#headcanon that hawks and gojou love dolly parton
starryeyedweeb · 3 years
Walking In On Your Fave Anime Blondes Singing Along to Dolly Parton’s “Dumb Blonde”
Content Includes: Honestly, this could be read as either platonic or romantic- it’s basically borderline crack meant to give you a smile and some laughs. All underaged characters are aged up to 18+. Gender neutral reader, some language
Characters Included: Armin Arlert, Kurapika Kurta, Hawks/Takami Keigo, Tsukishima Kei, Gojou Satoru, Bakugou Katsuki
“Just because I’m blonde, don’t think I’m dumb. Because this dumb blonde ain’t nobody’s fool.”
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This is actually his power song
Before important meetings and strategy sessions where he’s slated be a big presenter, you’ll always hear him mumbling the same words over and over again under his breath, but you can never make out what they are
Until one day when you’re able to connect the dots 
One such meeting was coming up, and you leave for it before Armin does
He had just told you that he’s not quite ready to leave yet, but doesn’t explain why
You don’t think much about it and carry on, until you realize that you left a part of your harness at home and have to turn back
As you walk back through the door, you notice the sound of singing coming from his bedroom
The voice is distinctively Armin’s, and seeing as you’ve never heard him sing before, you’re actually quite excited
You sneak in as quietly as possible, and much to your amusement, you find him singing to himself in the mirror, pointing back at himself and belting the words almost aggressively
“Because this dumb blonde ain’t nobody’s fool!”
You wanted to sneak away and pretend you never saw anything, but you can’t resist bursting out into laughter
He jumps around and yelps, his face turning cherry red
“Y/N! I thought you left! I, um...I- this was...”
“Oh, my god.” A realization dawns on you. “Is that what you’re always whispering under your breath when you’re nervous?”
“Um...yeah. It just makes me feel stronger, I guess. I know, it’s so stupid...”
“No, it’s so cute! I promise,” you assure him. “And it’s fitting.”
“Of course! Even though you’re blonde, there’s not a dumb bone in your body.” You wrap him in a hug. “And you definitely aren’t anybody’s fool. Never let yourself be convinced otherwise.”
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He’s had a bad day at work.
A really bad day.
He bursts through the front door one evening, eyes bright crimson, absolutely raving about how sick he was of being pushed around and treated like he’s less than he is, spewing out ultimatums such as “To hell with the intel, I’m never going back to being a bodyguard ever again.”
To cheer him up and to get away until his anger could simmer down, you offer go pick up his favorite meal
And as you approach the door with the food in hand, you hear something odd on the other side
You cautiously open the door and peer inside, discovering Kurapika yelling along to the popular song
No, seriously- yelling
There’s no sense of song to his cadence whatsoever, he’s just hollering louder than you’ve ever thought him capable of
He’s also pulled out a basket of laundry and has started throwing it around the room as he continues on his rampage
(It was the least destructive thing he could take his anger out on)
You tiptoe over to put the food on the counter, but he’s still yet to notice you
When he shows no signs of stopping, his eyes growing redder by the second, you eventually clear your throat
“Pika, what are you doing?”
He stops with a jolt, the ending notes of the song fading away in the background
The red of his eyes drops down to his face as he realizes what you just saw
“y/n...how long have you been standing there?”
“Since the first chorus.” You choke down a giggle. “I didn’t know you liked that song.”
“I don’t, I just...” He rubs the back of his neck. “Silly as this is, it’s just the best way I’ve found to relieve my petty stress in a safe way.”
“So... this is something you do often?”
His face grows so red you think it might burst. “...yes.”
You two stare at each other for a few moments, then simultaneously burst into laughter
The kind where your entire body shakes, your stomach hurts, and tears spill from your eyes
When he doubles over to catch his breath, you cross the room to wrap him in a hug, rocking back and forth
“Can I join in next time?” you teasingly ask. “It looks fun.”
Kurapika wipes his cheeks and rolls his eyes with a smile. “Sure, why not? Just don’t tell anyone else.”
