#her and Nicole could’ve been enemies to lovers
nikkiruncks · 10 months
Dana Cruz is such a lesbian
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emma-nation · 5 years
In My Veins (KamilahxMC) - Season 2 - Chapter 2
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Summary: Inspired by Lovestruck’s “Havenfall is For Lovers” (Antonio). Amy seems to finally have solved her feelings for Kamilah, but when somebody from her past returns, their relationship will be put to test.
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: T
KamilahxMC Tag List: @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @annabellewerecorgi, @voltos9, @scorpistraub, @leavemeandmyshipsalone, @jen825, @andreear17, @spacecarrousel, @justejuste727, @aureliaxj, @graceschoices, @sleeping-with-her06, @supersphynxsworld, @gavryllo, @galaxyside-0, @msuhailey, @zoe6111, @ptxgirwaffles, @tigerbryn11, @shanuuh, @riyalovestaylor, @honorablebicycle, @ilovekamilahsayeed, @begging-for-kamilah, @kennaxval, @fal-carrington 
Was it possible for someone who had been dead for over two thousand years to return to life? A few months back, Amy would say it was obviously impossible, but now she that was part of a world that she never imagined being real, she was facing that possibility.
Kamilah stared at her cell phone screen. Her perfect tan skin became pale and her beautiful brown eyes were wide in shock. She attempted to open her mouth to say something several times, but no words would come out.
“Kamilah,” Amy touched her arm in support, “are you sure that was really your brother?”
“I am. I haven’t seen Lysimachus for 2038 years, but I could never mistake him for anybody else. Amy, that was my brother in this screen and he needs my help.”
She started walking around the mansion, in a rhythm Amy couldn’t quite keep up with. First, she went outside for some air, then she went back to her office, searching for something.
“What are you looking for?” Amy asked, getting anxious to see her walking in circles.
“My phone,” Kamilah answered. “Where did I leave it?”
“It’s in your hands.”
Kamilah glanced at her hands and rolled her eyes. She attempting to contact Adrian but her shaking hands wouldn’t allow her to dial. Completely disturbed, she grabbed her car keys, heading to the garage.
“Wait, I’m coming with–” Amy shouted, following her. She didn’t have time to even change her clothes. Wearing a shirt and sweatpants, she joined Kamilah in her car.
In the driver’s seat, Kamilah stood frozen at the wheel, unable to start driving.
“Kamilah,” Amy told her. “You need to calm down. You’re having a panic attack. You’re not even breathing properly.”
“I don’t need to breathe at all.”
Yet, she followed Amy’s suggestion, taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly.
“I-I don’t know where he is!” Kamilah finally said, a little more calm. “I can’t do nothing to help him! They… They’re going to take him from me again…”
Amy never knew exactly what happened to Kamilah’s twin brother. It was a touchy subject and all she’d get from her was that Lysimachus was taken by the Romans.
“I know this isn’t the most appropriate moment but, what exactly happened to your brother? Did you actually see the body when the Romans took him?”
“I did,” Kamilah told, avoiding Amy’s gaze. She sighed before proceeding. “I was the one to set up his funeral. And the only one to mourn his death.”
“Is it possible he’s a vampire too?”
“No. It’s hard to explain to a mortal, but… I’d be able to tell.”
The rest of the drive to Raines Corporation was completely silent. Adrian wasn’t there yet, so Amy suggested they should go to the coffee shop he had inside the company. Kamilah ordered two cups of her usual strong black coffee.
“Who do you think that is keeping him?” Amy asked curious for the answer, but she already had one person in mind.
“I don’t know,” Kamilah pondered for a few seconds. “Being alive for 2063 years, I’ve made a lot of enemies.”
“What about Jameson? Being a psychic, is it possible he created an illusion for both of us to see?”
“I don’t think so. Besides, he’s safely imprisoned at the Shadow Den.”
After her incident, Amy hadn’t hear of Jameson’s whereabouts again. For safety reasons, Adrian and Kamilah kept the information for themselves. They still hadn’t caught which member of The Council was working with Jameson and Gaius.
“I’m sorry,” Amy reached for Kamilah’s hand, “but I can only think of one person.”
“Gaius,” Kamilah squeezed her hand tightly. “He wants to torture me. Make me pay for my betrayal.”
“We’ll find him. It’s just a matter of time. Besides, what would be the point of bringing your brother back to life and kill him again?”
