#he's not even my guy but he rlly went all out for this ending fairy... and for what? to NOT be gifed on tumblr dot com for like five notes?
lunetual · 1 year
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noriaki-kak · 10 months
Ahhh ok I’m excited. Can I ask what your inspirations for Penelope and Leo were?
Ooh! They're some of my older ocs so this might get a little long but lemme see what I can put together.
Leo was one of the first characters I came up with in this whole extended world thing I've got going on. Funny enough this entire thing started as non-serious kinda jokey "I should come up with a dating sim concept and create all the different characters you could date." Leo predates my other characters even further by being a character in one of my earlier concept groups before I scrapped that, took him, and decided on a whole dating sim around the concept of dating demons in hell lol.
It's funny to think back on bc it rlly all did start as something not that serious. I was thinking about different dating sim archetypal character traits with the five characters I was creating, and when I got to Leo I pulled from various tropes.
He was the goofy jokey himbo type, kinda stupid but also more down to earth. But then it’d be a twist where, despite seeming straight forward, you'd get into his tragic sad backstory and a deeper side of his character would be revealed.
To be completely honest, while not the only inspiration or example, at the time mystic messenger was still mildly relevant in the dating sim world. So, while they couldn't be MORE different, 707 kind of was what made me want to go for creating a "Funny silly guy who's actually got some sad stuff going on." character sdfghj.
He was made to be a foppish Prince Charming that was cursed to become a demon. His backstory was supposed to be storybook fairytale stuff, resulting in a beauty and the beast sort of situation. It was tragic but not as fleshed out.
It stayed that way for a while but eventually when I started getting more serious and sharing this stuff with Thea, I began to go through and develop a lot of my different characters backstories. Lightly moving away from the dating sim elements to expand the broader world.
This is where Penelope would come in (and not long after Giselle and Caspian would follow hehe @dapper-comedy) I ended up really ironing out his story. I wanted to make Leo more sympathetic while still being at fault. Straying from prince charming to a more general, almost arthurian, hero prince type. Less arrogant, more well meaning, but still ultimately flawed in his desire to be an "ideal" prince.
Penelope on the other hand used to play a much smaller role in the story! Initially the story simply went that Leo was cursed by a witch as retribution for a wrong he committed, the curse stipulated that if his loved ones shunned his demonic form, then he’d stay a demon. And when he showed up as a demon, his fiancé rejected him.
But as I started going back, I thought it was a bit unfair to his fiancé that she existed more as a plot device for his initial story. So I went about giving her more complex motivations/wants and fears/etc and Penelope was born! She’s inspired by my wholly self indulgent desire to make female characters who are allowed to be awful and make horrible mistakes, while also being not entirely unjustified. (Penelope takes up so much brain real estate nowadays, it's almost surprising that I came up with Leo first sdfghj)
It feels pretentious to say but the groundwork being inspired by storybook fairy tales led the overall feeling to be inspired by classic tragedies. It all really came together when Caspian and Giselle came into the picture, leading to an overarching story of these four young friends not realizing the joy of their youth together until they slowly lose not just that youth, but each other.
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myfirstandlast · 2 years
I ended up putting a basic outfit together and spent like half the concert staring at the back of ppls heads lol but I had sm fun just being in the crowd and screaming along with everyone hehe also the girlies put on the performance of their lives as always and are even more gorgeous irl than ppl say they are 💞💞💞 how was the concert for you?
they are absolutely gorgeous!!! honestly sometimes when they were talking i’d just look at like their knees to try and see them as totally real 3d people in front of me i needed someone to pinch me LOL the crowd energy for ptt was exactly what i hoped for it was great
im gonna use ur q to give a sum-up of the stupidly lucky night & what happened to me and my partner because honestly so incredible and so baffling and we both had terrible horoscopes that day so just wow. a lot happened lmao so i was getting picked up and my friend had to pick someone else up and my friend’s car ac didn’t work in the atl traffic so it was a HOT drive and we ended up switching to the friend’s car just to make it in one piece so we were literally getting there at like 6:30? my partner was already there and in line and they kept telling me i’m moving up hurryyyy come quick so we were rushing down the line and once i found them they were LITERALLY a couple people before the metal detectors. they had ritz crackers for me cuz i had only eaten grapes in the car lmao so it was me in my fairy wings squeezing past the barricades and stuffing three crackers in my mouth before i had to throw them away because we were Right There it was very chaotic. security checked my purse and asked what was in my mini bag and when i said makeup he was like “you weren’t kidding” LMAO i just really like to be over-packed and over-prepared. anyways we tried buying drinks and they told us they couldn’t sell to us without a wristband so this led to an extended run-around of miscommunications with multiple staff members thinking we were trying to spend $80 to upgrade to vip upstairs and then nobody could find the girl with the wristbands and it was basically up until the very last moment that we got through with that thank god. we actually did have regular seats upstairs so we were rushing to those and it was so crowded and so close to starting i started getting rlly panicky cuz i couldn’t tell where our seats were but it seemed like someone else was in them?? but i was rlly embarrassed to squeeze through the whole section and be wrong cuz it was cramped so we went to ask a staff member and by the time we got back the chairs had mysteriously cleared so 🤭
ANYWAYS OMG IM SO SORRY ITS SO LONG ALREADY but we were at the very edge of the section so those long chains of hanging speakers were literally in our faces and i was a little disappointed cuz you could only see a few girls in the front line of choreo at most but we were still really close and i was excited to be there so it was all good. they did their intro and stuff we freaked and then star started and we FREAKED top ten english kpop releases on my life. one of my absolute faves so we were totally engrossed and then this security member like popped his head over the edge of the section wall as we were screaming and was like “are you two together” and i said yes and all he said was “come with me” nothing else so i was SCARED i started getting rlly anxious that they were gonna say we kicked someone else out of their seats or we were getting escorted out or they were gonna be like actually you guys aren’t 21 (we are) and drinking illegally so you’re done idk i was just scared cuz it was so soon to when the show started i thought something was wrong. we had to literally like climb down the rows and we were led around the entire section and through the whole middle section to go to the other side and this same guy who is explaining nothing to us was just like put your wrist out and he started putting these fabric wristbands on us and then he leaves?? so we’re left standing at the corner of this section so i turn to another staff member and im like what are these for? and as he’s about to answer someone motions to him and he points down the section and the guy is at the other end calling us over MIND YOU THEYRE PERFORMING STAR THIS WHOLE TIME I CANT EVEN PAY ATTENTION we’re like crouch running to not block anyone i was literally singing along while running trying to be in the moment and then he’s at a table????? like the actual closest table to the stage next to the railing and he has us sit down and he says something to me i actually have no idea what he said but i heard “for now” so??? are we temporarily here?? are they finding us new seats?? why did we move?? but now the entire view is different like y’all we were opposite our original seats but you could see EVERYTHING i didn’t even know there was screen behind them until then. the girls were sooooo close oh my god. so we were at this table for a while eventually another staff member even showed us the qr code menu on the table like you guys can order stuff you know and they’ll bring it to you!! we were like ok thank you!! ?? so does that mean we’re staying here?? spoiler alert we DID stay there the entire show i don’t know what FOR NOW was about but the only thing that changed was around halfway through they had another girl sit on the opposite side of us and if anyone was at the atl show she was literally the girl screeching when it was silent for olivia to marry her she was fr rude but she was younger so whatever ig. but that was our view for the rest of the show we got a ton of waves yves looked over a bunch we got some hearts my partner was fucking losing their mind lmao it was so so fun. i just rlly felt devastated for haseul her seat was immediately below us and she kept standing up from her chair to do little bits of choreo during the songs you could tell she wished she didn’t have to sit down :((( and my melody it was her on the stage along in her sling like how sad omg…… but she rlly did her best they made the most of an awful situation for them and i rlly appreciate it they were awesome soooo in love
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zhuhongs · 3 years
Since rewatching the guardian drama after reading the novel has made me mad about how bad and good both of them are I am Obligated to write out a list of what I think the perfect merger btw both versions of canon are. This will be in list format otherwise I’ll end up writing like 6k words again. 
