isolaradiale · 8 months
hey! I got bonked by the AC! I would like to reapp Ace Trappola from Twisted Wonderland.
Welcome back to haunted Isola Radiale, Ace!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 216!
You will retain everything you were given in your previous stay.
NOTE: As you were removed in an AC, you have one week to make two in-character posts else you will be considered inactive once more.
Enjoy your stay!
⋆ Aspidiske
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dicuori · 2 years
@doodlesuit | @splitcrxd | @heartsnare | @carrdsoldier
Having been absent for so long Riddle can only imagine what his cards had been up to. He had worried over them in their world, but seeing as there hadn’t been any significant change he played it out. It was easier to focus on the demands of the moment, even if he still had to save his dorm yet again. Perhaps he had thought that this world had been nothing but a nightmare, a nightmare that took part of his memory for he had known nothing of Vil’s overblot until it got mentioned in passing. 
But now that he’s back, he sees that there’s actually much to fret over. The place they had so lovingly called the Heartslabyul dorm was, to put it simply, a mess. To any outsiders perhaps it looked composed, a normal house that showed signs of being lived in but still well kept. To Riddle’s eyes however, it nothing but a wreck. 
The starcycle in the front lawn, the rose bushes pure white without a hint of red, and it only got worse the more he stepped into their home. He laments not having finished the rule book in time before he got thrown away from this world. It was clear the dorm was lawless again. He had to set it right. 
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He didn’t know if there was even anyone in the house, fueled by nothing but petty determination he walks in, searching for the first victim. 
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
@heartsnare​ // starter !
Ace’s birthday was here.
While there were…a lot of things, that Deuce could take him to do, he wasn’t sure how he could top what Ace took him to do for his birthday. Stargazing had both been something important to him, and something they could enjoy together. 
It…did serve to make him a little homesick - it was strange to think he hadn’t seen his mother for almost two years now - but it was a great night and it served to be the start of their…still not quite official, but not non-existent relationship. 
But here he was now, waiting to meet Ace by one of the parks in the city, fidgeting with the ribbon on the wrapped gift box he was holding. Was it a good gift, and a good idea for today? He hoped so. Part of him said that maybe it wasn’t, that he was just pushing his own interests and ideas onto Ace but…
Really, the more he thought about what to do for today the more he realized that…he didn’t really know much about Ace’s past, and if he could take him to do something that was important to him - like how stargazing was for his birthday. 
But with the redhead approaching - all he could do was plaster on a smile and hope that he had made a good choice.
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“Ace! Happy birthday. Thanks for meeting me out here to celebrate.” 
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poisonedflowers · 2 years
    @heartsnare​ ♡’d for a starter.
    A firm hand reaches out to push the underclassments posture out, straightening it forcibly as a mother would teach her daughter how to walk properly. lacking in walking like so would only make one slovenly and he would not allow someone whom he has personally taught look like that. even if they’re in a completely differen’t world.
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    “Stand up straight, Ace. I won’t go easy on you if I see this again.”
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doodlesuit · 2 years
Hey Trey. Have you and Cater kissed yet or?
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“Why? Did you need some advice for you and Deuce? I’d be happy to give you a pointer or two.” 
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dendrothecary · 2 years
I MIGHT KNOW GENSHIN BUT I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT BAIZHU but now i know so much from your amazing portrayal!! rly you've made me love him so much i enjoy reading his stuff all the time!!!
YOU’RE TOO KIND, TYSM!!!! 😭😭😭  it genuinely makes me so delighted to know that others can find some fondness for a character that’s had like 15 minutes of screentime, all because of my lil ol writing... that means my baizhu propaganda is working!!! i hope i can continue to live up to that, even as we get more about him in-game!  ❤
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bindingheart · 2 years
have you considered: i love your floyd. because i do and i really had no strong opinion on floyd before i met you. BUT NOW I LOVE HIM AND HOW CHAOTIC HE IS and you get his chaos just perfect. chefs kiss.
