#hehehe he ate too much carrots
dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
buonasera my sugarplum! 🌺🌟💗 i hope you are well darling! it's lovely to be back this evening!! after all, the perfect end to my nights always seem to be writing you while i lounge with my cats,, sometimes sipping on something nice,, tonight i actually have some limoncello with me hehe, only a small amount of course! after all, i don't wanna end up accidentally getting tipsy again~ 😖 (though to be fair, it was my older brother's fault last time hehehe) (1/7)
"i'm so happy to hear that you have the same taste in AA characters as i do!! (even if i haven't gotten that far yet) i was doing some more looking around to pull me farther down the rabbit hole,, and i think i'm gonna start watching the anime by the end of the week! ahhh, i really can't wait to watch it, along with more of our show ✨😉 (2/7)
today was long, as i spent most of it helping out in the neighbor's garden,, but it was fun!! i had to water and check the progress of different crops, and harvest anything that was ready! i also had to check on the bunnies of course,, i went alone this time so it took a lot of strength to get the big food bag out 😅 (3/7)
i got to pick lots of vegetables to feed them too!! one of the bunnies, who i named torrone, ate a carrot right out of my hand,, and at one point, all of them came to sit with me~!! two even layed in my lap,, i was overjoyed! my mom couldn't believe it when i told her hehehe 🐰 (4/7)
ooh, and i was sitting outside with some tea for a few hours today, when i saw a baby frog hop over to me! he hopped onto my leg, and i carefully picked him up in a napkin to be safe,, he was so cute!! the little thing was barely the size of my fingertip, but he was very curious and ended up sitting with me for two whole hours! i named him mojito since he was a bright green, hopefully i'll see him again! (5/7)
the rest of my day was spent cooking dinner, trying to avoid random flirts online, and going shopping for liquors and liqueurs,, mamma likes to bring me with her to pick out new things (but mostly to advise her on what wines she should buy hehe) my parents both seemed exhausted by the evening, so i used it as an excuse to fix up some amaretto sours with some leftover mixers... they must've liked it enough to allow me a glass of whatever i wanted 😖❤ (6/7)
awaaaa,, all of this rambling tires me out,, but i'm really happy that you all don't mind it as much as others do,, oh my, they always tell me that i need to shut up ahaha 😂 oh goodness, it's quite late now though, so i think that's all for tonight! so goodnight cuore mio, sweet dreams!! i hope you wake up smiling in the morning 💞💞💞 - hugs from the other half of the planet, your waifu 💌✨💖💕💋🌹 ps: let's add me fixing up drinks for you to the bucket list of things to do 😘💓 (7/7)"
U have no idea (once again) how thrilled i am that u got into aa and d e a d a s s everyone loves edgeworth and franziska so really big brain taste👁️ but my advice would be to not watch the anime till u finish the og trilogy (a.k.a the first 3 games) since it basically spoils everything xhdhshs but tbh the anime isnt amazing and has lots of bruh moments animation wise yet i still love it lmao esp of the voice acting....both the dub and sub slap royally (edgeworth's dub voice doe😳😤) AND OUR S E C R E T SHOW MAN AM I EQUALLY AS THRILLED FOR U TO DISCOVER MORE OF THAT TOO
N E W A Y S i have to say im fully convinced that ur some sort of earth/nature/growth/nurture goddess in disguise bc animals flopping to u further proves it ksksks never in my life was i able to like hold onto a frog for hours u have magical powers dear😳😳😳😳 u could prob command and entire army of bunnies, frogs, cats and many more if u so desired-
Also whoever told u to shut up will get the stabby cuz i aint havin none of that bs 🗿🔪 this also applies to the random flirts trynna start bs (btw i totally forgot to answer one of quinn's asks that said there was another one on instagram? Coming @ u so im gonna address it here: WII GATHERIN THE CLOWN ARMY ONCE AGAIN SISTERS👀🔪👀🔪👀🔪)
On another note, i'd totally try out ur drinks bc cocktails are a big passion of mine (then again who doesnt love em) and even more so if ur the one who made them a h a
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
Makuhari FINAL_Miyata Manamo
