#he's betrothed to juliet from when they're younger because ursula wants to ensure that juliet has a better marriage than she had
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So to catch y'all up. I had always said that I would never allow Ursula to have a love interest of her own because she does love Barry and he, in some backwards way- loves her too, but as of recently I've been thinking of Ursula kinda... nonstop? I mean, my mind is always on coma and it's what I think of constantly but when I'm not thinking of them my mind has been wandering to Ursula, alone, in her manor, trying to save face... and well for one reason or another I suddenly started thinking about Tobias? Of all people?
And originally my thought process was that Ursula would never stoop to Barry's level and have an affair because 1. they most definitely have a prenup and 2. despite everything she does love him and wants to hold onto the idea that maybe one day he will come around and love her back.. But then, well I might as well just tell you- there is a huge plotline that happens concerning Juliet and finally Barry grants Ursula the divorce she's been yearning for but.. I was thinking that while she might not have a physical affair... an emotional one... I can definitely do an emotional affair..
And... thus... Tobias presented himself. So... they'll meet maybe when Jet is 1 or 2, possibly at some League event, maybe not.. but they'll definitely be introduced by Paul.. And it'll just slowly grow over the years.. There's just.. mutual pining, staring at each other across halls, refusal to stop addressing each other formally, looking for each other in crowded places, hands brushing occasionally. Him being her confidant.. her rock.. Him being a father figure to her children when he gets the opportunity to be.. Him loving her for her...
Tobias also will have a son of his own, older than Jet but I have yet to know anything about him!! Yet! And I am considering them having a child together once they're able to get married, to solidify the marriage but Ursula has already had 3 terrible pregnancies and I'm not sure if I'll be okay with doing that to her again..
So yeah!! Ursula and Tobias.. :3c
also their current theme in my head is romy - sleep walking animals
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