#henry lamontaigne
okimargarvez · 7 years
Original title: When they first met.
Prompt: writing challenge.
Warning: none.
Genre: family, romantic, comedy, friendship.
Characters: all members of BAU team, O.C.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot (collection of individual tales of each member, except for Walker).
Legend: 💑💏😘😈👓🔦🎲🎈👻⚰.
Song mentioned: none.
When They First Met- Masterlist
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JJ: The new dog trainer
 Penelope was very happy in this moment. In one hand she held the smallest of Henry, her beloved godson. In the other, a bag of biscuits for dogs. -You'll see, here there are many beautiful dogs, many cute animals to play with... - she enters in the building. -Hello Beth, today I brought a little man with me... - a woman of about fifty old, sticks herself out of the desk to scrutinize them. She immediately smiles.
-Oh, what a handsome young man! Penelope, there is a new dog trainer. Right now he's out with Rob.- the blonde's face is overshadowed.
-How is Rob?- the child seems to perceive her emotions from the simple handshake, as well as from the tone.
-It seems that the treatment is working, but you will see it with your own eyes. They are in the green area.- she nods and heads for the indicated destination.
-What is the grrrr...- he tries to pronounce the word correctly -...green ara?- she pauses for a moment and turns towards him.
-Green area, honey.- she corrects him with a sweet voice. -It's a place where the young dogs along with the oldests, go to rest.- Henry seems to have understod somethin else, because his eyes are big and shiny. -No, lovely, don't cry. Don't "rest", in that sense, come, when you will have seen, you will understand.- they begin to walk again. Finally they reach a lawn area with many trees that create various shadow areas. Here are three dogs that are sleeping, perfectly visible, two in normal positions and a third with air belly. A laughter escapes from the child. -Have you seen? They're all right, they're just doing the nap, like you do after your mother reads you a fairy tale.- she pronounces the magic word.
-Mommy...- he moans, taken from a sudden melancholy and nostalgia of the maternal figure.
In that exact moment comes another exemplary canine, battered, hedgehog fur perpetually disheveled, physically fully it shows his age, but right now runs like a puppy. And behind him a man, dark hair and Latin traits, chases him shouting his name in vain. -Rob, wretched, stop! Rob!- the nominated executes order, but him just hangs in front of Penelope and the baby, starting the washing stage on the latter. -Sorry, he's very expansive... - so closely, Garcia sees how the man is tall and his uniform that left only guess muscles: white T-shirt with logo of the doghouse and pants dark blue. -... but he's not bad.- he probably thinks Henry might be scared.
-Oh, I know well.- the blonde responds, throwing other looks. -You are the new trainer?- excellent choice, I approve unconditionally. Even before, she loved spending her free weekends here, but if the company is this... a few more days will not be a great sacrifice.
-Yup. Luke, nice to meet you.- the pleasure is all mine. Oh, heck, Garcia, how did you become trivial! Just see a piece of nice man and you go completely in mush!
-Penelope. And this is Henry.- she holds his hand, then observes the exchange between the two. Note yet another detail: he doesn't bring faith to the finger. This doesn't necessarily mean that he's not engaged. Penelope, come back to earth. You're here to volunteer, not the volunteer. Even Luke doesn't remain indifferent to the sight of that shapely blonde, dressed in a flowered habit and very short, very high-heeled shoes and a bow on the head. Not really the appropriate clothing to stay here. A decidedly sprint mom, he thinks, looking at the blond child even more than she, while she strokes Rob. -Anyway I know this scoundrel since he was little more than a puppy. I come here a lot of years.- she informs him, almost smugly.
-Ah, then I understand everything.- he whistles, calling the dog to his side.
-How are you?- she asks in a tone that reveals all her concern. -Beth told me that the treatment is working, but had a strange expression... I don't know ... maybe I'm a bit ... paranoid.- she smiles and Luke remains dazzled, for a moment stunned to stare at her. He looks at the child, as if afraid to talk about things too serious. Penelope nodes that there's no problem.
-I'm only here for a week, but yes, I can confirm that Rob is reacting well... - she approaches him, because she feels the "but" in the air, all his doubts. Nearly the man jumps, feeling her perfume and seeing her so close. He looks down and meets the big dark eyes of the blonde. -But his age is however very advanced, and... I think ... the disease won't have won... if you know what I mean.- Penelope understood this perfectly.
