#help thy enemy and he becomes a millionaor
If u want to servives
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Optimuz the steal
Cleared skies
Streigbt to the stance wit ot
Even tbe Oz os one in the makin
Ne in a trill i have sought to laugh
At the begingin to no end
Their is a letter from me i have sought to be
They healed me and i healed them
But the thing is that if u dont smoke
U will get alergies
We are all among the the fast pace
We live amoungs the antitiies of imoratalities
I live again but one thing im gonna do is stop the sleepin i have the ingredience
But i cant give it
Cuz ppl like to swipe
So when u stop swiping
I can continue the healing for now im gonna stop untill ppl stop robbing i payed everyone im the apitimi of thos qorld upozn world the doctor is out ill be leaving soon back to space
Im still in the healing process
I have sought to finnsh
One thing i have to do is / wanna stop the sleeping ppl are doing)
Gave u money with my shake
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