#hemodialysis therapy
thalassarche · 9 months
So, I'm sleepless at 1am and I'm tired and I'm upset so I'm going to get out the shit that has been going on for me the past month and a half, because it keeps leaking out in tags and I guess maybe I should not do that. This is going to be long and it's a huge bummer. I just don't feel like I can come out and talk about it directly to anyone because it is indeed a huge bummer and I just. can't deal with like. the feeling of unloading this on someone and then what. but throwing it into the tumblr void and hiding it behind cuts feels less like I'm throwing a bunch of gross stuff at someone's feet so like, yeah. Content warnings for uh, facing the mortality of aging parents, the American healthcare system being a fucking nightmare, mentions of strokes, infections, and other huge medical problems, and basically stuff being awful.
I have lived with my mom as her caregiver for the past three years, since losing my job during covid. She is six years in remission from breast cancer, diabetic, and in end stage renal failure, meaning her kidneys don't work and she needs hemodialysis 3 days a week. I came in mostly to do things like shopping, the majority of cooking and cleaning, be present in case of falls, things like that. It's worked out, mostly. It sucks that she had to move to AZ to live near her brother simply due to the fact that her cozy little house in MT that she got remodeled to her needs has no dialysis centers within an hour's drive and the closest ones had no open seats anyway, not even for a summer stay, because of the nationwide nursing and technician shortage in healthcare. So she lives in AZ and goes to dialysis 10 minutes away. It works out, sorta. But. Since August 1st:
she had a stroke, which affected the language centers of her brain and made speech, writing, and complex communication difficult
she spent a week in neuro ICU for follow up; this was at a hospital 20 miles away in Phoenix. yes I drove there every day to see her.
she was transferred to a rehabilitation center after that week, where she had several good days but then started to experience severe lower back pain.
the back pain got so severe that she was crying and even screaming when being helped into/out of bed, or having the head of the bed elevated so she could eat.
myself and her other present family were very upset about this, because she was in pain! and also it was preventing progress in her PT/OT after the stroke! we wanted them to do something and find out what was going on!
an xray was done. "no significant findings."
we asked for a CT scan or MRI if an xray found nothing.
it didn't happen. maybe insurance said no, maybe assumptions were made that it wasn't necessary.
but mom spent the rest of her 15 days at that rehab facility on tylenol and then oxycodone.
she was then discharged, and yet in no state to come home.
we found a short-term care facility for her that she'd actually stayed at after her initial ER stay that discovered her renal failure. we thought that she'd do okay there.
she didn't. she declined. she was still in severe pain. MWF for her dialysis, she was basically just, done. and they had scheduled her dialysis at 6am. so. the day was just over, no ability for therapy.
they still just gave her oxycodone so even on good days she was sleeping a lot and very out of it.
we asked to speak to the physician and her case worker. we were not able to.
we asked for her to get further testing instead of just this pattern of throwing narcotics at her and watching her decline. it didn't happen.
at the end of her second week there, she was becoming less responsive and more inclined to just sleep.
she wasn't eating. I tried so hard to encourage her to eat, I even fed her. she still would eat a few bites and then be uninterested in more.
one day she only ate a cup of yogurt.
then she was so badly out of it and barely responsive that I demanded that they do something. so they gave her narcan. because maybe she was too lost in the oxycodone sauce. didn't help, they gave her more. didn't help. they called EMTs.
she ended up in the ER, where they did a CT, MRI, and bloodwork.
(this was a week ago)
turns out she has an infection in her spine. which is osteomyelitis, an infection in the bone and bone marrow that just constantly hurts. oh also numerous pressure sores, including a bad one on her heel, and a bad one on her lower back. either could have introduced the infection into her spine.
that infection has spread to her blood. yeah she's got sepsis.
she also has had at least one additional stroke and her speech has degraded even further.
she spent several days in the ICU and it was very touch and go.
it is still very touch-and-go but she's now in progressive care (pcu) which is a downgrade from ICU in terms of how serious.
but yeah. sepsis is very dangerous for young and relatively healthy people. she is 74. her diabetes means her healing is very slow. her renal failure means that her system can't handle a heavy load of antibiotics so they have to be given more spaced out and in lower doses.
it. sucks.
I still go to see her every day and talk to her even if she's not responding. I sing songs she knows. I put on videos of the church services in her hometown for her to listen to. - it. sucks. so. much.
oh yeah also her place here in AZ is in a retirement park and I can only be here because she resides here. so if something happens even in terms of her moving her permanent residence elsewhere I can't stay here.
I have no income I basically just lived here with her and she covered my expenses as my pay for being her caregiver. so like. looks at the potential need to get independent housing, looks at bank account with $30 in it, laughs darkly and decides I can't think about that.
besides I need to think about how this could be the last time I have left with my mom.
it. sucks.
