#hell hath no fury like a comp player scorned
knghtlock · 1 year
random hotaru headcanon time because i need to make more of these! as one of the top ranked crucible players, sometimes hotaru just likes joining casual matches to help blueberries. she will build the goofiest loadouts known to man and somehow make it work.but the SECOND the enemy team starts getting too big for their britches or hassling her blueberries with unsportsmanlike behavior, she WILL pull out her competitive gear and take on 1v6 fights out of Pettiness and Spite. she is also not above getting behind enemy lines.
her callsign in crucible is "headcrack" because her most common method of murder is punching or kicking guardians Into walls with enough force to crack their helmets. ( she can also crush your head with her thighs but is that REALLY a punishment )
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