Member: Miyata Manamo Source: Second generation Hiragana Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2017/12/17 21:03
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Thank you for opening this blog. It's Miyata Manamo, the 19 year old, first year university student from Tokyo prefecture, who loves azuki beans and pink color, and whose special skill is the respectful bow. It's one of the rare pictures where I have my hair down. Even though I always wear pink loungewear, this is a rare shot where I'm wearing light blue. So warm♡ The book that I'm holding is "Selection of Tang Poetry." It's super thick and heavy, so it's hard to walk around with~(> I had to haul this around for a week, for a homework assignment😶 ************************** Today's is Sasaki Mirei-san's birthday🎊 Congratulations!!! We were part of the same group of 5 members in the middle of NO WAR. She gave me advice by telling me "Wouldn't it be better if you did it this way?", and she always smiles when our eyes meet. She's really so kind and I love her❤ I hope that you will have a wonderful year!!! ************************** Well then, all of us 2nd gen members were able to appear in the Hiragana Nationwide Tour 2017 FINAL Makuhari concert! For those who were able to attend, how was it? I think this will end up being quite long-winded, but I'd be happy if you would listen to my impressions♡ There are also lots of pictures that I want to post!!! We 2nd gen members, made our self-introductions and performed "NO WAR in the future." I never thought that we'd be able to stand on such a big stage for our first ever live. I can only feel gratitude for how everyone welcomed us so warmly. Thank you very much. I could clearly see everyone's face~ I was so happy to see posters and towels with my name on it that I could feel tears welling up in my eyes! I once again felt the amazingness of our first gen senpai. When I first started observing their rehearsals, even though they were only in the studio, without their costumes, nor their assigned spots, they were sparkling and I was overwhelmed. They were totally "idols." While watching them, I suddenly started crying. When I thought that we'd be able to perform together with such great people, I all of a sudden started becoming worried and nervous. The actual concert was really awesome, and I can't think of a word other than "awesome" to describe it. It was so cool and wonderful... It was so wonderful that I don't have enough vocabulary to give it proper justice!!! During rehearsals and the dress rehearsal, and after our actual performance as well, everyone cried time and time again from our feelings of worry and frustration. Even though we wanted to show the best possible performance, we couldn't demonstrate our true ability, and were irritated. We didn't know what to do and had bitter tears from all our frustrations. But every time that happened, we 2nd gen encouraged ourselves by saying "let's try harder" and "let's practice some more." During the concert, I wanted to give everything I had to the utmost of my ability. But I was still far away from being flawless. From now, I'll keep on giving my 110% so that I can become an idol that sparkles and gives off a happy aura a lot!! When I was admitted into Hiragana Keyakizaka46, I said that I wanted to appear in live concerts. I said that I wanted to make a live where I could have a good time with everyone. Even now, these feelings haven't changed. In order to achieve that, I'll be doing everything in my power to make it happen. And also... We received refreshments form Saito Fuyuka-san, Nagahama Neru-san and Habu Mizuho-san! Habu-san addressed a letter to each and everyone of us, with her refreshments. I was so happy...! It's my treasure♡ Me (left)・Kawata Hina (right) I don't know if this is the "nya~" or the "we'll give it our best" pose. She said that she actually ate the carrot she brought home [from the concert]. I sometimes forget that Hina is in her first year of high school. I always think that she's younger. So cute. Me (left)・Nibu Akari (right) This might be hard to see, but we're making a heart shape with our arms and heads~ Our hands are really doing the "let's do our best!" pose! Tomita Suzuka (left) and myself (right) I'm so jealous of her glossy hair...