#he's alive and well and he'll be getting a new employee soon. probably
cherrydreamer · 2 years
It starts with a microwave.
Susan's microwave.
Susan's fancy-ass fucking brand new microwave that Neil had so smugly given her as a birthday gift only yesterday. The one that he'd then gone on to give a whole damn speech about, making sure the whole family- especially Billy- knew just how expensive it was, how it was a 'top of the line' product and should be treated as such, how they needed to make sure it was always wiped out after every single use and how they best not do anything dumb, like trying to reheat chicken on the soup setting. 
That microwave.
The one that Max had, of course, somehow managed to break, her stupid, clumsy hands jabbing at the buttons until one of them stuck down and the timer went all weird and the fucking thing wouldn't stop beeping until Billy wrenched the plug out of the socket.
That fucking microwave.
And Billy knows that he's getting the blame. Because that's how it works. Because, even though it's not his fault, Billy is the one who's gonna get it in the neck for this, even though he'd told Max, he'd fucking told her, that if she just waited five goddamn minutes for him to finish his workout, then he'd sort out some dinner for both of them. But she just couldn't. She just had to rush on in and break it and ruin his whole fucking night and-
It doesn't matter.
Billy reminds himself of that fact. It doesn't matter how it happened because it's happened. Neil and Susan went out for their special fancy meal and Billy didn't watch Max closely enough and Max broke Susan's brand new microwave and, as soon as he finds out, Neil is going to break Billy.
It's fucked.
Everything is fucked.
Billy, most of all, is fucked.
Except. Maybe he isn't.
Because when the disorientation of the initial panic starts to ebb, giving way to an all too familiar clench of cold fear, Billy is suddenly granted an idea. A slight glimmer of hope. And he knows he can't afford to replace the thing, but maybe a repair could be manageable. Doable. It'll probably wipe out all his savings, the wad of cash he keeps under the seat of the Camaro and that he's pinned a whole load of his future hopes on, but hey, if Neil comes back and finds out what Billy's done, then his chance of a decent future is looking mighty slim as it is.
So Billy has a plan. Sort of. He heaves the microwave into his arms and hauls it out of the kitchen, yelling back at Max to grab the trailing cord clattering along the counter, and he manages not to drop it the whole way down the steps and then he's placing it into the passenger seat of the Camaro, taking more care of it than any actual passenger he's ever had, and then, with Max in the back, he high tails it all the way to the Hawkins' high street, screeching to a stop right outside of Radio Shack.
And it's closed. Of course it's closed. The real, definite, 'sign flipped and shutters down' kind of closed. Of course it is.
Because that's the kind of night Billy's having. And, ok, maybe he loses it a little and aims a frustrated kick against the door and maybe he pounds against the shutters and yells a few obscenities at the well locked door for good measure.
But hey, who can blame him?
And he's just about to turn around, head back to the Camaro and either drive home to face his fears, or just carry on driving right outta Hawkins, just him and Max and a kidnapped microwave that he might manage to hawk for gas money. He hasn't decided yet.
But for once, someone's looking out for Billy. Because, despite the store being closed, there's a sudden flown of a light flicking on behind the shutters, and then the door is opening and the chubby face of Bob Newby is right there, peering out at them with a bemused expression,
"Now guys, I know we've just got the new Flavoradio in but you kids really don't have to go beating down the door to get it, they'll all still be there tomorrow."
But Billy's already back at the Camaro, lugging the microwave out, raising a surprised sounding chuckle from Bob and an amused retort, "Careful there, sport, that looks like a weighty one." And then Bob's off, chatting away like he and Billy are old friends. Like Billy actually gives a shit about the crap he's rambling on about, "That how you get those muscles, huh, lifting appliances? Cause, that'll do it. Some of the guys in our warehouse? Arms like Schwarzenegger. Not quite the same for us store guys though-" he pauses, patting his gut and smiling, "Although I can't deny that the old brain cells do get a fair workout now and again."