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mcatmemoranda · 7 months
Wernicke encephalopathy — Wernicke encephalopathy is due to diencephalic and mesencephalic dysfunction of central gray structures surrounding the third and fourth ventricles secondary to thiamine deficiency. Occurring both in alcoholics and nonalcoholic subjects, it probably is an underrecognized cause of encephalopathy in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients who are fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition, recovering from gastrointestinal surgery, being fed after a period of starvation, undergoing hemodialysis, or suffering from advanced cancer are particularly susceptible to this disorder [39]. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy".)
Wernicke encephalopathy is characterized by a triad of confusion, ataxia, and ophthalmoplegia. The full triad is rarely present, and variations from the classical description occur commonly. Ocular signs are the hallmark of the disease, including horizontal nystagmus, bilateral abducens palsy, complete ophthalmoplegia, and pupillary abnormalities [39]. Apathy, impaired awareness, disorientation, mental sluggishness, and restlessness characterize the encephalopathy. In extreme cases, coma may be the presenting feature [39]. An agitated form that overlaps with alcohol withdrawal syndrome has been described [7]. Ataxia results from vestibular and cerebellar dysfunction, and hypothermia and hypotension may occur due to hypothalamic dysregulation [39].
Prompt treatment with intravenous thiamine can reverse Wernicke encephalopathy. The ocular abnormalities are the first manifestation to respond to therapy. The ataxia and the encephalopathy may take days to weeks to resolve, and there may be permanent memory and cognitive impairment [39]. All debilitated patients at risk for Wernicke encephalopathy should receive adequate thiamine supplementation. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Treatment' and "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Prevention'.)
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kidneyhealersdelhi · 7 days
Types of erythropoietin can be classified based on the time of day they are taken and whether they are used for healing or therapy. Some common types of erythropoietin include EPO, renin, growth hormone, and prolactin.
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ivfinjections5 · 13 days
Understanding Clexane 60 mg Injection: Uses, Dosage, and Precautions
Indications and Uses
Clexane 60 mg Injection is primarily indicated for:
Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Especially after surgeries such as hip or knee replacement, where patients are at a higher risk of developing clots.
Treatment of DVT and Pulmonary Embolism (PE): DVT is a condition where blood clots form in the deep veins, usually in the legs, and PE occurs when these clots travel to the lungs.
Prevention of Clot Formation in Patients with Unstable Angina or Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI): These heart conditions are associated with a high risk of clot formation.
Clot Prevention in Hemodialysis Patients: During hemodialysis, patients are at an increased risk of clotting, and Clexane helps prevent this.
Mechanism of Action
Enoxaparin, the active ingredient in Clexane, enhances the activity of antithrombin III, a protein in the blood that inhibits clotting factors Xa and IIa (thrombin). By inhibiting these factors, Clexane reduces the formation of new clots and prevents existing clots from growing larger.
Dosage and Administration
The dosage of Clexane 60 mg Injection varies depending on the condition being treated or prevented. It is usually administered via subcutaneous injection, often in the abdominal area.
For DVT Prevention Post-Surgery: The typical dose is 40 mg once daily, starting 12 hours before surgery and continuing for 7-10 days or until the patient is sufficiently mobile.
For DVT and PE Treatment: The dose is typically 1 mg/kg body weight every 12 hours or 1.5 mg/kg once daily.
For Unstable Angina or NSTEMI: A typical regimen is 1 mg/kg every 12 hours, usually alongside aspirin.
For Clot Prevention in Hemodialysis: The dosage may vary based on the length of the dialysis session and the patient’s specific needs.
It is crucial to follow the healthcare provider’s instructions precisely, as incorrect dosing can lead to serious complications.
Side Effects and Precautions
Common Side Effects
Bruising or Bleeding: Because Clexane is an anticoagulant, it can increase the risk of bleeding. Patients might notice bruising at injection sites or bleeding from the nose or gums.
Injection Site Reactions: Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site are common but usually mild.
Serious Side Effects
Severe Bleeding: Any signs of unusual bleeding, such as dark stools, pink or brown urine, or prolonged bleeding from cuts, should be reported to a healthcare provider immediately.
Allergic Reactions: Symptoms like rash, itching, or swelling (especially of the face, tongue, or throat) require urgent medical attention.
Medical History: Patients should inform their doctor of their complete medical history, especially if they have bleeding disorders, recent surgery, or kidney disease.
Drug Interactions: Clexane can interact with other medications, such as other anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and certain herbal supplements. Lonopin Injection in Delhi It is essential to discuss all medications and supplements with a healthcare provider.
Regular Monitoring: Patients on Clexane therapy may require regular blood tests to monitor their clotting status and kidney function.
