#hehe late night fic postin
thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Sail Out To See And Fall For Me - 2k words
Scott and Martyn have a handful a moments together, many of them happening on the seas, in a boat far to small for two people to comfortably sail in.
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To Scott, the Kestrels are a weird faction. They’ve always seemed to have a rivalry of sorts with his own faction since…well as long as he’d been alive and longer probably. The two groups are always calling each other names, yelling out mean jabs when they pass each other in the streets, much more than either of them seemed to do to the other factions. It’s just always been that way, Scott supposes. So it’s a little surprising when there’s one Kestrel he finds himself drawn too. 
Most of the current Kestrels are fine, don’t get him wrong. Scott gets along with most of them, Sausage in particular. But at the end of the day they’re still Kestrels ; vain and money hungry. But one of them doesn;t seem to be that way, one of the newer members. 
Martyn’s a fun guy, very good at wordplay and puns, Scott notices rather quickly. He finds himself liking Martyn quite a bit, and very much enjoys expeditions with him. Whenever they get the chance to share a quest of course, not that Scott goes out of his way to explore with Martyn. No, not him. He would never . 
He thinks Martyn should’ve been a Heron instead, as he seems to enjoy adventure more than he does riches. But Martyn says he’s in the Kestrels to find a specific treasure, which he could do just as easily in the Herons, in Scott's totally humble and unbiased opinion. They discovered unique treasure all the time, it was like, their whole thing after all.
They have a lot of friendly adventures together, just the two of them, each one more fun than the last. The two pirates find stuff every time, but it’s never what Martyn’s looking for, so much so Scott has to look at Martyn and wonder if he even knows what he’s trying to find anymore; or if he lost it long ago. 
Scott finds himself looking at Martyn a lot on these expeditions actually, more than a normal amount probably. He doesn’t do it on purpose, half the time anyways. Martyn’s eyes are just very easy to get lost in whenever he talks. The fact that he’s showing so much skin doesn’t help either, or that his arms are on the more muscular side. 
On their next little quest the two of them end up leaning against the rails of Scott’s ship, waiting for night to fall on the island. They need monsters to actually emerge from the caves to slay them, but that’s a few hours off. So the two pirates have just been content to sit there and wait, making idle chatter and doing other things to pass the time. 
About two hours into waiting, when sunset must have been less than an hour away, Scott finds himself staring at a certain Kestrel again. Though this time instead of admiring his arms, Scott’s eyes are tracing over the scars that litter one of them. They’re very interesting scars, and he can’t help but be a little bit curious about where they came from. Anyone would be really, with the strange pattern they almost seemed to be in.  
“Hey Martyn?” He asks, tapping his fingers against said scars lining the other’s arm. The blonde just hummed, and gave him a quizzical look. Scott feels like the question he’s about to pop might be too personal, but also reasons he’s probably not the first person in the isles to inquire about it. 
“Why’re you tapping my scar?” The blonde asked with a small smile, amusement lining his tone. Scott smiles back at him. He’s quickly finding that he really likes it when Martyn smiles. 
“How’d you get this thing?” Scott questions, catching a glimpse of how the blonde’s face falls for a moment, and regret flashes through him. 
“If I said a tiger, would you believe me?” Martyn cracks a joke, a playful grin dancing on his lips. The sight of it makes Scott all warm and fuzzy inside, yet his response comes out quite deadpan. 
“No.” Martyn laughs and gives a cheeky smile at his response, and Scott elbows his side playfully. 
“You’re not gonna tell me, are you!?” The Heron exclaims, shoving Martyn playfully. He doesn’t do it too strongly, well aware he could very easily send his friend overboard. Martyn shows him back, but with a little more force. Scott laughs, gripping the side of the ship to keep him upright.  
“Nope!” Martyn cracks another cheeky smile, and Scott tries to send him overboard again. Somehow, the play fight escalates, and they end up falling onto the deck, tussling with each other like children do. Martyn wins in the end, pressing Scott to the floor. Scott makes an oof sound as the blonde basically lays on top of him, proclaiming his victory proudly. 
Scott just rolls his eyes, and any snarky retort he ever had dries up in his mouth as Martyn holds the side of his face gently. The Kestrel is looking down at him, and it’s a fond look, one that makes butterflies flutter wildly in Scott’s stomach. The blonde is beginning to chuckle again as he does so, not able to stop himself. Scott can't hold back his own laughter either, with how ridiculously this whole interaction has been. 
