#hellur again fren :3 i hope this is ok!
goeunhyeok · 2 years
@kleinstar​ liked for a starter!
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“Wow. You’re awfully nice.”
Nice would be an understatement in this case. Eunhyeok doesn’t even know anyone who’d go out of their way to offer to patch him up after an unfortunate fall down the last few steps of the stairs nearby. Hell, he doesn’t even know any guy who just carries bandaids around with him. Not just bandaids, even. It’s like the stranger has been waiting all his life for the right moment to whip out his collection of first aid items he has on his person.
The fall was humiliating, of course, but the burn of the embarrassment isn’t as bad as the bleeding cuts and bruises he got out of it. He winces when the kind stranger applies a bandaid on another cut and for a moment, Eunhyeok wonders if he looks like a kid earning cute bandaids in the school’s infirmary for being too playful than most kids. 
“So... do you just carry that stuff around with you?”
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