#he's talking about all the stuff for enma-tei
factaerrata · 4 years
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“I’m aware most were not really enjoying handling things on behalf of this inn...but with the lively customers, the busy atmosphere, the utter chaos of the battlefields that are each room of amusement...it reminds me of the better days of the Shinsengumi. It almost feels like I was back at the beginning again with everyone...”
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Is family for forever?
(Warning, sexual themes included)
One day, while in chaldea, Rex was on his way back to his room after some time farming. Once he opens the door, he's greeted to an interesting sight.
*door opens*
Rex: finally, time to na- oh fuck!
???: Hola, Rex ;)
Before him laid his sister in law, Caster class servant, Tlazolteotl. Aztec goddess of sin and lust, with her breasts laid bare.
Rex, covering his eyes: Tlaz! What the fuck!?
Tlaz: mmmm.... just waiting for you to come back... wanting a bit of fun...!
Rex: Tlaz! I'm married! To your sister!
Tlaz: I know.... but I'm the patron of adultery remember? So it shouldn't be surprising for me to ask....
Rex: but I'm not a fucking adulterer!
Tlaz: I can change that
Rex: unlikely!
Then the door opens, and Quetz walks in.
Quetz: hola? What's happen- oh! Hermana! Que estas haciendo?!
Tlaz: my job! Technically....
Rex: mi corazon! It's not what you think!
Quetz: I know mi amor, I should've figured she'd pull this.
After a bit, Quetz is seen taking Tlaz out of their room, while Tlaz covers her breasts with her top.
Quetz: ques eso?! Why'd you do that?!
Tlaz: you already know! I'm supposed to test spouses of their loyalty!
Quetz: even for Familia?!
Tlaz: especially for familia!
Quetz: pendeja! Don't do that!
Tlaz: I need to make sure he'd never cheat on you!
Quetz: I already know he won't!
Tlaz: it is my duty to do that, and I want to make sure you won't have your heart broken!
Quetz: ok! Just make sure you don't do it again!
Tlaz: fine! I won't....
Quetz: good!
Some time later, the chaldea group ends up visiting the Enma-tei again. Rex and Quetz decided to go pay the onsen a visit. Rex finishes getting ready but Quetz isn't done yet.
Rex: mi corazon?! You ready to go yet?
Quetz: not yet mi amor! Just a while longer! Just go in without me, I'll be coming!
Rex: okay!
Then Rex enters the onsen, waiting for her to come to him. But while he was waiting, he heard a voice talk to him.
???: Hola Rex...
Rex, surprised: oh!
After recovering from the spook, Rex sees that not far from him was Tlazolteotl again, also enjoying the onsen
Rex: oh... hey there Tlaz...
Tlaz: this onsen thing's pretty nice y'know... reminds me of my temazcals back home.
Rex, nervously: ye-yeah... hehehe... makes sense...
Tlaz: you ever want to visit one of them?
Rex: hehehe... maybe one day with Quetz...
Tlaz: I can accompany you though....
Rex: Tlaz... didn't you already talk to Quetz about this....
Then Tlaz got a bit too close....
Tlaz: oh come on! It's just a steam bath! I'm not gonna... do anything... to ya
Rex: too close! Too close!
???: Hey!
Then Rex and Tlaz looked up to see Quetz at the edge of the bath
Quetz: Tlazolteotl! This again!?
Rex: mi amor!
Quetz then gets in the water and pulls Rex away from her sister (and unintentionally into her breasts)
Quetz: we talked about this! You said you were done!
Tlaz: sometimes they need more testing! And this was a good opportunity!
Quetz: once is already more then enough! Mi amor would never cheat on me! So stop it!
Rex: uh-uh... mi corazon...?
Quetz: in a second mi amor. *back to Tlaz* I am warning you hermana! Do not do that again! The only reason I'm not putting you into a chokehold right now, is because we're family! And we're both naked in a bath right now.
Tlaz: that'd be hot!
Quetz: calliete!
Quetz is then seen taking Rex to the other side of the bath, away from Tlazolteotl.
On another occasion, Rex is on his way to the kitchen to get some snacks. But on the way... he sees one room... leaking steam for some reason...
Rex: huh...? Steam?
Out of curiosity, he gets a bit closer...
Rex: why is there just... steam... leaking out?
He then opens the door a bit...
Rex: I kinda have a bad feeling about this....
He slowly opens the door a lil more...
Rex: hello?
???: hola...;)
Then Rex sees... Tlazolteotl... again.
Rex: ...why aren't I surprised?
Tlaz: oh Rex, I just thought I'd turn my room into a temazcal... since I figured chaldea could definitely use one, y'know?
Rex: that's nice! I think I'll go now!
But as Rex turns to leave, Tlaz appears right in front of the door, blocking him, with basically nothing covering her body.
Tlaz: what's the rush?! C'mon! Join me!
Rex, nervously covering his eyes again: n-n-nah! I'm good! I just wanted a snack at the kitchen is all!
Tlaz: oh... I've got a snack for you al-
Then as she's talking two arms wrap around her waist and she's put into a powerful German suplex!
Quetz: RAAAAHHHH!!!!
After Quetzalcoatl delivered the powerful move onto her sister, Tlazolteotl is seen knocked out on the floor.
Quetz: again!? Why can't she stop!? *sigh*
Quetz then drops her sister onto her bed and covers her up.
Rex: I knew she tested couples but... I didn't think she'd do it so much.