Martyn presses their foreheads together, laughing. It’s an infectious laugh, one of pure joy, and Scott can’t help but be infected by it. He laughs along with the Kestrel, admiring him in between giggles. Martyn’s laugh is loud and booming, a sound he enjoys hearing. The corners of his eyes crinkle whenever he smiles, and there’s a million other little details Scott notices as he stares up at the blonde. 
He’s quite the pretty man, Martyn is, and Scott isn’t surprised at how enamored he’s become with him. He’s not at all surprised that there is blush spreading across his face, or that his heart is beating rapidly in his chest. It’s just a shame really, that the man he’d fallen for had to be a Kestrel. 
The next time the topic of scars is brought up, they are on a ship again. Because all of their little moments seem to happen on one of their ships for some reason. There’s no play fighting this time, just more fleeting touches. Ya know, the usual stuff with them. 
They’ve just started to set sail, and the waves are calm. Calm enough for both of them to feel comfortable enough to anchor the ship and take a lunch break, both men having taking turns steering. They used to travel separately when they shared quests, but soon found using one boat was a lot less risky, more time efficient, and a hell of a lot less tiring for the both of them. And Scott was never one to complain about more time spent with pretty men again, even if the ships they have access to at the moment hap[pen to be rather small and cramped. They’re supposed to be getting ones soon, apparently, according to the merchants, and Scott will believe it when he sees it.
The two men are sitting by the mast, sharing some bread and pasta they’d remembered to pack, when Scott finds his eyes landing on Martyn's scars again. There’s two more that are visible, matching ones shaped like little stars under his eye and on his chest. As his gaze traces the marks, the Heron finds himself getting a probably bad idea, but he’s committing to it before he can think twice. Again, it’s a dumb idea, but all of this man's scars are interesting, the conversation has lapsed into comfortable silence, and Scott is feeling bold. 
Scott leans closer to his friend, eyes still fixed on his chest. Martyn, probably more than a little puzzled, just blinks at him dumbfoundedly for a good moment. Until he processes what exactly seems to be happening, that is, then the blonde’s heart rate starts to increase just a tiny little bit. 
Scott runs a finger along the scar on Martyn’s chest, gaze filled with curiosity. “How’d this one happen?” He asks, and before the blonde can answer he’s moving to trace the matching one under his eye. The Heron thinks he sees Martyn’s breath hitch a little, and definitely sees how he turns a little pink at the contact. Which he’s totally not smug about at all. 
“An accident. One I wouldn't like to talk about.” The Kestrel huffs, leaning into Scott’s hand. He fails to hide a smile at that, and also has to stop his eyes from flicking just a bit downwards. Scott had to stop himself from leaning in as well, and doing something absolutely stupid. Absentmindedly, while he tries to get a handle on his impulses, he starts to trace circles in Martyn’s cheek with his thumb, and makes the blonde turn beet red in the process. 
He wants to kiss Martyn. But Scott can’t kiss a Kestrel. What would his parents say? What would his Heron friends say?
So instead he moves away rather abruptly, and maybe sees a little bit of disappointment flash across Martyn’s face, before it's schooled into something more neutral.
After that they continued on with the quest like nothing had happened. They reach the island, complete their goal, and take any treasure they find. It's getting quite late by the time they finish, and Scott does not want to swim back to the boat in the dark. The ships have to be anchored a good amount of feet out, before the water gets too shallow, and there’s always some mighty big fish lying around, waiting to catch an unsuspecting sailor. 
The swimming back part is, very predictably, where everything goes wrong. Scott makes it back to the boat just fine, but the splashing from the both of them had made quite the scene apparently, and his little Kestrel friend wasn’t going to be as lucky as he had been.
“Martyn!” Scott calls, gripping the edge of the boat as tight as he can, eyes trained on a rather large shadow in the water. “There’s a thrasher!” He hears the Kestrel swear to himself upon his call, and then watches as he swims back faster. Scott can also see the thrasher swimming equally as fast, maybe faster, and wishes there was something he could do that wouldn’t endanger him. Well, he does have his gun, but it’s a few feet away in his bag, and the fish is getting far too close to Martyn for him to be uncomfortable firing it. 
Unfortunately, the fish is faster, and catches up with the blonde as soon as he reaches the boat. Scott had already moved down to help him up, and is grabbing wildly for his friend's hand before worse comes to worst. There's a blinding panic settling over him, both of them probably, and Scott isn’t even sure he’s grabbing at the right area before he feels something warm and distinctively not a fish tug on his arm.