Billy really doesn't have time for this, and, for all Bob's stupid jokes, the microwave is fucking heavy, one sharp corner of it digging right into the crook of his arm, so he's a little harsher than he means to be when he says, "Look, I really need this thing fixing. Tonight." But he quickly manages to tack on a, "Please?" when Bob's eyebrows start to raise.
"Well, now, Mister," Bob sucks his teeth, and tilts his head, "this is Radio Shack, and this thing sure as sugar isn't a radio. And technically, we're not even open."
Billy's heart starts to sink. Plummet, actually, aiming to land somewhere deep down to his feet, but then Bob's smiling again, "But hey, I won't tell if you don't."
And then he winks, ushering Billy and Max inside. He gestures for Billy to put the microwave down on the counter as he pulls a tiny, plastic case from out of his shirt pocket, opening it up and selecting a tiny screwdriver from a whole row of them, tapping the silvery end of it lightly against the microwave's control panel.
"And it just so happens-" Bob wiggles the screwdriver back and forth, tongue poking out from between his teeth as he concentrates on getting the angle just right, "-that I have some personal experience with this model. There's a bit of a design flaw with the, uh, the plastic edge here, right by the buttons, you see?" He taps the screwdriver on the place he means, smiling even more when Billy finally leans in to look, "Press it with a little bit too much force, and you might just find that it tends to jam right up, especially if someone touches it with sticky hands." Bob aims a knowing nod at where Max stands browsing over by the personal stereos, "But it's nothing that can't be fixed when you know how. In fact..."
Bob purses his lips, looking back down at the control panel and then up at Billy. He nods, seemingly to himself, and then he pulls the screwdriver away, holding it out, handle first, to Billy, "Why don't you do it?"
Billy shakes his head, "Nah, no way, I'll just fuck it up even more.
"No you won't," Bob sounds so certain of that fact, and Billy has no idea why, until he continues, "Because I'll help you. Teach you. So you do it and then if it happens again, well, you won't need to lug this thing all across town."
It's sensible, really, Billy thinks. Knowing Max, this is unlikely to be a one-time occurrence. And he can just imagine the look on Neil's face if Billy is the one to save the day. Hell, he thinks, his dad might even be proud of him. It'd be good, Billy thinks, really good.
So he takes the screwdriver. He listens to Bob's calm, measured instructions. He follows them. He listens a bit more. He pokes at the button. He jiggles it. He twists it. He nudges it.
It doesn't budge.
He nudges it again.
Nothing. If anything, it looks even flatter.
Billy throws the screwdriver down on the counter with a clatter, "I can't do it. I can't fucking-"
"You can, you've got it, look it's almost there," Bob's voice is patient. Reassuring. He picks the screwdriver back up, pressing it into Billy's hand again, "just tilt it up at the edge, give it a little bit more of a tap, and see what happens."
Billy breathes in and out, deliberately slow. He focuses his gaze on the end of the screwdriver, right where it rests against the sunken, stuck in button.
He tilts it up. He gives it a tap. Then another, a bit harder. And then one more, for luck.
This time, there's a click. It's the tiniest sound but it echoes in Billy's ears, and the button springs up, flush and level with the others.
Billy knows that he's grinning, a big, dorky, ear to ear one that he just can't stifle, and he looks up to see a matching expression on Bob's face.
"There you go," Bob says, voice full of pride, "Couldn't have done it any better myself. Look at that, huh?' Bob taps an approving finger on the button, pushing it in and watching it spring right back out, just as it should, "Good as new."
Billy nods, holding the screwdriver out for Bob, but Bob just shakes his head, gently pushing it back into Billy's hand.
"Why don't you keep hold of it?" he smiles, "Just in case?"
And Billy doesn't trust himself to speak. Not right now, when the surge of relief flooding through his body has left him dizzy and emotional, and Bob's kindness is only making things worse. So he nods, taking the screwdriver and dropping it into the pocket of his gym shorts, and then he heaves the microwave back into his arms, declining Bob's offer to help him carry it.