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have u considered im going to eat you......IM SO HONORED THATS ONE OF THE BEST COMPLIMENTS IF I CAN GET SOMEONE TO LIKE MY CHARA!!!! i was also p neutral about ace until u came along but that changed and i love bball club so much their interactions mean everything to me and we need to terrorize the dash once more
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rad-weekend · 2 years
@heartsnare​ // spiralefes starter !
Wandering around this place just brought more and more things to light. 
The biggest thing being how...weird, the museum was. Normally Akito tried to stay far away from art galleries and museums, but in this instance he had heard rumors floating around of some activities going on within. Pushing his way through the museum and into the statue garden proved it to be true. 
It looked like there were people running around with toy hammers smacking them down on...moving props? It looked like it was probably just a glorified game of tag but that in itself was kind of fun. 
The redhead gave the group of people waiting for the next round a quick glance-over before pausing on one person, walking up to them with a friendly smile and a small wave. Might as well find someone his age to team up with, right? This guy looked like he’d put some serious energy into it. 
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“Hey there. Are you looking for someone to team up with for this? Looks like it’d go a lot smoother if there was some coordination.” 
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splitcrxd · 2 years
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From:        💟  Acey   💟       [ @heartsnare​ ]
[TXT] 🤨🤨 are you gonna confess to trey or nah
[TEXT] lol what [TEXT] bestie why me and trey? dont u think like riddle and trey are more a thing? 🤨
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stormlashed · 2 years
@heartsnare​ // starter !
It was quiet, and peaceful...quite honestly, the exact sort of day Phares needed. They had spent much time in this strange new city just exploring and familiarizing themself with the world at large that they had hardly taken the time to just sit down and relax. Thankfully - he had found just the thing to do that!
As much as the prince loved reading, nothing calmed the nerves like a little gardening. Small, ceramic pots for a few medicinal herbs and other various little sprouts. For as much as Uranus’ mana did to aid in his survival, it could not cover all the grounds. The pain wrought by the white scales protruding from his skin was up to him to soothe.
Well, and they couldn’t deny that a few of these plants were just for personal experiments or for tea blends. Had to have a bit of fun between everything!
...or at least, he was hoping to have a bit of fun. It didn’t quite seem like things would be that way, given the basketball now currently resting over the remains of at least two of his plants, just as he finished potting them.
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“...well now, this isn’t quite the fun I was imagining. Though I suppose it did bring the element of surprise.” 
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workaho1ic · 2 years
Seiichirou managed through with minimal wardrobe. Aside slacks he oftentimes just wore workclothes whether it was the suit or the robes he had in Romani, even now he had the latter on. The clothes that he today came to buy were ties. He could use more of them after all.
The process is quick - Seiichirou grabs a bunch, neutral colours, nothing else really mattered other than then seeming presentable and that’s about it. He takes a turn to leave. 
“ ? “ 
Someone grabs his shoulder. Seiichirou turns around meeting a young man shaking his head.
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“ ...may I help you somehow? “
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isolaradiale · 11 months
Hi there! going on vacation so I'm requesting a hiatus for Ace Trappola from Twisted Wonderland! Today is July 30th.
Noted! Have fun!
--Mod Lyra
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dicuori · 2 years
@carrdsoldier & @heartsnare
“No one is jumping over or into the hole.”
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
"hey deuce. silly little question. have you like...been back to see our older selves?"
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"...no? Is everything okay with them?"
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originskey · 2 years
more random dialogue prompts -- @heartsnare​ asked:   “sir, the pony rides are for children only.”
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“I understand this, but... well. Look at it. Look how happy it is. I don’t think the pony minds.”
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Awrawrawra! AwoooOOOoO!
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doodlesuit · 2 years
Trey. Trey. Trey. TreyTreyTreyTreyTreyTreyTreyTreyTreyTrey
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Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace.
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