#henceforth i have decided i will follow the briefs as they suit me
sheepandpencils · 5 years
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Day 7: Morning Routines
They’re the softest. 
And yes, Kylo has fully moved in following the events of the previous comic. Hux can’t seem to find a way to get rid of him. 
Part of my Kylux 30 Day (lol) OTP Challenge.
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Two things - one, i know this comes approximately an eternity later, and i apologise (30 day challenge, more like 30 year am i right). Two, I’m aware that that’s not the prompt, but I’ve made the unilateral decision to reorder/revise the prompts for this challenge because I have a story I want to tell, and by the Force, I’m going to tell it! 
Some classic Kylux for your post-TROS needs. :) 
As usual, please do not repost, and click open for a non-grainy view. 
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Imagine... Sophie and Dr. Sally engaging in a random altercation/cat fight over Arthur/Joker’s affection
Act I:
Sophie sneaks backstage at the Murray Franklin Show to reunite with Arthur and assure him that she was never a figment of his imagination. She is, in fact, a tangible force of nature and she’d be damned if a pretty penny wasn’t sacrificed for that babysitter so they could indulge enough of the night with a proper taste of passion because his innocence was far too precious to be wasted on any modern Drury Lane Vestal in the throes of middle-aged desperation. As you can see in the following image, a candid shot presents of her materialising into corporal existence:
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Meanwhile, Dr. Sally can be observed making a swift trek to her dressing room, eager to witness more of this curious clown man that her colleague has designated a guest. There’s an ethereal beauty to his physical presence. Fortunate for her to also exist in an era where coulrophilia was embraced and she could finally admit her repressed, covert attraction without a jest of shame.
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(yes, I’m aware how anachronistic that is given the film’s time frame. and what about it ?)
Act II:
Sally catches a glimpse of Arthur and Murray a fraction of the way through her journey. The climax of strange encounters is steadily approaching. Opposing lines racing to force a vertex into anomalous angles of harmony. Within earshot, her regressing sense of hearing just faintly detects the utterance of a request, laced with undertones of condescension, lost in translation. So, he wants to be called ‘Joker’ ?How endearing. Yet, she can’t help but wonder how the name would fare when pronounced during sex... Not the sexiest name to moan, that much she was certain. *proceeds to substitute this egregious moan with « Fleck me »*
Cue Sophie’s appearance provoking a remarkable display of emotional evolution. At first, the sight of Arthur in clown makeup didn’t entirely register. If not for that mousy cadence of voice she was familiar with, she would have continued ahead, ignoring the conversation occurring between those three individuals. A tempest of addled emotion courses through her upon consuming his newly tailored cosmetics. That is, until she catches sight of another pair of eyes currently transfixed. Her stature, petite. Senior citizen discounts on fleek. A supernova of thoughts riddle her mind: Does she and Arthur know each other? Has he really erased her from memory? Most importantly... were they fucking?
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To be sure, she was certainly not the psycho, possessive type, but the narrator needs a proper reaction gif so absurdist narrative prescribes her with the suspicion and edge tailored to any variant of yandere flesh suit-
Henceforth, her approach is stealthy yet bold in noticeable pace. Sources confirm that Catwoman’s throne (and wig) remain in hiding
Sophie’s taller, looming figure dissolves the « Doctor »’s brevity of besotted stupor, her brow furrowed in a brief spell of confusion and consternation. Sophie continues to scrutinise, patronising curl of lip plastered in place, effectively severing the short elder’s responding curiosity.
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Sally: .... I’m sorry ? Can I help y-
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Act III:
Sally is dumbfounded. The question is a crude combination of lewd and rude. Initially, she is affronted by this brazen act of misinterpretation. Assuming her sexuality in such a tawdry manner? Yes, she wanted to fuck the asthenic man with leafy green hair and equally herbaceous eyes. He was but a mere exception to her otherwise glaring evidence of using Blue Is The Warmest Colour as an introduction video. If only she had realised sooner that the accusation was not generalised. It wasn’t until the two men trailing footsteps a few meters away, leaving the man of topic in solitude, that she could dispel her egocentric presumption of being misidentified.
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Sally is less perplexed and more amused, ultimately deciding to play along with this charade of reality show antics
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In any case, showtime was quickly nearing and she wondered what was taking the clown so long in preparation. He could be poised to walk out that door at any moment....
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