as a sister and that she can likewise find someone else as she assumes he may have.
The second is more convoluted, but holy shit her letter is verbatim what Alphonse said to Victor before. Either she's been given a script, Alphonse was originally voicing concerns that Elizabeth voiced to him (you'd think he'd mention tho), or Shelley didn't care to give Elizabeth concerns of her own and recycled Alphonse's. Even if Alphonse had mentioned his suspicion to Elizabeth without the intent to influence her to write this letter... it would have compelled her to address the issue herself. It's just strange they both have the exact same idea of "Victor might see Elizabeth as a sister AND he's probably hooked up with some other chick and is depressed to leave her". And both of them say "hey, it's absolutely fine if you don't want to get married to your cousin. it is sorta weird to haha. but it would make everyone really happy in this really troubling time if you just got married anyway".
I think that the most likely answer though is the most boring for Elizabeth's character. And that is that every word of the letter is genuine and from her. "I really want to marry you, cousin, but I'm totally chill if you've been cheating on me this whole time and wish to drop me for another woman with very little warning. I only exist to please you, after all."
No matter what Elizabeth's intent is, Victor seems to have made the decision to marry her merely to hasten the coming of his own death. Whether or not he does want to do well by her, he's using her as a tool for his own destruction.
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s2pdoktopus · 2 years
How it feels like being a Jiang disciple. Probably...
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Head Canon - Haitani Ran as your boyfriend:
Idek where all these ideas came from, I'm far from a Haitani stan, but I do think the common fanon representation of Ran is rather unfair to the character, considering all the canon stuff we found out from the official character book #3, so... here's my small contribution to fixing it. LOL
Fluff; Hetero relationship
☆ ‌It's no secret that he loves attention and being the center of it, and with his natural good looks and charm/charisma, he always attracts a lot of attention from girls, wherever he appears. That earned him a bad reputation of a playboy/womanizer, but it couldn't be further from the truth. He just enjoys the attention that comes with flirting, but he's only had like, two girlfriends (by the time he joined Tenjiku).
☆‌ Not the type to fall in love easily, or even to develop a crush! He's actually super picky when it comes to women, just like with everything else in life. But once someone has sparked his interest, he goes into the chasing mode, and god help his target, cause they WILL fall for him, no matter what!
☆ ‌But I'm not saying that he's pushy or annoying, or a creep that doesn't know when to back off. Noooo, he's just a sly, witty, little tactician, who will have you play yourself right into his trap! If he's locked on to you, there's no way out, but let's face it - why the hell would you even want out?!
☆ Once in a relationship, he gets comfortable with you easily, you have movie nights and nap dates at least twice a week (after all, he takes 'Netflix and chill' very seriously!), he lets you play with his beloved hair, even mess it up, LOVES lying in your lap, and will fall asleep in less than five minutes, especially if you stroke his hair.
☆ ‌If he's not answering his phone for a while, you know there's only three possible reasons: he's sleeping, in a middle of a fight, or at the hair salon. He will call/message you back right away when he sees the missed calls/receives messages, and most likely say something along the lines of: "Sorry babe, I was asleep". (Bonus points for his sleepy, morning voice! Sexiest thing ever!)
☆ ‌He's very chill and doesn't really do drama. He dislikes fighting with his SO, but when it does happen, even tho it's rare, he'll just go to sleep without talking to you for the rest of the evening. If you buy him a montblanc cake the next day, he'll forgive you whatever your wrong might have been! If he was the one who was wrong, he'll lose sleep thinking about it, and eventually message you a memoire of an apology at like 4 AM. Next time you see him, he'd take you to his favorite hair salon to make up for whatever he did.
☆‌ Not the jealous type at all. So much so, that it might even leave you wondering if he even loves you at all, but cheat on him, or do anything to seriously break his trust, and he'll simply break up with you. He dislikes jealous girls as well.‌
☆ He wants to appear intellectual, but is actually dumb, so he can be rather cringy. He focused on pretty much anything other than studying, so no wonder he keeps using all those "complicated" words wrong, or getting his facts wrong. And if he tries speaking English, lord help you not to laugh at his face! But if you teach him the right things, he'll highly appreciate it. Just don't make fun of him in front of others, that's your one way ticket to hell!
☆ ‌He's quite a sweetheart when he's genuinely close to someone (ask Rindou if you don't believe me). He'll always let you vent to him, hear you out, listen to your problems, no matrer how small or trivial, and he's an amazing listener. He'll always offer emotional and moral support, even if he appears to be teasing you, he's there for his SO when it matters. But he himself can be quite closed off, and not talk about his problems easily, at least not the real ones. He will bitch about a bad hair day, but not openly tell you what's troubling him for real. If you tell him it's ok to rely on others sometimes, he'll just take that as a green light to act like a spoiled kid for the rest of the day, and expect you to baby him.
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