TLDR: the genre stays as supernatural from the novel and not Sci fi, bc that was rlly not fleshed out well. Shen Wei is a ghost king, and all the dixingren are ghosts or demons like originally intended. The ghost race naturally exists and wasn't born from kunluns shoulder fire or anything. They just exist separate from humans. Not all ghosts are former humans, some people are just born as ghosts, like Shen Wei. Zhao Yunlan has the guardian whip and all the cool stuff that comes with the Guardian order.  Overall, i’d keep the novel’s plot and relationship progression and ending without the backstory. Instead the backstory is a merger of both canons. From the drama I’d keep the characterization and themes as well as like half the extra cases and omit the other half. 
I’ll be elaborating much further on my ideal backstory and other stuff under the cut bc the rest is 1.5k and I don’t wanna clog the dash 
Okay SO In my ideal backstory there are two timelines just like the drama but the mythology of the book. The god Kunlun is actually zyl that went back in time and became a god. But the one that went back isn’t the current Zhao Yunlan. There has to be an original timeline where the god Kunlun never existed. Thus the great seal nor the separation of the three realms don’t exist either. Zhao Yunlan must go back in time to become a god, meet Shen Wei in the past, and create the current timeline where the separation exists but isn’t perfect. The current timeline is the one that the majority of the series takes place in.
In the original timeline, Zhao Yunlan is just some dude living in a world where ghosts, fairies, and all other beings just live in a giant free for all and it's kinda just a mess. 
Like there’s government in modern context and all and all races live with each other but there's constant tension. ZYL works at some equivalent of the SID (same staff and side characters, but novel vers. Lin Jing is a monk, CSZ a zombie, etc) to protect people and all that and their job is rather hard. One day encounters the thousands year old ghost king Wei (who isnt shen wei yet bc zyl gave him that name in the future) who works alone as like a rouge cultivator of sorts. He lives on the surface undercover as a professor still bc he’s trying to not catch Yezun’s attention but does all the stuff he normally does as Heipaoshi. The two ally together for a case and bc they both have the same goals of getting all races to live in peace. At current, there are forces working together to decimate the human race, all lead by Yezun
As they work together they become closer and all that. Shen Wei tells him about how he was unable to prevent the great war 5 thousand years ago and neither could the gods so  he’s spent the past 5 thousand years trying to make up for it. As they search for ways to stop Yezun, they gather the 4 hallows and learn how to use them to manipulate time so ZYL can go into the past and stop the great war and separate the three realms (living, dead, ghost).  Shen Wei wants to go back with him but he can’t because he was alive all those years ago so if he goes back it will create a paradox. ZYL promises he’ll find Shen Wei in the past and create a timeline where they could be together in peace (that is the current timeline)
When goes back he becomes the god kunlun because there needed to be a new god born at the time to prevent the war.  Also this time traveller looked promising to Nuwa, Fuxi, and Shennong. And I know in the guardian universe gods are usually born and ppl don’t become gods. EXCEPT this can happen when a god passes on smth from their body onto them bc that did happen in the novel with Kunlun making shen wei a demigod. And since fu you and ma gui are supposed to be gods Nu Wa and Fuxi I think that when they die, they should make ZYL a god and that's how this stuff happens.
So like ZYL explains to the gods the time he came from and how he wants to save everything and they make him a god and he works to save everything just like he did in the drama but this time with the novel plotline. During this time he meets young Shen Wei (he’s still like a hundred or so years old) and they get close and all the stuff from the backstory happens. He gives him his name, all that good stuff. The entire time doesn’t let him know that he’s from the future or that his real name is ZYL. He just poses as kunlun. 
The two of them alongside the other gods (who still die at the times they do in the novel) work together to end the war and establish the great seal and set up the cycle of reincarnation, per the current timeline. Although the seal and cycle of reincarnation aren’t perfect. Gods can’t reincarnate, and ghosts still don’t have souls. And just like the novel, doing all of this kills ZYL bc it takes a lot of energy to create the seal even though it isn’t perfect.
Shen Wei of course doesn’t want ZYL to die and zyl says it's alright because he fixed the timeline so there must One day they will meet again and ZYL reveals the truth about the timeline to shen wei before he dies. This becomes the promise that Shen Wei mentions to meet again. Before he dies, ZYL gives him the shoulder fire as a memento ( i still like the candy wrapper necklace deal but i’ll take this too. Maybe both.. The pendant is still just rlly cool.. Gay ppl)
Shen Wei knows gods can’t enter the cycle of reincarnation and still makes the deal with Shennong to strip Kunlun of his godhood and let him reincarnate. This sets us into the novel timeline where isn’t allowed to meet any of zyl’s reincarnations before he becomes zyl otherwise he will die and also fuck up the timeline. The same 5 thousand years of pining still ensue bc Gay Ppl and i love making Shen Wei suffer but he doesn’t have the shrine room thing bc i think thats weird and yea.. Bad. 
In the meantime Shen Wei does a lot of things mostly just protecting the great seal and working for Hell to keep the peace but still does other stuff. He still watches out for ZYL’s reincarnations but doesn’t do much besides make sure they don’t die a premature death. They meet again finally at the beginning of the series and the timeline resumes like canon. And that's my master plan that merges both drama logic and novel logic while making a much better timeline. (I hope that makes some sense)
Da Qing is still Kunlun’s pet cat and important. Novel backstory applies to him. And I already mentioned him kinda but as for Yezun (Gui Mian in the novel) his deal is similar as in the drama but just a ghost. And he is a big player in the great war, he thought Shen Wei abandoned him as a kid but they were just separated. Shen Wei doesn’t know it's him till the end of the war and couldn’t stop him in the OG timeline and vows to bring him to justice and make amends. Shen Wei continuously tries to explain things to him but he just won’t listen and is imprisoned in hell bc yk… war criminal stuff and yeah he’s the main antagonist trying to break the great seal bc he’s still made about the past. Idk. Yezun wasn’t well written in the novel OR the drama so like… honestly he just needs to be completely rewritten and I don’t care enough about that. He can just be a weak villain idk
the drama characterization stays the same for everyone else bc found family go brr. However for Lao Chu i… hmm… i think he should still be a zombie but the reason he killed someone should be related to his brother. I like that addition and then shen wei realized his sentence was unjust and exempted him. i like that storyline merger. bc the brother thing and him admiring Heipaoshi was drama only. in the novel lao chu just murdered some kid for a rlly whatever reason.
uhhh in terms of the cases… id make adjustments to most of them. i think the li qian case should be like the drama bc the novel just had her as a murderer and it was boring. 
For the mountain river awl one was fine… novel version was funnier and more interesting action wise tbh… rip zyl and his exorbitant flirting. uhhh the whole reveal that shen wei was the soul reaper thing was kinda… ehh in the novel but i did love the comedy of afterwards Shen Wei pretending he went into cardiac arrest when he actually just… has no pulse bc he's a ghost. 
