#heartbreak high heartbreakhigh2022 heartbreakhigh
halpmehalpyou · 2 years
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Anyone else heard about the good news? 
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jessiexcorner · 7 months
Heartbreak Highs. (pt. 3)
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
Part 1:
Part 2:
"You sure you’ll be good? You can stay over for longer if you want,” (Y/n) says to Darren as they step out of her car and peer in through the window.
“Yeah, thanks for letting me stay, and dropping me to work.”
“Yea, no worries, see you after your shift?” (Y/n) asks, to which Darren nods. She drives off heading to Harper’s aunt’s place to hang out.
“Hey Harp” (Y/n) says with a smile entering the house. She notices a younger kid next to Harper, her little cousin, they had met a couple of times. “Hey, little star!” (Y/n) raises her hand out for a high five which the kid gladly returns.
“Did you get it?” The kid asks excitedly.
(Y/n) hums and reaches into her bag to pull out some sweets, “Don't eat them all at once your mom will get mad at me if I spoil your appetite..” She tries to warn but the kid already has taken off running to her room with the bag of junk food. “..Just so you know I'm still mad at the fish thing…” (Y/n) states.
“..I got you your favorite snacks as an ‘im sorry’ gift,” Harper says holding out the small bag of treats.
“…Okay, maybe I'm a little less upset.”
Harper laughs and pulls the girl inside the home, wrapping an arm around her neck. They head to the guest room and laze around, talking, and watching a movie together. They lay in bed watching a random film on (Y/n)’s laptop. (Y/n) feels her phone buzz and looks at it to see a notification of a message from Darren, opening it to find an image of Amerie in butchered bangs. She looks up at Harper who’s focused on the movie. She texts 'Oh my god.’ to Darren and shuts her phone, snuggling closer to the blond girl, who doesn't mind. A few minutes later she gets another text from Darren which says ‘Fixed Dora’s haircut.’ With a photo of the new hair and Amerie in a trolly, a place familiar. (Y/n) furrows her brows, sitting up a bit and texting quickly. ‘You're at the roof? I thought you wanted me to pick you up?’ She pauses to read the response. ’Yeah sorry, I asked Quinni, we’re at the roof now. We’re actually going to head to the cemetery for the party,’ ‘What..’ (Y/n) types out but then delete and replace it with an ‘oh.’ She can't really blame them, she never told the two she was close friends with Amerie before she became a Dusty-obsessed mean girl. They only knew about Harper and that she and Harp had a falling out but, now are on better terms. ‘You should come, please? It wouldn't be the same.’ (Y/n) pauses at the message. 'PLEASE COME!!1!’ Another message says. ’That was Quinni, but yes’ (Y/n) smiles a little at the text before responding with ‘okay.’
“Hey Harp, you're going to the cemetery thing yeah?”
“Yeah, why?” Harper looks over at the (h/c) hair girl.
“I wanna come.” Harper looks at her with surprise.
“Really? You never wanted to go before, but alright, if you’re sure,” She says with a smile.
At the cemetery, most teens carry a drink or smoke enjoying themselves. (Y/n) sticks close to Harper as the girl talks with Missy and Sasha, not drinking any alcohol. She looks around waiting for Darren and Quinni. “Hey, you good?” Harper asks.
“Oh, yeah, Darren said that they and Quinni were coming, I'm just keeping an eye out.” (Y/n) explains.
“Ah,” Harper nods understanding. (Y/n) notices Harper is almost done with her drink.
“Want me to get you another?” (Y/n) asks not wanting to stand around silently or awkwardly as Sasha, Missy, and Harper talk.
“If you're okay with it, sure,” Harper says noticing the fact (Y/n) was silent throughout the whole party. The (h/c) haired girl nods humming and walks to the drinks to find an unopened and untampered bottle. As she searches the cooler she notices someone standing next to her, she looks up to see the new kid.
“Hey,” He starts.
“Hi..” She responds going back to her search for the drink.
“Looking for that?” He points out a bottle that seems to be unopened.
“Oh, yeah.. Thanks,” She grabs the bottle, checking it once more.
“I'm Malakai.” He reaches out his hand.
She stands up before reaching her own hand out, “(Y/n).”
“You don’t seem like someone who comes here often,”
(Y/n) raises a brow “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, no I didn't mean, it's just you seem uncomfortable around here…” Malakai tries to explain.
“… it's actually my first time at something like this.” (Y/n) admits.
“Hey, me too.” He smiles.
“Right.” She pauses, not used to talking to a lot of new people, or comfortable talking to someone she doesn't already know.
“Can I offer you a drink?”
“I don't drink.” (Y/n) declines.
“Oh, okay that’s cool.”Malakai is about to say something else when (Y/n) excuses herself.
“I have to get this to my friend,” She points in Harper’s general direction.
“Oh, uh, sure, see you around?” He asks hopefully.
(Y/n) hums but leaves immediately as soon as she gets the chance to run back to her friend’s side.
“Hey, saw you talking to the new kid,” Harper teases a bit taking the drink (Y/n) brought her.
“Hm? Oh yeah.” (Y/n) moves on by not speaking of the topic anymore.
“Well, he seemed like he wanted to talk to you, actually he still seems like he wants to talk to you,” Harper points out, (Y/n) glances at the direction of where the coolers were, and Malakai is looking at the girl and her friend. (Y/n) looks away and awkwardly shrugs. It only took another minute before sundown when Darren, Quinni, and Amerie arrive. (Y/n) spots her friends and is about to say hi, but stops when she sees Amerie. She taps Harper to let her know, who had arrived. Harper looks over and sees the group, and nods in acknowledgment. Quinni finding (Y/n) smiles and waves, which the girl returns back. Amerie on the other hand spotting her old friends wants to turn back. Malakai walks up to Amerie holding out a beer.
