lilikags · 2 years
HIHI !! hru
1, 12, 16, 18 for the ask game <3
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hi tien !!!! i'm currently not in best health for today but i should be better tmr haha, hbu?
1- What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
i usually write on tumblr drafts (yes i've lost drafts many times and no i have not learned my lesson) so i don't change the font here but when I'm on gdocs it's usually Lora bcs i like making things pretty. its not that big of a deal and a nice addition so i change it when convenient depending where i'm writing. i also don't change it on coda if i write on there it's a pain
12- If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules.
my 3 writing wishes would probably to be to give me a space where i could write in absolute concentration which also stops time so when i come out, i have time to do other things. (and also preserves my energy, so i dont just immediately crash when i come out). my second wish would be to make tumblr be able to sort through drafts by tag. i have like 147 or so on my enst blog and it's terrible trying to find one specific thing. my third wish is to be able to get inspiration or the words i need by just asking for it, make my life easier pls :pray:
16- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
idk if it's weird but i just set the book down and have it split open where i left off. or i just use my finger. one time i used a coupon from the mail
18- Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
ok so this is from my enst blog cuz tbh i haven't written genshin in a month (post here if ur interested) For most, it would simply just be words, but to Tsukasa, it was music. It was a special kind of music, one which didn’t have a particular beat, nor a particular structure or sound. But what made it so catchy, so catchy that he’d listen to it every second, was the sense of belonging he felt as he listened to your words of “You’re doing wonderful, my dear”. It was a sense of validation that hooked him, more addictive than any melody he had ever heard. It was a song meant for him, in which he both treasured and longed for. It was music to his ears, and nobody else’s, and he’d prefer if it was kept that way. so like. story of this week i went island hopping in coron and there was No Wifi so i started writing for kasa bcs i do not like swimming in the ocean so i stayed on the boat with Nothing To Do. so i started writing in my notes app LOL. i started thinking about kasa himself- what's important to him? music was one of the first things that came to my mind; he's an idol. and the post was about his love languages and i got to the receiving part and this is for words of affirmation (he needs it Desperately) so it kind of just. yeah it happened i never proofread that much so it stayed the way i originally wrote it yeah
-> ask game !!
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lilikags · 3 years
coffee & green tea ask game ! hope youre doing well <3
hi tien!! i'm doing well <3 i hope you're doing well too!
coffee— how do you like your coffee made? and what’s your go-to order at a coffee place?
-> i dont drink coffee lol
green tea— do you have any pets? if so, what kinds do you have and what are their names?
-> i actually don't </3 i used to have a pet fish but its lifespan ran out a few years ago
ask game!
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