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texaskidneycare · 14 days
Comprehensive Kidney Care in South Texas A Lifeline for Renal Health
South Texas, a region known for its vibrant culture and diverse population, is also home to advanced kidney care services. With the prevalence of kidney disease rising, the need for specialized care has never been more critical. South Texas kidney care facilities are at the forefront, offering comprehensive services to manage and treat various renal conditions effectively.
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The Importance of Kidney Health
Kidneys play a vital role in maintaining overall health by filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, regulating blood pressure, balancing electrolytes, and producing hormones essential for body functions. When kidneys fail to perform these tasks, it leads to chronic kidney disease (CKD), a condition affecting millions globally. Early detection and proper management are crucial in preventing progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), where dialysis or a kidney transplant becomes necessary.
Services Offered
South Texas kidney care centers provide a wide range of services designed to cater to patients at different stages of kidney disease. These services include:
Preventive Care and Education: Prevention is the first line of defense against kidney disease. Kidney care centers emphasize educating the community about risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Regular screenings and health fairs are conducted to identify individuals at risk and provide them with the necessary resources to manage their health.
Early Diagnosis and Management: For those diagnosed with CKD, early intervention is key. Comprehensive kidney care involves regular monitoring of kidney function, blood pressure control, and management of underlying conditions like diabetes. Diet and lifestyle modifications are also integral parts of the treatment plan.
Dialysis Services: When kidney function declines significantly, dialysis becomes a lifesaving treatment. South Texas kidney care facilities offer both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, ensuring patients receive the best possible care close to home. These centers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced nephrologists and dialysis technicians.
Transplant Services: For eligible patients, a kidney transplant is often the best option for long-term health. South Texas boasts several renowned transplant centers that provide comprehensive pre- and post-transplant care. These centers work closely with patients throughout the transplant process, from evaluation and matching to surgery and recovery.
Support Services: Managing kidney disease can be challenging both physically and emotionally. Kidney care centers in South Texas offer support groups, counseling, and social services to help patients and their families navigate the complexities of kidney disease. These support systems are crucial in improving patients' quality of life and adherence to treatment plans.
Advancements and Research
South Texas is also a hub for kidney disease research, contributing to advancements in treatment and care. Many kidney care centers collaborate with research institutions to conduct clinical trials and studies aimed at improving patient outcomes. These efforts ensure that patients have access to the latest therapies and innovations in kidney care.
Community Impact
The impact of comprehensive kidney care in South Texas extends beyond individual patients. By providing education, preventive services, and advanced treatments, these facilities help reduce the overall burden of kidney disease on the community. They also foster a collaborative approach, working with primary care physicians, specialists, and community organizations to create a network of support for patients.
South Texas kidney care centers are essential in the fight against kidney disease. Through preventive measures, early diagnosis, advanced treatments, and robust support services, they offer a lifeline to those affected by renal conditions. Their commitment to improving kidney health ensures that patients receive the best possible care, enhancing their quality of life and contributing to a healthier community.
For more info:-
South Texas Renal Care Group 
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jainhospitalkhanna · 23 days
Dialysis Decoded: Types, Benefits, and Important Risks to Consider
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The kidneys work by filtering your blood, removing waste and extra fluid that are then expelled from the body when you urinate. If your kidneys are compromised due to disease or injury, dialysis can step in to help maintain bodily functions. Kidney failure arises when the kidneys are functioning at only 10% to 15% of their normal capacity. Without dialysis, harmful waste products like salts can build up in the blood and cause damage to other organs.
Here’s more about dialysis, its various types and associated risks.
Exploring Dialysis Techniques
When your kidneys falter, different dialysis methods like haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) come to rescue.
Understanding Hemodialysis
Hemodialysis uses a specialised filter called a hemodialyzer to cleanse the blood of waste and excess fluid.
Preparation for Hemodialysis
Before starting hemodialysis, a doctor performs a minor surgical procedure to create an access point in your blood vessels. This may require several months to heal completely.
Common access points include:
Arteriovenous (AV) fistula
AV graft
Vascular access catheter
AV fistulas and grafts are for long-term dialysis, while catheters are temporary solutions.
During Hemodialysis
During treatment, blood is drawn from your body and filtered through the hemodialyzer. The purified blood is then returned to your body using a dialysis machine.
Hemodialysis sessions last about 4 hours, up to 3 times per week, though shorter, more frequent sessions are also possible.
Initially, hemodialysis is often conducted in a hospital, doctor's office, or dialysis centre. Treatment duration depends on factors like body size, waste levels, and overall health.
After undergoing hemodialysis for an extended period, you may transition to performing dialysis at home, especially for long-term needs.
Understanding Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis involves using a peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter in your abdomen to filter blood through the peritoneum, a membrane in the abdomen.
