#her and i are also making a fucked up yuri au that we're both working equally on YAYYY
natsmagi · 6 months
can i ask about your au out of curiosity
SURE!!! though tbh the au isnt really something fully-fledged, its mostly just something me n my friend talk abt and we make things up as we go, so alot of stuff is up in the air and out of order plus the entire thing is 100% self-indulgent and for our own silly little amusements AKJDSHKJFH
this is my witch!natsume x sea creature!tsumugi au! the world consists primarily of 4 different populations: celestial witches, mermaids, ghosts and vampires. i DO kinda want there to be humans aswell bc i want eichi to be some sort of "monster" hunter but id be getting way ahead of myself and god knows we are not working with actual plotlines here ASHKFJHJK how i imagine it is the celestial witches do, ofc, reside in space (aka the moon in this mainly), the mermaids, ofc, reside in the ocean, the ghosts roam the earth while the vampires roam the underworld. natsume is watarus understudy! and wataru had taken her to earth where she could begin her studies and hone her magic abilities! tsumugi on the other hand is a far less "conventual" mermaid.... hence the sea creature label, and she basically grew up completely alone in the depths of the ocean as the more stereotypical mermaids lived closer to the surface. though, whenever tsumugi would swim up to the surface, it would be in secluded areas and she would just stay there and look at the moon for comfort the way they met was by pure chance as natsume had decided to be a SMIDGE rebellious and go look for a specific kind of magical crystals that can only be found in underwater caves completely on her own. and by pure coincidence the cave natsume had gone to check out was one where tsumugi would hide out at most of the time! and they were both fascinated by each other bc they'd never seen someone like that before, completely awestruck. natsume, while a bit afraid, decided to put a crescent moon pendant she had onto tsumugi. this pendant has a little magic gem attached to it, and natsume can use that to keep an eye on tsumugi because she thought she could probably use this little sea creature to get her hands on MORE of those crystals she was looking for. tsumugi, on the other hand, was shocked to have received such a beautiful gift from someone (though it really wasnt a gift, but she took it that way AKJHSFJKH). since no one had ever shown her such kindness, and she'd always been alone, she naturally wanted to return the favor!!! the two hadnt really communicated (as they couldnt tbh) but despite that tsumugi would continue to bring natsume random gifts she would find, WHICH INCLUDES CRYSTALS!! but also. dead fish for her to eat. SHES TRYING anyway this is already getting long so ill hurry up; the two would continue to grow closer and natsume would start growing a bit attached and help tsumugi out a little, such as making her a pair of glasses bc she'd noticed her poor eyesight, giving her the ability to understand and communicate w natsume through magic, and trying to give tsumugi human legs so she could explore the dry world (but this spell would be very hard to do right :[ ) she wanted to give tsumugi legs so she could enjoy the moon festival which would be happening soon! etc etc theres more little tidbits but this is the general overview. sora is natsumes friend that joins her and wataru in their studies sometimes but shes also a lil shapeshifter who enjoys going for a swim in the ocean sometimes and, coincidentally, befriended tsumugi aswell!! sora is a shooting star witch, and her shooting star had landed her in the ocean, which is why she likes to spend time there and learned such a spell!
this drawing takes place when wataru was first catching on to natsume spending a Suspicious amount of time off on her own, and would constantly be bringing little trinkets with her........ and this drawing takes place when wataru and sora decided they kinda wanted to help the two girls out bc some DRAMA had happened after the festival. aka usual ntmg misunderstandings. Wouldnt be them without it. so sora asked wataru to make a better transformation elixir and now theyre roasting marshmallows by the fire outside their house and things are well again ❤️ (it was more complicated than that tho but yea)
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