It's only when Billy's got the microwave and Max packed safely back into the Camaro that his brain catches up with him, and he grabs the bundle of cash from the gap underneath the seat, growling out a, "You didn't see anything, OK?" at Max's little gasp of surprise, and then he's heading back into the store.
He still can't quite meet Bob's eyes, especially when that dumb, bright, proud fucking smile is still on his face. So instead Billy looks down at the bulge of the case in Bob's top pocket as he rasps out a, "Thanks. For helping. And, uh, for the screwdriver. I, uh, I don't know how much-" he holds out the money, "But I'll get more. I promise. I don't have a job yet but I can-"
But Bob's shaking his head. Still smiling, he gently pushes the money back towards Billy.
"Don't be silly, you did all the work. At a push I could take a dollar for the loan of the tools but, uh, hey, I've got a better idea."
He reaches under the counter, pulling out a sheet of paper which he hands over to Billy.
It's an application form.
"We're pretty busy at the weekends," Bob explains as Billy tries to take it all in, "Gary and Lou handle most of the customers, but I could really do with a hand in the back. Repairs and such."
Bob must see the confusion on Billy's face, because he lets out a little chuckle, "I know, I get it. It's not the jazziest of jobs and I can't say the uniform is especially flattering-" he plucks at the collar of his shirt with a grimace "-but, hey, no one minds if we have the radio on back there, so that's a perk, and I'll teach you all you need to know, you've already proved you're more than capable of it. And I gotta tell you, there's a lot to be said for the job satisfaction." For once in their entire conversation, Bob starts to sound serious, "Just picture it, that whole experience of getting something that looks totally broken, all those pieces in a pile on the workbench, and, to start with, you might not know where anything goes or what all the parts are, even, but you know that if you try, if you figure out what all those pieces do and understand why they broke, well then, all you need is a little time and effort and you'll be able to put it all back together again. And, honestly, you can't beat that feeling, sport, you really can't."
It's a lot. Bob almost seems breathless by the end of his little speech, and Billy averts his eyes, staring down at the form in his hands until the words start to blur.
"There's no pressure, of course," Bob says, resting a gentle hand on Billy's shoulder, just for a moment, "But just think about it."
And Billy does.
He thinks about it a whole lot.
(So much credit for this one goes to @ihni and her wonderful Billy and Bob bonding headcanons. We pretty much came up with this whole thing during one of our many chats, and I've definitely borrowed a few of her ideas, I'm just the one who got round to writing it down first!)
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Threatening me will not get you stuff Corky will not get you a dime or a penny and you do it overly but you don't know is you had a ton of stuff and you had all sorts of things you weren't getting it from threatening me now that's all you people do and you're losing everything and getting down to some small numbers
Zues Hera
By tomorrow at this rate and not counting the checks in the FedEx and all this you'll have about 50,000 trillion people left and that's it add in this letter and check stuff and you probably have 25,000 trillion or lessby tomorrow
And it's beginning people are clearing you out from in front of the FedEx building physically removing you and something went to trucks to throw you on they don't even bother handcuffing you they're just toss you up there. Employees it making people mad think about two trillion people and trucks and trucks off already in Tampa it's amazing huge pretty serious give me like five trillion and 10 hey Max's it's going to be a lot more than that pretty soon it's going on all over Florida and his checks are going out from courts all over the world actually most of the United States so get ready to say goodbye to Corgi Max's says so he's asking his lawyer to sue Corky for blocking the money and his group so cookie dies he'll get ready and we accept the reporting buy toll and got his wife to request the soonest group for what he's doing to him and for them blocking stuff that's his and have them paiy for it. There's a huge humid outcry to stop Corky and it's abuse as I've seen him do this to a lot of people some people go hungry literally and have to escape or hurt people or steal stuff this guy is a menace he's doing it it's so huge he's going to ruined himself
Right now globally at courthouses USPS FedEx buildings UPS DHL and all matters of transport because they're doing a whole bunch of different ways totally there's probably 25 trillion Corky's females too and each location and today there's only 500 locations that is a lot 500 * 25 is almost 13,000 trillion it's a big chunk of what's left and about half of them have cleared out already they're going to die they don't keep them alive it's too many people to feed I don't know what they do with them yes we do the macks are clear about now. They burn them alive so Chris Miles and says hardly lead to Mac thank you check I mean thank you back I'm sorry I realized the check is in the mail... Mac says back don't sweat it okay...