Preparation for Peritoneal Dialysis
The PD catheter is implanted through surgery, typically scheduled about 3 weeks in advance. Before starting peritoneal dialysis, you receive training on catheter care and fluid exchanges.
During Peritoneal Dialysis
During treatment, special fluid called dialysate flows into the peritoneum, absorbing waste from the bloodstream. The used dialysate is then drained from the abdomen.
Peritoneal dialysis requires 3 to 5 daily exchanges, which can be done while sleeping, awake, or during daily activities.
Types of peritoneal dialysis include:
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD): Involves multiple daily exchanges without a machine, done while awake.
Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD): Uses a machine to cycle fluid in and out of the abdomen, usually done during sleep.
Intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD): Conducted in the hospital or at home, similar to CCPD but with longer sessions.
Post-Peritoneal Dialysis
After peritoneal dialysis, it's important to care for your exit site, catheter, and supplies to prevent infections.
Understanding CRRT (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy)
CRRT, also known as hemofiltration, is predominantly used in intensive care units for individuals with acute kidney failure.
During CRRT, blood is circulated through tubing into a machine where a filter removes waste products and excess water. Replacement fluid is then added before returning the blood to the body. This process can last for 24 hours or longer.
Identifying Dialysis Risks
All types of dialysis carry inherent risks.
Hemodialysis Risks
Risks associated with hemodialysis include:
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Muscle cramps
Difficulty sleeping
High blood potassium levels (hyperkalemia)
Pericarditis (inflammation around the heart)
Bacteremia (bloodstream infection)
Irregular heartbeat
Sudden cardiac arrest
Peritoneal Dialysis Risks
Peritoneal dialysis may increase the risk of infections around the catheter site, such as peritonitis.
Other risks include:
Abdominal muscle weakening
High blood sugar 
Weight gain from dextrose and excess fluids
Nausea or vomiting
Stomach pain
CRRT Risks
Risks associated with CRRT include:
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Electrolyte disturbances
Delayed renal recovery
Bone weakening
Additionally, long-term dialysis can lead to other medical conditions, such as amyloidosis.
Some individuals may experience depression or anxiety following a long-term kidney failure diagnosis. If you're struggling with depressive thoughts, consider reaching out to a member of your care team or a mental health professional. 
Consulting a Specialist:
For those considering dialysis or experiencing symptoms like swelling (edema), particularly around your hands, ankles or face, peeing often , dry or itchy skin, poor appetite, must consult a qualified healthcare professional. Specialists like those at Jain Multispeciality Hospital, with decades of experience in treating kidney failure effectively & performing dialysis, can provide accurate diagnoses and personalised treatment plans.
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supremehospitals · 25 days
What is hemodialysis?
When kidneys can no longer operate properly, hemodialysis is a medical therapy used to assist the kidneys work correctly. For those with end-stage kidney disease, it is a potentially life-saving treatment. When your kidneys are no longer able to adequately filter waste, salt, and excess water from your blood, hemodialysis is used. This procedure aids in keeping your body's concentrations of potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate at healthy ranges. Depending on the patient's condition, hemodialysis is normally done three times a week at a dialysis facility or at home. It usually lasts several hours. Hemodialysis can be difficult, requiring close attention to a treatment plan and dietary restrictions, even though it is necessary for many patients. Nonetheless, it prolongs the life expectancy and greatly enhances quality of life for those suffering from renal failure. For more enquiry related to hemodialysis or information related to hemodialysis, please visit Supreme Hospitals, the best Kidney Specialist Hospital in Thiruporur
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madhuban-kidneycare · 27 days
Common concerns related to Kidney Disease & Dialysis in Delhi
Kidney disease occurs when the kidneys get damaged and unable to eliminate waste and fluid from the body, causing them to accumulate. The severity of kidney disease varies across different groups. In India, there are over 175,000 patients on chronic dialysis, and each year approximately 220,000-275,000 new patients require kidney or Renal Replacement Therapy.
Causes of Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is not an abrupt occurrence but rather the result of a gradual loss of kidney function. Kidney injury is caused by severe physical accidents or medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Kidney failure symptoms include frequent urination, bleeding in urine, loss of appetite and weight, swelling legs or feet, tiredness, and shortness of breath.
Dialysis: Purpose and Timing
Dialysis is a recommended procedure for individuals experiencing over 90-95% renal failure. When the kidneys fail or do not function properly, dialysis helps to perform their crucial role of removing waste and fluid from the blood. It can improve mobility, flexibility, overall well-being, reduce dietary restrictions, and contribute to a longer and healthier life. It is worth noting that urine output may still be normal at the start of hemodialysis.
Madhuban Kidney Care provides the world-class facilities for dialysis in Delhi with top urologist in nephrologist.
