thegreatgremlingang · 1 month
had a argument the other day with this JC anti that said JC abuses JL physically, verbally and mentally and JL just forgives JC because he is a pure innocent good baby boy and said that I obviously didn't read the book when I tried to defend JC and bring into evidence the times where he cared because apparently the few smacks JC gives JL is cripplingly horrible abuse and even JC caring about JL is "teaching him to be a spoiled person" Like I'm pretty sure even most JC antis doesn't think that
and the icing on the (shitty) cake is when they gave me as evidence not a quote but another Tumblr post by another JC anti and one of the particularly strange points it made is "JC deliberately endangers JL by telling him he cant come home unless he succeeds on a night hunt" (which by the way it was rigged in JL's favor) and hello? my parents say that to me every exam season its basically a rite of passage at this point
and I just want to ask:
If you are the person I had the argument with you know who you are sweetie
i hope you don't gatekeep and gaslight like this in real life ahahaa
Jiang Cheng antis can come at me wreck me make me regret living I am not afraid anymore
bye pookies!!!
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gavriiel · 12 years
so a guy i work with came in when he was off, and was all "aayyyyyyy can i have a piece of cake"
and my super was like "that depends, what are you willing to do for it?"
and the guy goes "oh man i'll clean one of the espresso machines"
and my super goes "no. how. bad. do. you. want. it." and has this sorta evil look in his eye
and then the guy just kinda backs up and leaves.
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Sometimes when I'm doing mdzs fandom shit I just experience some sort of strange post nut clarity like why am I doing this??? Really, qingqing? Magical gay swordsmen? Magical gay twinky ancient Chinese swordsmen??!? R e a l l y? And I blink for a few seconds, kind of laugh at myself and go straight back to what I was doing
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