ID KEEP THE WORTH IT SCENE AND RAIN SCENE… THOSE FUCK SO HARD… I love the drama for adding those every damn day. the novel version of zyl losing his sight sucked and was sooo boring.  Keep the drama version on that.
also id keep dr. cheng. i'm very pro dr. cheng and her friendship with shen wei it adds so much to his character imo. keep the fruit seller man and his wife for the merit brush..omg it adds SO MUCH the way the drama did it.. like the drams build up with the novels pace of that arc.. mwah. it felt like it dragged a bit in the drama but if it went faster and without the hospital ep and with sha ya (sorry sha ya) that would've been so good. tho keep novel version of da qings memory loss and lao li. that was rlly impactful.
id say keep some of the cases like the mirror one, the eyes doctor one, etc. just to like.. yk have more to fill in general.. novel pacing but drama characterization without the bs that wasn't fully realized. and novel ending ofc. And that’s it!!
I hope most of this makes some amount of sense  but it probably doesn’t. In my head it all tracks but like ik most of u don’t know anything about the novel so this sounds like gibberish. Also I know this would literally never happen but this is MY ideal merger of the two canons that I feel compelled to expand on for some reason. Anyways, as io said,, we need to rebuild guardian. Like literally let me and the mutuals write Guardian and it will be 500 times better.
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borhapstyles · 6 years
Headcanon: First Date with Ben
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HEY so it’s my spring break and i’m back temporarily :) i hate saying temporarily but i know that once school starts again i’m never gonna have time to breathe lol but i’d like to think school is temporary, writing for you guys once summer hits will be the real thing <3 
this wasn’t requested but as a starter, i’ve written this headcanon :) sorry if it’s shit, haven’t written in a while so i’m a little rusty. i hope you like the ending though, i certainly do. 
**this is going off the “Meeting Ben” headcanon I wrote a while back xx
“so uhm…”
“yes?” you giggled, brows raised as Ben swallowed harshly
“i-i was wonderin’ if you’d like to go on a date with me.. sometime..?”
“is this not a date?” 
then Ben’s cheeks went red, even more so than they were before
because like
he had been waiting for the right time to ask you on a date since he followed you into that cafe
how was he supposed to know he was gonna spend the next two hours talking to you in that back table
but you looked so lovely underneath the fairy lights of the cafe
and he adored the rose tint on your cheeks whenever you subtly dropped in your love for Queen
that’s another thing, he loved your taste in music
i mean, it’s a given that you liked Queen because of Bo Rhap
but when he learned of all the other bands / artists you loved, he kinda sorta just wanted to kiss you right there
he should’ve
“n-no, i mean, like a proper date, not that this can’t be considered one, but-”
“i’m joking, i’d love to” you cut him off, more laughs spilling from your mouth
and then you and Ben set a date, a time, and after he insisted on picking you up, you finally let him
the day of, he showed up with your favorite flowers which uh
u didn’t tell him what ur favorite flowers were
he uh.. kinda found out through instagram stalking
he didn’t specifically stalk you
but Joe did
Ben mentioned you to Joe and Joe was quick to find your account
(let’s pretend it’s on public if it’s not)
“oh she’s on public, this is gonna be fun” Joe said to Ben while they were hanging out the next night
“she is?!” Ben jumped over and
for a moment he wanted Joe to like.. stop because he kinda felt weird doing it
but i mean
he also was super super curious to see your posts and kinda also wanted to see more of ur face
so he went along with it
“she might even be funnier than I am” Joe said when he went over one of your captions
“I couldn’t stop laughing when I was with her, she’s hilarious” Ben gushed
“oh wait, what’s that one?” Ben made Joe stop scrolling to click on one of ur pics
it was of u and your friend’s dog
with the caption “don’t tell (your friend’s name) but i’m stealing her dog forever sorry”
“she likes dogs” Ben whispered to himself, a smile on his face as he imagined you with Frankie 
that’s when Joe stopped and looked at his friend
“you’ve known her for a total of 30 hours and yet i’ve never seen anyone do this to you.. you really like her, don’t you?”
Ben sighed, he didn’t want to let himself get so deep so quickly but
there was something about all this that just felt so easy, like it’s come into place
and something about you that made him feel as if he’s known you his whole life even if you had never been to england before meeting him
so Ben just smiled and nodded, hoping he wouldn’t get his heart broken with all the risk he’s taking
and they continued scrolling till Ben got a text from … 
surprise surprise, you 
and completely forgot Joe was there for a moment 
“oh by the way, just so you know, her favorite flowers are…” Joe told him before leaving
“how do you know?”
“her instagram, which, if your elderly ass would bother to learn a little more about, is a great app”
so anyways when Ben showed up with your favorite flowers u were happy and he was happy that u were happy
but also lol because you were staying in an airbnb and didnt rlly know where to put the flowers down
then you two drove out into beautiful London 
the night life was buzzing with Londoners and tourists alike and you couldn’t be happier to be in such a city
much less next to Ben, who if a week ago someone told you you’d be with him 
u might punch them for playing with your feelings
but here you are
“you see that building? that’s Abbey Road studios”
“so much history here, I think I’m in love”
when Ben finally stopped driving
you two were in front of a rather tall building somewhere in the financial district
Ben rushed to your side to open the car door
“can i ask where we are now?” you laughed and Ben chuckled as he finally told you
and he made sure to open the door for you on your way in
im convinced chivalry is still alive and comes in the form of ben hardy 
and u two rode the elevator aaallll the way up 
then you two went through a couple other doors
and then eventually you were met by a host who checked you guys in
then you were led outside
let’s say it summer by the way so you guys arent freezing when u go out
it’s a rooftop area, with outdoor furniture and plants decorating the area
fairy lights strung around the pergola, soft gentle music in the background
there’s a few other couples having dinner but it’s peaceful and everyone’s rather into each other so you know no one’s eyes will be wandering
but your favorite part of the whole thing
was that you could see the entire london skyline from your position, with a table in the perfect spot so no one was blocking the view
“what d’ya think? i-is it too much?” Ben asked shyly as you hadn’t said anything 
but you were in love with the place, your heart filled with joy
“it might be too early to say that this is the best date i’ve ever been on but i will, if that gives you any idea for how i’m feeling” 
as the dinner progressed, any nerves you felt coming in vanished
as did Ben’s
it felt natural, comfortable, meant to be
and when Ben reached over to hold your hand across the table
part of you never wanted him to let go, even if it made it a little harder to eat
in any case, he himself never quite wanted to let go either
with you, he wasn’t Ben Hardy, actor. he was just Ben
and he felt like he could be anyone he wanted to be around you
he loved that even if you were a fan, you never made him feel like he needed to take on the actor-persona he had 
in fact part of you forgot he was even an actor when you asked him if he had met anyone famous 
which made Ben laugh and your cheeks go red 
but Ben slipped up too lmao
“so I heard you like dogs?”