That's what a stupid stuff that comes out of our son but trying to relax.
His wife's watching and is listening interestingly enough and says I don't think the phone is trying to block that as much as they say it's not they're not getting out there at all they don't even watching him that much they want them dead because they've seen him blocking their checks too and blocking their things and their food and all sorts of stuff they're horrible horrible monsters is assholes and my husband she says further is requesting that more checks get released in more cases solved so it spreads it out and the more like I'll have more to chase after and get rid of them finally you have some contests to go to the hole too especially like Okeechobee so I'm set up and Miami we're going to give away brand new cars All American cars here in America and SUVs time is favorite the the ford expedition and he's going down there to see if it's there and we got him on the spinning platforms and we got some guy going you could win a brand new car she's hiring a day and we hired him too the guy from the ad was Shaq in it... He's a warlock and says it's kind of a gig and he's saying it now he's on the speakers and their cars and trucks and bikes and All American vehicles and looks very real I was contest and they're going to have a John Henry and we're using their robots and ask Mac earlier and he said okay said well they're going after the letters all of them his eyes were open they said all of what all of them warlock I'm going after all of the letters checks that is. The a****** stands outside just out of you smoking I'm still going to penalize them for it and rip them out of there tonight shortly I'm filing charges Hera says and then mack.
Huge crowds of warlock I'm going down the street in punta Gorda and the max are at it now they see them is they were coming to get him he's ours to hang my husband says f*** you Corky you're dead meat I can't hang me for winning lawsuits against Max you f****** idiots you're a f****** false prophet and you're a liar and you're a piece of s*** for your own people and for the more you and anybody else following you is dead and fired and a bunch of dumbasses their responses to flip you off some of them lots of them were telling off the ones who are leading them say what are we saying he's suing Max he's winning he's getting money and was saying he's evil who the hell are we but idiots you serious I'm warlock but really people are in his face doing stuff to them all the time like they are us it's hardly fair and it's highly right half the crime is turned back so just saving your lives you're doing the right thing whoever these ones are are an embarrassment and they're a threat they're going all over the world to intercept checks that I deserve I've done tons of work and a lot of it is not for the dod it's huge numbers of inventions nobody ever paid me because I'm a nobody and nothing and really the motive for them paying me the money is evil so what the f*** are you doing so they listen and they're saying this if it's evil we're here to stop it it's going to attractive doing nothing this is going to attract foreigners because you're not doing anything and you're getting killed anyways so they started laughing saying well we're protesting you getting stuff I said I'm trapped here I could actually leave and go somewhere I'm not trapped who the f*** are you to do this to me quirky if it is quirky sounds like dan.. tons of people want to know who's still advancing say go to him and they checking and they get an ID they figured out something you're this dan guy and they're seeing it all over the world, out of all the warlock who are the FedEx places USPS and other places most of them are dan, summer half court and Corky's figuring out something you're misleading this year you're that a****** who's trying to blow himself up in ancient parent it's not even us in here screaming bellowing idiot but he's saying is you got to let it ride and foreigners will come in here because they'll see them sending money and so Dan and his crowd let out this huge yell we don't care he's going down and Trump has had it with him too said f*** you you loser you're everybody's face this is going to work to our advantage I'm putting through some of the other lawsuits, and my husband's not surprised because Trump is seeing plenty of but this idiot does and it's really if there's any place in water can flow the assholes going there and evaporating it's a total jerk he's a low level low life scumbag criminal who goes around collecting off the fringes and now he wants everything it's terrible so between the time and was talking about this crowd and Corky realizing he's wrong he's wrong to follow Dan about 50,000 lawsuits are being looked at and out of those about a thousand awarded and they're sitting checks all over the world by the way but about 900 of them are in the United States dan no what the hell. Is requesting the people check the neighborhood out to see how many Dan's are here they're coming here looking they're looking at their data outside it's horrifying the moron is all over the place.