“You don’t know Gaius, Amy. The things he’s capable of. But I admire your optimism, really. I don’t know what I’d do without it.”
A small smile appeared in the corners of Kamilah’s lips. Her cold hands were finally getting warm again in Amy’s touch.
Minutes later, Nicole Anderson, one of Adrian’s most trusted employees, delivered the news.
“Ms. Sayeed, Mr. Raines is ready to see you.”
She gave Amy a nasty scowl, like always, suggesting she wasn’t allowed to participate the meeting. If Amy suspected anyone, that was Nicole. Her attitude around her, especially after Lily was Turned, made it obvious she had other intentions in mind, other than becoming a vampire. Adrian was convinced she was only hurt she’d have to wait longer to accomplish her goals.
“Should I come with you?” Amy asked Kamilah.
“I’d rather if you stay here,” Kamilah told. “It’s too personal.”
Nicole smirked and walked away, followed by Kamilah. While she discussed her options with Adrian, Amy had her own ideas in mind.
It wasn’t the smartest idea, but Amy was willing to do anything to ease Kamilah’s pain. She decided to take the measure in her own hands, paying a visit where she knew she could obtain some useful information.
“That’s it,” she finished telling Jax at the Shadow Den. “I suspected he could’ve escaped and could be playing tricks with our minds.”
“No, he’s been safely locked here for months,” Jax told. “But is it really possible? To bring someone, that has been dead for so long, back to life?”
“I don’t know yet.“
Part of her wanted Lysimachus to be alive. This way Kamilah would finally find some peace and happiness in her life. The other part wanted it to be fake, fearing how this entire situation could be changing everything, including their relationship.
“There you are,” Jax announced when they arrived at an underground dungeon. “Are you really sure you want to be alone with him?”
“I have to,” Amy nodded.
Jax shrugged and made his way back to the Shadow Den. Amy approached one of the cells. In a dark corner, she could see a figure, a little affected by the lack of blood and freedom.
“Amy,” Jameson smirked, “I knew sooner or later you’d come to me. Now tell me, what are you here for, my precious child?”
“I’m here for answers.”
“Oh the doubts… the doubts about who you truly are, your origins… it was about time.”
“What the hell are you talking about, psycho?!” Amy frowned and crossed her arms. “I’m here to ask you about Kamilah’s twin brother!”
“Her twin brother… Lysimachus was his name. He is dead, since 35 BCE. Or am I wrong?”
“He was. Until somebody brought him back to life.”
“I know nothing about it,” Jameson showed his handcuffed hands, “I’ve been a prisoner at this place for long weeks now.”
“I thought you could be using your little mind tricks,” Amy said. “Is there anybody else like you, that could do the same?”
“Only a few. But they do not live in New York City. I’m afraid they couldn’t be creating this illusion.”
“I assume my Master has achieved his goals. This is a proof, my dear Amy, of only part of what you can do.”
“W-What… has Gaius used my blood to bring him back to life?”
It all made sense now. Gaius disappeared, taking multiple bags of Amy’s blood with him. It shouldn’t be enough to resurect the First Vampire, but enough to make Kamilah’s brother live again.
Jameson limped until he was face to face with Amy, behind the cell bars. He gazed deeply into her eyes.
“A true descendant of Rheya,” he smirked. “Look at you. So weak, so frail… and deep down you hide all your potential. Your true self.”
His eyes were hypnotizing, Amy began to feel involved by them. The world around her started to spin, and she felt pulled into a vision.
She walked on the streets of New York City, but everything was in ruins. Buildings had been completely destroyed. The streets were empty. She could see corpses and puddles of blood everywhere she looked at.
“No…” Amy muttered.
Searching for Kamilah, she stopped in front of Ahmanet Financial’s building. Inside, she could hear a weak voice calling for her.
In the main hall, she spotted not only her girlfriend, but also Adrian, Lily and Jax, severely injured. One by one they started converting into ashes.
“No!” Amy cried, kneeling beside Kamilah. “W-What happened… W-What did…”
“Amy,” Kamilah told, her body slowly fading in Amy’s embrace. “You can stop it…”
Another figure appeared in the vision. A woman. Amy felt somehow drawn by her presence.
“When the sap of the tree rests in the blessed chalice… the skies shall turn red, the earth shall be torn asunder… and the First shall walk again.”
“Who are you?” Amy asked.
