#helluva boss jake
ladyanaconda · 2 months
How do Alice and Lauren feel about Gustav's favoritism towards Jake? Are they aware that Gustav wants Jake to be his sole heir?
Well, they both think it’s unfair. Like, Gustav’s known them for their entire lives, yet as soon as Jake—whom he’s never directly interacted with for 13 years due to Striker never letting him—comes into the picture, all his attention and love instantly shifts to him just because ‘he’s a boy’? Not just them, anyone would find it unfair.
The difference is that Alice has taken the time to know Jake, and sees that he is NOT comfortable with the apparent favoritism either. The only reason Jake sticks around the hacienda is because he wants to learn more about his mother Jane, and what better place for that than the one where she grew up in?
And no, they’re not aware that Jake has been legally declared the universal heir to all of Gustav’s assets. Not even Jake himself knows.
But unbeknown to most people, the favoritism towards Jake is NOT because of his gender.
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ladyanaconda · 7 months
What's Strikers and Jake's opinion on the whole Clown pageant in Greed by Mammon?
Neither are too fond of it. Striker, in particular, is aware that it's just a way for Mammon to exploit other people, especially Fizz.
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ladyanaconda · 7 months
Is Jake the only one from I.M.P. who will be in your version of the midseason special? Or will it feature a few others like Striker?
Actually, I'll make a separate history for Helluva Dad's mid-season special. It'll mostly focus on Jake and his relationship with his mother's side of the family, but Striker and the others will appear.
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ladyanaconda · 8 months
Is Jake going to be the main character in your midseason special?
I think so. It’s time he gets his own spotlight! And this is a good chance to explore his relationship with his mother’s side of the family.
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ladyanaconda · 8 months
Does Striker have any history with Mammon in Helluva Dad?
Not really. In fact, I’ve been considering writing an independent story focused on Jake and his mother’s side of the family as HD’s mid-season special counterpart.
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ladyanaconda · 9 months
Will Blitzo visit Jake at M&M's every day until Striker recovers + be a self-appointed babysitter? Would he even suspend all I.M.P. jobs until Striker comes back to work? Would Blitzo even be the one to give Striker paid sick leave and pay the bill for his hospital stay (with M&M possibly contributing + depending on who pays the bigger portion)?
Certainly so!
Striker insisted that the others keep working without him, but Blitzo being Blitzo, did suspend all jobs despite being close to the red numbers.
As for the hospital bill, Stolas was the one who paid for it as thanks for saving his life.
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ladyanaconda · 9 months
Does Travers still have Jake's angelic pistol or did Jake get it back?
He got it back. He’d never leave behind his mother’s pistol, EVER.
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ladyanaconda · 9 months
Would Jake become more ruthless on killing jobs with I.M.P. after going through his dad almost dying? Because he knows his dad ended up in the hospital because of his own hesitation, perhaps he becomes more hardened to avoid repeating the same mistake? Maybe also more protective of the rest of I.M.P.?
Before that, he must overcome his trauma. His father almost DIED because he hesitated. That dealt a big blow to his self-steem: how can he be relied on when he can't pull the trigger as easily as his friends do?
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ladyanaconda · 10 months
How will Jake be able to recover from the guilt he feels about almost getting his dad killed?
You'll have to wait and see, but it will be quite an emotional turmoil.
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ladyanaconda · 11 months
Will Millie's family visit Striker in the hospital, considering their good relationship with him? Would Millie bring them or would they come by themselves?
If they found out, they certainly would come of their own accord. They see both Striker and Jake as part of the family.
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ladyanaconda · 11 months
Jake's gotten better at fighting, though it would be a shame if he were taken by surprise and used as a shield to get in a sneak attack against his father...
That's a definite possibility. He might be going through puberty, but he's still a child.
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ladyanaconda · 11 months
is alice going to be shown more often in helluva dad?
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ladyanaconda · 1 year
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Poor Alice. She won't be forgetting what just happened anytime soon.
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ladyanaconda · 1 year
How does Striker and his son feel about Chaz?
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They don't like him very much.
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ladyanaconda · 1 year
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The first screenshot edits for the Helluva Dad AU.
No matter how old he gets, Jake still hides behind his dad!
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ladyanaconda · 1 year
Considering his relationship with his own father Crimson, does Moxxie envy Striker's and Jake's relationship, wanting what they have in a similar vein to Blitzo? Does he even view Striker as a substitute for Crimson, again similarly to Blitzo?
After meeting Striker and Jake and seeing their loving relationship, Moxxie was admittedly a bit jealous that Jake had a much better father, but he was far more happy for him. It's good to know not all dads are scumbags.
This also helped him warm up to Striker. Moxxie wasn't sure about him at first, but after realizing just how much Striker loved his son, he concluded he couldn't be such a bad person... if you're not on his bad side, that is.
Unlike Blitzo, he does not try to use Striker as a substitute for his shitty father. He's not that desperate for affection, for god's sake!
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