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This was the first time you had ever slept over with Keigo, and what he listens to while getting ready comes as quite a surprise.
He gets up before you do, and you wake to hear strange music coming through the closed bathroom door
You tiptoe over to see what’s going on, sliding the door open as quietly as possible
Not that he would’ve heard you, anyway, because as he’s doing his eyeliner, he’s humming along to the blaring Dolly Parton hit, swaying his hips in time with the beat
When the song reaches its defining line, he pulls the eyeliner pen away from his face and throws his head back, wailing the lyrics to the ceiling with comedic passion
You stifle your laughter behind your hand as he returns to his task, still  oblivious to your presence
Picking a choice moment to reveal yourself, you burst fully into the bathroom and fix him with a mischievous look
“Whatcha listening to?”
He jumps in shock when he spots you, leaving a streak of eyeliner down his cheek
“Fuck!” He exclaims, pouting at the black stripe. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough,” you tease.
“I mean, it’s not what it looks like.” He avoids eye contact, hunting around for makeup remover. “Don’t you just have a random song that gets you motivated, no matter how stupid it is?”
“You don’t have to be embarrassed.” You hoist yourself up onto the bathroom counter next to him. “Dolly Parton is amazing. ‘Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeeeeene’.”
“You know what? She is. You’re so right.” He points his eyeliner at you, nodding in aggressive approval. “See? This is why I like you.”
And you can bet your ass that every time you get in the car together from here on out, you’re blaring Dolly Parton
There have been several instances when you’ve shown up to missions with it pounding from the speakers as you sleekly step out of the car, ready to apprehend any villains that dare to cross the pair of you
And it’s the most badass thing ever.
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At this point in your relationship, you thought you had learned all of Tsukishima’s secrets.
You were wrong.
It starts completely innocently, with the two of you going with Yamaguchi for a boba run
And when Tsukishima settles into the driver’s seat, his phone auto-connects to the speakers and sends familiar country twangs through the car at a volume that prompts you to clap your hands over your ears
“Shit!” he mutters, fumbling around, unsure which would do the most damage control: changing the song or muting the volume
“Kei,” you guffaw, “what the hell were you listening to?”
“It was an ad,” he insists, eventually managing to get the volume to a favorable range and select a less-embarrassing song choice
“Don’t let him fool you, Y/N.” Yamaguchi’s head pokes between the two front seats. “Dumb Blonde is one of his favorite songs.”
“And don’t listen to how idiotic Yamaguchi’s being,” Tsukishima bites back, but the pink tinge growing over the top of his ears betrays his lie.
“It’s been one of his top five most played songs for about three years now,” Yamaguchi continues. “I think he relates to it.”
“You’re kidding!”
At this point, you can’t control your giggles, and Kei’s jaw grows tighter by the second
“Yeah, and once he has a couple of drinks in him, he’ll shamelessly belt the hell out of it at karaoke.” Yamaguchi’s gaze flickers to his phone as his finger rapidly scrolls. “Here, I have a video.”
“Yamaguchi, don’t you dare-”
Tsukishima reaches a long arm out to steal the phone, but you grab his hand before he can take it
“Aht aht, Tsukki,” you tease. “You have two passengers that you’re responsible for. Eyes on the road, please.”
As he glowers, Yamaguchi shows you a glorious video of Tsukishima absolutely wailing out the Dolly Parton hit into a karaoke microphone, the teammates around him laughing so hard that they almost appeared to be choking
“That’s amazing!” You squeal, belly hurting from so much laughter. “But I can’t believe that video didn’t spread around like wildfire.”
“Bold of you to assume that I don’t have worse blackmail to use against all of them,” Kei snaps.
“Well, you should know that you’re never going to live this down as far as I’m concerned.”
“I don’t know why it’s such a big deal. Everyone has guilty pleasures.” By this point, his face is the same shade as a tomato, but he fixes you with a knife-like gaze that strikes fear into your heart. “Shall I start listing yours?”
