#hearing sisv for the first time
icyfox17 · 1 year
top 5 moments in your lifetime
Why did u go ahead and choose the hardest one straight off the bat what the fuck
Not in any particular order
◇ seeing the stars in hawaii for the first time (i just... the sheer awe that filled me. Never have been able to recreate it. It was amazing)
♤ cant choose one but an amalgation of all the videos my sister and i have ever made together
♡ oliver cuddling with me in the back seat of the car (he rarely cuddled with us, but driving in the back seat was our time ❤️)
♧ riding the v pretty highway that i shall not dox on the motorcycle with my dad
○ changing my last name legally
It's impossible to choose only 5 moments to be my all time top moments but . These are really good contenders. I really struggled w the last one, but I decided to add changing my name bc it was a really important decision to me, and a really big step into me finally feeling like im my own person
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