"Hey, cunt. My actual name's Malakai, by the way.”
“Amerie.” The girl introduces herself. (Y/n) notices the interaction and looks away focusing on her friends Darren and Quinni. Smiling, she is about to walk up to them but, Malakai seemingly wanting to cheer Amerie up, starts dancing which makes Quinni pull Amerie to the dance floor and begin dancing with her and Darren. (Y/n)’s smile falters a little, pulling back she moves away from the middle of the dance floor back to the sides. Once Amerie seems to be done having her fun with Malakai; Darren and Quinni catch up with (Y/n) and they talk about Quinni’s plan to confront Spider about the rumor and Darren’s encounter with Cash earlier that day.
“Oh really? That's so cool Quinni, it'll be hilarious!” (Y/n) hypes up her friend, encouraging her.
“Oh! I should tell Amreie too,” Quinni walks off with a smile leaving (Y/n) on her own as Darren had left to get a drink. She looks around shuffling before deciding to look for Harper. While searching she bumps into someone.
“Oh, sorry,”
“Oh hey, it's you.” Malakai smiles once more after stabilizing the both of them.
“Oh, uh, yup.” (Y/n) nods turning away.
“Hey, could I ask you something?”
“Do you not like me or are you just shy?”
“I dunno, you just seem to avoid me, or people in general.”
“..Well, I don't exactly know you enough to not like you.”
“You could, get to know me that is. I would like to get to know you,” He says with a smile.
Oh. Well, this was… different. Not a bad thing, maybe, but strange indeed. “Oh, uh—“ (Y/n) was cut off and a bit distracted when she saw Quinni walking towards Spider to confront him about the 'Lazy kebab' rumor. Malakai glances at what caught the girl’s attention.
"Hey, Spider.” Quinni hands the guy a large blue folder, full of diagrams and images. Spider skims through with wide eyes, and makes a face.
"Yuck! What is this shit?"
"Oh. You don't like vaginas?” Quinni asks, seemingly genuine.
"No, I like vaginas.” Spider corrects her, thinking that the girl is implying something else.
Well, you clearly don't know much about them because if you have a look here…See most vaginas have very pronounced flaps, or labia, and some of them are even lopsided, where I'm assuming you got "Lazy Kebab" from, but it's very, very, normal. You wouldn't know, it's not taught in public schools much. Which is actually very— “ Quinni rambles as she points at the diagrams and pictures. People begin to notice the commotion and Spider’s reactions.
“I've seen heaps of vaginas. Thanks.” Spider says harshly shoving the folder back to the girl.
“Okay. I just assumed, on account of the fact that you were lying about seeing mine, that you were lying about seeing others too.” Quinni says calmly in her usual tone, directly insulting him and discrediting him in one sentence. The kids around snicker and laugh. (Y/n) watches with a proud smile.
"Look, of course, we didn't have sex. Why would I root a fucknut like you?” Spider retorts angrily walking away. A girl, Sasha comes up to compliment Quinni.
“That's your friend right?” Malakai asks (y/n) noticing her smile.
"she’s amazing,”
“She is,” (Y/n) beams,
“You have a pretty smile,”
That makes (Y/n) pause and nervous. She was never really the best at these things. There is a reason why she was labeled as 'Fish' on the map. She turns her head away chuckling nervously, not sure how to respond. But like a knight in shining armour, Harper links her arm to hers.
“Hey, I needed to take a piss, come with me?” Harper says not paying attention to the boy. Until she notices the fidgety and shy look on her friend’s face and grins. “Am I interrupting?”
“No! I’ll come with you, bye Malakai.” (Y/n) says dragging the blond away who chuckles at her. Malakai stands where he was left with a smile watching the girls walk away.
“So, Malakai is it? Does little (Y/n) have a crush?” Harper teases.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? It's nothing, he’s just being friendly.”
“Yeah, I'm sure he’s being friendly… the ‘you have a pretty smile’ friendly.” Harper says mocking the conversation she heard earlier as she squats near the graves to pee.
“You hear that?!” (Y/n) turns to face away letting the girl piss in peace, but also a little embarrassed.
“Come on it's cute!”
“Shush— Oh shit.“
“..Amerie.” (Y/n) says as if warning the other girl. The brown girl walks towards them both staring directly at Harper as she pees.
"Oi, can we talk?” Amerie says, eyeing (Y/n) who doesn't say anything but stays close to Harper, like a guard dog.
"Jesus. Let me finish.” Harper huffs. She pauses and continues, "Just talk until I can get going again."
"Why don't you want to be friends anymore? After everything, Harp? It's killing me. I just want to fix it. Please tell me how to fix it.”
"What happened to your hair?” Harper changes the subject.
"I cut it."
“Yourself?” Harper raises a brow.
"Yes,” Amerie says confidently, making (Y/n) scoff, Darren did her hair. Why lie?
Harper chuckles, pulling up her pants and buttoning them. "I told you not to watch those YouTube tutorials. You never listen."
"And you never talk. What happened? We were fine up until the festival.” Amerie says desperately wanting to get closer, only to have (Y/n) step in a bit, protectively. "I went to your house and you weren’t—“
“Why did you go to my house?"