Quetz: this isn't normal! She's being annoyingly assertive about it!
Rex: I'm sorry she keeps doing that... I don't like seeing you upset...
Tlaz: it isn't your fault mi amor! She's just... she has good intentions I guess... but.... it's still annoying.
Quetz then took Rex by the hand and took him to the kitchen, let's try not to think about it! I'll make sure we have much better memories about each other instead!
Rex, excited: ok mi corazon!
Then years later, after the world was saved, Rex and Quetz moved to Mexico city to start their lives together properly. They had just finished unpacking all their stuff in their new home!
Quetz: *sigh!* finally, mi amor! This is starting to feel like home now!
Rex: yeah! It's so nice! Can't wait to spend our lives together in this new home!
*ding dong*
Quetz: hmmm? Were we expecting anyone?
Rex: not that I know of...
Rex then opens the door, with Quetz close behind, and in front of them is Quetz's sisterz Tlazolteotl.
Tlaz: hola! How are you guys?!
Immediately Rex hides behind Quetz, while Quetz looks at her sister with an annoyed look.
Quetz: ...what are you doing here?
Tlaz: I just wanted to help welcome you guys to your new home!
Quetz: right...
Tlaz: something wrong?
Tlaz: hermana! It is my duty to test someones loyalty!
Quetz: you already know what's wrong. Your annoying history of trying to tempt mi amor.
Quetz: and that duty has been fulfilled! Tres veces! You're done! No mas!
Tlaz: I'm looking out for you Quetz! I don't want your heart broken!
Quetz: me and mi amor have been together for YEARS! I think I'd know by now if he'd cheat! And he hasn't!
Tlaz: are you sure!?
Quetz: ...don't! Do not imply he's cheated behind my back!
Tlaz: I don't want to, but the possibility is always there....
Quetz: *sigh* just leave...
Tlaz: why?
Quetz: please leave now, before I get angrier at you!
Tlaz: ...fine... I'll leave...
After Tlazolteotl leaves, Rex asks Quetz a question.
Rex: ...is everything ok, mi corazon?
Quetz: *sigh* it's fine mi amor... I understand she has good intentions but... all she's doing is hurting me... I know you'd never cheat on me... I just wish she'd get the message!
Rex: I'm sure eventually she will.... she just doesn't seem to see how much it hurts you...
Quetz: honestly... I'd be more then ok with not seeing her for a very long while. I love her but... it's annoying.
Rex: yeah...
After a while, the two finish up their dinner. It starts to get late, and the two want to turn into their room.
Quetz: ok mi amor, I'm going to clean up.
Rex: need any help?
Quetz: no mi amor! It's not too much, just head back to our room! I'll join you very soon ;)
Rex: ok!!!
Then Rex heads back to their room to wait for Quetz. But once he opens the door... he sees Tlaz on their bed, just like the first occasion her breasts were bare and she was trying to seduce him.
Tlaz: Hola Re-
*door slams shut*
Rex: fucking hell!
Quetz, from the kitchen: what's wrong mi amor?
Rex: Tlaz was in our room!
Quetz: OTRA VEZ?!
Then Quetz is seen dragging her sister out of their home.
Quetz: another time!? Didn't I make it clear I don't like you pulling that!?
Tlaz: I'm trying to look out for you herm-
Tlaz: You know I'm not trying to do tha-
Quetz: it doesn't matter what you're TRYING to do!!! What you ARE doing is hurting me!!! Good intentions don't mean anything if the results hurt others! Especially those you care about!
Tlaz: I'd never want to hurt you but, I don't want you to get hurt if he-
Quetz: ...he loves me!
As Quetzalcoatl said that, she started to tear up a little.
Tlaz: is that his real na-
Quetz: it doesn't matter! I don't know what makes you keep doing that! You gain NOTHING from it!
Then Quetz stops yelling, getting quieter but still just as angry.
Quetz: in fact... you just lost a sister!
Tlaz: wait! No! Don't do this Quetzalcoatl!
Quetz: it's too late! I'm done with you! I NEVER want to see you again!
Tlaz: I was just-
Quetz: I already told you! You're intentions mean nothing! When the results are just you hurting me! Now get out!
Tlaz: b-b-but
Quetz: GO!
Then Quetz goes back into the house and slams the door shut!
And then Tlazolteotl started to tear up from what happened...
Tlaz: hermana...? I just... I just wanted to...
Tlaz, internally: did I go too far? I was just looking out for her.... I shouldn't have done that.... WHY did I do that!? Why couldn't I get the message until now!
Then she leaves....
Back inside, Rex sees that Quetz had been crying
Rex: mi corazon! What happened?!
Quetz: *sniffle* I'd rather not talk about it...
Then Rex hugs her
Rex: you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm here if you need it.
Quetz, hugging him back: gracias mi amor. I just... I'm just hurt... is all... I'll be fine...eventually....
Rex: I know you will be! You're such an amazing goddess! You can recover from anything!
Quetz: *sniffle* I love you so much mi amor... you make me so happy.... I don't know what I did you deserve you....
Rex: let's head to bed... you need the rest
Quetz: si....
A/N: and those are the incidents where Tlaz went too far.... I know I presented it kinda jokey in some posts, but I thought I'd make it far more serious in execution. Also retconned it to 4 incidents instead of 5. Eventually I'll write the two reconciling but for now... things aren't ending well.
@havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @hasjalterdoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasmataharidoneanythingwrong @hashokusaidoneanythingwrong @hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong
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