#hehehehehheehe heres yalls juice!
vulpixisananimal · 4 months
(You wake up.)
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(How long were you asleep? You were asleep so long you were dreaming. You were having a nightmare, more like. You were wandering around Dormont, and no matter what you'd say, everyone else would stay to The Script. Even when you saw yourself at the favor tree, all you would do is say the same stupid lines.)
(You shudder. Never again, please, never again.)
(You look to your side, someone had placed a heaping plate of food on your nightstand. Your stomache growled, so you decided to grab a bite. A quesadilla again, naturally. It was mostly cold now. That would put you at least an hour, maybe two behind schedule. It sounded busy outside, so maybe closer to midday?)
(What WAS your schedule?)
(Wake up, be sick, bump into isabeau, breakfast, explain over breakfast, clean up, prep for the day, go out and do whatever. Ramos came around at about. . . Three hours past noon. Stars, you had to plan.)
(You start to eat as you get up; your body lodging formal and VERY vocal complaints against moving. Stars, you were so hungry, you already finished your first quesadilla and needed another. And you still needed to get dressed!)
(It took a few minutes, but you were up, fed, and ready. Looking yourself over in the small mirror in your rented room, you looked. . . Looked like normal. Looked like him. Looked like you? Maybe.)
(Who were you, Loop? Who were you now? Just the friendly star? Is that all?)
(Ha. hahahhaha.)
(Curse you, Universe.)
(You head downstairs.)
". . . Hellooooo?" (Huh. There wasn't anyone around. They must have headed out or. . . Wait.)
(That noise you heared. It sounded familiar actually. You walk over to the door to the front yard and pull it open.)
(Mirabelle, Bonnie, Nille, Isabeau, and Odile were all there going over battling! It looks like Isa was pretending to be a big ol scary sadness, it was, surprisngly similar to the house! You knew the script by heart too! Next Bonnie would say-)
"Exactly, Boniface. And see? We already have a combo of two right there."
(Ah right, because you weren't there to give that third hit.)
"When we get five of the same symbol, whether Rock, Paper, or Scissors, we'll be able to use a Jackpot Skill. . ."
"Only Rock, Paper, and Scissors attacks count for the Jackpot, by the way. We should be careful with how we use those skills, but we can use any other type of skill or item without breaking the combo."
"Yeah!! A combo will beat me!! Please, do a combo!"
(Hehe, because he's being a big ol sadness and not "knocked out.")
"You heared the man. Let's add three more scissors symbols to our lineup, shall we?"
(. . . Heh. Hehehehehehehe.)
(If you were going to be stuck in Stardusts little body, you will have some fun.)
"Of course M'dame!" (You say as you run past them all straight as Isabeau, leaping at him while he's still surprised. You both tumble back into the grass. You make a scissors symbol, and poke him on the nose with it.)
(Oh he looks so confused. And maybe blushing a little? Oh silly Loop~ You look over your shoulder to the rest of your companions with a cheeky smile.)
". . .Oops~"
"'HEY!!!" (Bonnie stomped the ground angry.) "CRABFACE!!! WE HAD THE MEANIE HANDLED!!!"
"L-language." (Nille was barely holding in a laugh, probably at seeing such a big guy like Isa being boddied by a twig like you.) "Good morning to you too."
(Odile chuckled and shook her head.) "Defeated in one blow. Truly, you are leagues ahead of us oh wise one."
"I was worried we were going to die, oh how strong it was!" (Mira continues.) "Bested by someone who should still be resting up!!!"
"A-ah, I'm doing fine! S-see?" (You say, getting off of Isabeau and sitting on the grass.) "No issue whatsoever~"
"incredible, absolutely incredible." (Odile says, she and the rest coming over.) "You're somehow a worse liar than Siffrin."
"Wh-" (You choke on your words.)
"Do they look paler than normal?" (Nille teased.) "What do you think Bonbon?"
"They look like white paint!!!"
"H-hey guys be nice!" (Isabeau FINALLY sat up.) "Loop just woke up, after all."
"Aww thank you Isabeau~" (You stretch. Huh, Loop, it was kind of nice to be known, honestly.) "And what have you all been up to since I passed out."
"Quite a bit!" (Mirabelle said, shaking her hands excitedly) "Madame Odile had an idea about your looping! And we decided to try and making easier! A-and-"
"Alright 'Bella, how about we get inside first." (Nille says, picking up her hammer.) "Gotta say, y'all really do have the whole battling thing down much better than I do."
"Oh don't worry Nille!" (Isabeau gets up.) "We were traveling for a whole year! We had lots of practice!"
"But until you catch up try to stick back with Boniface." (Odile adds.)
"Maybe I should be telling all you that~" (You joke, standing up.) "But really, I am feeling much better."
"Good! Now, to buisness-" (Odile leads you all back inside.)
(Your allies had been busy during your nap. They had gathered all the trinkets and supplies you'd gathered. You didn't bring all the eqipment you found in the house with you, and you didn't have nearly as much tonics, but it wasn't nothing. Paper mache gauntlets, Wok, etc.)
(They went over basic battling, and brushed up on their crafts. Nille had a solid place in battle too now. She had a nack for countering hits, so she'd stay to the side untill an opritunity showed itself and she'd jump in.)
(They were. . . Thinking about you?)
"-as the theory goes, anyway." (Odile had just finished explaining her theory on sleeping and looping.) "I do hope it's true, it would make everything so much easier."
"And if it does work!" (Mira says, excited.) "In the future just come out and say which loop it is! Everyone talked it out and well, i-it'll be easier to help you!"
"That's. . ." (It was, it was a lot to take in.) "That's really thoughtful."
"I didn't want you to have to do this alone." (Isa is smiling at you.) "We didn't, so, we perpared for you!"
"It was pretty fun, actually." (Nille is leaning back.) "Change, like I was finally getting to join my little sibling on fighting the bad guy."
"Yeah!!! And this time we're doing it as a big family!!!" (Bonbon, they're giving you the biggest smile.)
(You, you don't know how to respond.)
"I know this probably wont be the last loop, so we wont remember, but, that's ok!" (Isabeau. . .) "Because, Loop, I know every other me is going to try just as hard to help you!"
"Me too!"
"Mine as well."
"Same here!"
(Oh stars.)
(O-oh stars, it's, it's all too much. You're starting to cry. You're crying. It's, it's like when you first met them, so kind, and, a-and, and they're treating you like, like-)
"U-UH!!" (Isabeau holds up his hands seeing you cry.) "D-did I do something wrong?!?"
(You shake your head.)
"I think it's all a bit overwhelming. Besides, we were practicaly strangers in Dormont." (Odile rightly points out.)
"Doesn't matter!!" (Bonbon runs over to your side.) "Hey, hey, look at me."
(You look up at Bonnie, they're waving their hands-)
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"You've been helping 'Frin out, and you helped us out too! We're not strangers anymore!"
"Hear hear."
"Alright! Group hug time!"
(O-oh stars, oh starsohstarsoh-)
(You're crying more, they're, they're so nice, they're being so nice. They're. . .)
(They're treating you as you. As Your own person. As a part of Siffrin but, as yourself as well. You're YOU. They know you're you!)
(You're cry even more now.)
"T-th, thank you guys. . ."
(You all stay a second more there, in a big old hug. They don't know who you really are, but they know you're Loop, and Loop needs help. And, they love you, even after all this time, they still love you. . .)
(. . .)
(Eventually, it has to end, and everyone gets back to their seats and you take a few deep breaths. In, and out.)
"Got a plan today then, Loop?" (Mira asks.)
"Well, a few~"
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