"You weren't talking to me—“
"So you stalked my house and harassed my dad?"
"I didn't harass your dad,” Amerie says lightly.
"That is such the typical psycho thing for you to do."
"You're the psycho. You ruined my life."
"Ruined your life? All this sh*t, Amerie, the map, your stupid fucking crush on Dusty, do you not understand how unimportant it all is? You're a child.” Harper snaps.
"That's not a reason to dump me. What's happened to you? Harper. I just want to move on.” Amerie says softly.
"And I don't want you in my life anymore,” Harper says harshly, tugging (Y/n) along with her.
“Since when did you replace me with (Y/n),” Amerie retorts in a last-ditch effort.
“I didn’t do shit. Unlike you, she’s actually my friend.” Harper defends (Y/n) while hurting Amerie in the process. Harper and (Y/n) walk away from the brown girl. (Y/n) notices the girl shaking and holding her hand gently squeezing back and letting Harper catch her breath and calm down.
“..Thanks, Harper.. you didn’t have to,”
“i did. You have always been there for me. The least I can do is be there for you too,” Harper says focusing on the way (Y/n)’s thumb rubs over her still-cracked knuckles. The two head back to the party, hand in hand.
thank you for waiting, sorry for any grammar mistakes and a short chap. <3
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beep-beep-robin · 2 years
exCUSE ME my gifset of the bus scene in heartbreak high is in a tiktok analyzing sasha‘s character and both gemma and sherry-lee commented on said tiktok
is it weird that this just made my night lmao
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jessiexcorner · 5 months
Heartbreak Highs (pt. 4)
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
Part 1:
Heartbreak Highs
Part 2:
Heartbreak highs pt. 2
Part 3:
Heartbreak Highs. (pt. 3)
It had only taken Amerie a few minutes to come up after Harper and (Y/n). (Y/n) watched as she hurried along to leave, inside she was sort of glad about it, that was until she saw Darren and Quinni leave with her hand in hand. Jealously rose inside her like a tidal wave. What was that? Her friends asked her to come then barely spend time with her and leave with Amerie! 
"You alright?" Harper asked her friend who seemed to be glaring in Amerie's direction.
"You seem distracted. You okay?"
"Oh, yeah.. just tired."  
"We can go home if you want?"
"No, you should party--"
"Im fine really! go, go dance."  "You sure?"
"...Okay maybe i do want to leave but i still want you to enjoy yourself." (Y/n) confesses softly. Harper smiles, holding hands with the girl. 
"That's fine, i'll be okay, really, you can go home." 
"You sure?" 
"Yeah. i have my phone and your necklace remember?"  Harper pulls out the emergency pendant that, once clicked sends a message of the wearer's location and a distress signal.
"Okay, if you're sure?" (Y/n) says shuffling about not ready to let go of the blonde girl.  
"Yes, go on, go" Harper waves the girl off.
"Okay, call me if you need a ride, and if you go somewhere, or if youre lonely!" (Y/n) rambles on as Harper pushes her along to the exit.
"I'll be fine babes! go," 
"Okay, see you later?" Harper nods and lets the girl go. 
The morning after entering school (Y/n) again tries to reconnect with her friends. Spotting them in a corner and walking up to them with a smile only to pause when the scene infront of her plays out. Darren and Quinni smile arms openly calling over someone, Amerie. "Hey! Over here! Amerie, this way! It's our new bestie." "Morning."  "Hello!" Quinni links her arm around the brown girl and walks with her to class.  If that wasn't enough to make (Y/n)'s blood boil she didnt know what was. She takes a breath and heads towards Harper to talk with. Spotting the girl standing next to a boy she walks closer only to pause, was that Dusty? She links arms with the blonde girl startling her a bit. 
"Hope i'm not interrupting?" 
"Not at all," Harper links her arm with (Y/n)'s as they walk away. 
"So, whats that about?"
(Y/n)'s eyes narrow in suspicion looking back she sees dusty gazing longlingy at Harper, and back at the girl next to her. "..Oh my-- Did you two-" (Y/n) gasps. 
"Hush." Harper says with a cheekiy smile. 
"No way!"
"Hush, it was just a hookup, nothing serious."
"...okay... did you have fun?" (Y/n) asks awkwardly, not sure what to ask in the conversation. 
"...um, sure."
"okie. That's good." 
The next time (Y/n) interacts with her friends again is in the SLTs class. They talk with her as if nothing is new or changed so she can't react much. She doesn't confront them about the Amerie thing, or the ditching her at the party thing. Instead the friends catch up for the little time they can until Amerie comes back taking her place. The second time she sees them is during P.E. when she finds out that Quinni likes Sasha and watches her ask the hispanic girl out, from across the field. She sighs feeling left out.
In the changing rooms she spots Harper changing, the girl's back facing her and slumps her head against her shoulder whining, making the blond laugh. 
"Whats up?" (Y/n) sighs in response, before looking over Harper's bruise. 
"..I'll tell you at home, you still using the ointment I gave you?" (Y/n) light grazes the wound with her finger making Harper ticklish. 
"Yes, and it doesn't hurt as much anymore."
"Good." The (h/c) haired girl lets go, letting her change. 
