#heavily inspired by the hound of the d'uerbersvilles
teenbasher · 5 years
BLood's Thicker
Victorian Sebastian Moran fiction
Part 1. (mentions of racism & violence against POC & animals) 
Explore Victorian Sebastian’s bias racism???? I don’t fucking know but I feel this has potential. & the subject matter, although uncomfortable & taboo, is interesting to explore.
Colonel Sebastian ‘Basher’ Moran 1st Bangalore Pioneer, explorer, author, hunter and basically best damn shot in the western world known to date.
This mean bastard has traveled through every continent known to man in the name of the queen’s service and during his travels, has perhaps bred as many babies as he has killed natives.
 Sebastian is an educated man, clever, adventurer and charming when he chooses to be, unfortunately, he is also very violent, short-tempered, misogynistic, racist, alcoholic and an adrenaline junky who enjoys the killing of his fellow men and of animals.
if an animal draws breath he has killed it.
As any man he is flawed but What is peculiar about him, and not so much when you think about it, given his occupation. is that regardless of countless native women beds during his adventures, he has not once stayed long enough in a place to see the birth of any or his biracial children.
That is until one summer during his stay in Rhodesia, Africa.
 he was sitting down to breakfast when suddenly got dragged out of his hotel room and was rushed to a village he stayed in a few months prior.
Sebastian was confused and indignant, screaming at the natives to release him before he shot them all dead. no one listened to him and he was dragged to a small hut where an elderly woman placed a small bundle covered by blankets in his arms. 
being shaken by this Sebastian tries to push the baby back to her, shaking his head
 “what the fuck? no thanks, I don’t.....”
“he is yours, sir” 
the village’s translator interrupted him. 
“he has to be, you are the only white man that has come through in an entire year. You must take him with you. he has no more living relatives in this corner of the world.”
“what does that have to do with anything? I can’t keep it, give it to some childless bitch, here, take it. It can not come with me”
Sebastian insists holding the baby out to them, wanting nothing to do with his son.
the natives refused to let him leave until he took the child with him. They said the baby was cursed, that he was a bad omen to the village. 
They nearly drove Sebastian up the wall with their wild tales. 
 In the end, he accepted to take it with him, just to be allowed to fuck out of there. 
Having had no breakfast he was starving and a headache began coming on him. 
 making it out of the village and back into the city he was dying to get rid of the small bundle of flesh he carried in his arms.
His first instinct was to want to leave it in the first place he saw, he wanted to rid of it before it woke up and began crying.
Walking down the street, looking around for a suitable spot however, he flinches as his ears are assaulted with the sudden wailing of a small boy nearby.
Having his nerves shoot up instantly not helping the headache,  it takes him a moment to realize his own child is also crying thanks to the stranger’s banshee sobs.
groaning he Looks down at his arms seeing the baby's animated expressions of discomfort followed by the ever-growing cries. 
"What the fuck.....they are like hyenas calling out to one other....."
Looking around for a discreet place to leave the baby he hurriedly walks by an auction.
Being in the white European part of the place, anyway the sight is no great rarity, and he almost dismisses it entirely, if it wasn't for a small mixed boy in shackles being sold, that catches his eye.
smirking at the sight, he instantly wonders how much his own child could be worth and plants himself among the crowd to observe the spectacle.
Having the baby suck on his finger to keep him quiet, Sebastian covers his head as much as he can, occasionally swaying him subconsciously.
As the action concludes Sebastian stays behind, walking over to the man who ran it. 
"Oi, mate, are you buying them as well as selling then?" He smirks charismatically at the man
"I got one fresh out the oven, I'm looking to get rid of. How much would one like this go for?" He asks holding the baby out to the man.
The boy was exceptionally lighter than most mixed children he had seen peaks his interest.
"He's quite a fair one, I'll give you that, must of picked a pretty one to get those features on him....."
 He smiles down at the child before looking back up at him.
"Sadly I can't take it, mate, nor will anyone, to tell you the truth, the lad would be worth a lot more if it was a tad older ya know?..... Could do some proper work. At least housework for those pretty ladies that look for cute servant children to parade around dinner parties like house pets" he shrugs
"Right now the boy is more of a burden than an investment and given the mortality rate, the risk just ain't worth it. No matter how fair skin and pretty features he got.....sorry......my advice to ya, since I suppose you helped make it, is this. Either leave him to die somewhere and save yourself many headaches or raise it a little, have it grow, teach it to do basic house chores, ya know, bring you cups and glasses, pour wine, wash dishes, that sort of thing.  and when he is ready, rent him out to maiden ladies looking for exotic little pets every now and again. You'll get more investment back that way in the end. When it's old enough, say 15 or so, if it's fit, sell it off to the richest bidder you can and get your money's worth"
 he smirks
"but for now he's pretty much worthless for about three to four, maybe five years.....some of 'em are slower than others.”
he shrugs
“Your choice mates, but that's all I can tell ya....."
Lighting a cigarate he pats the unfit single father on the back as he bids him good luck, and heads off.
Watching the man leave, Sebastian sighs, looking down at the boy.
"Hell, three to five years?.....what the fuck am I suppose to do with you for three to five years...." He frowns.
the baby blinks at him cooing.
rolling his eyes he goes on his way pondering over his situation and eventually deciding to gamble on a more profitable future for his darling boy Sebastian does something he never thought he would find himself doing in his lifetime.
Back at his hotel room figuring out how to change a fucking diaper.
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