#heeheehoohoo i live in a cave and like to electrocute children :)
mvshortcut · 1 year
"average grandpa electrocutes 3 children per year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average grandpa electrocutes 0 children per year. Electroshock Ledroptha, who lives in a cave & electrocutes over 10,000 children each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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#heeheehoohoo I live in a cave and like to electrocute children :)
(From @mvshortcut)
Every time someone makes this joke!! I laugh!!! And I've seen it so many times now but it still catches me off guard!!! Now, normally this wouldn't be an issue but I just can't be going around audibly laughing at things like this. Because I will then have to explain myself to others!!! It even happens sometimes when I'm just minding my own business thinking about life!! And it pops into my head!!!
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Official Red String Suspect Board
Reasons it could be Gert:
Sounds very much like a Gert thing
Has multiple side blogs already
Could easily have Milk as an accomplice
Already known Nicholas Benedict aficionado
Responded to my “Friends!!!!” post with mrnicholasbenedict account, in addition to the suspect mr-nicholas-benedict and mrbenedict accounts
Proponent (along with Milk) of Constance Contraire committing crimes
Likely bored/irritated at being unable to make gifs at the moment
Reasons it could be Milk:
Sounds like Milk
Has been reblogging the italianldcurtain posts with reckless abandon and a very accurate fake/mock Italian accent
Could easily have Gert as an accomplice
Common propagator/possible origin of the “heeheehoohoo I live in a cave and like to electrocute children” meme
Known Garrison aficionado
Only appeared to defend themself/begin interacting with the accounts after being suggested as a culprit
Reasons it could be Nobody:
The Garrison/Curtain/Milligan interactions appear to be referencing S.O.S.
Has not been highly active until people started pointing fingers
Enjoys anonymity and has been good at secrets/plot twists in the past
Seemed very excited about kneeslapworthy’s post about Reynie having a TikTok account, which is where I suspect this all started
Reasons it could be Moth:
Was one of the originators of the “Jeepapocalypse”
Has also been silent until recently
Could be working with Nobody
Reasons it could be Maren
Has not been active on amysterywrappedinanenigma account lately
Occasional Gert accomplice?
Reasons it could be Frida:
Origin of the "What if Reynie had a TikTok" post
Other evidence I have yet to connect to anything in my slapdash red string frenzy:
The jackson-and-jillson blog. They sign off using “-J” and “-j”, which is something I mentioned in the tags of kneeslapworthy’s aforementioned post. Now, while Bods did reblog with some of the tags, this portion was left out. Meaning that whoever is behind at least that particular account, likely follows me. Which narrows the suspect pool severely.
HOWEVER. This is all wild speculation, and if it were true, then we might be able to pull the thread and unravel everything.
BUT. As has been stated by Moth, I don’t think this is just one person anymore.
WHICH MEANS. That either this is definitely Milk and Gert. Or two/multiple different people started a joke unrelated to one another. OR. This was orchestrated somewhere in private communications.
If that last one’s true I don’t think we have any hope of discovering this
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