Amerie walks up the court dodging the field of sweaty teens to the one white boy who could solve her problem. "Spider, please sell me a slap band." "What? No. You cooked? No way." The boy refuses not even glancing at her.  "Dusty said I could come." "Why do you think he put me in charge of tickets? Huh? Keep tossers like you out."  "Twenty bucks, right? I can transfer it to you right now." "No, it's, uh... It's gone up to eighty now." "Come on, I'm asking you nicely. Please..." "Ninety. Be 100 in a minute." "Listen, you mayonnaise fuck. What is your problem with me?" Spider pauses before thinking of his answer.  "You're the reason we're in SLTs."  "Well, SLTs is cancelled. Okay, so..." Amiere announces causing the other students to murmur. 
"You really want to come?" "Yes, please." "Hundred bucks, then." Spider grins tossing the basketball in the hoop. Amerie rolls her eyes about to walk away when someone walking towards her catches her eye. (Y/n) walks past the brown skinned girl straight to Spider. 
"Hey. Still got those ticket things?" She asks him. The boy raises a brow. 
"What you plan on coming fish?" He teases. 
"Actually yeah." (Y/n) says bluntly, pulling out two twenty dollar bills. "Got two?" Spider pauses looking between the girl and the money, he might have reconsidered had he not caught the glimpse of anger and annoyance on Amerie's face making him grin.
"Actually just for your first time, i'll give you a discount, twenty for both." 
"What?!" Amerie reacts frustated. 
"Fine by me." (Y/n) shrugs handing him one of the twenties instead. 
"Pleasure doing business, i'll bring your bracelets to you." He smiles taking the money as the girl walks away. 
"How is that fair?!" Amerie whines, walking off, only to receive a bracelet from Malakai. 
(Y/n) was starting to regret coming to this party the minute Amerie jumped over a wall and fell into the pool, as Malakai laughed with the girl, She couldnt help but feel that twinge of jealously once more. Its not like Malakai and her even talked more than one or two times, but he sort of maybe flirted with her...kind of? She shakes her head. its not like she can blame him, or anyone else for this. She was never the best at flirting or showing someone her feelings romantically.
"You okay?" Harper's voice breaks her train of thought. 
"Yeah why?" 
"..didn't you like the new gu--" 
She mostly stuck with Harper throughout the party that is when she saw Quinni upset and running around, quickly informing Harper, she runs after the sparkle covered girl. She watches as Quinni breaks down in the bathroom, Amerie trying to take a step closer only to be stopped by Darren who tells her to leave nicely. The three friends once more reunited calm Quinni down, and relax with her. (Y/n) sitting on the side of the tub reading a book online on her phone, and Darren relaxing with an eye mask. 
"Okay, I think I'm good to go now." Quinni announces softly.  "Stunning." Darren says taking off their eye mask. 
(Y/n) gives her friends a soft smile as they walk back down to the party.  "Where is Amerie?" As much as (Y/n) wanted to say 'who cares?' she bit her tongue holding back. Quinni spots Sasha and chats with her after assuring her friends. 
Sorry for the sloppy chapter guys, my laptop broke and i lost my writing.
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jessiexcorner · 1 year
Heartbreak highs pt. 2
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
Pt.1; https://www.tumblr.com/jessiexcorner/715964588411256832/heartbreak-highs?source=share 
Amerie now free from the principal’s office catches up with Harper who is heading to the gym while talking to (Y/n), the (h/c) haired girl noticing Amerie turns quiet “I’m going to catch up with Darren and Quinni, see ya?” (Y/n) ignore Amerie specifically looking at Harper and squeezes her hand, the blond girl smiles slightly and nods holding on for a second, squeezing back and then letting (Y/n) walk off, to the side of the gym where Darren and Quinni stand talking.
“Why haven't you answered my texts? Oi! Harp! Where have you been?” Amerie says playfully not noticing Harper’s uninterested expression. “When did you start talking to (y/n) again? Never mind, Firstly, your hair. Extreme, but I love. Secondly, Woodsy knows. I didn't tell her about you, don't worry.” She assures the blond.
“I’m not worried,” Harper responds, not really caring.
“Thirdly, Dusty spoke to me so we're pretty much dating…” Amerie gasps out ruffling Harper’s head.
Harper annoyed, pushes Amerie off of her, walking away. “I don't give a shit.”
“What's up with you? Hello. Didn't you hear me? I took the fall for you.” Amerie says now noticing her friend’s weird behaviour.
“I didn't ask you to do that,” Harper states.
“Shut up. You're my best mate—” Amerie walks closer, only to be cut off.
“Not anymore.”
“Dude, what are you talking about?” Amerie’s hand reaches out and tries to grab onto Harper’s, only for it to be slapped away.
“Fuck off.” Harper tries to walk away.
“Okay, Harper, I don't get it—“ Amerie tries to talk only to be cut off once again
“Of course, you don’t.”
“Well, then tell me.” Amerie comes closer. They become more heated gaining the attention of some students, (Y/n) watches the alteration in the corner quietly.
“I said get off me. I'm fucking done with you!” Harper shouts and punches Amerie pushing her away, now catching the attention of all the students, who run and crowd them.
“Fight, fight, fight!” students start yelling, while some record, (Y/n) worried comes closer, with her friends as they watch the fight.
“What the fuck, Harper? Stop! Why are you doing this? What's wrong with you?!” Amerie yells, pushing Harper against the wall, (Y/n) is about to step in before Harper pushes Amerie away and head-butts the brown girl knocking her down. The students gasp while some laugh still recording. Amerie lies on the floor dazed as Harper walks away.
