#hehe but keep your eyes peeled for a giant post from me
fuckyeah-dragrace · 6 months
nattie my darling!!! 💍💍 here's your writing game today:
put the first sentence of your last 5 fics (and/or the wips you're working on if you want!!) here. are there any consistencies between them?
also write 5 sentences on your newest wip hehehehe >:)
sorry im finally answering this now!! ily gi darling 💍💍thank you so so much for sending this to me and im sorry it's late, been a busy few days but it's i've realized that there is definitely a trend in how I open fics, like it's a monologue kinda opener and it kinda feels like those 4th wall breaks in fleabag (idk if that's even right but i think that's the vibe)
okay i'm going off ao3 and some little wips or 6ss ideas i got on here, so first sentences from 5 fics/wips lets go!!
so this is from my christmas camsco fic, Snowed in on ao3 as a gift to @puppywritesthings
Bosco sat on the couch in the apartment, watching the snowfall before sighing, getting up from the couch and checking her phone.
2. this one is from a halloween spisey special fic, Movie night, on ao3
Loosey always loved Halloween, like loved loved Halloween, especially the scary parts of it.
3. this is a mirinami vampire wip i have, not sure if i'll get back to it but we'll see 🤷‍♀️
Mirage groaned, her head pound and eye unfocused as she blinked.
4. another mirinami fic i wrote when i was sleep deprived at awake a 7am after falling asleep at 3am after writing a paper lol, im surprised this is even coherent
Another day, another paycheck, Mirage thinks as she makes it to her makeup station.
5. this is one of my favs! it's the first sentence from the sashnetra breakup au (ithink it was a lil duo but not sure??) and i really really enjoyed this cause you know how much i love kidfics <33
Kerri was curled up in Sasha’s lap under a heavy blanket, staring intently at the screen while her mother gently ran her nails through her brown hair.
and nowww here's my big labor of love for like the past MONTH cause i have had this idea for sooo long and i finally decided to but my money where my mouth is so here is the last 5 sentences of my newest wip
Jasmine stirred, her arms reaching out in the bed but she was met with the covers, cold and unwelcoming to her hands. She blinked awake, seeing the empty spot next to her and it sent a wave of cold down her spine. She sat up, looking around the room. Her dress was still on the floor and the place was a mess from their stumbling in the dark, but Daya’s were missing, not even crumpled up onto a chair like how she remembered from last night. She pulled the sheets around her body, hugging them close as her eyes started to water, her mind spiraling out of control as all the thoughts in her head began to scream at her.
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poesparakeet-fics · 3 years
Here you go, you thirsty beasts.
This one got long so it’s a 2 parter! It’s SFW, so enjoy it at the link or here in the post.
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Caduceus Clay & The Mighty Nein, Caduceus Clay & Jester Lavorre, Caduceus Clay & Mollymauk Tealeaf, Caduceus Clay & Yasha Characters: Caduceus Clay, Jester Lavorre, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Yasha (Critical Role), Nott | Veth Brenatto Additional Tags: Tickling, Revenge, Shrinking, wild magic mishaps, safeword, Teasing Summary:
Caduceus has made a habit of tickling some of his companions, be it as a cheer-up, a settle-down or a playful punishment. When a mishap with some wild magic makes his smaller than his friends, a few decide to get a little revenge.
Caduceus didn’t mind arcane magic most of the time, after all, Caleb used his with great expertise.  But he was getting real tired of wild magic, real fast. 
When Jester had cast her guiding bolt she’d gotten butterflies, for Mother’s sake. He’d tried to heal Fjord and saw everything around him start to stretch and grow. They kept fighting, of course. It wasn’t until the last of the shrieking horrors was lying dead that he realized what had actually happened. 
The world hadn’t grown, he had shrunk. Which was, to be fair, easier to deal with. Still, he was feeling pretty sorry for himself as he sat with his feet dangling from the side of their kitchen table, now only a few inches taller than Veth.
A visiting Shadowhand was peering at Caduceus with a small frown on his face before scratching his head and sighing. 
“Alright. The bad news is, I don’t think we can dispel it. Jester said you tried a restoration spell?”
Caduceus nodded glumly. 
“Well the good news is, it will almost certainly wear off. The spell is using energy to maintain this form in you, it will run out of that energy eventually. But… I cannot tell you how long it will last. Based on the rate of decay I would guess a few days but that is some conjecture on my part.”
