sovereigntism · 8 months
What My Muse Smells Like
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King Smells Like:
Tide detergent from their clothes
String wax for bows, and sword oil for swords
Lemons and lemon treats when the weather is hot.
Dusty smell of too many books cling to them after vacations.
Amber, and magnolia blossoms as a natural scent.
They think they always smell like blood. JJK
Faint smell of baby's breath and forget-me-not flowers follow in their path
Freshly cleaned linens. KHR
Buttercream icing
Coffee OP
Seaweed and fish
Barbecue FMAB
Automail Oil
Xingese Spices
Fried street foods
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Tagged by: @sanguine-salvation Tagging: @whiskeysmulti, @queenharumiura, @rubctosis, @amazonien, @chillin-at-partys-bar, @thebacchaes, @muekura, @vanaglorie, @dangaer, and you! (if you were tagged and don't wanna you don't gotta.))
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sovereigntism · 4 months
Headcanon time.
King is a creative person by nature. As a child they would often draw and write little stories. But after discovering the nature of their gift, they've shied away from writing and drawing. And if asked to draw or write a fictional story, they will adamantly refuse. Something along the lines of "I'm simply not good at it." which, while not completely a lie, is true enough under the fact it is a very unpracticed and unused skill. Instead! Their strengths lie in physical movement. Dancing. They love to express themselves through exercise and dance. Singing is fun as well, but they consider themself an amateur singer, and a bit of a "novice" dancer. They know ballroom dance, having been taught ballroom dance by teachers as early as their younger childhood years. They don't have a preference, but free form dance seems to be more widely practiced and easier to do with no partner, so they tend to gravitate towards it. As such, singing and dancing, they are quite musically inclined. Though they make no effort to openly show this aside from occasionally serenading companions, or sweeping a friend off their feet in a dance.
Your muse may ask King to teach them dance.
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sovereigntism · 7 months
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King's flirting can vary from typical courtship of flowers and sweet words, to throwing you over their shoulder and pinning you down in a contest of strength. You never know what King considers flirting because it's all fair game to them.
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sovereigntism · 7 months
@signorinavongola [meme] [original] Since no word was specified I've decided "theft" shall be the word.
The first time King committed any crime was petty theft, stealing food from a food stall. This was in their home world, and King was about 5 years old. Promptly caught and chastised by their mother- The food was paid for, and she was chastised for stealing something she didn't truly need. It took a lot of convincing in the upcoming years that stealing for survival was one thing and stealing for luxury is another. Barring the negative experience, King has a relatively casual view on theft.
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sovereigntism · 7 months
    ☾ character questions ☽
  the basics:
name: Ryuusa King Evans
age: 21
zodiac sign: Aquarius
one good trait: Considerate
one bad trait: Tempermental
one bad habit: Smoking
one good habit: Exercising
one habit they can’t break:  Self Sacrificing 
one they’ve broken: Going to bed early.
what they’re afraid of: Being forgotten.
their parents names: Ren Ame Evans & (Unknown to King - Donor)
their siblings names: N/A
favorite childhood memory: "I pranked my mama when I was like 11, by filling her office with cats. It was pure fluffy chaos."
favorite childhood toy: The first archery set they ever got.
embarrassing story: Tripping and falling face first in front of their first ever partner.
favorite family member: Mom (Ren).
a story about that family member: "My mama has always been a provider and a protector. She always stresses the importance that I can defend myself and my friends... So she was the one who taught me how to fight. Taught me everything I know but the main one is she taught me everything I know about fighting. My hand to hand skills come from her. While I don't use them often, I like to think she's proud every time I do."
what they prefer:
coffee or tea?
taking baths or taking showers?
writing or reading?
indoors or outdoors?
land or sea?
platonic or romantic?
loud or quiet?
summer or winter?
spring or autumn?
money or influence?
knowledge or strength?
clothing: Comfort above all, but they do enjoy the punk aesthetic.
season: Spring
object: The gold wedding band they keep at home on their bow. It's a family heirloom.
color: Black.
music: Anything you can sing. Instrumentals are nice but it's not their idea of a great time.
place: Home.
memory: "When I brought my friend with me to another world, by accident, but it's left such an impression I have to list it as one of my favorites."
food: Lemon flavored sweets
person: Mama
Tagged by: @heavens-sin Tagging: Anyone who wants to~ Just tag me cause I'm nosy ♥
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sovereigntism · 7 months
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"I really didn't need so many 100% ones!! I- I mean it's not wrong but still-!"