You can contact us by:
Phone: +91 7827890989
Email: at Madhuban kidney care
Website: Madhuban kidney care
Visit us: at Best nephrologist in Delhi
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blacklinks01 · 30 days
Nephrology Hospital in Nelamangala, Bangalore
Introduction to Nephrology Hospitals
Nephrology is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. It covers a broad spectrum of conditions ranging from chronic kidney disease (CKD) to acute kidney injuries (AKI), kidney stones, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Nephrology hospitals play a critical role in providing comprehensive care for patients with kidney-related issues. In this article, we will explore the leading Nephrology Hospital in Nelamangala Bangalore, highlighting the advanced medical services, experienced professionals, and state-of-the-art facilities that make it a top choice for kidney care.
State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology
The nephrology hospital in Nelamangala, Bangalore is equipped with cutting-edge medical technology to ensure the highest quality of care. The hospital boasts advanced diagnostic equipment, including high-resolution imaging systems, ultrasonography, and CT scans, which are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Additionally, the hospital’s laboratories are equipped with the latest analytical tools to conduct comprehensive blood and urine tests, essential for monitoring kidney function and detecting abnormalities.
Dialysis units at the hospital are equipped with the latest hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis machines, ensuring efficient and effective treatment for patients with severe kidney impairment. The hospital also offers Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) for critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). The availability of these advanced technologies ensures that patients receive timely and accurate treatment, which is vital for managing complex kidney conditions.
Experienced and Specialized Medical Professionals
The nephrology hospital in Nelamangala prides itself on its team of highly qualified and experienced nephrologists, urologists, and renal surgeons. These specialists are renowned for their expertise in managing a wide range of kidney-related conditions. They are supported by a dedicated team of nursing staff, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals who work collaboratively to provide holistic care to patients.
Nephrologists at the hospital have extensive experience in treating chronic kidney diseases, acute kidney injuries, and electrolyte imbalances. They are adept at performing kidney biopsies, managing dialysis treatments, and preparing patients for kidney transplants. The hospital’s urologists specialize in treating urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and other urological disorders, using minimally invasive techniques to ensure faster recovery times.
Comprehensive Kidney Care Services
The hospital offers a wide range of services designed to address every aspect of kidney health. These include:
1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Management
Chronic kidney disease requires long-term management to prevent progression to end-stage renal disease. The hospital provides comprehensive CKD care, including regular monitoring, medication management, and lifestyle counseling. Patients receive personalized treatment plans aimed at controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, which are crucial for slowing the progression of kidney disease.
2. Dialysis Services
For patients with severe kidney dysfunction, the hospital offers both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is performed using state-of-the-art machines that ensure effective removal of waste products and excess fluids from the blood. Peritoneal dialysis offers a home-based alternative, allowing patients more flexibility and control over their treatment.
3. Kidney Transplantation
The nephrology hospital in Nelamangala has a dedicated kidney transplant unit, providing comprehensive pre-transplant evaluation, surgery, and post-transplant care. The hospital’s transplant team includes experienced surgeons, nephrologists, and support staff who ensure the best possible outcomes for transplant recipients. The unit also offers support for living donors, including thorough medical evaluations and post-donation care.
4. Pediatric Nephrology
The hospital has a specialized pediatric nephrology unit that caters to the unique needs of children with kidney disorders. Pediatric nephrologists work closely with other specialists to provide comprehensive care for conditions such as congenital kidney diseases, nephrotic syndrome, and acute kidney injuries in children. The unit is equipped with child-friendly facilities to make the hospital experience as comfortable as possible for young patients and their families.
5. Renal Diet and Nutrition Counseling
Proper nutrition plays a vital role in managing kidney disease. The hospital offers specialized diet and nutrition counseling services to help patients adhere to dietary restrictions and maintain optimal health. Registered dietitians work with patients to create individualized meal plans that meet their nutritional needs while considering their medical condition.
Patient-Centered Approach and Holistic Care
The nephrology hospital in Nelamangala places a strong emphasis on patient-centered care. This approach involves treating patients with compassion, respect, and dignity. The hospital’s staff is dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses not only the medical but also the emotional and psychological needs of patients and their families.
Patient education is a cornerstone of the hospital’s approach. Patients are provided with comprehensive information about their condition, treatment options, and lifestyle modifications that can improve their health outcomes. The hospital also conducts regular support group meetings and educational seminars to help patients and their families cope with the challenges of living with kidney disease.
Research and Clinical Trials
The hospital is actively involved in nephrology research and clinical trials, aiming to advance the understanding and treatment of kidney diseases. By participating in clinical trials, the hospital offers patients access to new and innovative treatments that are not yet widely available. This commitment to research ensures that the hospital remains at the forefront of nephrology care, continuously improving the services and treatments offered to patients.
