#he'll say thank you to tami later
look-i-love-u · 2 years
Galladrabbles - Losing Side
The grindr-hook up boys are back! This is the 20th part of my grindr!AU and this week's @galladrabbles for Lily's @tsuga-of-mars prompt: ""May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."
You can read my story from the beginning: HERE
And since it's been two weeks, here's a small summary where they're at right now: Ian found out Mickey knew all along that he isn't BigGuy9, who Mickey originally wanted to hook up with. Even though Mickey doesn't seem to mind, they haven't been in contact again and Ian agreed to meet Tami's best friend for a blind date....
Mickey storms forward. Blazing eyes. Flushed cheeks. 
He looks stunning.
Ian watches Mickey walk past him, fingertip right in Tami’s face. Her eyes go a bit cross. 
“Did you know?”
Tami grins. Pushes Mickey’s finger away. “I knew the second you told me about your ginger BigGuy9.” She winks at Ian.
“What? How?” Mickey stares at Ian who shrugs.
“No one in that house locks the bathroom door, Milkovich.” Tami shrugs. “Now gimme a hug and say ‘thank you’.”
Mickey huffs. “You’re losing this argument, Tamietti.” 
He whirls around and looks at Ian. “Wanna get out of here or what?”
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librarygf · 4 years
10:33 PM CST - Ian gets woken up by the ring of his phone, he grumpily talks to his older brother who, unapologetically, apologizes for waking him and asks if he could drop Freddie off for a few hours so he can get some painting done. Ian confirms he can and gets up to pull some sweatpants on. Some time while he was on the phone, Mickey had pulled the blanket up and over him so Ian plops back down next to him and pulls down the cover to find disheveled hair and tired blue eyes glaring at him. Ian leans in, Mickey automatically tilting his head so they can meet in a kiss. Ian tells him that they're on babysitting duty. Mickey groans and rolls away and over on to his belly and says he'll be down in a bit. Ian rolls his eyes but heads down to meet Lip. 
By the time Mickey comes downstairs Ian has gotten out pots and is sitting on the floor encouraging Freddie to hit them. Mickey stands in the kitchen, waiting for coffee, and fondly watches his husband being cute and banging on pots with their nephew. Ian jumps a little when Mickey suddenly ask if he wants any coffee, Ian answers by flipping him off and getting up to make his way to the kitchen.
They stand where they can watch Freddie, drink their coffee, and discuss their trip to the post office to drop off some bills. Mickey goes to get changed while Ian gets Freddie in his stroller, and then they switch and Ian gets dressed while Mickey gets the bills enveloped up. They walk to the post office and on the walk home they pick up some Chinese to eat for dinner later. Ian puts Freddie down for his nap. They're hanging out in the kitchen when Lip and Tami come in. They all move to the living room once Freddie is awake and sitting with Ian on the couch. 
In bed, Ian caresses Mickey's cheek as they share some sweet and slow kisses. Ian tells Mickey he's a good uncle, not as good as me but maybe second place. Second place, huh? Mickey ask. Mhm being married to their favorite uncle helps. Ian teases. Mickey rolls his eyes and says, You may be Flinstones favortite but pretty sure I'm Franny's. Ian pokes Mickey's stomach and responds, That's because you bribed her.  Mickey shrugs with a grin, You just aren't as cool as me, Gallagher. Ian buries his laugh in Mickey's neck and then presses some warm kisses there. They'll eventually settle down enough for sleep. 
nooo ian and fred!! 🥺🥺 i just know that they’re best friends and that freddie loves him, i just know it! i bet ian baby babbles literally all day when he’s on babysitting duty, just like he did with yev, telling him about the food he’s making, and the song playing on the radio, and about how his uncle mickey is a bit of an asshole for shocking him, yes he is, but also very sweet bc he made coffee so thank you, can you say thank you yet? no? which makes mickey roll his eyes but also smile fondly to himself bc fuck it, his husband’s kinda cute 
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