“Could you maybe check on her, please?” (Y/n) asks her friends as she follows Harper out of the gym. Darren who now stops recording as Quinni nods and immediately kneels beside Amerie to check on her, Amerie sneezes while her nose is bleeding getting blood on Quinni, who only wipes it off with a worried smile.
“Yuck. Yuck, yuck, yuck.” Darren comments dragging the redhead away.
(Y/n) catches up with Harper who’s now alone and rubbing her knuckles a little. “Nice punch.” (Y/n) comments as she walks beside Harper, who smiles a little looking at her hand. (Y/n) hands her the gel ice pack she takes from her backpack. “Thought you might need this,” Harper raises a brow.
“Why do you have an ice pack in your bag?”
(Y/n) shrugs. “I felt like you might have needed it today, if not you then I would be needing it.” She smiles standing next to the blond who ices her hands. ”Though I don’t think my punches would have been as satisfying as the one you threw.” Harper huffs smiling. They both stand there for a little while enjoying the quiet.
Quinni and Darren get some fruit from a shop, two boys walk up to buy some snacks when Quinni asks them, “Oh. Excuse me. Do you know what a ‘Lazy Kebab’ is?”
“Uh-uh-uh. No. Stop asking people that.” Darren immediately stops Quinni.
“Okay. I still don't understand what it is though.” She says as they walk, (Y/n) now joining them.
“Hey, what’re you two lovely people talking about” (Y/n) asks with a smile linking arms, with the two.
“(Y/n) What’s ‘Lazy Kebab’?” Quinni questions.
“What,” (Y/n) scrunches her brows.
Darren sighs, “It means giant flaps.”
“Flaps?” Quinni questions. Darren pointed looks down at Quinni’s skirt.
“Oh! Like those sorts of flaps.” They all walk together Darren eating their fruit.
“Spider hasn't seen them. I mean nobody has.” Quinni comments eating her apple.
“Who knows what that incel was thinking? Straight men are a mystery to me.” Darren assures as (Y/n) hums agreeing with them.
“Oh! You guys can look at them for me.”
“What?” Both Darren and (Y/n) question.
“Uh,” (Y/n) looks at Darren.
“Deeply, no,” Darren responds instantly.  
“Okay, but what if they are huge?” Quinni asks.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” (Y/n) assures.
“Who cares? More room to put things in it.” Darren huffs. Before they can finish their conversation a voice on the speaker cuts them off.
“Will the following students please meet at Classroom 5D; Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, and Anthony Vaughn.”
“Sounds like a bunch of dickheads.” Darren comments as they eat their banana, and (Y/n) hums in agreement.
“Darren Rivers.” The announcer states.
“Damn it,” Darren responds making (Y/n) chuckle.
“(Y/n) (L/n)” The announcer continues making the girl sigh and groan. “Quinn Gallagher-Jones.”
“What?” Quinni notices her name.
“Douglas Piggott, Malakai Mitchell.”
“Welcome, welcome.” The principal and a teacher greet the students at the entrance of the class, as they trickle in. (Y/n), Darren, and Quinni, claim the table at the back next to the door. Amerie sits in one corner in the front with the new kid, as Spider and his friends call out to the girl. “Map Bitch,” they whistle and tease. Amerie ignores them which makes them stop. She notices the new kid looking at her and annoyed snaps.
“What cunt?”
The new kid just smiles finding her amusing. “Nice to meet you too.”
“So cemetery tomorrow?” Dusty asks the group at his table
“Yeah, boy.”
“It's gonna be a rager.”
“Oi, uh, what's the cemetery?” Darren asks curious.
“None ya biz, bong water.” Spider insults.
“Shut up, fucking gronk.” (Y/n) retorts to the white male, making him scoff.  
“Okay. Settle down. Thank you.” The principal announces forcing the kids to sit still quietly.
“Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo Kind of like, 'Yo-yo,’ but J.” The teacher standing in the front, chuckles awkwardly. She clears her throat. “I’m an English teacher, so I know some of you. But I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. Well, your names were on the map in the stairwell. The one that's out of bounds.”
“Um, what map?” Malakai the new kid, raises his hand confused.
Miss Jo-jo chuckles “Okay, very funny. Look, peeps, we're not dumb. We know a lot of you are sexually active, but we're concerned this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships. So we want to address it head-on. This is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy—”
“A sexual literacy tutorial.” Miss Stacy the principal announces.
“S.L.T. So we're sluts?” Darren comments making the students snicker and laugh, as they begin chanting,
“Sluts! Sluts! Sluts!” Spider stands on the table cheering.
“That's enough. Come on, everyone. This class will go back to the basics on sex and—“ Miss Jo-jo attempts to calm the students down but is cut off by Miss Stacy.
“Because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department.” Miss Stacy comments before letting Miss Jo-jo continue.
“It'll happen twice a week, in your own time.” The students groan and whine in protest “Until—No, until we judge that you started to respect each other and yourselves. You have to attend every class or it'll go on your permanent record.”
“Wait, we have permanent records?” Ant chimes in.
“This is sex jail!” Missy complains.
“Thanks a lot, Map Bitch.” Ant mutters as Spider throws a paper ball at Amerie.
“Sorry. Um, it's actually my first day. I don't think I'm supposed to be in here.” Malakai raises his hand again,
“Legend! Made it to the map before you even started!” Spider cheers for the new kid.
“I think we should do the handshake game.” Miss Stacy whispers to the English teacher.
“I don't think that's not the best one to start with…” Miss Jo-jo whispers back.