“Rebirth… Reunification…”
Suddenly she was quickly pulled out from the vision. Jameson was still observing her, amazed.
“It seems like I’ve underestimated you, My Lady.”
With tears running down her cheeks and her heart thundering inside her chest, Amy quickly stormed off back to the Shadow Den.
“Amy,” Jax’s eyes went wide in surprise, seeing her state, “what happened down there? What did he…”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Returning to Raines Corporation, Amy learned Kamilah had already left to her company. A taxi dropped her in front of Ahmanet Financial and she entered, trying to recompose herself. Kamilah was already dealing with a lot. Bothering her with a vision, probably created by Jameson’s twisted mind, would be even selfish.
She was already known and respected by Kamilah’s employees. All of them knew she wasn’t only her assistant, but the woman that had been changing her life for better.
As usual, the female vampire was in her office behind a pile of papers. This was how Kamilah handled stress, by sinking herself into work.
“Hey,” Amy entered the office. “Adrian told me you left. I came here to check how you’re doing.”
Kamilah sighed and placed the papers aside.
“Amy, I’m sorry for leaving you behind. I needed a moment by myself. To organize my thoughts.”
“That’s okay,” Amy said, with a hint of disappointed.
“I have something to show you,” Kamilah revealed a hidden panel on her desk. She pressed her palm against it and from inside a secret drawer she retrieved a small object wrapped in cloth. “This is my most prized possession and I’m glad to share this with you.”
Amy looked at the wooden horse toy in her hands.
“Is it your brother’s?”
“Yes,” Kamilah thought. The corners of her lips curled up a little bit as she thought of her memories. “Our mother died when we were young, and our father was away at war, so Lysimachus and I practically raised ourselves. It was hard, but… there were still moments of joy. Of love. Of safety. This horse… it was his favorite toy. Our uncle gave it to him when we were five, and he treasured it long after he stopped being a child. The little brat would never share it with me either. So I’d have to steal it. And then he’d steal it back. That was a game unto itself. He only gave it to me once. When he left for the war. He told me to take care of it. Because he’d want it when he got back. And then he…”
“Kamilah…” Amy gently placed her hand over hers, she didn’t want the female vampire to feel any more stress or pressure.
“It doesn’t matter. I just know that I have to keep it safe.”
She wrapped the horse up and gently tucked it back into the drawer.
“I have something to tell you too,” Amy bit her lower lip nervously, as she knew it wasn’t something Kamilah would be pleased to hear. “I went to see Jameson at the dungeon. He told me…”
“You did what?!” Kamilah expression changed, from exhausted she looked completely angry. “Amy, have you forgotten what happened 24 hours ago? You were alone with a vampire for only a few minutes and you almost got killed!”
“Nothing happened to me, okay?!” Amy raised her voice too. “God, I’m tired of being the damsel in distress, who always need to be saved by Kamilah Sayeed, the Vampire Queen.”
For a moment she wished what Jameson told her was real. That inside her, she was carrying a dormant power. A power greater than any Vampire ever had, even Gaius. A power that would make them all bend to her will.
“Amy?” Kamilah was suddenly in front of her, touching her arm. “You spaced out. Are you feeling well?”
“No,” Amy placed a hand on her forehead. How could she be having that kind of thoughts? Jameson really knew how to play with people’s minds. “I think I’m tired. I should get some rest.”
She had barely reached the couch when Kamilah’s phone started ringing again, making them both freeze. With shaking hands, the female vampire answered.
Amy approached, watching the screen. It was the same young male as before, but this time he was lying on a bed, looking extremely weak and pale.
“B-Brother…” Kamilah called, obtaining no answer. “Are you alright? Brother! Talk to me.”
“He must be sleeping,” Amy tried to assure her, deep down she had the impression Lysimachus was in some sort of coma, or worse.
Somebody else approached the screen. A man. Only his figure on the screen was enough to give Amy shivers.
“Hello, My Queen. It’s always a pleasure to see you.”
Amy recognized that voice, from the day she was trapped in the library. She never could see his face, but his ancient and creepy voice marked her memory.
“G-Gaius! What did you do to my brother? What do you want from me?”
“This world has changed so much since I was betrayed by my progeny. I can’t tell exactly where we are. But you’re smart enough to figure out, My Queen. After all, you’ve built your own little empire around the planet.”
Kamilah clenched her fists in anger.
“Come quickly, My Queen. You’re running out of time. Or do you wanna lose him again?”