Just as the thrasher is about to grab Martyn’s foot and drag him down, Scott manages to pull him onto the ship. There’s exclamations of alarm as the two tumble backwards, Scott landing on his back with a thump . They land on a heap on the deck, both men trembling in relief as the adrenaline wears off, and Scott catches his breath. He doesn’t even notice how he hugs the other closer to him for just a moment, arms wrapped around Martyn’s back protectively, before letting the shaking limbs fall against the ship’s wooden floor.  
Martyn had landed on top of Scott, and was now basically laying on him. The blonde paid that fact no mind, clearly trying to regan himself after the extremely near miss. He had an absent sort of look in his eyes, and his breathing was still a little quick. The Heron doesn’t know what is running through his friend’s head right now, be it fear or something else, but whatever it is isn’t good. The wide eyed look he currently has says as much. 
“Hey,” Scott muttered, voice gentle. “You okay?” He pushed the wet locks from Martyn’s face as he asked this, his hand ghosting over the other pirate's cheek for just a second. 
“Yeah, ‘M fine.” Martyn huffed a few seconds later. If he noticed the position they were in, he said nothing, and only rolled off Scott and onto the deck. Scott got up as well, letting the blonde sit down for a second before helping him back to his feet.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Scott asks with furrowed brows, steadying Martyn as he stands. The other seems a bit shaky on his feet, which makes his claims of being fine even less convincing than they were before. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine!” Martyn insists again, and starts to move away and towards the sail. Scott stops him before he can go far, grabbing the Kestrel by his arm and pulling him back. Martyn just blinks at him like an idiot, and Scott wants to roll his eyes. 
“You’re shaking.” He points out, deadpan, nodding towards Martyn’s hands. The blonde looks down at them and seems to realize that yes, he is indeed shaking. That’s a concerning thing his body is doing at the moment. 
“Yeah, guess I am.” Martyn murmurs, and stops trying to move away. Instead he leans closer to Scott instead, and rests his head on Scott’s shoulder. The Heron smiles, and absentmindedly runs a hand though soft, blonde hair. “Sorry about this..” The blonde mutters, burying his head until Scott’s chest just a little. 
“It’s fine, really. It is.” Scott reassures him, and finds that Martyn is shaking less. The Kestrel is also leaning into his touch, and Scott really can’t stop himself from placing a comforting kiss on his friend’s forehead. 
“What was that for?” Martyn’s question comes out as more of a muffled giggle, head still buried comfortably against the ginger's chest. 
“Just want to kiss you is all.” Scott admits it quietly and very tentatively, and it kinda feels like he’s admitting to something sinful. Even though, logically, this is not a sin. Being in love is not sinful, but his brain has been hardwired to think otherwise. 
“You do?” The blonde pulls away a little to meet Scott’s gaze. His tone and expression are surprised, and maybe a little hopeful as well. Scott’s heart seems to melt at the sight.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” He smiles, and knows there’s no holding back anymore. Because if he doesn’t do it now, Martyn is sure to make the first move in a minute or so. And Scott is not letting him have the victory, no siree, not after all that flirting he did today. 
“I-- Mmph !” Whatever the blonde was about to say was cut off by Scott smashing their lips together, doing so maybe a little frantically. It took a moment, but Martyn was soon kissing the Heron back with fervor. Hands went to cup his face, and the blonde quickly turned to putty in Scott’s hold. The ginger nipped at his bottom lip after a moment, and Martyn let the other’s tongue slip into his mouth with a held back whine.
 For a few fleeting moments, Scott didn’t care about what anyone would think, and let himself kiss this guy stupid. Just like he’d been wanting to do for weeks now. 
When they pull away both of them are gasping for air a little, Scott’s face turning a nice shade of pink. He brushes the messy hair out of Martyn’s face again, and smiles when the Kestrel leans into his touch. Their faces stay close, foreheads resting together, and Scott has never been happier. 
“I guess you fell for me a second time, huh Martyn?” He murmured teasingly, bumping their noses together. 
“Oh shut it!” The blonde huffed, tone laced with affection. He connected their lips for a second time, Scott melting into it as he continued to hold Martyn’s face. The second kiss was better than the first, and he couldn’t wait to dive back in for another when they finally reached the shore. 
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blahkugo · 4 years
2 things:
1) should i dedicate 1 night of every week to answering asks? ‘ask sunny sundays’ or sumthn??
2) it’s kinda late but i’m postin’ a fic tonight; maybe in the next 15 min so!! be prepared!! hehe
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