“All right, everybody up! Up, up, up, up!” Miss Stacy instructs the students. “Okay, now clear these tables to the side, please. And lift them, don't scrape them along the floor—” The students drag and push the tables to the side of the classroom. “Thank you. Now, I want you all to start walking around the room. Come on. Walking. Good, you know how to walk.” The students walk around circling around each other. “Now, I want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with. Shaking, shake...Good, you know how to shake.” The students start shaking hands and walking around aimlessly, Darren and Quinni stay in one place shaking each other's hands in the background. (Y/n) shakes Harper’s hand giving it a small squeeze which is returned by Harper with a small smile. (Y/n) ducks and stays with her friends all linking hands in a three-way handshake. Almost all students avoid Amerie. “Shaking. And...stop. Spencer, you have genital crabs.” Miss Stacy says. The students laugh and giggle.
“Checks out,” Darren comments snickering.
“Not in real life, thank you, Darren, for the purposes of this game. Put your hand up, Spencer.” Miss Stacy explains. Spencer huffs. “Hand up, Spencer. Now. Hands up, who shook hands with Spencer.” Some students raise their hands. “And who shook hands with them?” More students raise their hands. “And who shook hands with them?” Quinni looks over at Darren and (Y/n) who have their hands up and raises her hand. “You all have genital warts.” Spider snickers and some kids cheer.
“Uh, I thought it was crabs?” Malakai asks.
“Right. Crabs. Thank you, um…”
“Malakai. Thank you. You all have genital crabs. Except for you, Amerie. Well done.” Amerie stands on the side looking like a sad puppy. “Now. What does this highlight the need for?”
“Oh to stay away from Spider, 'cause he's chat.” Cash's comment makes students laugh.
“Fuck off, guys!” Spider retorts.
“No! Condoms.” Miss Stacy states exasperated. The school bell rings letting the kids know that they can leave. Darren and Quinni head out.
“Text me when you reach?” (Y/n) asks Harper as they walk out of the class, she nods. (Y/n) smiles and waves bye heading towards her friends. She finds Darren standing outside the girl's bathroom, “Quinni in there?”
“Yes, she’s checking her kebab. I think.”
“Ah,” (Y/n) nods. “Oh! Shoot I almost forgot,” (Y/n) digs threw her bag taking out a gummy bear chain bracelet. “I fixed it, good as new.” She hands him the jewelry
“Ah! Lifesaver. Oh did you add a new chain?”
“Yea, it was getting rusty.”
Amerie runs out of the bathroom clutching her bag Quinni following, “I mean, it is your fault in a way, so if you could just look at it and tell me if I have a normal kebab or not. Amerie!”
Darren chuckles “I love it when toxic bitches enter their flop era.”
“You can't say that, that's really mean.” Quinni defends her.
“She put you on the map…” (Y/n) comments as they walk to class.
“Yeah, I know. But Spider told everyone. So he's the asshole, not her.”
“I love you, but that girl has literally never acknowledged our existence.” Darren comments.
“So? Haven't you ever felt like a complete reject? Come on, we've got maths.” Quinni states, Darren and (Y/n) look at each other one looking a little guilty and the other blank. They sigh and head to class.
Amerie stands in front of Harper’s place. She knocks on the door and waits. “Hello, Am.” A blond man opens the door,
“Hey, Justin.” Amerie greets Harper’s dad.
“How are ya?”
“Ah. Yeah, I'm good. Um, just wondering if Harper's home.”
“Uh... No, didn't you see her at school today?” He asks.
“Yes. But, um, we sort of... beat the shit out of each other.” Amerie explains, he chuckles,
“Again? Well makes sense. Mercury is in retrograde, so…” He jokes, “Don't worry. You'll work it out. Always do.” He assures the girl.
“Yeah, totally. Um... So, is she here?”
“I don't know where she is, maybe check (Y/n)’s place? She mentioned something about that.”
“Oh?” Amerie pauses hearing her old friend’s name. “Okay, um, well, thanks anyway, J-Dog.”
“Okay. See ya around.”
“See ya. Take it ease.” He says.
“I’ll try.” She says walking off.
(Y/n) sits in her room eating some junk food, while texting Harper, and watching a movie at the same time. She gets a call from Darren. “Hey, what’s up?” She responds wiping her hands off of any crumbs.
“Can I stay the night?”
“Uh, lemme ask my parents, give me sec yea?” (Y/n) walks to her parents room for permission only to remember they aren’t home this week. She texts them, ‘Can I invite my friend for a sleepover?’ ‘Which friend?’ ‘Darren, I’ll sleep in my room, the guest room is free.’ A pause before a thumbs-up emoji is sent. “yea sure, want me to pick you up?” (Y/n) replies to Darren.
“No— wait, actually yes, can you?”
“Sure, we can pick some snacks too, have a movie night. Oh! Invite Quinni too!” (Y/n) says excitedly as she grabs her car keys and slippers heading out.  
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jessiexcorner · 1 year
Heartbreak Highs
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
"I met Ameire when I was five."
A little brown girl with blue overalls and a pink shirt walks over to two girls one blond hair and the other (h/c). The blond draws a crocodile while the (h/c) hands her green crayons as she makes her own painting. “What’s that?” The new girl asks,
“It's a crocodile.” The blond responds.
“It's shit.” The brown girl states. The blond drops her pencil to flip off the new girl, making her smile, while the (h/c) hair girl giggles.
"For a long time, it had just been me and Harper, but with Ameire we were unstoppable."
The three girls run as a teacher chases them through the hall, “Stop it!” The girls giggle and run faster.