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(i know he’s technically silver/platinum but he just has blonde energy okay)
The last thing you expect to come home to after a long day of work is Dolly Parton music blaring through your home
And you expect even less to find Gojou standing on the couch, belting the song at the top of his lungs
Beyond the initial shock, you have to admit that he actually sounds quite good, hitting each note to perfection and performing the song with subtle corresponding choreography
“Gojou!” You eventually shout. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Oh, good! You’re home.” He deftly hops off the couch and approaches you with a grin. “I’ve been wanting your opinion on my act.”
“Your act?”
“Yes! The school staff has an annual karaoke contest coming up. I do this song every year, and it’s undefeated.”
“Every year? How have I never known about this?”
“I actually don’t have any idea. I have videos. I’ll show them to you, if you’d like.”
“You’re a little too proud of that,” you giggle. “But if it’s undefeated, why do you need my opinion on it?”
“Because everyone always conspires to try and beat me. I have to keep it fresh. But lately, it’s just been feeling stale.” He furrows his brows, a finger going to his chin in contemplation.
“How are you so serious about this but so carefree when you’re literally about to die?” You grab his elbows and give them a small shake. “Anyway, what I saw certainly didn’t seem stale. Seems like you were having a pretty good time.”
“A good time just isn’t enough anymore...”
You clap a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter as he paces around the room, more serious than you’d ever seen him
Over a karaoke contest to a Dolly Parton song
He snaps his fingers as he finally comes to his realization, approaching you with a sinister smile
“I’ve got it! You should perform it with me.”
“Are you serious? No! No no no.”
“Come on, don’t be so closed-minded.” Gojou grabs your hand and yanks you up onto the couch with him. “Give it a shot.”
After much protesting on your part and much silly encouragement on his, you try it out to pacify him, and end up being quite the dynamic duo
As he wished, you perform the comedic act at the karaoke contest, and satisfy Gojou by maintaining his undefeated record
“You know that you owe me big time now, right?” you ask as he admires the cheap trophy he’s just been handed.
He grins, draping his long arm over your shoulders. “Anything you want, you’ve got it.”
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Bakugou discovers the song after Kirishima and Denki put it on his playlist as a joke
Denki had the bright idea to give Bakugou the nickname “dumb blonde” and figured that the prank would be the start of it all
Needless to say, it didn’t go over very well
There was yelling
And a few punches thrown
You eventually have to pull him away, imploring him to calm down
“I’m not going to calm down until that piece of shit is off my playlist.”
You promptly take his phone and hold it in front of him, removing the offending song
“See? Gone. Now please chill out.”
Flash-forward to a week or so later
You happen to walk into the gym for a late night run on the treadmill while he’s there doing weights
Since he was alone before you entered, his music is hooked up to the central sound system, blaring some heavy metal song as he softly hums along in time with his breaths
You don’t think anything of it, giving him a small wave and going to put your own earbuds in
Until the barely-perceptible lyrics seem a little familiar
You pause to listen for a moment, and shoot him a look of shock when you realize that he is, in fact, listening to a heavy metal cover of Dumb Blonde.
“Is this-”
“Shut up,” he snaps, avoiding eye contact and continuing to pump the machine with frightening intensity.
“How did you even find a cover like this?”
“Shut. Up.”
“I’m just so-”
“It just helps me work out, okay?” He lets the weight drop with a sharp clang. “Don’t you fucking dare tell anyone about this.”
You raise your hands in surrender. “I wasn’t planning on it.”
“Good. Now get on with your workout and let me finish mine.”
He focuses his fiery gaze on the faraway wall, but strangely doesn’t bother to change or turn off the song
And you can’t resist pulling your phone out, pretending to take a selfie while you’re actually, in fact, filming him behind you
“I can see you, stupid,” he snaps. “I’m serious. I’ll fucking kill you.”
You jump in fear, the phone falling from your hands.
“I wasn’t!” You fib. “Besides, it’s away now.”
But little did he know, you had already captured everything you needed to see, and the footage was already on its way to Kirishima and Denki
You know that you’re beyond dead once he finds out what you had done, but the amusement of it all is beyond worth it
Besides, maybe now he’d think twice before the next time he makes fun of someone.
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