#he's suppost to be the main villain!
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The animators spared no expences with this guy.
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More crumbs of Gabriel’s backstory that add a new layer to the character, and I wish this came out sooner, or at least glimpses of it. Instead we’re getting all this information in s5, Gabriel’s last season as main villain.
The son of the owners of a food stand, was involved in the punk movement, but as he aged he decided to change his name as many do in the high fashion industry to create a new image to be taken more seriously by the public and now pretends what came before “Gabriel Agreste” doesn’t exist.
Narratively this could work, as to say that Gabriel was ashamed of his past, and that’s why the pictures and ID are burnt. Gabriel tried to get rid of them to hide his past, because he was led to believe he was suppost to be ashamed of it.
And after seeing the leaked animatics, I’m blaiming Emilie’s parents for this. Let’s face it, Gabriel is very easly convinced and manipulated. If teenage girls can do it, imagine full grown adults belonging to the elité of the elité. That guy never stood a chance. 
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