Cork is good afternoon and he saw him the other day at Walmart so these people were trash to us well it's time to eat their viddles up. It's okay said there's Stone chips people in their s*** his yard sale at the end of the day it'll make any more money they're giving the stuff out. Corgi got it so he had to find five bucks he knows what it means.
There's a huge difference between CAA and Dan Dan is not worth anything caa worth something
I'm worried I'll be out of control with money no it's been pissing the windows with money this sucks nobody believes us shouldn't have money cuz he can leave and he can go north Dan says
What we say is that if he gets money which it looks like he's going to we're going to infiltrate which we are and the max are trying to get it to him more because we say we're going to do that what you're saying Dan is you don't want him to have anything at all ever and you and Trump want to kidnap him to be the starman it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard that you keep on doing it and doing it and the more time goes by the more aggressive you become no he doesn't know about your dream 100% or what you're up to it doesn't like you and you're sitting there insisting that he does stuff and he can't figure out what the hell to do about you or what to do near you except to tell you to f*** off everybody hates you now you're like this retard who's actually a lot dumber than your brethren and your insisting people do things to your goal without you hinting or telling anyone what it is he doesn't know what to do to get out of trouble it's furthermore you won't let him and that's why your brand of Justice is what you're running around saying so we're going to crucify you where we are we're going to get rid of you you are the most vulgar person I've ever seen we were some bja and he was pretty bad and Trump you're obscene you probably don't even have any ships left they said they were destroyed and you keep on blabbing like you do and what else our boy here my son says is that you're saying you have them and you're going after Trump for them because you lost yours you're saying his hips are yours are you that kind of a weird guy too you say stuff to yours you don't even have it you haven't taken it yet or made it or bought it like you did over at the ATV vehicle place and yeah they put some new ones out there you're such a loser it's not even funny Wie says
I want my house back and my money and my things and my people and my armies I should play you backwards Dan you're like a southern song
Vladimir Putin
Dan you're so sick you got to go but I see you volunteered to go nobody there might not be a ton of people that want him to get big fat checks but nobody wants all their stuff interrupted by you we're down there doing it because we know about it but there's a ton of people get out of the way of our mail. Kevin Costner's guys are already isn't there it is the litness test. You copied your dad's silent plan and turn it into this rant. It was kind of simple sometimes that's kind of funny funny dan no no... Hahaha this is great cuz I can jump sometime look at this guy dan he's so Swift isn't that anywhere but he's got rid of most everybody's stuff. We're researching now because he said as the test he's failed completely and we're looking what he was doing in the past and we see him as the biker in the hospital possibly and he's trying to think of 93 was Karie McLeod. Hera right know cut right through it all. She says that he was around but she couldn't put a total beat on when he was doing I didn't seem like he was this massive prevalent for us at all and there he was in the hospital the other ones are there too but he's portraying of Vietnam vet who supposedly upset at him it's a little weird and way off color his further things later down the road it's almost like he started picking up on it but my husband says there's a definite cause and if Trump was playing Campbell and that guy's with him usually in other words I wonder who this pair was he says. So we're looking into it because they're so nasty it's not even funny I went together it's a terrifying nightmare and that's what we went through no it was bja and that was horrible horrible enough I wonder what Dan was doing the whole time come to think of it most of his guys were the ones that stormed the White House and we're doing so in the vp's name and Trump's name kind of like a coup like if you're a dictator you used to doing what's wrong like is this huge head honcho. My guys are fooling me data and it's technical and it's from the past and we got to tampering some friends from all sorts of things that Hitler was touching and turns out to be dan. It's like 90% of the time according to some reports William sent went in and he says it's like 50% of the time but it's doing this horrible things to people and he tainted everyone's