“...yes but...from.. who..”
then his cheeks got red as he had to carefully explain how him and Joe didnt stalk you on instagram but stalked you on instagram basically 
celebrities, they’re just like us
that’s when you laughed
which made Ben realise he could hear you laugh all day and never get tired of it
and never get tired of your smile
something about your twinkling eyes when you spoke about your friends and family back home
and about all your passions, ridiculous and not so ridiculous
u may or may not have let him in on your love for Queen, even more so than in the cafe
and u kinda forgot he was in Bo Rhap for a hot minute
but he was amused, he loved seeing you speak about something so close to your heart
and felt proud to be part of it
all in all Ben felt a feeling he hadn’t experienced in quite a long time, if ever in his life
a feeling of completion, of relief
as if he had been waiting his whole life to meet you
and so he continued listening to your rant about how much you love Freddie and JIm together
watching as you blushed and apologised profusely for going on about them
“don’t be sorry, i wished we could’ve had more of them in the film as well. and i love hearing your opinions on them, i love hearing you talk about it all. it makes me more and more fortunate to have been part of it”
“well i have much more to say about anything Queen related if you’re interested”
“then i’m always here to listen for when you do wanna speak about them” 
when dinner finished, you and Ben decided to postpone driving you back 
you two walked around the city more and eventually made it to a little park just up the road
your hand in his, humming ‘39 by your favorite band
Ben smiled to himself as he realised you felt the same comfort around him as he did with you
and so the months went on, date after date with Ben
till you found yourselves on your one year anniversary, walking around the same park you two had gone through on your first date
“do you remember when we first came here?” he asked
“of course, it’s when I realised I love loved you and was basically fucked”
“why’d you say you’re fucked?” he laughed
“i mean, i was like, oh god i’ve scared him by talking about my obsession with Queen and he actually knows them and he’ll tell them and Brian and Roger will think i’m crazy and he won’t ever date me again after this and all i can do now is hum ‘39 and hope he won’t block me on instagram after this” 
Ben cackled
“that’s not at all what i was thinking, i hope you know that”
“well obviously” you rolled your eyes
“d’ya wanna know what i was thinking?” 
“I was actually thinking of Freddie while we were walking around”
“no, i’m serious” Ben chuckled 
“why were you thinking of Freddie then?” you giggled, squeezing his hand a little tighter
“well, if I was just going in my head about how if it wasn’t for him there would’ve have been Queen, wouldn’t have been a Bo Rhap, I never would’ve been in anything like it, and I might not have met you then because of it”
“i don’t like thinking about that” you muttered, leaning your head into his side
“really though, it’s mad how much he’s influenced all our lives in a good way” he stopped walking, you standing below him with curious eyes batting at him 
“i guess we have Freddie to thank then for bringing us together” you said before pecking his lips
and then you two stood there for a moment, your head pressed against his chest as you listened to his heartbeat
that’s when Ben looked down at you in his arms, then up into the starlit sky and whispered; 
“thank you, Freddie” 
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yeetdam · 6 years
aaaa i need to get into more ggs but rn ive been rlly into skz?? like ive been stanning since august when my pace came out but that was around the time that school started (also i love that they feed us but,, when they have cbs they put out almost TOO much content ykno what i mean) so i didnt fully get into them until recently when i finally watched their show !! chan and jisung are the loves of my life and i would do anything for them and thats the tea! ok thiS IS GONNA BE MULTIPART so - fairy
&& im planning to get into oneus (the entirety of light us was unnecessarily good for a debut album, fight me), onf (we must love hooked me from first listen), the boyz, and exo (im v into their music now i gotta see if im into them too ykno) !! ok that was a lot but im finally done (and for reference my answer for this ask was 4 parts so if you didnt get a part,, im sorry unu i can save this long winded answer and send what you dont have if need b) ANYWAY what groups do you stan?? - fairy
don’t worry I got all asks thank god!!! ok this response is gonna be long bear with me uwu let’s break this down: okay ngl i’m just a casual listener and I don’t think i’ll be able to really get to know the bg members better any time soon because of 1. school and 2. giRLgRoUpS oWN mY AsS more than they do dslkfjlkj when it comes to stray kids oH GOD THE TALENT JUMPED OUT I listen to their albums on repeat but I just??? don’t find myself??? watching their variety shows or anything else?? even though they are literal sweethearts/crackheads but yeah… I haven’t found the motivation for that
anyway to answer your question: my ult group is SEVENTEEN I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I could write an essay abt them but they really need a break!!! like they’re having their next cb in japan at the end of april I think?? on top of that their individual schedules!! like dk is playing in a musical (im in love) and I hope the china line don’t have to fly out that much anymore…. ok I need to keep it short I also stan exo, monsta x, nct, nu’est, pristin, red velvet, clc but I listen to many groups!! my latest obsessions are oh my girl and ONEUS AND YES THEIR DEBUT WAS ICONIC VALKYRIE ISSA BOP THE ENTIRE ALBUM ISSA BOP (and perhaps I have a soft spot for xion teehee)
JAEMIN WAS MY NCT BIAS TOO EVEN THO I STARTED STANNING THEM WHILE HE WAS ON HIATUS KJLKD ngl I didn’t know he went on hiatus so when he suddenly emerged I was like??? who is this fine specimen??? until I was on a binge session of nct dream’s entire discography (btw best unit don’t even try to argue because their daesang says hi) and then I realized…. OH JAEMIN WAS THAT GUY he still remains in my heart tho :’) tbh I refuse to settle for one bias in nct they’re just…. there y’know
ngl I started stanning exo not too long ago because tho they don’t have one bad song (well with one exception) they barely have any variety shows :(( so when I finished exo showtime I was like take my non-existent money but at the same time I thought… okay but there’s nothing else to watch where they’re all in one show :// but luckily they have some more shows now and i’m :’) 
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jooheonies · 8 years
Monsta X As Fairy Tale Characters:
·      the pure hero
·      knows he’s a cutie
·      like the boi from the little mermaid?
·      Prince eric?
·      What a cutie
·      Rugged and manly but would do ANYTHING for you
·      “Whatever makes you happy, baby”
·      would try to do princely things but would instead get embarrassed and fumble
·      u know in kdramas when the rich guy takes the poor girl out shopping and then she gets all fancy and he’s like “hot damn”?
·      that’s hyunwoo
·      except he’ll do that abt everything
·      “look at my beautiful baby. You’re gorgeous”
·      “hyunwoo, I’m wearing pajamas”
·      “and?”
·      the rouge hero
·      like robin hood ya know
·      he wants everyone to have a good life
·      seduces people w his friggin sweet smile
·      also is FLYNN RYDER
·      WHAT A HUNK
·      “smoulder”
·      a soft softie
·      G R E A S Y
·      winks at you every chance he gets
·      a little weird at first but then opens up and W O W
·      so sweet and caring and if you ever hurt him istg ill fight you
·      Minhyuk 10/10 loves everyone and will make everyone happy
·      Big heart w lots of love
·      This also isn’t a fairy tale but he’s def abu from Aladdin
·      That monkey
·      Demands attention and u think he’s annoying
·      but just wants the best for you
·      fight me minhyuk is so sweet
·      imagine his lil monkey body hoppin around seeking attention
·      he’d prob have like some disappearing power in a story bc he likes popping up next to people to scare the shit out of ‘em
·      lmao imagine if he didn’t have the disappearing power and instead ran off into the night Naruto style with sound effects
·      bc that’s SO Minhyuk
·      that fake hero bitch
·      u know the one that didn’t do shit but takes all the credit
·      “omg yeah marry me, I saved your life even though I CLEARLY DIDN’T”
·      he acts like lord farquad
·      yeah go fetch the princess for me and I’ll let you keep your swamp
·      demands that everyone respect his shrimp ass
·      imagine him in lord farquad’s outfit!!