Caduceus let out a sigh. 
“Thank you for your help, Essek. I guess I’ll just have to live with my current… uh… change in perspective for the time being.”
“Yes, a good attitude to keep. I’m sure it’s been a long time since you were that small.”
“Huh. Yeah, I guess I would have been a baby. Maybe I’ll ask Veth for pointers.”
“I think that all of her advice will involve climbing, Herr Clay. You might need to make your own way.” Caleb chuckled from his seat nearby. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He had been watching Caduceus like he was a puzzle, but now he was smiling, having been assured that the situation wasn’t too serious.
“Yeah, you might be right.”
Caduceus hopped off the table, turning to see Caleb smothering a little half smile. Caduceus pointed a finger accusingly.
“You cut that out.”
“I’m very sorry. It’s just… it is very cute.”
“Caduceus, can I hug you?”
Yasha had walked through covered in rainwater not ten minutes before, but she’d returned in dry clothes. Caduceus, about halfway through drinking a now comically large mug of tea, looked up to meet her gaze. He could see the little haunt of loneliness in her eyes that sometimes creeped in, even in a house full of lovers.
“Yeah, of course.” 
He put his tea down carefully before hopping off his seat. He started to pass her into the living room, but Yasha sat at the table and pulled him into her lap instead.
“Sorry!” Yasha rushed out, “I didn’t mean to surprise you! You were lighter than I thought you’d be!”
“It’s OK,” Caduceus assured her, “I’m just not used to being picked up.”
Yasha wrapped him up in her arms. “Is this alright?”
He relaxed as she coiled herself around him, face buried in his soft hair. 
“Yeah. That’s very nice.” Being held so literally felt old and new at the same time.
Yasha nuzzled his head. “I’ve wanted to do this since you shrunk. I love you when you’re big, but it’s so nice to get to squeeze you for once!”
Caduceus chuckled. “It’s nice to be squeezed, honestly.”
“And you’re so cute! I just want to eat you up! Omnomnom!”
Caduceus felt his whole spine twist on instinct when Yasha gnawed playfully at the back of his neck.
“No-ho!” He squeeked, so high pitched that both of them froze in shock. 
“Aw, Caduceus…”
“... It would be really unfair to tickle me. Just because you’re bigger than me now--” He was cut off when he had to press his lips together to smother another peel of laughter.
Yasha grinned with her teeth still pressed against his skin.
“I dunno, you tickle the others plenty.”
“Because they need it!”
“Hehe. I think that’s probably true, but they never get you back because you’re always so scared of hurting them by accident. Isn’t that because you’re bigger than them?”
She blew a raspberry on the side of his neck that made him squeal far too loud. He heard approaching footsteps. 
“No no no nonono!” He squeaked when he realized what they meant.
Jester bounded through the door first, magnetically drawn to any ticklish sounds in her vicinity. She stopped in her tracks when she walked into the kitchen to see a smiling Yasha with a giggling fun-sized firbolg in her lap, now curled in a desperate little ball within her embrace to avoid the fingers pinching at his tummy.
“Oh my goodness, is little Caduceus ticklish?”
“Nohoho!” Caduceus tried to plead or run, but his laughter was blocking the former and a meaty arm was blocking the latter.
“Mmhmm,” Yasha answered with one hand clawing his belly, not even out of breath for the effort she was expanding to thwart his escape, “I think big Caduceus is too, he’s just easier to tickle now.”
Molly and Veth stumbled in behind Jester. Molly had a grin on his face, coming to stand behind her and rest his chin on her shoulder. His eyes narrowed.
“Hey, he’s being real loud, eh?”
“Huh?” Jester answered.
“Well, it seems like he might need to settle down a little.”
“Ooh,” Jester giggled, “I think you’re right Molly!”
Caduceus felt a cold chill splash down his back. Sure, he’d seen this coming, but it didn’t stop the escalation of shivery, giggly panic through his system. And running was not working out for him.
“Well,” Molly purred, “Isn’t it lucky that we have such well established guidelines for getting someone to settle down.”
Caduceus switched gears, climbing further into Yasha’s lap instead and clinging to her shoulders.
“Please! Don’t let them get me!”
“I dunno…” Yasha teased as the tieflings stalked closer.
“No! Yasha, they’ll kill me!”
“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t let them kill you. But you do deserve this just a little, don’t you?” Yasha lowered her voice, all but whispering in his velvety ear, “Don’t forget, licorice works for you too.”