image and that's what he was doing. Now these guys are gathering in mass in cities don't have to these checks like it's theirs like they have a right to we're telling them to disperse so they'll be fired upon and they're saying no I didn't say that he quickly and easily got Corgi pile of a pile possibly maybe Clark you should take a look at it that court go down there and blast this stupid mother f*****. The Corky has data and he's looking at it and Mc is let him go in in a column. Is letting loose and Trump's doing it too he's sitting next door blocking checks and he's trying to make sure the mail is blocked says he'll pull it on himself and we're grabbing them cuz they're in the crowd as well it is these two palms and Corky was told by our boy here with a with a plea please what are you doing that's stupid and he listened and it was his wife who saved him they both ran out of there he says thank you for listening and at least dad had some effect on you and mack about being human it's going to go a long way. And it says all the way back to fight the Russians now it's funny so the guy is dan is still at it.
Mac Daddy
It's awesome because they're the two problems and everyone's lives and people thought it was bja here's a problem and he's a real pain but holy cow this guy is so unproductive does not do anything for anybody and when he's in the shop with Trump he's sitting there trying to do his bike and got out of doing anything because Trump came by and Trump was really upset about it he said he's nothing is worse than me by far and Trump has sucked into doing that stupid s*** then he went ahead and built that huge fleet and he got away with it in front of Max and all sorts of stuff now it's turned into dog s*** because of his son so I was wondering what the hell's going on with that and he won't stop doing it since you're going to have to go nuts on him because he had you go nuts on Corky when it was him probably provoking you to do so to take over your fleet.
He got it earlier I figured it out now it's left the crowd so I can interfere with the mail leaving a little black guy delivered today it's probably why he was up in the arms it's a little bit racist like most Max it's probably true maxes he's talking now it's awesome God you know.
Those solves the problem you'll sit there next door doing the stuff you can see Dan having you do it and he's an idiot everyone's going after him he's been doing all the stuff to everybody the simple piece of s*** had to go a long time ago and see what he has send that to him in the laundry room so you can't break me or a p**** you stand there looking at me if that retard facing mine so he started getting killed in sopranos and he's gotten killed like 10 times completely too was flattened by Jason Jason got shot and it was Trump and Son no it was too dans. We ran the test and he's the only one left and then we're looking for Russians and we can see them in the monitoring Dan. And oh yeah they're having him do it and dad is looking at the windows and then see them and they see what they're holding and they're going in after them
It's a real party now
Any other phone is going to take the place of Dan and we went through 20 years of hell with you you prick and you didn't even look cuz you're so goddamn stupid I bought here says well you got me some stuff but seriously there he's going to crack cocaine when it gets you into a fleet and you know you single-handedly ruined Trump and he can't stop the max possibly because you're too small both of you from them taking the fleet over believe it or not it's a huge problem with me that you started because you weren't doing your job as some sort of MC spy against foreigners instead you went against me if it's sacrilege
So Dennis straightening out and say it didn't go against you I went against what you're saying I know you don't care at all it'll probably going to be toasted what we're saying was right and you shouldn't have you say it out loud and we didn't do our work it's true and probably lose our fleet because of me and that's probably true that's because of foreigners so we're losing to them and Mac is going to have to do it for Christ sake Williams Max 2 and it's my fault and I'll see what you're saying she's in the way of it and I'm a loser and now I have to do something different if have become come useless. Dan says any sees the Russians are influencing him to lose the fleet and to be a huge nuisance to me and a huge nuisance to our boy and expose their position every day by saying it and thrusting it out there and leaning forward it's what boy says Trump says what can I do to you too constantly you don't even understand what's going on. So you starting to get it it's like a three-way but the fours will attack us no matter what please fit at you and at you so let me hell