"They were my ride or dies. Nobody could come between us. Well, that was until the incest map. Ameire and Harper were super into romance, not that I wasn’t, it's just they tended to watch people.”
(Y/n) takes out her books from her locker clutching onto them as her friends, Amire and Harper giggle holding their books while staring at a couple making out against the lockers. The (h/c) color girl tries to pull them away from the scene but they don't budge.
"In so a creepy way.”
The girls now older, still watch as a couple fights making fun and guessing what the couple could probably be saying. “Oh, I swear to god Jessica you know I'm good for it eh?” Harper makes her voice deeper playing the man.
“If you touch her again I’ll fuckin smash ya, ya cheatin’ dog.” Ameire uses a high pitch.
“No babe, I'm fuckin’—“
“Kiss me!” Both girls make kissing noises. (Y/n) watches the teens quietly shaking her head.
“I don’t exactly know when it started to happen, but somehow I ended up drifting apart from the two,”
Amerie and Harper giggle as they write on the Incest map while (y/n) stands in the corner watching quietly. “You’re obsessed,” Harper comments as Amerie draws a line with a gold marker across her name and dusty.
“Destined,” Amerie says with a smile, (Y/n) looks down playing with the small rock on the floor, kicking it around, bored.
“Harper tried to include me in their activities, Amerie on the other hand seems to forget me more often. Maybe it's because Harper knew me for longer. Eventually, Harper left me behind too. I used to miss them from time to time and the fun we used to have, but now when I look back at those times, I remember they mostly kept me around because their parents trusted me, and if they were around ‘(Y/n) the good kid who gets grades and doesn’t do drugs’, they thought maybe their kids wouldn’t either, which gave harper and Amerie more freedom to actually, go out and do drugs. I completely stopped talking to them after the fight.”
“Ugh, I can't wait for the festival,” Amerie states sitting down on (Y/n)’s floor while eating a bunch of junk candy. Home worksheets thrown on the floor, harper lays on (y/n)’s bed taking some junk food from Amerie.
“I know right, I even got Cash to come and sell us some drugs, we are going to get so wasted.” Harper boasts. (Y/n) sits on her desk trying to finish her homework, ignoring the girls.
“Ah, no way? I can't wait, I got the tickets too! Look,” Amerie says taking out the tickets from her backpack and holding them out for Harper to see. Harper takes the tickets to inspect them noticing something.
“Am, there are only two tickets,” Harper states sitting up now.
“What?” Amerie looks up.
“You only got two tickets, what about (Y/n)?” Harper asks confused.
“Oh, well, she didn't give me the money for it so,” Amerie says glancing at the (h/c) hair-colored girl who sighs.
“I'm not coming.”
“What? Why not?” Harper questions.
“Because I don't want to keep being your guy’s babysitter when you get high or drunk.”
“..well you can just, drink with us,” Amerie states as if it's the easiest solution in the world.
“No, I can't Amerie, because if you knew anything you would know I don't want to.” (Y/n) snaps a little putting her finished homework away.
“..why are you so pissed off? It's just—“ Amerie gets cut off.
“Why am I so pissed off? Amerie. It's like the only time you guys ever hang out with me is because you want something from me or when I have use to you!”
“That's not true.” Harper defends herself and Amerie.
“Yes, it is! You only hang out with me because your parents think that you wouldn't possibly be going out to get drunk with me, and you guys are literally here because you wanted to copy my homework answers. You never hang out with me anymore just doing things like normal, it's always watching the latest hook-up or gossip or getting high and drunk. You never even invite me out anymore.” (Y/n) says angrily shaking a little trying to keep calm. The other two girls are silent and look at each other before collecting their things ready to leave.
“We’ll talk when you've calmed down,” Amerie says picking up her back.
“Oh fuck you, Amerie, just leave, I don't wanna talk to you again.” (Y/n) snaps. The brown girl walks out leaving Harper.
“..I,” Harper starts but then pauses not knowing what to say, muttering an apology while she walks off following Amerie, leaving (Y/n) by herself.
“After that, Harper would occasionally text me, and ask to try to hang out and watch movies like old times, but it wasn't the same. There was always this weird tension. I made new friends though, better friends. Quinni and Darren. Those two are actual ride or dies. They made me feel like I didn't have to pretend or have to get high for them to like me, they treated me right. I had almost forgotten about Harper and Amerie for a while, well that was until that night..”
At school grounds early in the morning, (Y/n) walks up to Quinni and Darren who are talking before someone bumps in between the two, squealing, ‘Dusty spoke to me!’ And giggling. “‘Dusty spoke to me’ what a pick me bitch. Also rude.” Darren mocks the brown girl who bumped them. (Y/n) chuckles lightly, agreeing.
“Maybe she didn't see us,” Quinni says kindly giving Amerie the benefit of the doubt.
“Oh please, Check the material. We are beautiful, exquisite jellyfish.” Darren says linking arms with both girls, brushing Quinni’s hair lightly, “of course they saw us.” They all walk heading to the school building. (Y/n) looks at her phone, sending a quick message to a contact labeled ‘H.’, ‘you coming soon?’ There’s a pause before the person responds with ‘yea see you there.’ The trio walks towards the steps seeing a new face. “Fresh blood,” Darren whispers to the two girls, (Y/n) looks up from her phone noticing a boy in a yellow t-shirt and multi-colored striped pants, asking for directions. As they walk past him to the stairs, the boy makes eye contact with (Y/n) giving a small awkward smile. (Y/n) smiles back and walks with her friends up the stairs, “What was that?” Darren questions,
“Were you trying to flirt with him? Oh, baby (Y/n), growing up so fast.” They say teasing.
