hellenicsun · 2 years
So this October I started my degree doing Ancient History & Archaeology, and all was fine and dandy UNTIL THIS MORNING. And here I’ll tell you why for a second I considered going home:
• 7am I wake up being blasted in the face by a fire alarm that sounds like a screeching bird with a megaphone, and whilst you might think 7am is a normal time to wake up, as a uni student it is not. The past two days we’ve been woken up by uni staff so we were all excited to have a lie in! Not anymore though, because we had to rush out of our beds and try and figure out where to go. It also started raining, which was so fun! 🥲
• I get back to the flat, go back to sleep and wake up to my flatmate slamming the kitchen door as if he’s trying to fight it, then went to check my IPad to see what work needs to be done, and voila! I see my assignment which was supposed to be due 12pm on Sunday has actually been changed to 12pm Friday. I also have a full day tomorrow and library work and a seminar after lectures, so I’ve only had today to do my assignment (and I’ll maybe pull an all nighter to get through it since I’m not done!).
• I though, “oh it’s only 500 words it’ll be fine!” But ohhhh no no no. Silly me. I had to find two city plans (one of Athens in 400BC and one of my home city), but wait, it can’t be off the internet, it had to be scanned from a book or article. And so I searched high and low for my Athens plan, and after about three hours I finally got one I could use. But then it came to my home city and turns out there’s no books or articles with a city plan of it in! Lovely. So I’ve picked some random map of the city centre and I’m hoping for the best.
• Then, 5 mins ago, I decided I can finish things at some point tomorrow night since I’m not even writing anything that makes sense, but I just realised I’ve got to wash my dishes before I can even think of relaxing. And to make matters worse, one of my flatmates has all her friends round in the kitchen (which is fine — except I look like a sleep deprived rat lmao).
I swear I’m just stressed and I actually love uni, but dear gods I need to catch a break!
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hellenicsun · 2 years
Moving into uni tomorrow! So excited (but also nervous — every time I’ve tried cooking something that’s not in a frying pan I’ve set either myself or the oven on fire?) and I’m so so happy because I’ll finally be able to be open about my religion :) obviously there will be people who don’t understand or who are disrespectful (my AH lecturer already made fun of Zeus during the open day — he seems like a nice guy but I was silently apologising to Zeus for that one. It was a funny joke to be fair though), but I’ll be able to have a shrine without hiding it and I won’t want to be around people that are disrespectful anyways. Being three hours away from everyone I know has it’s perks!
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