·      also tbh he’s that fuckin candle stick from beauty and the beast
·      Lumiere or Lumer or some shit like that
·      All hoity toity with his small shrimp lookin ass
·      tbh he’s that little shit that thinks he’s all that
·      Or even fuckin Rumpelstiltskin
·      Man imagine him cackling w glee as u struggle and then sit there all prim and proper like he isn’t a total asshole
·      I don’t actually hate kihyun I love him don’t worry
·      Hes just a lil bitch and I wanna fight him
·      fairy godmother
·      “that’s not ur color, I’ll do it myself”
·      makes u a cute dress or tux to wear in front of ur love
·      ok but imagine him leaning against the doorframe with a lil wand in his hand and drawling out a lazy “twirl for me”
·      does that thing ur friend does when ur crush walks into the room
·      waggles his eyebrows and makes meaningful glances before whooshing away
·      also I can 10/10 imagine him as raja from Aladdin
·      u know the tiger that princess jasmine keeps as a fuckin pet
·      but like more specifically hyungwon is the scene at the beginning where that suitor goes storming off bc he bit his ass
·      that croc from the princess and the frog
·      always jammin
·      big dreams
·      also has feelings PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS
·      wants to be accepted but acts casual abt it
·      is also the lucky cricket from Mulan
·      that isn’t a fairy tale but this shit went way off topic a long time ago
·      a hot mess tbh
·      literally crawled into the matchmaker’s tea and is the reason Mulan didn’t get matchmade which is rlly ironic considering he’s a lucky cricket
·      but also wants to help
·      just isn’t very good at it
·      ends up scaring himself most of the time
·      gets sad easily
·      responds better to praise than criticism
·      im sorry I know this isn’t really a fairy tale but changkyun is literally that dragon from shrek
·      u think he’s there to do smth bad
·      but he just wants love
·      ok im sorry im deviating from the tru tag
·      uhm he’s also the lil monkey from Aladdin
·      abu?
·      Bounces allover the goddamn place
·      Have u seen ppap?
·      Yeah that’s abu
·      twirls his fuckin ass in your face if you don’t pay enough attention to him
·      or you know, plays the drums on your ass
·      he’s such a meme how do they deal with him
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sambashua · 8 years
♥S-sa-say the name!!
So this is going to be the longest post in the history of mankind bc I go real deep w their personalities and stuff ahh also since I don’t personally know them ofc so this is all based on what I’ve seen from their shows and videos:)) THANKS FOR ASKING KAT I’M GONNA TURN YOU INTO A HARDCORE CARAT SOONER RATHER THAN LATER AHHH [sidenote i included my personal nicknames for them so u know who i’m talkin abt irl girl] I ALSO LINKED A BUNCH OF STUFF I RLLY WENT CRAZY
Choi Seungcheol aka S.coups (cheolie) - OKAY AH since he’s your bias I’ll write extra thingsssss!! The faithful general leader and rap boyyy scoops! So this lil bun I thought for a while when I first followed them like oh he’s probably the most normal like he’s level headed and stuff but NOPE NOPE NOPE! SEUNGCHEOL IS ACTUALLY THE BIGGEST CUTIE DORK IN THE WORLD he is afraid of like a lot of things which is too funny bc he’s acts all manly and all the members see him that way and I cannot believe~ like he’s afraid of killing fish and and fireworks and being in front of the camera alone and chopping firewood and doing something that doesn’t get a reaction?? Whenever he does any sort of charm he tells the members to be sure to have a good reaction and BOYY IF THEY DONT he goes off on them I stg… but in all seriousness he is so so so hardworking (he trained for 6 years oh my god) like he always tries to take pressure off his members and he cares for his babies so much and they even call him appa sometimes and they look up to him so much it is the cutest thing like they always rate him so high in looks and I cry love him plz. But he is an actual puppy like w his long eyelashes and pouty face like oh my god and he is getting cuter everyday???? Like actually tho he’s doing it on purpose and I can’t handle it?? When did he plan this I can’t believe how frickin cute he is being lately! He’s such a soft fluff and he’s always so strong for the other members and they look up to him so much and he is one of the best groups leaders I’ve ever seen just bc of how much they all respect and listen to him:)Yoon Jeonghan (hannie) - so this pos… jkjk (kinda) hannie is “svt’s angel” bc he was born on 1004 the pretty vocalist who everyone knows as the guy in seventeen w long hair SOOO the thing w hannie is he is like the most beautiful man in kpop like his face is so pretty and his features too like?? How?? He seems like he would be feminine but he is actually one of the most (if not the most) manly members of svt!! But he gets tired so fast tho he is rated #13 in stamina and they call him lying-jeonghan bc he’s always lying down lol. But oh my god he is such a piece of trash I cannot believeeeee on tumblr I have a tag dedicated to all the times hannie has been a piece of shit I’ll link it to you if you want but like he cheats and lies in EVERY GAME THEY HAVE EVER PLAYED NO JOKE and even if they’re not competing he is always the first to call someone out and he is just such a ho i die like he is not svt’s angel at all BUTTTTTTTT he is actually so hardworking like even if he’s tired they’ve said that he keeps practicing and ugh he’s good… he has dubbed himself mother of svt and generally everyone p much agrees w him! Hannie and seungcheol call the other members “kids” and it is the purest thingJoshua Hong/Hong Jisoo(kor) (shuaaa) - everyone kinda knows josh as the American gentleman w his sweet voice and sick English skills (side note whenever he speaks eng tho he always stutters and I’m like boy why but it’s super cute and ilh) and he can speak five languages (supposedly) he plays guitar and he’s rlly Christian too lol so he’s the resident “church oppa” as the kids say these days and he has a cute cartilage piercing w a cross aw (he also recently got his tragus pierced and damn it looks good but anyway) Also his peach hair was such a good time like wow. Shua seems rlly quiet and I mean he is but oh my god he is so fucking extra LIKE I DONT UNDERSTAND ALL OF A SUDDEN HE BECAME SO EXTRA IDK WAS HE ALWAYS THIS WAY BUT I DIDNT SEE PAST HIS CAT EYES AND SWEET VOICE LIKE WHO KNOWSSSS but he does this pin drop dance thing way too often but it’s hilarious and the members are obsessed w it bc he always says he has a hard time w dance and choreo and this is his only dance move (but tbh he’s actually p good at dancing like i never rlly notice he falls behind or anything except that one time performing pretty u where he started his part too early but that actually created a new part of the choreo they ended up using for a bit fun fact)… that and his samba aka my url sambashua (technically he doesn’t actually samba tho I’m p sure he’s doing the merengue but it’s okay shua I still love u) He’s also a fricking nerd for anime which is great i love it. Josh and Vernon are rlly close bc English buds and they’re the memeist together also him and jeonghan are a true ship bc they came to pledis at the same time and they’re cute
