drwernicke · 6 months
I want to read a 200k Easterman/Wernicke fic so bad. Give me slow burn and yearning and hatred and tension and heartbreak and angst and soft stolen moments and the contemplation of inevitable doom and partaking in each other’s evil and wistful glances as god stands witness and and and
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mcatmemoranda · 11 months
Wernicke encephalopathy — Wernicke encephalopathy is due to diencephalic and mesencephalic dysfunction of central gray structures surrounding the third and fourth ventricles secondary to thiamine deficiency. Occurring both in alcoholics and nonalcoholic subjects, it probably is an underrecognized cause of encephalopathy in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients who are fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition, recovering from gastrointestinal surgery, being fed after a period of starvation, undergoing hemodialysis, or suffering from advanced cancer are particularly susceptible to this disorder [39]. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy".)
Wernicke encephalopathy is characterized by a triad of confusion, ataxia, and ophthalmoplegia. The full triad is rarely present, and variations from the classical description occur commonly. Ocular signs are the hallmark of the disease, including horizontal nystagmus, bilateral abducens palsy, complete ophthalmoplegia, and pupillary abnormalities [39]. Apathy, impaired awareness, disorientation, mental sluggishness, and restlessness characterize the encephalopathy. In extreme cases, coma may be the presenting feature [39]. An agitated form that overlaps with alcohol withdrawal syndrome has been described [7]. Ataxia results from vestibular and cerebellar dysfunction, and hypothermia and hypotension may occur due to hypothalamic dysregulation [39].
Prompt treatment with intravenous thiamine can reverse Wernicke encephalopathy. The ocular abnormalities are the first manifestation to respond to therapy. The ataxia and the encephalopathy may take days to weeks to resolve, and there may be permanent memory and cognitive impairment [39]. All debilitated patients at risk for Wernicke encephalopathy should receive adequate thiamine supplementation. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Treatment' and "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Prevention'.)
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angrywastelandturtle · 5 months
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Alam Wernick
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barbatusart · 3 months
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sid-sn · 25 days
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21st-century-boys · 3 months
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Alam Wernick
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androscoggintoboggan · 8 months
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Alam Wernick.
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gluskinshell · 3 days
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so i was bored yesterday and (with the help of wikipedia, in-game documents and the like) ive decided to write out the entire outlast timeline. or 99% of it anyway. i severely underestimated how big it actually is, but this was very fun to do! never again tho
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itsmyfriendisaac · 8 months
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♊ June 14th: Noir Male, DeAngelo Jackson.
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lyyynth · 2 months
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Young Rudolf Wernicke, 1930s
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reagent-leon · 2 months
I went ahead and made a transcript for the villains' trailer because there are some quality dialogues that I feel people are missing out on. It would have been nice if Red Barrels had given us proper subtitles rather than autogenerated ones.
Big thanks to @misa-bun for keeping me sane and helping me go over the garbled audio towards the end.
EASTERMAN: You’ve been expressing anger in the therapy.
GOOSEBERRY: Everything Mother does is love! If I have to show a little… discipline, that’s just a firmer kind of love.
EASTERMAN: You’ve shown real enthusiasm. We’ve decided to give you a longer leash.
COYLE: You think you’ve got a leash on me? Might be you who built this little juzgado, but I’m the one who made it a home. Why you ain’t nothin’ but the towel boy in my whorehouse.
FUTTERMAN: The fuck d’you think I am? Some kinda puppet? You pull my string? Heh!?
EASTERMAN: You are literally a puppet.
GOOSEBERRY: Don’t! Don’t you upset Daddy.
EASTERMAN: This is science. If we happen-
COYLE: I’m fuckin’ talkin’ here! This ain’t a charity, this is business! Business don't mean shit without the law.
GOOSEBERRY: Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
COYLE: Property don’t mean shit without a threat of violence.
GOOSEBERRY: Who would die for the children!?
COYLE: The threat of my boot on your neck is what butters the bread ‘round here and everywhere else!
GOOSEBERRY: Who would kill for the children!? 
COYLE: In the civilized world!
GOOSEBERRY: What would… you do… to protect the children!?
AVELLANOS: Cut them. Well? Whaddya think?
WERNICKE: Experience has taught me one truth about the human limits of terror and pain.
AVELLANOS: Which is?
WERNICKE: There are none.
Just a few things worth noting:
"Juzgado" (pronounced hoos-gah-doh) is Spanish for courthouse or tribunal. The word "hoosegow" is a slang term meaning prison, derived from a mispronunciation of juzgado. It's interesting to me that he uses the proper Spanish given his well-known bigotry.
"Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children" is a direct quote from the novel Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray.
"Butters the bread" means how he makes his living, the job he gets paid for essentially. Police work is his bread and butter. 🤷
I can't think of anything else that might require further expiration, but if anyone else has any insights please share them!
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guesswho334455667788 · 3 months
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Alam Wernick
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misterlemonzmen · 2 months
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07-13-24 | Alam Wernick. MisterLemonzMen.tumblr.com/archive
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ediblecasket · 4 months
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"Hendrick, would you like to sleep?"
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sid-sn · 2 months
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schizolabratt · 7 months
Please please PLEASE check out this animatic by Joji Soja because this shit is CRIMINALLY underrated. The art is incredible and the song absolutely slaps. I can’t believe it’s three years old and only has just over 1K views, it’s a disgrace.
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