#henry leogant
getblackout503 · 2 months
Sorry this took so long. I went on break for a week but then when I was supposed to com back and type this chapter out, I got writers block. But I got my mojo back and here is chapter 10
37 cigarettes, that’s how many Yami has smoked since Dorothy had called him, telling him about the situation that unfolded between Grey and Vanica. To say he was afraid was an understatement, though it didn’t show on his face Vanessa could tell he was, Grey to him was like a daughter. and though Vanessa might not know how Yami met Grey, she did know that Grey meant a lot to him. Seeing the car Grey and Gauche occupied park in front of them Yami was quick to get to Grey, who had ran to him and hugged him as he hugged back, rubbing her back and trying to soothe her.
“It’s okay Grey, I’ll protect you” Yami told her.
“T-They found me, They found me!” Grey said, on the verge of tears. The poor girl, Vanessa and Gauche could only watch as Yami hugged Grey like a father would if they found out their daughter was hurt.
“Let’s get inside, it’s not safe out here” Yami told the group who were quick to agree, so they all entered the base and headed for Yami’s office, all the while members would come up and ask if Grey was okay which Yami would say they can ask later.
Once there Yami sat Grey down who was still anxious and shaking, Vanessa had sat at her side to calm her friend down and Gauche sat on the other side of Grey trying to do the same. Yami was now calling Henry to tell him to fortify the base, all the while Grey’s mind was spiraling out of control, is this the end of her happy life? Would she have to run away again? Start over?
“Grey!?” She was brought out of her thoughts by a worried Vanessa. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes” She responded.
“Grey?” Gauche spoke up next to her. “Who was that woman, why does she want you?”
The question, how would she answer? She looked at Yami for an answer, he had a look in his eyes practically telling her ‘I believe you know what needs to be done’ but should she tell them? But the more she thought about it, there really was no better time than now.
“D-Do you two r-really want to know?” She asked, and while Gauche and Vanessa answered yes they both seemed to know why she asked. She was going to tell them her past.
“It all started seven years ago,” She began.
Seven years ago in an undisclosed location sat a young girl with blue hair in a cell filled with other young women and even some men, she had seen many people come and go to an unknown fate beyond her confinement, each day fearing she would be next and for that she soon developed anxiety and paranoia. And with each passing day her fear only got bigger, until the fateful day that would change her life forever.
“And who is the blue haired cutie?” A deep voice asked one of the guards that worked for him.
“Oh that one sir?” The guard responded. “Mr. Kira said he got her and most of her cellmates in an old town, apparently her step mother and sisters sold her to make a quick buck”
“Is that so?” The deep voice asked again “And her name?”
“It seems she doesn’t have one sir”
“Well let’s fix that shall we?” The man stepped into the cell ,as the other in that cell moved away from him. The girl looking up was met with a tall man, pale skin, combed back hair, and by society standards handsome, so much so that if the girl wasn’t in the situation she was now in she might have even blushed.
“Hello darling”
“If I’m correct, you don’t have a name?”
“Y-Yes sir”
“Very well then” the man kneeled down to her level “would you like one?” he asked her, she didn’t know how to respond to the question. But it seemed the man decided to give her one anyway. “Amara, that name suits you perfectly”
“Yes correct dear, now I have a proposition for you”
“Y-Yes sir?” She got nervous. What would it be? The man got up and stared at her, he then extended his hand for her.
“Become by women, you’re better than this” He told her, Amara sat there not knowing what to do, be his women? Does he mean to be his? Does that mean she will free her?
“Yes, you deserve the best” Amara looked at his hand, the hand of freedom or that’s what she thought at the time. She takes it, allowing him to get her on her feet.
“O-Okay sir, I-I’ll be your women” She told him.
“Please, just call me Dante”
“Okay, Dante”
“Now, tell me your full name dear”
“Amara Greyson”
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getblackout503 · 4 months
Chapter four, took me longer than I expected to write, and i feel like this had some potential but that I wasted it, the next chapter will continue what this chapter set up, so hopefully it doesn’t take me as long to write, especially if i stop playing pokemon x for one god damn second, anyways enjoy
Gauche and Finral were now making their way to organization’s headquarters, they had to go through a secret route and do some loops just to make sure they weren’t being followed, all the while Guache couldn’t stop thinking back to how he found Grey in the bathroom, Broken, terrified, almost scarred, and her clinging onto him felt weird, mainly because Gauche wasn’t someone who liked physical contact, sure he loved receiving hugs from his angelic sister, but that’s because she’s his sister, Grey was his coworker, he wouldn’t consider each other friends, associates at best, but still hugging her, to him, just felt like the right thing to do at the moment.