“Shut up.” (Y/n) ignores the taller stylish kid. The three are about to head to class when someone shouts gaining everyone’s attention.
“Oi! There’s a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell. It's called the incest map!” The person shouts walking away, everyone intrigued follows, heading to the stairwell. (Y/n) looks over noticing Amerie stood still with a look of panic. Both girls rush to the stairwell, (Y/n) catching up with her friends. She looks over the map noticing it has grown much bigger than the last time she saw it, then again she stopped coming her long before the fight. She notices new names, including those of her friends Quinni and Darren, she looks over and notices her own name, not connected to anyone just having the words ‘Fish.’ In bold written in familiar handwriting. She tries to swallow the lump in her throat. She notices Missy walking away from her girlfriend upset about what she saw on the map.
“Darren jerked you off? Nice bro, you into dudes now?” A kid, Spider, teases their friend Anthony, also named Ant.
“Little cheeky huh?” Dusty comments, making a crude hand gesture.
“Who says I'm a dude?” Darren retaliates.
“Oh! Look (Y/n)’s a fish!” A couple of boys laugh. “Awe, I can change that for you if you want (Y/n)” Spider says making kissy faces at the girl who clenches her jaw. Looking over at Amerie who looks panicked and avoiding the girl’s gaze. Quinni searches the wall for her name before finding it, labelled ‘lazy kebab’
“That’s not true, what’s a lazy kebab? Spider what's a lazy kebab?” Quinni calls the guy who is said to spread the rumor.
The kids are called for a school meeting and they all sit in the hall. “It's mostly kids from our level, it must be someone we know,” Quinni comments her observation to the other two, who sit down.
“It's probably Spider or one of those idiots. Most of its bullshit anyway,” Darren says sitting in the middle comforting the girls. (Y/n) sits quietly beside Darren, glaring at Amerie, and forcing the kid in the seat next to her to move, leaving an empty seat beside her.
“So crazy right?” Amerie comments. (Y/n), although sitting a couple of seats away, hears this and scoffs. A girl walks into the hall wearing a grey shirt and red pants and having a shaved head.
“Holy shit is that Harps? Oh my god her hair,” Sasha comments sitting next to Amerie, she throws a paper ball at Harper only to miss. Most kids turn to look at the girl. Harper walks towards (Y/n) and sits next to her in the empty seat quietly. 
Amerie notices and stands calling out, “Harper,” only to be ignored and told to sit down by the principal.
“Fish, really couldn’t think up anything more clever than that?” (Y/n) comments blankly not looking at the girl next to her, Harper turns to glance at (Y/n) and mutters an apology.
“I didn't write it.”
“I know but, you didn’t stop her either.” (Y/n) sighs as she looks over at Harper before turning away and focusing on the principal. Both sit quietly next to each other.
There is complete silence. “I am a woke woman.” The principal starts. “I enjoy sex as much as the next person.” She states, making a couple of kids laugh and snicker. “But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school on the first day back. We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs, or gathos.” The students erupt in protest, while Amerie continues to look at Harper and (Y/n), who are sitting quietly. “Hey, hey, unsupervised parties equals alcohol. Alcohol equals poor choices. The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable. Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment.” Darren laughs at this. “But clearly this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this.” Amerie gulps. “Get to class, go, go, go.” Students stand and head to their classes, (Y/n) and Harper stand and walk together while Darren and Quinni follow.
“Harper, (Y/n) oi!” Amerie calls out only to be ignored and stopped by the principal. “Miss Wadia. Come with me.”
Ameire sits in principal Stacy’s office. “Well, I’ve had quite the education this morning, Amerie. “Wristy? Oh, right.” She reads off her phone. “Doughy? Fish?” Her dog, Joan of Bark, whimpers sitting in his bed. “I think I can work out ‘tongue punch in the fart box.’” She sighs and puts her phone down, while Amerie sits smiling. “I know it was you, Amerie. One of our maintenance staff saw you in the stairwell multiple times. Who else was in on it? Your usual accomplice, Harper? Did you also force (Y/n) into it with you two?”
“Nobody else was in on it,” Amerie says confidently no longer smiling.
"Do you know who I just got off the phone with? The Guardian, Amerie. The Guardian."
"Were all of these acts consensual?"
"I guess." Amerie shrugs confused.
"Are your mates using protection?" The principal questions.
"I don't know."
"Well, how can you know that Alyssa scissored Nina, but not know if they're using contraception?" She asks suspiciously.
"I don't think you have to use contraception when you scissor someone, Miss." Amerie sarcastically retorts.
"I'd say that's a very dangerous assumption actually, Amerie. What do we have to do to get through to you? We've done the classes. We've watched the videos. We've had the police consultants in. And yet, here we are with this map." Miss Stacy scolds, "One foot out of line, one late slip, one phone infraction, and I will expel you. Understood?"
"Can I go to class now?"
"Yes, you may."
"Wait! You call this the Incest Map. I'm assuming that's just a play on words and not the actual..."
"Play on words, Miss." She quickly assures the principal.  
"Okay, good. Now, get out of my office before I do expel you, by the count of three. One, two, three!" She sighs.
Pt.2;  https://www.tumblr.com/jessiexcorner/716409910079913984/heartbreak-highs-pt-2?source=share
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