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nvrcixv · 5 years
a narcissa black intro post
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( milena tscharntke, eighteen, cis-female ) my goodness, is NARCISSA BLACK back? it’s been a while since the PUREBLOOD has been around the castle, but I’d recognize HER anywhere. rumor has it the FIFTH YEAR spent the years aligned with the NEUTRALS. but I hear they’re still DUTIFUL & ELEGANT and SEVERE & CONTRADICTORY. and the SLYTHERIN still reminds me of a mist of overwhelming perfume, the gentle clatter of fine dishes breaking a tense silence, the awed quiet that fills every corner of a museum, a lump catching in a dry throat, an ornate frame distracting from a dark themed painting, and lips plump with an unnatural red. well, then, I guess some things never change.
hey,  hey,  you guys! i’m alex and i’ll be bringing narcissa here. i’ve been rping on tumblr for a long time, marauders era has always been my favorite.  i have a lot of passion for strong, bad bitches, they’re my jam. so i’m excited to play ice queen narcissa. i’m down for all sorts of plots, especially stuff that springs up organically. mostly because i’m a terrible, disorganized mess of a planner. i’m a bartender, so weekends can get busy for me, but lbr i’m always lurking on mobile.
you can contact me on here in those dms, or my discord is @ alex //#7484
character inspiration: sansa stark (got), eleanor young / astrid leong-teo (crazy rich asians), amy march (little women)
check out her ( pinterest )
whelve: (v.) to bury something deep; to hide
the positive (+): dutiful, elegant, meticulous, thoughtful, subtle, self-assured, immovable, proud, practical
the negative (-): severe, contradictory, deceitful, vengeful, cold, bitter, haughty, petty, narcissitic
aesthetic inspiration: a mist of overwhelming perfume; the gentle clatter of fine dishes breaking a tense silence; the awed quiet that fills every corner of a museum; a lump catching in a dry throat; an ornate frame distracting from a dark themed painting; lips plump with an unnatural red; the gentle clink of pearls; lipstick smudged on the lip of a teacup; thickly gilded frames; delicate fingers brushing aside wisps of hair; pointed heels abandoned at the bottom of a staircase; forced laughter through painted lips; a paintbrush gliding over a crisp canvas; skirts skating over cream-colored thighs; half filled decanters; a thorn pricking an unsuspecting fingertip; the slow build of a concerto; hedges cut to blunt perfection
your girl’s eyeliner is sharp as knives, lips red as bluuud, nails filed to perfection, heart cold, and her smile sweet enough to eat.
you’ve heard it before, narcissa is stone cold. the world could be tumbling around her and this blonde would remain  unshaken.  she is a proud and stalwart figure in the face of chaos. she’s rather good in a crisis, she has to be with a family like her’s and in these dark days. many imagine her to be weak, a simple creature meant for beautiful things. the wilting flower of the black family tree. at one time she might have been, but those who know her properly know her to be someone to look towards in uncertainty.
but she is also a hopeless romantic gone to rot. she is distant, as untouchable as a masterpiece in the museum that is her picture perfect life. a thing more suitable for admiration than intimacy. she is cold, stoic, and strong, but also lonely.
there is a feeling that no matter your connection to narcissa, that no matter your efforts, there is always something hidden within that she is keeping to herself. and it’s true. there is nothing narcissa would willingly show that she didn’t want people to see.
she insecure and stressed about public image like that.
she is also haughty.  
if there’s anything her cousin has taught her, to bloom is to die. she pictures his  escape   and subsequent increase in happiness to be the height of abandonment, of betrayal. how dare he go one to enjoy things without her! how dare he leave. how dare he leave her wanting and missing and heartbroken. she truly misses him and yet goes to great lengths to never reveal her secrets, instead giving her true feelings the form of petty anger and feigned indifference.
the family she’d been proud to be a member of, is crumbling to ash with this war. but if anyone were to care enough to ask, she is grateful for her lot in life. a smile always quick to slide into place, polished and content for the pre-destined plan.
with her current family a shambles, she is afraid to even think of putting together a new family, the arranged marriage in her future is as terrifying as it is inevitable. she feels as though she will lose everything, her family name, the constant presence of her sisters, and her childhood.  it feels like a demotion in title and status after all the notoriety that comes with being a  black.  not to mention her own parents suffering remains fresh as a wound, she can’t imagine she shall ever be happy. why should she be?  indoctrinated as she is, she has eyes.  everything she has witnessed could never be called ideal, as much as it was framed that way. while hope is not her strong suit, narcissa is very capable of love
it’s not often used to describe her, but narcissa is rather selfless and giving towards her loved ones. it’s a redeeming quality that is almost enough to counteract her many failings as a more acceptable version of a kind person. she does, in fact, love and wants to be loved in return.