Community Outreach and Preventive Care
Recognizing the importance of preventive care, the nephrology hospital in Nelamangala engages in community outreach programs to raise awareness about kidney health. The hospital conducts free health camps, screening programs, and educational workshops in the local community to promote early detection and prevention of kidney diseases. These initiatives are aimed at reducing the burden of kidney disease through proactive and preventive measures.
The nephrology hospital in Nelamangala, Bangalore stands out as a premier institution for kidney care, offering a comprehensive range of services backed by advanced technology and a team of experienced medical professionals. From chronic kidney disease management to cutting-edge dialysis services and kidney transplantation, the hospital is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care. Its patient-centered approach, commitment to research, and community outreach efforts further solidify its reputation as a leading nephrology hospital in the region.
Read More : https://www.amruthahospital.com/services/nephrology/
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advinhealthcare · 1 month
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Advin Health Care - Central Venous Catheter Set
The sets are used for long-term central venous access for intensive infusion and/or transfusion therapy, invasive central venous pressure measurement and for blood collection.
Website: https://advinhealthcare.com
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bhushans · 1 month
Global Focus on Improved Outcomes: Global Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Market
The global hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis markets is ready to change and have a lasting influence that lasts well into 2034 and beyond. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are expected to cost a combined USD 104.3 billion by 2024. The market is anticipated to be worth more than USD 245 billion by 2034.
Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are predicted to grow at a strong 8.9% CAGR until 2034.
Enhance Research With a Sample Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14681
Key Highlights:
Strong Regulatory Framework and Healthcare Infrastructure: North America’s hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis market is benefiting from the region’s stringent regulatory standards and advanced healthcare infrastructure. Regulatory compliance ensures patient safety and quality of care, while state-of-the-art facilities and technologies facilitate the delivery of effective dialysis treatments.
Rising Prevalence of Renal Diseases: The increasing prevalence of renal diseases, including chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is driving the demand for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatments. Factors such as aging populations, lifestyle-related risk factors, and improved diagnostic capabilities contribute to the growing burden of renal conditions, necessitating expanded dialysis services.
Technological Advancements and Innovation: Technological advancements in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis modalities are enhancing treatment efficacy, patient comfort, and convenience. Innovations such as wearable dialysis devices, home-based dialysis solutions, and remote monitoring systems are reshaping the dialysis landscape, empowering patients to manage their condition more effectively and improve their quality of life.
Focus on Personalized and Value-Based Care: The shift towards personalized and value-based care models is driving the adoption of tailored dialysis regimens that optimize patient outcomes and resource utilization. Integrated care approaches, multidisciplinary care teams, and patient-centered initiatives aim to address the holistic needs of individuals with renal diseases, promoting better health outcomes and cost-effective care delivery.
Key Takeaways : 
In the type sector, Hemodialys from the Hemodialys and peritoneal dialysis market are anticipated to flourish at the quickest CAGR of 5.5% through 2032.
With a CAGR of 5.7% through 2032, Hospital Dialysis are predicted to grow significantly in the application sector of the Hemodialys and peritoneal dialysis market.
The market size for Hemodialys and peritoneal dialysis market in the United States is expected to reach US$ 49.4 Billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6% during the research period.
China is anticipated to reach a market size of US$ 10.2 billion in Hemodialys and peritoneal dialysis by 2032, with a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period.
By 2032, South Korea is expected to reach a market size of US$ 5.3 Billion in Hemodialys and peritoneal dialysis, with a CAGR of 49% during the forecast period.
The major players in the global hemodialys and peritoneal dialysis market are Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (Germany), Baxter International, Inc. (US), Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (Japan), B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany), Asahi Kasei Corporation (Japan), DaVita Inc. (US), Nipro Corporation (Japan), Cantel Medical Corporation (US), Diaver (US).
Mar Cor (Cantel Medical Corporation) announced the release of their unique EON Portable Hemodialys Water System in 2021.
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA announced the release of a PVC-free peritoneal dialysis solution bag for home dialysis therapy in 2020.
Baxter International Inc. gained FDA clearance for a De Novo application for Theranova dilayzers designed to provide enhanced hemodialys (HDx) treatment in 2020.
By Type:
Peritoneal dialysis
By End Use:
Hospital Based
By Product:
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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Hypertension is a common finding in patients on intermittent hemodialysis for multiple reasons, including volume expansion/overload, sympathetic overactivity, activation of the renin-angiotensin system, and arteriosclerosis. As with patients not receiving hemodialysis (HD), control of hypertension is essential for reducing rates of cardiovascular disease in patients on HD. While general management should involve reversing medical causes for hypertension (ie, volume overload or pain), pharmacologic therapy should be instituted if needed. This includes:
First-line pharmacologic therapy for hypertension on intermittent hemodialysis is a beta blocker (such as atenolol or carvedilol, which have both been studied).