Wen Junhui/Moon Junhui(kor) aka Jun - so jun is ½ of china line and ¼ foreign line. A dancing noodle from southeast China wow (I say noodle bc he is a skinny bean and also v flexible bc he does martial arts things wow) he did Kung Fu in china for a long as heck time and does a lot of kicky things and flips and he’s super cool ALSO FUN FACT: HIS NAME IS JUN AND HE WAS BORN IN JUNE WOOHOO a lot of people assume he’s like sly/greasy but that’s mostly him in like interviewy shows?? But in reality shows and vlives he is actually just such a cute sweet bean and he loves the members so much! He was a child actor in china and was p famous I think for a while?? But he learned Korean p well before he joined pledis (their label btw idk if you know or not lol) BUT EVEN FROM DEBUT HIS PRONUNCIATION HAS KEPT IMPROVING IM SO PROUD a lot of people cal him the true visual of svt (tbh I don’t like that bc they’re all beautiful don’t put anyone down ah) BUT HE IS SO HANDSOME LIKE DAMN BOY HE’S GOT SUCH NICE FEATURES AND HE IS THE CUTEST BEAN IN THE WORLD Alsoooo several of the members have dubbed him svt’s mother bc he’s super encouraging and “endless positivity jun” and he pays special attention to minghao they have the purest friendship!! (plz give him lines)Kwon Soonyoung aka Hoshi (HOSH) - DANCE MASTER AND PERF TEAM LEADER OF SEVENTEEN LIKE OKAY ALL OF PERF TEAM IS SO TALENTED I CAN’T BELIEVE BUT SOONYOUNG IS SO INCREDIBLE HE CAN CREATE DANCES ANYTIME ANYWHERE AND HE EXECUTES THEM SO WELL?? His stage name Hoshi means star in Japanese bc he shines in stage! And he knows Japanese pretty well I don’t think he’s fluent but he cute cute cute!! Anyway people rec him to go on hit the stage (WHICH I AM SO HERE FOR (but also let him rest he needs a break dear god they all do)) he creates all of svt’s dances wow (w help from perf team ofc) but he is actually the squishiest sweetest boy off stage but then on stage he completely transforms into whatever concept like he can take on anything?? I would not have assumed dark concept would work for him BUT BOY HOWDY IT DOES he turns from adorable hamster to sexy dance god in .2 seconds i don’t understand how people who bias him survive tbh… He is also SHINee’s biggest fan oh my god and the fact that he now stands on the same stages as them literally blows his mind he is such a fanboy i love♥ HE CARES FOR HIS MEMBERS SO MUCH (I realize I’ve said this abt everyone but hey hey they have a lot of love) he wrote HIGHLIGHT as his first time ever helping produce/write lyrics and I’m so proud:D AND HIS VOICE HIS SO GOOD he’s just so bouncy and good and so attractive??? He goes by 10:10 bc his eyes are like the hands of a clock at 10:10 wowie and EYE SMILES FOR DAYS~ just a sweet lil bab w a pure heart honestlyJeon Wonwoo (wonu aka the loml) - goddammit I hate jeon wonwoo JKJK OKAY SO JEON WONWOO IS MY ULT BIAS IMMA DO MY BEST TO KEEP THIS CONCISE BUT IDK HOW IT’S GONNA GO I HAVE A LOT TO SAY! jeon frickin wonwoo has the deepest voice in svt and is known for his deep, smooth rap style wow (his rap style is really unique like if you listen to it it sort of ebbs and flows w the music and he drags out notes sometimes it’s so nice fuck) he sings all the time it’s so great and the members always ask him to read things bc (he’s good at reading generally and) he has his nice deep voice ahh~ JEON FRICKIN WONWOO IS THE BIGGEST DORK IN THE WHOLE WORLD jeon wonwoo enjoys making bad puns and reading books (esp romance ones I hate him). The other members act like they hate his jokes but they always laugh at what he says and when he was gone (rip he was sick for a couple months from end of may ish to july ish) they mentioned that they missed his dumb jokes (and so did I). He considers himself to be the best looking (what a ho) and he is naturally skinny which a lot of the members are jealous of (but tbh this could be partially because he has a lot of health issues and allergies I just want to care for him and make him food and feed him forever so he gets fat and happy help me) On one fine day he was dubbed the garden fairy and also jeon wonwoo bag of luck oh my god I am so embarrassed by him (jk I love him w the entirety of my heart in case you couldn’t tell) Some of my favorite things abt wonwoo are his little nose crinkles when he smiles and his glasses that look just so cute on him and when he wears big sweaters and then he has sweater paws and he looks so cuddly and soft. He is also so boastful like he is always the first one to support himself it’s so funny but he doesn’t exactly brag it’s more confidence idk but he’s also rlly smart and good at acrostic poems bc he reads so much:) He also always cheers for other members when they want him to i.e. seungkwan when he cheers for himself. He seems shy when he’s on talk shows but I think he just wants to let other people talk but on vlives he always whispers to other members aND I JUST WANT HIM TO SPEAK UP! JEON WONU TELL US WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY but in conclusion I am in love with him and would def recommend anyone to bias him bc honestly he is a good bias just bc he is chill and pure and funny and beautiful (even tho sometimes he’s MIA and quiet as heck pshhh)Lee Jihoon aka Woozi - vocal team leader and producer of p much all their lit ass tunes!! 10/10 MOST HARDWORKING MEMBER OUT OF SVT I’M SORRY IF YOU DISAGREE BUT JIHOON WORKS SO HARD ALL THE TIME I’M SO WORRIED FOR HIM HE NEEDS A BREAK!! It’s so heartbreaking tho if you ever want to cry and cough up your lungs bc of sobs then watch SVT Project where he talks abt how he feels so much pressure and feels like their success or failure is riding on him bc he writes all their music and will determine if they will be any good:(((( BUT OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE A BIG HIT BC JIHOONIE IS SUPER TALENTED AND MAKES THE BEST UPBEAT FUNKY FRESH POP TUNES OF THE CENTURY~ he is one of (if not the) shortest male idols at the moment at a staggering 165cm/5'4"! But it’s so great bc he doesn’t try to hide his heigh and he is considered and “inspiration to short men” according to one fashion report. The members always say he is rlly manly but on camera he acts cute and 10/10 appreciate it bc he is the cutest ever but only subtly… like he embarrassingly/shyly covers his face so cutely and gets angry so adorably where he just glares aw (he has also confirmed that he considers himself to be more cute than scary) woozi is a abbreviation of “our jihoon” which is the cutest asjkdhskl. He is also seventeen’s grandpa bc he is rlly not too hip at all but they try to help him out anyway! He also winks 24/7 lol. His voice is rlly clear and piercing like he often sings parts of the chorus and his voice draws you in idk it’s nice:) he trained for the second longest amount after scoops (5 years) so they’re super close bc they were together longer than the other membersLee Seokmin aka Dokyeom/DK - an actual ray of sunshine w the most incredible vocals like wow! He is svt’s “happy virus” and boy does he own it!! He is always smiling and laughing and making jokes he is the cutest I stg… He also has a more built figure physically and it’s hot as heck tbh. He, seungkwannie and soonyoung make up the “booseoksoon” trio which is basically the extra/mc/always laughing squad and they are such close friends it’s the cutest ever boo and hosh think he’s the funniest person in the world I love it!! Seokmin also puts a lot of pressure on himself bc he’s main vocal and I feel like he’s super underrated???? But he went on King of Masked Singer and I think he made it through two or three rounds? Anyway he did rlly rlly good (even tho honestly think he has way more potential than what he showed) and I hope it boosted his confidence bc he is incredible!! The judges assumed he was from an older group bc his voice was so mature eeeee!! HE IS SO LOUD OH MY GOD one time they said that the CEO could hear him practicing from the 4th floor while he was in the basement I- He is always the first person to make fun of himself and he doesn’t mind being the brunt of a joke as long as he gets people to laugh it’s adorable:)) He always brings up the mood and helps out the members whenever there is awkwardness w being filmed and such JUST SUPPORT THIS SUNNY BOY HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE AND JOY IN HIS HEART!!Kim Mingyu - the tallest bean on the block and svt’s “visual tree” at a staggering 190cm/6'1" (correct me if I’m wrong I didn’t look this up) but I’m p sure he has grown recently bc he is getting taller everyday I swear? He’s got some good rap mhmm~ But he is such a clumsy pup and the members always make fun of him but it’s okay bc he can take it (he has the best reaction so that’s why they do it) He is dropping