nexvsvorti · 2 months
❛  it  takes  a  monster  to  destroy  a  monster.  ❜
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nothingleftofyou · 26 days
"yeah, so let's try that again," he may not have had whitelighter healing but chris knew first aid well enough, and he wasn't one to turn away when someone needed help. "where were you hit?"
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slaysfive · 2 months
it was wicked and strange. new orleans was a stark contrast to the sun - kissed, suburban hell of sunnydale. its neon lights and loud music, a thrilling siren song of sin and salvation that one could easily lose oneself in. faith probably would have actually liked it here. they'd probably even have loved it, if not for all the creepy crawlies sulking about every dark corner and alleyway, that is. each seemingly looking for the next unsuspecting tourist to take and turn into a five - course meal.
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"you want something?" boots that had echoed hollowly on the cracked sidewalk suddenly fall short. coming to an abrupt stop as a figure came into view. "'cause i'm warning you now, if you're itching for a conversation, it better come with a drink."
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hereticheir · 2 months
feet are planted firmly, standing on the precipice of a balcony that had come to feel like a gilded cage overlooking a sprawling metropolis. it was a city that was a mistress of illusion, self - painted in vibrant hues of neon and moonlight like a masquerade ball for the senses. beneath her, a jazz band upheld a tempest of rhythm, their notes as intoxicating as absinthe. it was weird. she was a witch, a vampire, and a saltzman— a potent mix of power and vulnerability, yet she felt more like a ghost here in new orleans than she did anything else.
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maybe that had to do more with being stuck in the past, a place she didn't and never would belong to, than the spiraling city itself. maybe it was just her head working against her once more, undoubtedly to dig out the very worst until it had risen to the surface. maybe it was something else altogether. whatever it was, it left her feeling like just another face in the crowd in the heart of the supernatural. "what?!" it was a feeling that hadn't exactly gone over well, leaving her to mull until the impatient pinch of another's voice snapped her back. "what— no. no, i was totally listening."
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gavehell · 2 months
how could something be both your safe haven and your suffocation? davina had yet to figure it out — but that's exactly what the attic had become over the past eight months. and while she was thankful for its safety, she could not do without its oppressive silence. especially on nights like tonight, when the french quarter pulsed with the kind of life she craved. a symphony of laughter and music spilling from doorways like spilled wine. it was rare that she got to experience these moments, a fact that seemed to make each one more bittersweet than the last. "it's good, right?"
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leaning against a chipped brick wall, davina hangs in the shadows across the street from a bar, watching its neon sign bleed garish colors across the cobblestones as music, a mix of blues and jazz, snakes its way out. it fills the air around her and tugs at her soul. she wishes it could always be like this. "there isn't anything else like it."
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ofuntamedhearts · 2 months
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Freedom felt so fuckin' good. It was his first time wearing anything other than a red jumpsuit for the last year (you know, the one that told anyone in the place that he was more dangerous than your average convict, the one that meant he had an escort everywhere he went, the one that gave him one measly hour of yard time a week) and just putting on his own clothes had him settling into his old self quite nicely. He hadn't told Olivia that he was going to be getting out today; he'd disappointed her enough already and his date had gotten moved back so many times that he didn't want to get her hopes up for nothing again. It gave him time to deal with his side of things before surprising her. After all, he missed his daughter more than life but he had responsibilities to the pack, to his brother. Plus, he had a feeling he needed to clean his house before bringing her home. "Been gone a year, who wants to bet that one of my idiots friends threw a party at my place and didn't bother to clean it for months?"
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rainicr · 10 months
WHO: Rainier & OPEN ( @hellsmouthstarters )
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He could solemnly swear he was up to no good. Then again, Rainier could nearly always make that promise. Another year, same Rainier. Chaos he had covered. Stealth, on the other hand? File that under: needs improvement.
The Resistance had their chance to mind their own business and focus on actual problems in 2031, and they failed. Now if someone needed to go in and light some fires (literally or figuratively, he had yet to decide), well, he volunteered. He wasn't keen to need another portal for them to try again. Second time better be the charm.
Hearing commotion to his right, he knew they'd been had. Well, shit. No heroes among demons, Rainier opted to use the diversion to take his exit and reconvene. Turning to nearly collide with someone, he immediately put the attention on anything other than him. "They went that way."
Nailed it. Just like the movies.
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regrettablemistake · 7 months
"oh, bloody hell." spike replied annoyed as usual.
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hoaxwings · 11 months
“Something about Starbuck’s water just slaps differently,” Easton announced as he refilled the person’s water again before topping his own and sliding into the booth. It wasn’t every day that he was able to go back in time. Now procrastinating was something he constantly did. So avoiding the whole hell aspect wasn’t out of his normal schedule. He was sure that everything would work itself out. If not the top people would figure it out. Easton considered himself to be in the peanut gallery so he didn’t spend too much time worrying. After all, he was just another peanut — insignificant, so why crack his shell? 
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ofxwitchxdemon · 6 months
percy was enjoying the chaos he seemed to have found himself in. The factions were of little interest to Percy. He had grown up in the underworld to become the source once of age, but the rise of the good side and the twice blessed child Wyatt -his cousin made that impossible. Percy was the anti wyatt. Twice cursed. Born to a charmed one and the source of all evil. And yet here he was acting for the greater good on times. Percy would do anything he needed to restore his view of order and over throw everything. "If my mom and aunts could see me now.." he scoffed sarcastically enjoyong a drink after vanquished one of wyatts followers.
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nexvsvorti · 24 days
"if   you're   trying   to   sneak   up   on   me,   you   should   know   I   have,   like,   really   good   hearing."   they   don't   turn   to   face   the   one   that   approaches   until   they're   closer,   holding   up   a   hand   in   gesture   to   stop   them.   "you   should   also   know   i'm   in   a   spectacularly   bad   mood   and   already   annoyed   by   this   conversation."
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nothingleftofyou · 3 days
so zahir's left peripheral vision was a none-starter. having that eye bamboozled did the trick pretty sturdily. but if there was anything zahir was used to, it was acting like or being a clumsy bafoon and talking their way out of it. falling into the familiar charade was a lot easier then people gawking at an eyepatch. willow even did some of the witch-y business on the fake eye, so it looked more real. zahir wished it could work more real-- in laymen's terms, work, but willow's magic wasn't a miracle worker. "missage of the mark right there," would saying blind much be as awful if it was towards yourself? "i could offer you a bad joke or a bad cup of coffee." zahir bariş the coffee snob. ha. "you must choose but choose wisely." they quoted.
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slaysfive · 5 days
faith shakes her head, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “i’m not much for the wisdom. i tend to just, you know, punch stuff.” they throw a mock punch into the air, closed fist slicing through the space between them, quick and sharp, as if the air itself needed to be put in its place. “gets the job done.”
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hereticheir · 9 days
"before you judge me, let's just get one thing straight." lizzie's blonde hair is tossed over her shoulder with a huff as she paces the room. "i tried to stay calm, i really did, but i was provoked. my response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that i was forced to endure."
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gavehell · 9 days
davina's arms cross her chest, trying to hide the all too annoying and loud concoction of emotions bubbling inside her chest. "it's complicated … but basically, a coven of psycho witches want to sacrifice me in an ancient blood ritual."
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ofuntamedhearts · 2 months
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"You know, I thought that wife number one was crazy. I knew wife number two was crazy. But I would take both of them in one room over doing this crap again."
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