♡ I really love the the self-introduction rap that Suzuka did. When she was practicing, I was helping her out by clapping my hands to the beat and doing the response! I actually shouted "Paripi!" from backstage, when she was doing her rap onstage~ Even after our turn on stage, we 2nd gen members watched everything from the monitors backstage. From about "Dare Yori mo, Tataku Tobe" onwards, the tears wouldn't stop. I was really so moved! While saying "our makeup is going to be ruined~", we all passed around the tissue box. I cried too much during those two days (lol) When me, (Watanabe) Miho and Akari (Nibu Akari) were about to stop crying, Hina (Kawata Hina) and Miku (Kanemura Miku) burst into tears, and we started crying along with them again... Us three then complained and said "Hey, come on! Miku and Hina---" Hina answered by saying "Hehehe~", and laughed. That was cute. Even though Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi Hiyori) said "Today, Hiyo-tan feels like she won't cry! I definitely won't cry!", in the end, she was the one who cried the most. That part of her is too cute and there's no helping it. She's such a cute, cute little sister♡♡ Hamagishi Hiyori (left)・me (middle)・Watanabe Miho (right) We took this picture on stage. It was sparkling and it was a truly wonderful stage!!! By the way, on the 2nd day, we had to introduce each other, and Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi Hiyori) introduced me. Afterwards, she came up to me and said "I wasn't able to introduce you properly at all. Sorry about that." But I didn't think she did a bad job at all!!! I have the largest age gap with Hiyo-tan, so she really has that "little sister feeling" and is really cute!!! She really makes you want to meddle with her. In the dressing room, our seats are next to each other~. Hee hee♡ I love Hiyo-tan's smooth and elastic skin~ The one who I introduced was Watanabe Miho! My cute Miho♡ (Nao's taking a picture of Miho who's playing around with Tonkatsu, the plushie) I wander around while bringing along Tonkatsu. All of the 2nd gen members often play around with him, but the odds that Miho's the one with him is quite high. ...... Everyone calls Tonkatsu "Potato", "Croquette" or "Karaage", but that's wrong!!! He's Tonkatsu!!!! Geez!!!!! No matter how many times I repeat it, Nao still calls him "Croquette." She hugs him while saying "This is Nao's croquette~"... I'll show a picture of Tonkatsu and Nao getting along well next time! Speaking of Tonkatsu! After the live, Manafi-san took a picture with my Tonkatsu!!! Seeing her hug him was too cute, so I asked her if I could take a picture and she said yes♡ Even when I look at it now, I start smiling, since she's so cute. Just thinking about it, my mouth starts dropping to the floor again. I look at it regularly. Since this morning, I've looked at it twice already. I'm proud of that picture♡♡♡ So happy~ ************************** After the live, we went to eat abura soba1 to treat ourselves♡ Do you recognize where we went to eat...?? That's right! We went to the abura soba shop that our 1st gen senpai have gone to again and again. I've always wanted to try to go there, and I was finally able to!! It was really, really delish!! I want to go back already(^^) I'll get a large serving next time! ************************** A few days ago, during Saito Kyoko-san's SHOWROOM broadcast, I made a short appearance, through a phone call. Thank you very much! It's kind of strange feeling to be able to talk with Kyoko-san, who I was watching on a screen just a moment before. I also want to do a SHOWROOM broadcast too someday... If I do, will you come watch it? I'm sorry that my writing went on for so long! Thank you very much for reading it♡😊 Tomorrow's blog post will be by Watanabe Miho♪ In the anan magazine, Miho tied her hair up together and was really cute~♡ Since she always has her hair down, this was refreshing to see! I want to see Miho with that hairstyle again~~! Baimin     Miyata Manamo #2 By the way, since the 12th, we 2nd gen members started using Messages♡ I'd like to send lots of pictures and talk about things that I didn't have a chance to put in the blog. If you'd like it, please sign up♡ (I just end up posting too much. It's so much fun I can't help myself!)
Abura soba is ramen without the soup. ↩︎
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