-Henry, would you like to go play with those dogs? Do you see them? I'll be here, I'll not lose sight of you for a moment... - the child walks away. When she turns back to him, Luke notices the first tears are trying to break the barrier. She doesn't say anything, in fact, tries not to get noticed, but it's a fairly difficult task. The man understands why Penelope is crying and he feels a growing desire to comfort her. Yet he has just meet her, from thirty minutes and already feels to have diagnosed her. -I always say that I should be able to restrain myself, but then I can't keep my promises... excuse me, you're probably busy, I don't want to waste your time...- she turns to Henry and makes to call him back, but Luke stops her, grabbing her arm.
-I'm not busy, it's nice to find someone who loves animals so much... do you have any? - it's clear that he touched a sore subject. The expression of the blonde becomes even more suffering.
-No, I've never had pet... even when I was little. It may seem ironic, don't you think?- she laughs. In this way Luke has the opportunity to hear that crystalline sound for the first time. -Maybe it's precisely for this that I became an animalist... - her eyes are far away, lost in time. -And you?- it seems ridiculous to continue with the formalities, but she'll certainly not be the one who takes next big step.
-I have always had a lot of animals, especially dogs. Right now... I have this monster.- while he talking pulls out his wallet and latter a photograph of a pretty Belgian shepherd. Penelope's blonde hair touches his arm, tickling him. -She is eight years old, yet the other day we noticed that she's pregnant... - his eyes light up as he is talking.
-What's her name?- he realizes that even the women's eyes are shining.
-Sandra.- he notices that she is holding back a laugh. -I know, it's a strange name, but don't look at me, it was my mother who chose it... oh, excuse me, I didn't want ... - he exclaims when he realizes that he uses a confidential tone.
-Oh, don't worry! It's not a problem, was beginning to be ridiculous, this thing of keep a distance, I guess we'll have the same age, more or less... - Penelope returns to direct her attention to the child, which playing catch with a dog about six months old, very snappy and playful. At one point, Henry loses the balance and falls, without being hurts, but she worried however and runs toward him. Luke follows her, reflecting on being a mother, on maternal love, perhaps the only real sentiment that exists on this earth. And this woman must be a fabulous mother... but also single? Because she doesn't bring faith, she didn't mention any husband... Luke, please, don't start with these thoughts. You should train Rob, not flirting with voluntary mothers and probably married... From a distance he sees her picking him up and checking that he has no sign, clean him from the ground, then caress the dog, with an equally sweet look. It will be hard to stay focused on the job, today... -... sure, mommy loves you very much ... - she's saying, when she reaches them.
-Hey, he's okay?- even Rob has followed him and looks suspiciously at the puppy.
-Yes, yes, fortunately not even a scratch. Otherwise JJ would have strangled me!- she laughs but stops when she catches the surprise expression (positive) of Luke, that's still staring her. And then she understands that he had thought...
-Henry is not your son?- he can't help but ask.
-Oh, no! I wish!- she always responds giggling and smiling, but the man seems to find some note of regret in her tone and a veneer of melancholy in her eyes. -No, I'm just the godmother. The mother is one of my best friends.- she shrugs.
He isn't her son. And by the way she has spoken I would say she's not even a mother... impossible to believe, seeing how she behaves with Henry and the animals... but that means it may not even exist any husband or boyfriend who's waiting her at home... What a hell of a thought, I have to stop it.
-And you? Do you have any children?- but she seems that she isn't going to change the subject either.
-No ...- and he would like to add And I never thought of having or wanting to, because I never found the right woman... -Only dogs.- Why I want to make her understand that I am loose as a goose? If all I want is to ask her a date, why I can't just do it? Heck, Alvez, a little courage. You face minefields, alleged wild beasts, every day and you do yourself put into crisis by a blonde with glasses, the innocent gaze and mischievous eyes... Suddenly an imagine glares him. She against the wall, he leans on her body. It almost feels like he really feels her breast pressed against his chest... Keep yourself! There's also a baby here! Better he doesn't understand ahead of time what reaction the women could cause at the men!
-Ah, I understood.- Penelope also doesn't know what to say. She has noticed a strange look, from the trainer, long and intense, although at one point seemed to be on another planet. Maybe his girlfriend had a miscarriage and that's why they broke up... Always run too far with fantasy, Garcia. Mind your business once in your life. Fortunately, the phone rings, removing them from that awkward silence. -Yes?- she has seen that the caller is JJ.
-Hey, Garcia, I wanted to tell you that we're already coming back. If you want to free yourself from the burden a bit before... - she laughs, and Luke asks himself who is from the other line, a man or a woman? A potential rival? But rival of what? You just met her, you just talked about dogs and children..., but in a roundabout way.