Second-line therapy is with a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker (such as amlodipine).
Third-line therapy is with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (such as lisinopril) or an angiotensin receptor blocker.
Minoxidil is a vasodilator commonly used topically for androgenic hair loss; however, it is also a potent antihypertensive reserved for treating severely resistant hypertension, specifically in patients on HD who have maximized other pharmacologic therapies. It is very rarely used in the general population or as a first-line treatment secondary to concerns of reflex tachycardia, which can be mitigated with the concurrent use of a beta blocker.
Other agents that may be considered for aggressively resistant hypertension in patients on HD include:
Clonidine and methyldopa (both with concerns for significant central nervous system side effects)
Aldosterone antagonists (which may have benefits but are not recommended secondary to hyperkalemia)
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sufrgery1 · 2 months
Superior Nephrology Care at TX Hospitals, Hyderabad: Book Now at 9089489089
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In the bustling city of Hyderabad, where advancements in healthcare thrive, prioritizing your renal health is paramount. When it comes to comprehensive nephrology care, TX Hospitals stands as a beacon of excellence. This article delves into the significance of seeking nephrology care at TX Hospitals in Hyderabad and how you can easily book an appointment with our specialists.
Why Choose TX Hospitals?
TX Hospitals in Hyderabad is synonymous with exceptional healthcare services. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and proficient medical professionals, TX Hospitals has earned the trust of patients seeking top-notch care. Our commitment to excellence extends to our nephrology department, where skilled specialists offer unparalleled expertise in diagnosing and treating kidney-related ailments.
Meet Our Renowned Specialists:
At TX Hospitals, our nephrology department is staffed with distinguished specialists who are leaders in their field. With extensive experience and a compassionate approach, our team is dedicated to delivering personalized care to every patient. From initial diagnosis to tailored treatment plans, our specialists ensure that you receive the highest standard of care.
Comprehensive Services Offered:
Our nephrology department at TX Hospitals provides a wide range of services to address diverse kidney concerns, including:
Accurate Diagnosis and Management of Kidney Diseases
Effective Control and Monitoring of Hypertension
Advanced Dialysis Therapies (Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis)
Comprehensive Evaluation and Post-Transplant Care for Kidney Transplant Recipients
Expert Management of Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
Book Your Appointment Now:
At TX Hospitals, we understand the importance of convenience in accessing healthcare services. That's why we offer a seamless appointment booking process through our dedicated hotline: 9089489089. Whether you require a routine check-up or urgent consultation, our streamlined system ensures that you receive prompt access to our esteemed nephrology specialists.
Why Book Now?
Your kidney health is too important to postpone. By scheduling your appointment now, you take proactive steps towards addressing any existing kidney issues and safeguarding your well-being. Early intervention can significantly improve treatment outcomes and enhance your quality of life. Don't wait—seize the opportunity to prioritize your renal health today.
At TX Hospitals in Hyderabad, superior nephrology care awaits you. With our nephrologist in hyderabad, cutting-edge facilities, and hassle-free booking process, optimal kidney health is within reach. Take the first step towards a healthier future by dialing 9089 48 9089 and scheduling your appointment with our expert nephrologists. Your kidneys deserve the best—trust TX Hospitals to deliver excellence in renal care.
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evieabimed · 2 months
Dialysis Machine
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Dialysis Machine AM-DM41 is indicated for acute and chronic hemodialysis therapy. Consists of an access device, blood tubing, blood pump and dialyzer. To prevent the chemical deposits machines are rinsed with acetic acid or citric acid. Reliability and safety provided through dual control system along with multiple pressure, air conductivity and blood leakage detectors. It is a premium quality dialysis machine. Our machines are compact sized and extensively acclaimed for durability and uninterrupted performance.
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Dialysis Market size was valued at USD 104.7 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach at a USD 210.7 Billion by 2032
The dialysis market size was valued at USD 104.7 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach a market size of USD 210.7 Billion by 2032 with a CAGR of 7.4%.
The dialysis market, crucial for individuals suffering from kidney failure, has witnessed substantial growth over recent years due to rising prevalence of renal diseases, increasing aging population, and advancements in healthcare technology. The market encompasses various products and services including hemodialysis machines, peritoneal dialysis products, dialysis consumables, and dialysis services. With the growing demand for renal replacement therapy, especially in emerging economies, the global dialysis market is expected to continue its expansion trajectory.
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Recent developments in the dialysis market include:
Technological Innovations: Continuous efforts are being made to enhance dialysis equipment and techniques. Advancements such as portable and wearable dialysis devices, improved filtration membranes, and remote monitoring systems are being developed to improve patient convenience and treatment outcomes.