Caduceus whimpered. Ok, so did he deserve it? Yes. Probably. A little. Had there been a few times where he’d tickled a tiefling to pieces less because they needed to settle down and more because it was fun? Maybe. Perhaps. A couple of times, tops.
He took a deep breath to try and steel himself, shutting his eyes tight in the hopes that not seeing them coming would somehow save him. Yasha chuckled in his ear, seeming to sense his acceptance of this fate. 
“Heh. OK,” she whispered in his ear.
Fingers as strong as barrel bands gripped his ankles and Yasha stood up. The world spun. Balance upended, Caduceus eye’s shot open to see the devilish forms of his approaching friends as they cheered Yasha on, only upside- down. Yasha was hanging him by his ankles. 
“Don’t be too mean or I’m eating tief toes for dinner, got it? He’s not used to it.”
Molly’s smile became razor sharp and Jester clapped her hands. Caduceus could only hug himself and try to keep his shirt from falling over his head. 
“Not used to getting a taste of his own medicine, you mean? Seems to me that should be corrected.” Molly purred.
"Ah! Can we please talk about this?" Caduceus asked, the tiniest hint of a whine making its way into his usually rumbling voice.
"You can talk all you want, Caduceus!" Jester bent over to put her face next to his. She gave him a teasing wink before planting a sweet little kiss on his cheek.
"Veth?" He asked, looking pleadingly at his fellow (currently) small creature, "Solidarity? Please?"
Veth just laughed at him. "Nah."
"But you're going to help us though, right Veth?" Jester asked, voice full of mischief. "When will you get the chance to tickle Caduceus again?"
"Heh. Nah." The halfling answered, strolling out of the room. "I'm good, thanks." 
"Humph." Jester pouted for a moment, but it quickly morphed into a wicked little smile as she reached out to tickle Caduceus' long velvety ears.
"Ahhahaha- hehe- ha... no... no... MOLLY GET AWAY FROM THERE!"
The other tiefling cackled with glee, pinching Caduceus' knees. The firbolg’s legs pumped on reflex, his body wiggling like a worm on a hook. 
"So loud! You're not settled yet, love, just relax."
"I wahahahas born settled!"
"Oh reeeally? Jester teased him, hands jumping up to poke and pinch at his ribs, effortlessly dodging any attempt he made to block her. "Then why are you so loud and wiggly, huh?"
'B-because you- eeheeheehee! Tiheheheckles!"
"Does it?" Molly taunted, dropping down to Jester's level and fluttering his hands across his belly. 
"Excellent!" Molly cheered, before grabbing the hem of Caduceus' shirt and yanking it down over his head. 
Caduceus squawked, temporarily blinded by the homespun linen that was now tangled around his elbows. He started to fight with it, trying to push it down (up?) again to cover his downy torso, for all the good it was doing. Then he felt a cool pair of lips press against his belly, and he squealed before Jester could even begin.
“Aaaaiii! NahahaHAA! STAHAP!”
Caduceus’ pleas fell on deaf ears, Jester only pausing long enough to take a deep breath and giggle to herself before she hit him again. 
"Yes! Wish I could grow a beard just for this, you fuzzy bastard." Molly crowed.
Caduceus whimpered frantically, his shirt somehow transformed into an impossible maze that kept him blinded and defenseless.
An ominous silence was followed by a deadly double attack made Caduceus’ voice crack with the force of his squeal. “AHAaaA! LICORICE!”
The both backed off right away, leaving Caduceus dizzy and catching his breath. Jester started to help him get untangled from his shirt. Molly grinned down at him before taking a deep, threatening breath to make Caduceus shriek in anticipatory panic.
Molly didn’t get a chance to make good. In one more dizzying instant Caduceus was set upright on his feet, watching Yasha chase Molly out of the room. 
“WHAT did I say?”
“C-come on I wasn’t gonna do it! Yasha! Please! He threatens me like that all the-- Nooo!”
Jester chuckled at Caduceus’ dazed expression, pulling him into a cuddle where they stood. 
“You OK Caduceus?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.”
“That’s good. It was fun to tickle you for a change!”
“Well I’m glad it was fun, because when I’m big again there are going to be consequences.” 
Jester just giggled at him, then tugged him to sit on a chair and put his tea cup back in his hands with a kiss on his cheek.
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