#heavy duty moisturizer for my face (and i think twice a day isn't enough anymore)
a-little-bit-oddish · 7 months
had a nosebleed that lasted 40 minutes recently. i'm not new to nosebleeds but i think a stream like a faucet that soaks through the tissues in less than 20 seconds might be a new one. it started up again less than a day later. anyway the lower half of my face is peeling off and i look like a lobster and i'm developing joker lips and my eyes are bloodshot and my neck hurts and my eczema has crawled to my elbow my ears are flaking right now and a healed piercing started bleeding and i literally cannot keep up with all the side effects
shout out to accutane, which i think is like chemo-lite in terms of absolutely wrecking your body on purpose. evil pills. on the bright side my scalp does not produce oil and i haven't needed to use shampoo in a week
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