They're both going down now the Russians are going after them the Russians are having them go out there and block the mail it doesn't make any sense it really doesn't so looking into it because it doesn't make sense the Russians had you flow out there to stop one parcel that's not how they've been doing it then all of a sudden they're getting really mad, Russians probably take the place in the post office and Trump I think you're wrong this damn guy is a problem for you I just explained it so I know you explained it and that's what he's doing and he's a fool I'm going after him had to go after Corky and Corky and his massive Army he's doing it to me the idiot thinks that that fleet is the only thing he has to have it's a poor boy
And what we say is that our son is Right Dan is a poor boy and he's using our son doesn't even know what he's using and he's trying to use his manipulation and yes he has been putting him in the mental hospital for years he's ruined them Mandalay is really pissed off he he ruined that man he ruined a whole bunch of people and stuck him in there and that is The wanted felon he's wanted globally and tons of people are after him seeking on real warrants all these people that got sued are looking at the case to see what his involvement was and they can sue him and what we could do by till and got his wife say and say you were leaving to find you paid the fine and it was found that this person was forcing you to do it with a criminal action though you still did the civil infraction it was under duress and they can release a statement that we still had the civil matter because it still did occur and the judge says that we're not to release that so we won't hands out the judge says it because then you might have to give the money back and sue Dan has been taking the money we have to wait again. Says we can issue it properly and show what their role is and was so the cleanse them get decimated because there's moron and because of her son they said that's reasonable and the more I can be a sacrifice like his plan to be but just become a real one even back Daddy was massively abused by him Dan the Man and that's who he is too in the low desert the idiot who is sitting on his house or even assume for that I'm going to use Ernesto as a witness because he also killed his dad and took over the grocery store chain his dad was found later and revived and so Jason went after him and now Cork is talking to Jason. And they're not talking to Trump because he was using Dan as interference and was the doctor it's kind of now between the everybody in those two idiots
Thor Freya
I'm laughing cuz I knew about him and started attacking him too at UMass Amherst he's just sitting here blabbing and screaming and you're laughing you're saying all the stuff about you and yes his roommate so anyway to get him to stop screaming that stuff said no because you should probably leave because yeah probably so you never went in there again Dan was pissed off but everybody beat him up
I'm starting to hear something too this is so disturbing next door there's going to be something to it the guy dance here all the time as a cop we have to stop him and the neighborhood is now up in arms and they're pulling them out because they see what he's doing globally we have 500 trillion dans and each letter, is a huge number of them at each location all together it's about 50,000 trillion and Dan has a whole bunch of them left because he has cloning he's got about 450,000 trillion people and everyone's going right to their clothing and detonating it and he's starting to see something's together got all the Mac plans together and they're going after him diseases idiot who probably had all this stuff happen so he can easily steal it and hasn't done anything and they're fighting in this notes in this house and everything
I relived it okay you're fine it's terrible it's a lot of stress makes it kind of float around a little I think it's more dangerous for me Dan does and others Trump is what a guy
I relieved but I feel bad this is a horrible place to be he's being torsion and bothered by them all the time I'm helping him he says no matter what I'm doing this so nasty this idiots Dan the Man not f****** a****** send it to him in Mexico exactly just leave you here it doesn't look there and said I could just kill you here where's the look there and said I could just kill you here and leave you here keep driving you idiot so he did I said well you know attempted homicide in Mexico in tilton homicide in Port Charlotte so we'll play some charges on him Bitol and goddess wife state and yes we're going through Max channels and proper channels is one of the stick to the a-hole he's such a huge freaking a****** tell me Allen is next but boy he got influenced by this piece of s*** make a museum stick it out there cuz Tommy Allen's too big
Thor Freya
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