-But what a burden! Taking care of Henry is a joy. He has seen so many beautiful dogs today...- And I also seen a nice piece of latin male... Thanks to this last sentence, the man realizes that the caller is none other than the mother of the child. He doesn't hold a sigh. He's in a real bad way. But it never happened to such a thing at him, being so taken immediately by a woman; in fact, it's usually the women who buzz around him, but they are all boring, interested only in shopping, talking about diets... But she is different, how can you say it after such a short time? And yet he is sure of how much he feels, Penelope isn't a common woman, he could tell by the way she expresses herself, rather than how she dresses. And he doesn't take much effort to pretend that she is his... wife, that Henry is their son (even if he wouldn't has got any of his stuff), that they are choosing a dog to give him a home, to enlarge the family...
-Fantastic! We'll be home for... around 5:00 of the evening.- she nods, but her friend can't see her.
-OK it's good. And... JJ, I should talk to you about something, after... - yes, she has to talk about Luke to someone, because needs to explain all the evidence gathered, so she'll gets a dispassionate opinion and if the response is positive... come back soon to the doghouse, with any excuse, without children, to push more on the accelerator.
-Ok. You can't back out, now intrigued me!- she laughs and closes the call. Luke is still there staring at her.
-I have... I have to go. Mum today comes home earlier.- she explains, as if it were his business.
After the announcement she seems to grasp an almost sad expression, as if he was sorry she's going to leave. How I wish I could take a picture of him in this moment. Any clue that she'll lead to the check of JJ, will still be filtered by her head. And we know that we see what we want to see...
-Yeah. I still have to... continue the training with Rob.- Penelope nods, so to turn his back, holds the hand of Henry in hers -You'll come back?- he asks. She back to look at him, maybe a little too upset. -To see Rob, how is him, I mean.- but of course, of course he didn't want to know if she would come back to see him.
-Yes, I'll come back- she gives a slight smile. At that simple gesture Luke feels every piece of skin vibrate.
-Good.- he only responds. Stop it, ask her date and get it over. Penelope looks down. The next time, when she comes back, I ask her. First of all. Really.
-Yeah ...- she seems intimidated, as if she had feel, as if she understood what he feels -... so... have a good day.- another smile.
-Even to you, Penelope.- when she is a barely visible speck now, he caresses the head of the old dog, which seems to reciprocate his look. -You too.-
  -So? - after greeting her child, JJ throws on her friend to find out what this is the thing which she has to speak. Maybe she finally wants to publicly admit, seriously, that she feels something for their colleague, Derek?
-Before you. False alarm or...? - she tries to change the subject, but is really interested.
-Yes, you will become a godmother another time. But now tell me what you wanted to talk to me, you had a strange voice on the phone... anxious and mischievous. It's about a man, is not it? - the blonde with glasses sighs.
-Damned all profiler!- the other laughs. -Yes. At the doghouse... ... I met a tall, dark man, dark eyes... - her legs melt only remembering -it's the new dog trainer... the volunteer who cares for Rob, that old dog of which I was talking you the other day...- JJ nods, but signals her to return to the point. -and ... nothing, he was looking at me a bit too, so strange... and ... he's single, or at least, he said he has no children... he believed that Henry was mine!- not so hard to thinking, since all three have the blond hair. -Because I asked him if he had children and he said no and "only dogs". He really said that. I don't know, now I realize that it's not a great story, who knows what you expected...- and yet JJ is smiling, mischievously.
-Our Garcia got a hit here! And what's his name?- Does she really think that what I told her are clues that he likes me?
-Um ... I don't remember...- her friend looks at her surprised, then looks up at the sky.
-Lu... Luke.- the little Henry answers in her place.
 Everybody are silent staring at the author of the story.
-Now I can tell you that, like Emily, this thing has happened to me too. One evening we came back before and Penelope told me about this guy, Latin, which was trainer where she went as a volunteer for the dogs and I'm sure his name was Luke. It wasn't really him, but it's a good coincidence, at least.- JJ smiles, because she remembers that day perfectly and her son while uttering that name without knowing the meaning.
To hurry up, Stephen immediately begins to read the next story.
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee @itsdawnashlie @talesoffairies @janiedreams88 @kiki-krakatoa @yessenia993 @teyamarra @c00lhandsluke  @gcchic @arses21434 @orangesickle @entireoranges @jarmin @kathy5654 @martinab26 @thisonekid @thenibblets @perfectly-penelope @ambrosiaswhispers @maziikeen92 @lovelukealvez @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @ichooseno  @ megs2219 @rkt3357 @franklintrixie @thinitta @chewwy123 @skisun @maba84 @saisnarry @myhollyhanna23 @thenorthernlytes
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