#hence why Oscar's new glasses came in a blue box
carlottastudios · 6 years
Rosegarden week 2.0 Day 2: Silver
“It’s…It’s beautiful!” Ruby’s eyes shone as she held up the silver rose necklace, a huge smile on her face.
Oscar grinned, evidently pleased with his anniversary present.
“I take it that means you like it?”
“I love it!” she leaped at him, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Whoa! Be careful Ruby! The jewellery looks fragile!” warned Taiyang from where he leaned against the kitchen counter.
“And expensive.” added Qrow. “Where’d you get the money for that, kid?”
Oscar managed to answer the huntsman’s question, but not without difficulty, as he was noticeably distracted by Ruby kissing him again and again.
“Years and years of saving up my allowance. Plus a lot of extra farmwork for my relatives.” he smiled proudly. “Totally worth it.” then he turned his head to Ruby’s barrage of kisses with one of his own.
She gave him a few last pecks before pulling away, bouncing giddy joy.
“I’m going to put this on right now!” she held up the necklace excitedly.
“Maybe you should get changed first?” suggested Oscar. “We gotta be on our way soon.”
“I was going to do that too!” she said, then giving more kiss on the cheek before she raced upstairs.
Only a few minutes later, she came back down, now dressed in her chosen attire for the evening. Oscar’s eyes went wide as he saw her. Ruby’s dress was a cloud-like silver silk and it helped bring out the beautiful pearly colour of her eyes. Her new necklace a noticeably paler shade and, from where it sat below her collarbone, its tiny petals glimmered like water in the moonlight. Ruby smiled.
“So, how do I look?” she asked, her pinks a delicate pink, and though she appeared calm, the shifting of her feet in their dark grey flats betrayed her shyness.
“Gorgeous.” Oscar said dreamily, causing Ruby to giggle.
The young man managed to collect himself and offered her his arm. She accepted it, but stopped and withdrew her arm.
“Shoot! I almost forgot your present!”
She rushed upstairs, coming back a few seconds later holding a small dark blue box with silver ribbon tied around it in a bow.
“It’s not nearly as romantic as yours, but I hope you like it anyway.”
“If it’s from you, I know I will.” Oscar assured her, undoing the bow and opening the box.
Inside, laid on a bed of white fabric, was a pair of rectangular reading glasses, the dark wire rims glinting in the lamp light.
“You got me new glasses!” Oscar exclaimed, delighted, and he wrapped Ruby in a hug. “Thank you, Ruby! This is the best anniversary gift ever!”
“No, yours is the best!” she argued, kissing him.
“Oh, would you two just go already!” said Qrow. “You’re gonna give us all cavities!”
“Stop being so cynical, Qrow!” Tai chastised, then to the teens he said: “Have a wonderful anniversary, you two!”
“We will dad!” Ruby smiled to Tai, then waved at Qrow. “See you later dad!”
“Don’t have too much fun.” her biological father cautioned, but his tone was light and his smile warm.
Oscar chuckled.
“Sorry, Qrow, but we can’t make any promises.”
Qrow nodded approvingly.
“Good man. See you later.”
“Bye kids!” Tai waved to them as they stepped out of the house.
“Bye!” they answered, then started off.
After walking a little while in the fading light of late afternoon, Oscar broke the silence.
“I don’t mean to brag, but now that I think about it, I guess you could say my gift is the more fitting one.”
“What do you mean?” asked Ruby, looking up at him.
“Well, it turns out that silver is actually the colour associated with couples’ 10th wedding anniversaries.” Oscar explained, then added quickly. “And I know that we’re not married, and it hasn’t been 10 years, but this is technically our 10th date.”
“You’re right!” Ruby smiled. “At least, so long as you’re only counting ‘real’ dates.” she said, to which Oscar nodded. “You know, when we actually plan for it as a date and it starts as a date and ends as a date and doesn’t turn into a fight with a bunch of grimm or something?”
They both shared a laugh at that. That particular turn of events was one they had experienced many times. Too many times for their liking. There was nothing more annoying then when your nice evening with your significant other was rudely interrupted by a stranger bursting into the restaurant shouting that a pack of beowulfs had been spotted at the outskirts of town or by a nevermore flying over the theatre where you were watching a movie or even an ursa barging in on the romantic picnic you’d spent hours planning and preparing. This last had particularly irked Oscar as he had indeed spent hours picking the right spot for that picnic and getting the food ready himself. Food which had nearly gone to waste with the ursa’s attack. He was so peeved by this that he’d nearly killed the brute with a single hit. Luckily, such events hadn’t always transpired. Oscar and Ruby had managed to have 9 successful, completely uninterrupted and very enjoyable dates, and hopefully this would be the tenth.
“So I was right!” said Ruby. “Yours is the best anniversary gift! Ever!”
Oscar smiled at her.
“No. No, it’s not.” he said softly, putting an arm around her, the silver-eyed girl of his dreams, as they kept walking. “Because you’re the best anniversary gift ever.”
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