her removal from hogwarts had been a frightening prospect, as it put a big wrench in the plans that had been set out for her. she was too young and with her education incomplete all meant she was able to put off her marital duties off for the time being
with the last two years open to her, narcissa was quick to move to france to study abroad at beauxbatons. the move was good for her. freeing. the separation from her family allowed the growth of some independence and the fostering of her own interests. she was fully immersed in paris’ culture, language, food, and beauty.
as a lover of  all things immaculate, a seeker of perfection, narcissa is enamored with art. she already has amassed a collection that could rival the lourve, and often travels to find new additions. it’s a lifestyle only the sickeningly wealthy could afford. the high art, port wine and lavish hotels in distant locations are her own form of escape. the one bright spot in the dreariness that the war has driven all of london into. but “a golden cage is still a cage” and her happiness often fades the moment it comes
she’s an amateur painter herself, talented and content with the process of painting the perfect picture, figuratively and literally. but this is a secret ambition. the act unsuitable and beneath a lady such as herself. there is too much mess. stains, dyed fingertips and an acrid smell. as beautiful as the end result might be, her parents would surely disapprove of the mess she’d make to get there. so like everything else, she hides the messy parts away. it’s not much of a rebellion, but it’s as much as she’s capable of at the moment. her family just means more to her than what she sees as selfish wants rather than the productive creativity and voice to her thoughts that she really needs.
tw child abuse: her childhood was as fraught with abuse as the next black. intelligence was punishable, sharp wit was always met with a slap to rattle her teeth.
her worth was reduced to image and status from the beginning. the cruel parenting taught her to close her lips and open her eyes more. she is observant, and thoughtful. her taste impeccable and judgement rather quick.
narcissa is both good and bad in many ways. love to hate or hate to love her, she’s an anti-villian
tl;dr; narcissa a bitch but like?? the kind you would be begging to step on you
girl gang – give her all the best friends. the nicole to her paris. soul sisters. ovaries before brovaries. hymen heroines. those hoes she lives and breathes for. i think typically this would be fellow slytherins or ppl that she met through pureblood high society connections. OPEN  
ex-boyfriend/girlfriend – ew this makes me sad and emotions are hard to deAL. basically this will be all angst city. most likely narcissa would be the one to break things off since she usually caves to that familial pressure. depending on how their relationship was, she could regret it or be cold about it. or maybe they were using her? i could see either ( or both! gasp ) working. OPEN
rival/frenemies – these two are just too similar to get along. toxic pureblood society has pitted them against each other and no one is winning. okay but if they went from enemies, to reluctant respect, to almost friends?? MAYBE EVEN FRIENDS EVENTUALLY?? i would be here for it asdlk  OPEN
confidante – narcissa isn’t honest with anyone, not even herself. but this could be someone that she’s probably known for a long time who she possibly could’ve opened up to in a weak moment and now they’re bonded forever. she would feel indebted to this person for keeping her secrets and would do her best to protect them any way that she could. extra feelings if this person feels the same way and they can be sad, but also cLOSE, together. OPEN
secret school friend – maybe they were forced partners as prefects or a fateful potions class but narcissa found herself making a surprising friend in an unexpected place. they spoke for years and she couldn’t help admiring their persistence despite her reluctance and occasional snobbery. but now they’re older and she really should cut things off. for whatever reason, she just can’t let go. OPEN
banter partner – alright so this would be someone from the other side of the war that narcissa runs into all the time and they always seem to get into arguments! she’s not quite sure why they get under her skin but narcissa finds it difficult to step away from their confrontations. OPEN
muse – listennnn. this person would be someone that narcissa would just be enamored with, she would regard them very highly and make efforts to speak with them and be around them. if this person were on the other side of the war she would probably resent them a little but be unable to resist.  i’ll probably just spring this on somebody tbh?? since the relationship would be based on her own tastes. but this would be someone that narcissa would admire for their appearance– sure, but also for the aura that they project.
but yes!! promo over, thanks for reading loves! can’t wait to write with you all!
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