BDSM test
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sovereigntism · 7 months
Just saw a video on a social that has this dialogue.
Guy 1: Yo, uhm- Jessica just broke up with me. Do you wanna go to Italy with me right now? Guy 2: Bro, I'm so sorry, but... but... I have work at five. 1: And that's like a for sure thing? 2: I mean... It's my job. It's how I pay rent. 1: If you don't mind me asking, how much do you make in a year? 2: Maybe 30k? 1: If I give you 50 thousand dollars right now... Will you go to Italy with me for a month? 2: ...Yeah... 1: You're a great friend bro. Thank you. 2: I don't know if that makes me a great- We'll talk about it on the plane.
I... I can only think that- That's so King...
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sovereigntism · 8 months
Thinking about how King sympathizes heavily with some characters, villains included, to the point of "If I were them, would I do the same?" and having the heartbreaking realization that the answer is usually "yes."
Ahah- I didn't need emotionssss... </3
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sovereigntism · 8 months
Meta. Headcanon. Idk.
King is well versed in traveling universes. They know they can easily get back to a world once they leave it, including the specific version of that world. But they don't believe they can return to a world once they die in it. They don't realize that they can- it just hinges on someone in that world that has met them still being alive and bothering to remember them at all. They haven't tried beyond trying to return to one world that they lived 3 years in. They can't return to that world.
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sovereigntism · 9 months
BOLD what your muse experiences, ITALICIZE leaning.
Character Select -> : Ryuusa King Evans
Alcoholism. Amnesia. Anxiety. Appetite Loss. Binge Eating. Co-Dependence. Cynicism. Defensiveness. Denial. Depersonalization. Depression. Derealization. Devaluation. Displacement. Dissociation. Drug Abuse. Dysphoria. Emotional Detachment. Flashbacks. Flat Affect. Guilt. Hallucinations. Hypersomnia. Hypervigilance. Hypochondria. Idealization. Insomnia. Intellectualization. Introjection. Isolation. Low Self Esteem. Narcissism. Night Terrors. Obsessive Compulsion. Overeating. Panic Attacks. Passive Aggression. Paranoia. Phobias. Projection. Psychosis. Rationalization. Regression. Repression. Restrictive Eating. Risky Sex. Self-Harm. Somatization. Splitting. Sublimation. Suicidal Ideation. Sleepwalking. Suppression. Thousand Yard Stare. Triggers. Trust Issues. Violence. Whiplash. Temper.
tagged by: N/A Swiped from the void. Tagging: anyone else who wants to do this. tag me so I can see!
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sovereigntism · 5 months
Reminder- this is King's VC. (Content Warning: suggestive song and images in video.))
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sovereigntism · 7 months
King takes showers typically- And due to how their abilities have worked for all of their life... They take showers in under 5 minutes. Not due to water concerns (though that is a good reason) but due to not wanting their power to activate mid-shower. That'd be mortifying..! And painful given the lack of gemstone.
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sovereigntism · 7 months
Mobile trapped because I'm on that D&D brainrot-
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sovereigntism · 8 months
       𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
repost. don't reblog. bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies.
scraped knees,  silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness,  a dog barking,  rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house,  forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss,  trying to make sense of the noise,  hiding what you love to protect it,  trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing,  realizing you aren’t a priority,   grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough,  the hope things might someday get better,  grief that aches in your bones,  childish dares and pranks,  the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry,  sledding down a frozen hill,  absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go,  brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
tagged by: @chillin-at-partys-bar tagging: You! If you haven't done it and want to <3 Just tag me cause I'm nosy. <3
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sovereigntism · 8 months
What does your blood taste like?
Your blood tastes like rosé, a pale pink table wine. Prominent flavors: fruity, floral, and light.
tagged by: @sanguine-salvation tagging: You! If you haven't done it <3
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sovereigntism · 8 months
murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement / money-laundering / kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson / trespassing / treason / libel or slander / obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court / public intoxication / conspiracy / accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threat / pick-pocketing / shoplifting
Tagged: Swiped from the void. Tagging: You~♥
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