Shift towards Home Dialysis: There’s a noticeable trend towards home-based dialysis treatments, particularly peritoneal dialysis, driven by factors like patient preference for independence, lower healthcare costs, and technological advancements making home dialysis more feasible and effective.
Telemedicine Integration: Integration of telemedicine and remote monitoring solutions into dialysis care is gaining momentum. This allows healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients’ vital signs, treatment adherence, and overall health status, enabling timely interventions and reducing the need for in-person clinic visits.
Focus on Personalized Medicine: There’s a growing emphasis on personalized medicine in dialysis care, with healthcare providers exploring ways to tailor treatment regimens based on individual patient characteristics such as genetics, comorbidities, and lifestyle factors. This approach aims to optimize treatment efficacy and minimize adverse effects.
Expansion in Emerging Markets: Emerging economies are witnessing increased investment and expansion in dialysis infrastructure to address the growing prevalence of renal diseases. Market players are establishing partnerships, setting up dialysis centers, and introducing affordable dialysis solutions to cater to the needs of underserved populations.
Top Companies are:
· Zoetis
· Heska Corp.
· IDEXX Laboratories Inc.
· Agrolabo S.p.A.
· IDvet
· Virbac
· Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
· Neogen Corp.
· Covetrus
· iM3Vet Pty Ltd
Market Segmentations:
By Type (2023–2032)-
Peritoneal Dialysis
By Product and Service Equipment (2023–2032)-
Dialysis Machines
Dialysis Drugs
By Application (2023–2032)-
In-center dialysis
Home dialysis
Regional Analysis:
The dominance of the dialysis market in North America is attributed to its advanced healthcare infrastructure, elevated incidence of kidney disease, and supportive reimbursement policies. Notably, the United States commands a substantial portion of this market, fueled by prominent market players, continual technological advancements, and a sizable patient demographic necessitating dialysis therapy. Moreover, there’s an emerging trend towards home-based dialysis and a transition towards value-based care models within the region.
Key highlights of the report include:
1. The report delivers thorough Market analysis, furnishing valuable insights to guide strategic decision-making.
2. The comprehensive research outlined in the study enhances the depth of your presentations and marketing strategies.
3. By offering crucial insights into key market competitors, the study empowers businesses with a strategic edge.
4. It delivers a precise assessment of evolving market dynamics, ensuring readers stay abreast of the latest industry trends.
5. With meticulous breakdowns of various market niches, the report facilitates informed decision-making processes.
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drforambhuta · 3 months
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Understanding Dialysis:
Dialysis stands as a remarkable medical intervention, effectively mimicking the essential functions of the kidneys by removing waste products, excess fluid, and toxins from the bloodstream. This process is vital for maintaining the body's overall health and preventing the accumulation of harmful substances that can lead to severe complications. Broadly categorized into hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, each approach offers distinct advantages and considerations, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of patients.
Hemodialysis represents a widely utilized form of renal replacement therapy, involving the extracorporeal circulation of blood through a specialized machine known as a hemodialyzer. This sophisticated apparatus functions as an artificial kidney, facilitating the removal of waste products and excess fluid from the blood while restoring electrolyte balance. Hemodialysis sessions typically occur several times a week at designated dialysis centers, necessitating the establishment of reliable vascular access through arteriovenous fistulas, grafts, or central venous catheters.
The procedural intricacies of hemodialysis encompass a comprehensive array of considerations, including blood flow rates, dialysate composition, and ultrafiltration targets. Despite its efficacy in achieving adequate clearance of metabolic waste, hemodialysis may pose certain challenges such as the risk of hypotension, muscle cramps, and vascular access-related complications. Furthermore, adherence to a strict dietary regimen and fluid restriction is essential to optimize treatment outcomes and minimize potential adverse effects.
Peritoneal Dialysis:
In contrast to hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis harnesses the permeable nature of the peritoneal membrane lining the abdominal cavity to facilitate the exchange of solutes and fluids. This modality entails the instillation of a sterile dialysis solution into the peritoneal cavity via a surgically implanted catheter, allowing for the passive diffusion of waste products and excess fluid across the peritoneal membrane. Subsequently, the spent dialysate is drained from the abdomen, completing a cycle of peritoneal dialysis.
The versatility and convenience of peritoneal dialysis render it an attractive option for many patients, offering greater autonomy and flexibility in managing their treatment regimen. Home-based peritoneal dialysis affords individuals the opportunity to undergo therapy while maintaining their daily routines and minimizing disruptions to their lifestyle. Nevertheless, meticulous attention to infection control practices, including proper catheter care and aseptic technique during exchanges, is imperative to mitigate the risk of peritonitis and other infectious complications.
Doctors suggest undergoing a full body health checkup at regular intervals in case of dialysis patients to check the side effects associated with dialysis, its impact on the general health of the patient, and early management of the complications associated with the procedure.
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