#headcanons for Henry go brrr?
ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Hey, what if I… did a Henry Emily event for @willynillynonsense isometime? I mean, I’d have to work out how to get him in, blog lore-wise. But will it be worth it? Maaaybe.
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hey, i really love your writing!! could i request michael and william headcanons about how they'd calm down the reader from a panic attack, or if you're comfortable, sensory overload? they're my comfort purple little guys and they make my brain go brrr
As someone who occasionally has panic attacks and frequently has sensory overloads, yes I will!(although, only panic attacks for right now, possibly sensory overload later)
-It happened when kids started screaming a bit too loud at a birthday party
-You had already been having a pretty rough day, and yelling children had been the end of ut
-You had told him you would be fine, that you were only stressed, but he found you hyperventilating in his office half an hour later
-Immediatly drops what he's doing to help you
-Quickly realizes what's happening
-He's going all out to help you
-5,4,3,2,1 method, hand-on-chest with measured breathing, reassuring words, other types of grounding
-Tells you later that he and Henry both learned all those things just in case any kids had panic attacks at parties
-Once he's fully sure you're ok, he'll get you water, blankets(especially a weighted blanket, if he can find one), and turn off the lights in his office just in case you wanna lay down
-As soon as he can, he takes you home and gets you comfortable there, making you tea or hot cocoa
-The day ends in cuddles, as long as you're sure you're ok with them
-It just happens at home out of nowhere
-One minute you and Mike are watching a movie together, the next you're yelling at him about something he can't figure out
-He hears you hyperventilating and loses it
-Calls Henry, and nearly calls the hospital before Henry gets him to calm down enough to listen
-Asks Mike to explain what's going on
-Once he does, Henry immediately tells him what to do
-Mike grabs a blanket and carefully wraps you up in it, not too tightly, but enough to make you feel secure
-Next, he tries a couple grounding methods, which help not only you, but him as well
-He's had a couple of panic attacks himself, but he just thought it was some type of breathing problem mixed with some type of anxiety
-Once he gets you to calm down, he asks if you want anything
-Gets you anything you want, be it comfort snacks, water, more blankets, cuddles, stuffed animals, ect.
-He'll be so gentle with you for like, three days afterwards just to make sure another one doesn't happen
-Very very worrysome over you, but he's just doing his best to keep you from having more panic attacks than your body seems absolutely necessary
-Best boyfriend/husband ever when it comes to comfort, he just wants to be there to help you through it if he can
(1. I'm sorry the asks are taking so long, but I promise I am getting to them!!! 2. Lol, wish someone did this for me, all my mom does during my panic attacks is make it worse🤞😋)
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twinvictim · 4 years
Tell me your Henry headcanons and/or fun facts
Henry go brrr
Ok ok so I know its technically canon but i still like him tall hes 6'1, big.
Also i usually HC him as mixed (in 301 his mother is mexican) and autistic, his main I retest obviosuly being photography but he also likes to draw sometimes. Very sensitive about his scrapbooks and never willingly lets people see them.
He smokes alot (sometimes indoors bc Frank doesnt give a shit) prefers wine bc hard liquor kinda makes him gag too much to rewlly drink it. He doesn't often eat breakfast b, he either forgets or sleeps in too late, when he does its usually just leftovers or sometimes cereal. (Hates oatmeal, bad texture)
He uses to visit silent hill alot beacuse his parents took him and while he liked the lake and hotel and quiet places like that he hated the amusement park, too loud too many people, it smelled weird, and he doesn't like rollar coasters.
Henry likes cats but is slightly allergic and never felt like he could take care of one properly with his depression, but he likes to pet them when he sees them and sometimes feeds strays he sees outside
He may or may not have a bit of latent abilities he knows nothing about. He's always sort of been able to see and hear voices and people who aren't really there, one could say hes always seen ghosts and known things he shouldnt. He sort of forgot or blocked those memories out of his mind as an adult though. These experiences did make him very empathetic however.
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