things and tripping 25/8 and it’s the cutest thing! But “housewife ming” can legit do anything like he is a true man of many talents damn i.e. cooking, hairstyling, acting, cleaning… But he is so so pretty like who the heck allowed him to be this attractive?? Gyu goes from super visual savior to fluffy pup on the daily and it’s too much to handle… Idk he seems like he might be super cool and chic when you first see him but he is actually just a giggly fool always having a hard time… Mingyu is the only one in svt that I would call the “visual” (only bc he is officially the visual i think they are literally gorgeous okay!!) but he is actually rlly insecure abt it and only calls himself “aspiring visual” and it’s mostly bc of his dark complexion WHICH IS COMPLETELY FLAWLESS AND SO BEAUTIFUL STOP WHITEWASHING KIM MINGYU PLZ but i rlly commend him for being visual despite common opinions/standards on skin color in korea. A lot of people (okay most people) ship him and wonwoo (aka meanie) and I do too, don’t get me wrong, but my all time favorite ship is mingyu and minghao (aka gyuhao) bc same age, they act like they hate each other but are actually super supportive (one of my fave tropes blah) and idk they’re both just confused pups help me and w that transition…
Xu Minghao/Seo Myungho(kor) aka The8 (i never call him the8 ever srry b i don’t like it idk ah) - our “cool cutie” from northeast(i think) China with the most killer bboying skills i’ve ever seen in kpop! He now introduces himself as “The8 with infinite possibilities” and he has been growing more and more as an artist and a person I’m so proud of him!! He trained for the shortest amount of time (~1year+2months i believe) and he really struggled w Korean when he first started. Even after debut he was very quiet but he has been talking more and more lately and he has been doing so well!! Minghao is cute as heck but he is also (along w hannie) svt’s Resident Savage™ and the main usage of his Korean improvement has gone into calling out the other members w his incredible comebacks. Two of his favorite targets seem to be soonyoung and mingyu but he rlly doesn’t hold back on anyone (except maybe jun bc they are such good buddies bc china line and jun helps him w his korean asjkklfjls) But anyway he is an incredible dancer and singer and also rapper!! (give him more lines plz plz plz) vernon has been helping him w his korean rapping but he is already one lit mandarin rapper like damn… But minghao is the most supportive member of svt (hear me out) whenever they do broadcasts or radio shows minghao always gives thumbs ups/supportive smiles/high fives it is the purest thing and part of the reason I love him sm!!! He’s also super cuddly and is always touching/hugging the other members asjkltfasd. Sometimes he doesn’t quite understand a question and the other members help explain it to him it’s my favorite concept (it’s usually soonyoung or seungcheol but i’ve seen p much all of them do it) lately he has been getting more meme-y and idk how to feel but as long as he’s getting out of his comfort zone I am immensely proud of him:))
Boo Seungkwan (boo) - the other main vocal in svt and just generally the loudest and usually mc for the group. Boo has some of the most incredible vocals i’ve seen in my life and he sings probably my favorite cover duet of all time (the high note around 3:05 makes me emotional every time istg also their reactions are me) He’s so talented and his voice is so clear and nice and his RANGE! I could go on forever… To describe seungkwan in two words would be sweet and sassy… He is part of maknae/baby line but he’s always calling people out and bossing them around it’s hilarious. (he is generally hilarious tbh) Also he’s a huge volleyball program nerd it’s great (and possibly haikyuu!! but not confirmed) He’s commonly referred to as divaboo and the video just seungkwan things captures all his divaness perfectly 10/10 would rec! He’s also super english-y all the time probably bc he spends so much time w vernon which is great for us international fans whoop whoop. But back to him being sweet- even though he is definitely his own biggest fan (in the most adorable way omg) he is also svt’s biggest fan he always cheers on his members it’s so cute he’s so soft and good! He cares so much for the fans and he’s head of the Seventeen Fan Cafe (i think) and he’s great abt interacting w carats and all that fanservicey stuff:) He is also super underappreciated honestly support him bc he supports everyone else even tho he’s rlly insecure abt his looks and body even tho he is the most beautiful boo w THE BEST CHEEKBONES IN THE UNIVERSE HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE THINGS DAMN BOY
Hansol Vernon Chwe/Choi Hansol(kor) aka Vernon (bernonie) - One of the most well-known members of svt bc he’s half white and was also a child actor. He has some of the most lit raps tbh and i’m p sure every single one (or almost) has english in it lol. His mom is white and American and his dad is from Korea. Technically he was born in New York, USA BUT BUT BUT he moved to korea when he was five so he doesn’t remember it like at all and every host ever asks him abt it and he always has to say he is basically korean and JUST LET HIM LIVE but since his mom speaks english he is fluent in it (but he has said he is better at korean) He is super super visual and he gets more attractive every day like who the heckkk. Hansol is one of the more popular members so a lot of people would expect him to be outgoing (or even douchey bc he’s half white which is dumb yet it happens) but he is one of the quietest members and usually doesn’t speak up in interviews and such bc he’s kinda shy! BUT THIS DOES NOT I REPEAT DOES NOT MEAN HE IS NOT A MEME!! VERNON IS CONFIRMED THE MEMEIST MEMBER OF SVT ALONG W JOSHUA DON’T FIGHT ME. At this point he has even been dubbed “memesol” bc he makes the best reaction faces in recorded history dear god. He also finds literally everything so hilarious and definitely laughs the most whenever the other members do anything. But honestly he is a super cute, sweet pup who deserves a whole lotta love!! also kinda unrelated but one of my favorite posts of all time is dedicated to him i don’t even know…
Lee Chan aka Dino (MY SON) - I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START W THIS LIL BAB! Lee Chan is svt’s “small giant” maknae who is Michael Jackson’s #1 Fan™ and literal dancing machineeee! He has grown so much since debut i cannot believe and he is getting more confident MY BOY! Honestly his glow up should be some kinda world record bc oh my god it hasn’t even been two years?? AND HIS RAP HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH LIKE EVEN FROM JAM JAM TO OMG Vernon rapped most of jam jam but then in omg chan rapped all of it by himself!!!! ALSO EVEN FROM OMG TO HIGHLIGHT NOW HE TRANSITIONS FROM RAPPING STRAIGHT INTO SINGING WITH THE SAME BREATH I CANNOT BELIEVE!! But he is so creative and funny and full of energy!! He helps hoshi w most of the dances (i think he did most of the choreo for jam jam) and his stage name is dino bc when he steps on the stage he takes it over and becomes a big presence like a dinosaur which is so creative??? he also graduated high school a while back and then just too his entrance exams!! I’m so proud!! But he tries so hard to keep improving and he’s just so pure and has a complete heart of gold♥ He also aspires to be an mc and he works rlly hard to improve his skills on that front too! Chan is so incredibly talented, but again not a whole lot of people bias him which is crazy???? Bc he is so hansome and also my son?? also lowkey savage af But all the members love him a whole lot and he is their baby, even though he is now “an adult” but srry bun no one will probably ever stop calling him baby (esp jeonghan)
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lordhenry · 6 years
survey 40
What was the last thing you purchased? Yesterday I pre-ordered Hozier’s latest album so I can get exclusive early access to book tix for his European tour this September lol.