“We’re here” Finral brought Gauche out of his thoughts as they pulled up to the headquarters, the base itself was a anomaly, being a kind of mansion but looking like random structures were attached to it, it made for a great area due to the fact that it had many hidden areas and halls, and walking in they were greeted by some of their other coworkers, Vanessa enoteca, one of the top spies, was drinking at the bar the had, Secre swallowtail, or nero as she goes by, one of the top spies as well, was reading her book, they seem like the only ones their but Gauche was sure he could hear Magna and Luck fighting somewhere in the base, and Gauche was damn sure Henry was here since he owned the whole damn place.
“I’m going to give Yami the USB” Gauche told Finral before making his way to Yami’s office and knocking on the door.
“Enter” Said a rough sounding voice coming from none other than Yami sukehiro.
“Sir, Here’s the USB with the information about Kira the client asked for” Gauche reported as he slid the USB to Yami.
“Thanks, now do you have anything to report, I don’t see Grey here”
“Well, Um”
“Spit it out already” Yami said in a low tone, now knowing that something bad must have happened.
“Grey had ran to the bathroom, and I don’t know what happened but when I found her she was crying on the floor with her pistol in her hand and bullet holes on the wall” Gauche explained as Yami had a grim look on his face.
“What happened to her?”
“I don’t know sir”
“Jesus” Yami then pushes a button on his phone “Gordon I need you to make sure Grey is okay at all times, be her shadow, and from now on she is no longer allowed to be put on missions” Yami commanded, getting a whisper of acceptance by gordon.
“What? But sir she’s one of our best spies, I know she broke down, but I’m sure she’ll be-”
“Gauche! This is something much bigger than you think, I think it’s her past, and I’m afraid that it’s catching up to her”
“Her past? Why, what happened?” Gauche asked wanting to know but Yami just sighed and took a drag of his cigarette.
“That’s not for me to say, I think you deserve a break, why don’t you go get a drink” Yami told Gauche more as a command than anything and Gauche could do nothing but comply.
Making his way back down, Gauche sat down at the bar a couple seats down from Vanessa.
“So, Where’s Grey? I wanted to drink with her” Vanessa asked as she sipped her wine.
“Home, so she’s not here, and won’t be for who knows how long” Gauche said as he grabbed some booze
“What, why?”
“She had a break down during a mission”
“What!?” Vanessa almost spit out her drink before getting up “What happened!?”
“Holy. Calm down, I don’t know okay, she’s just, I don’t know”
“Oh god, poor grey”
“Captain says it has something to do with her past, but I don’t know jack shit about her past”
“Well that mean she hasn’t built of the courage to tell you then”
“What?, do you know then”
“No, but I’m not going to pressure her to tell me, and you shouldn’t do that either gauche, once she’s built up the courage, or she trusts you enough she’ll tell, but until then you have to respect her privacy” Vanessa then got up “I need to go tomorrow to check up on my sweet Grey, maybe take some wine too” before she left she turned to Gauche “don’t be an asshole to her”
“Why are you telling me that wino?”
“You really are clueless” she then walked off leaving Gauche with his thoughts “I should go home” he sighs, finishing his drink he had Finral driven him home.
Arriving home, he opened the door to find his little sister asleep on the couch “marie? Why are you sleeping here?” He shook her to wake her up
“Big brother, I was waiting for you” Marie said in a sluggish voice yet still sounding cheery.
“Is everyone else asleep?” They lived in a shared home owned by Marie’s caretaker Teresa, and Terasa’s other ward, Rebecca scarlet and her siblings, Teresa always had a knack for children, Gauche and marie were orphans at a young age, Teresa took them in and raised them, and once Gauche grew up she offered to allow him to continue living there as well as take care of marie, which whether he liked it or not, she was the best to take care of his darling sister, and Rebecca was reassuring too.
“Come on let’s get you to bed” Gauche then picked up Marie and carried her to bed. “Sleep well my darling angel” He kisses her forehead.
“Big brother are you okay?”
“Of course, why do you ask?”
“Because you seem stressed, like you are overthinking again”
“No worries my darling marie, just something going on at work, nothing to worry about, how about tomorrow I take you shopping?”
“Okay big brother, but don’t over buy stuff for me okay?”
“No promises, Now good night”
“Good night big brother” with that gauche left her room.
‘Why did she have to be so smart’ Gauche asked himself, maybe tomorrow he could clear his mind on today, maybe just maybe he could get over this feeling that’s been bugging him, it only happens when he’s around Grey from time to time, but just her, he didn’t know why, And everytime he mentioned it to the others, they either laughed or just look at him in disbelief, whatever it was, he could use some well deserved rest, But that was tomorrow, he should get some rest thought.
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