#he'll try to stop Neal from being impulsive and chaotic but knows when to soften up a bit
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
… Saw someone say Peter got played into stealing the security footage, and… I just don’t think so. Between Neal’s little kid ‘you stole that for me???’ and Peter’s exasperated reaction, I don’t think Neal was with it enough for an actual full play (boy couldn’t even walk) and even if it was, Peter saw through it and decided to go along. Like Neal totally meant it and there is affection there (the one and only time Peter pats Neal’s hair, my beloved), but the rest of his reaction is more ‘fine, if you want it that bad’ to me. One thing that’s consistent through the show is that Peter does not easily fall for Neal’s plays—as a consequence he’s over suspicious, but he’s not easy to play. Yes, it’s out of affection for the adorable dumbass who got himself into this, but I refuse think of it as a ‘play,’ esp after the ‘sympathy card’ conversation in the previous ep. If anything, I feel like his thought process was more ‘there’s a fifty percent chance he’s quilt tripping me but ugh fine you big baby.’
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