How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? One.
Has anybody ever called you a tease? Not necessarily described as such in general, but I have been told that a few times by my boyfriend for acting cheeky in the moment.
What is your significant other’s middle name? He doesn’t have one.
Who were your last 4 missed calls? My boyfriend. All 4 of them.
What colour did you last paint your nails? This sort of... if you were to darken seafoam green?
What were you doing at 4 AM? To be honest, crying. I didn’t know what I was crying for either, but I just all of a sudden cried around 3–4am last night. My boyfriend reassured me that it could just be my hormones but I don’t really know and I don’t understand.
What was the last thing you ate? Ferrero Rocher.
How is your hair done right now? Down and messy.
What do you want? Peace of mind, motivation, inspiration, a breakthrough, a passion, renewed sense of hope. Shall I go on?
How much money did you spend yesterday? £18.something for the Hozier album pre-order.
What brand is your underwear? La Senza and Victoria’s Secret.
What is something you have acquired with age? A healthy amount of independence, with more than a dash of uhm, familial... disconnect lol.. 
Do people interest you? Yes, when they have something new to offer.
Are you in love right now? I am. 
Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: I suppose we have grown apart and will continue to grow apart. Seasons change and so do people. I have to accept it and move on. I have no space in me for sadness. Whatever gives me sadness, I have to ignore. In essence, I will let our friendship go. I think the time has come and you are due to go, and hopefully grow. It’s just not the same anymore and I refuse to be used or engaged with only when it’s convenient for you. I don’t believe it’s friendship when you approach me needing help, but ignore me when you’re fulfilled.
What do you check out first when you check someone out? Their eyes and smile, their energy.
When you looked in the mirror today, what was your first thought? I don’t look half bad.
Would you raise your children like your parents raised you? Not at all. I would involve myself more in their lives. I would push my children to do things that they could be passionate about (art, dance, music, activities, anything of interest, anything!). I would guide them with example, not with empty words. Most of all, I would be there and they would be comfortable to share their feelings with me.
What does your middle name mean? Month of flowers, and spring. Also just because I was born on it. 
Will you be over 21 in 3 years? Yes, good Lord. I hate to think of it. 
What is your favourite perfume/candle fragrance? I love perfume and I have so much that I love. But I like to think of Byredo’s Gypsy Water as the one perfume that I would never get tired of wearing. As for candle fragrance, it varies a lot. The last one I really loved was Autumn Glow by Yankee Candle.
Do you blush easily? When something I find embarrassing/I’m shy of happens without warning. Or when my boyfriend does something that makes me blush, he’s good at it.
Are you an artist/writer? I write poetry from time to time, I am not prolific enough or confident enough to call myself a writer.
Do you play an instrument? Guitar.
Do you like to dance? I am an awful dancer. I only dance in clubs when I’m drunk. Otherwise, I don’t even have the confidence to. When I was young, I was definitely interested in being a ballerina, but it was never something that actually materialised or my parents supported. Fast forward to 20 years later, I enjoy watching Sergei Polunin leaping instead of doing the leaping myself.
What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? Some sort of fiery, passionate, inane urge to create.
Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? It’s not difficult when you’re already in love. I’m currently in a long distance relationship but it was one that was built in real-life before it became online due to the distance that separated us. To me, whether near or far, if i’ve got feelings, I’ve got feelings. Staying committed and loyal comes naturally to me. If you’ve got me, you’ve got me for good. If you don’t, you really don’t.
Do you have any stickers on your laptop? I have a glossier sticker on my MacBook air because I got it from a purchase and I thought it was pretty.
Is there someone who seems to only reach out to you when they want something from you? Yes! Frustrates me so much. An old best friend from when I was like, 5. It seems this person only talks to me when they need my advice on something. It’s nice that they trust me and they value my opinion, but I don’t want to be anybody’s therapist. She only shows up when she needs me. It’s unfair so I’ve decided to let her go and let the friendship go quietly and without drama. If you’re not there for good and bad times, I don’t have the energy to talk to you.
What is something you can only understand if you’ve experienced it first hand? The feeling of losing someone important/beloved, and emptiness.
In terms of a wedding, put these things in order from what would be MOST important to be perfect, to LEAST important… Engagement ring, dress, hair, venue, ceremony, food, pictures, decorations, honeymoon. To me, the wedding itself is hugely unimportant and at times can be terribly impractical and a waste of resources. I would much rather spend it on a wonderful honeymoon. I value the relationship and marriage itself more than the wedding and materialistic things that come with it. Although, if money was not a problem, then it would be in this order: honeymoon, engagement ring (I would be wearing it for a long time!), pictures for memories, ceremony, decoration, venue, dress, hair, food (I feel like this would be the least of concerns, we eat food regardless anyway).
Is there a quote that’s helped you through hard times or really stuck with you? What is it? In the Iliad, when Odysseus was alone and on enemy territory: “Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.”
What’s something practical and useful “real world” things that should be taught in high school aside from the basics like English, math, science, etc.? Employment related things. Practical things like mortgages. Those kind of “real world” things that I realised upon graduating from university that I barely knew about.
What perfume of yours does your SO love on you? I’m pretty sure he used to love it the most when i would wear my White Musk (Body Shop) perfume which is actually probably the cheapest perfume I own. On the high end side, he likes Gypsy Water (Byredo) too!
Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? If I like the cologne, why not. I’m a sucker for that one Tom Ford cologne that I like haha. If not, I usually like when my boyfriend uses his aftershave because I think it smells really good and I always end up kissing his face a lot when he puts it on. Later on, he admitted that he was only using it because he figured out that I loved it and in truth it actually stung his face to use it, oops.
What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? I never really wanted children, but then again I have never fallen in love before. In fact, I actually usually dislike and get irritated by kids. But now that I’m with someone I love, I feel like it’s one of those things that I would love to do just because I would love to create a human being with the person I love the most. It would be the most precious thing I would ever be capable of doing. That’s really something. When we do decide to have one, I would make it right by him/her.
What would your reaction be if your SO wanted the opposite type of wedding than you did? A big and crucial part of successful relationships I think is compromise.
What kind if body type do you find attractive and unattractive (for your preferred sex)? I personally would feel attracted to someone who looks healthy. It’s not necessarily ripped or jacked or whatever, but just not unhealthily fat and unhealthily thin. All of it has to do with just staying healthy and balanced, good health.
How do you feel about strangers approaching you with compliments? It all depends on the approach. A compliment can be jarring if it’s delivered wrong i.e. in a creepy way. That would barely be a compliment to me, but more like a suggestive and creepy remark like cat calling. I wouldn’t find that flattering. A good, harmless compliment like “I love your dress!” is nice to hear. I don’t want a cat-caller whistling.
Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a Strip Club and then doesn’t tell you? I think so. What’s the purpose of going to Strip Clubs but not to look at and fantasise and even receive “services” from other women? I don't think it’s proper especially without consent of the other party, which I will never give. I’m possessive and jealous in my own ways, but I think this one is justified.
Would you be more offended if your man cheated on you with a guy or a girl? Regardless, I would be highly offended and betrayed. Both would be on another level which I would rather not speak about.
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